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Screw waaunun il 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 22 23 25 26 FILED COUNTY, WASHINGTON Woy -'7 2008 ‘SEA SUPERIOR COURT CLERK IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY Case No.: 07-2-16253-4 SEA SUSAN SILVER, . DECLARATION OF BRADFORD Plaintiff, | J. AXEL IN OPPOSITION TO | MOTION TO QUASH SUBPOENA v FILED FEBRUARY 22, 2008 AND CHRIS CORNELL, SEPTEMBER 5, 2008 Defendant, REDACTED STOKES LAWRENCE, PS. on sue sre, orn wher ‘neu Soc meu nna w i 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 RECEIVED HONORABLE PARIS K. KALLAS Ory R Noted for Friday. February 29. 2608 2000FEB 22: PM ke Y Oral Argument Requested ger oy wry, DaSEP “5 Pie 57 ae uo ga 5 me S So 8 B83 gE = IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON 25 = FOR KING COUNTY S or 3 SUSAN SILVER, Case No.: 07-2-16253-4 SEA Plaintiff, DECLARATION OF BRADFORD J. v. AXEL IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO QUASH SUBPOENA. CHRIS CORNELL, Defendant. I, Bradford J. Axel, am over the age of 18, have personel knowledge of all the facts stated herein and declare as follows: 1. Lama shareholder in the law firm of Stokes Lawrence, P.S., and one of the atfomeys representing Susan Silver in this case. ‘ CORNELL ¥. MARKOPOULOS 2. In April 2007, I was retained by both Ms. Silver and Denny Markopoulos to represent them in connection with a lawsuit filed by Mr. Comell against Mr. Mackopoulos in King County Superior Court, captioned Cornell v. Markopoutos, No. 07-2-09119-0 SEA. In Cornell v. Markopoulos, Mr. Comell alleged that he owmed certain guitars that had been awarded ‘1 Ms. Silver in their 2004 divorce. 3. Before Mr. Comell filed the complaint in Cornell v. Markopoulos, Mr. /Markopoulos bad told Mr. Comell that he did not have any guitars and that the two guitars that ‘ECLARATION OF BRADFORD J. AXEL IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO QUASH SUBPOENA - 1 “H912.901 \ 305385 2.doe ‘STOKES LAWRENCE, PS. SoH AVN Defendant. I, Bradford J. Axel, am over the age of 18, have personal knowledge of all the facts stated. herein and declare as follows: 1. Lama shareholder in the law firma of Stokes Lawrence, P.S., and one of the attorneys representing Susua Silver inthis case. CORNELL v, MARKOPOULOS 2. In April 2007, I was retained by both Ms. Silver and Denny Markopoulos to represetit them in connection with a lawsuit filed by Mr. Comell against Mr, Markopoulos in King County Superior Court, captioned Corneil v. Markopoulas, No. 07-2-09119-0 SEA. In Cornell v. Markopoulos, Mr. Comell alleged that be owned certain guitars that had been awatded to Ms. Silver in their 2004 divorce. 3. Before Mr. Comell filed the complaint in Cornell v. Markopoulos, Mr. Markopoulos had told Mr. Comell that he did not have any guitars and thet the two guitars that DECLARATION OF BRADFORD J. AXEL. IN OPPOSITION TO MOTION TO QUASH SUBPOENA - [ 4912-001 \3053852.doe STOKES LAWRENCE, PS. ‘uri kvoa sure ne seATTLE RASHINGTONTIO(S I? ‘onan

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