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OCL 2.

0 Reference Card Author: Fernando Brito e Abreu Affiliation: ISTAR-IUL / ISCTE-IUL


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Collection type operations Description

collection->size(): Integer V V V V Number of elements in the self collection
collection->isEmpty(): Boolean V V V V True if the self collection is empty
collection->notEmpty(): Boolean V V V V True if the self collection is not empty
collection1 = collection2 : Boolean V V V V True if the first collection is equal to the second collection
collection1 <> collection2 : Boolean V V V V True if the first collection is different to the second collection
collection->isUnique(expr: T): Boolean V V V V True if the argument expression is unique within the self collection
collection->select(expr: Boolean): Collection(T) V V V V Elements of the self collection that match the argument condition
collection->reject(expr: Boolean): Collection(T) V V V V Elements of the self collection that do not match the argument condition
collection->sortedBy(OclBasicType): Sequence(T) V V V V Elements of the self collection sorted by the argument expression
collection->collect(expr: T): Collection(T) V V V V Flattened collection of expression values obtained from the self collection members
collection->collectNested(expr: T): Collection(T) V V V V Nested collection of expression values obtained from the self collection members
collection->iterate(x:I [; acc:J=init]|expr: T|Collection(T)): T|Collection(T) V V V V Iterator that allows defining its logic
collection->forAll(expr: Boolean): Boolean V V V V True if the argument expression holds for all members of the self collection
collection->exists(expr: Boolean): Boolean V V V V True if the argument holds for at least one member of the self collection
collection->one(expr: Boolean): Boolean V V V V True if the argument holds for only one member of the self collection
collection->includes(element: T): Boolean V V V V True if the argument is part of the self collection
collection->excludes(element: T): Boolean V V V V True if the argument is not part of the self collection
collection->includesAll(collection: Collection(T)): Boolean V V V V True if all members of the argument collection belong to the self collection
collection->excludesAll(collection: Collection(T)): Boolean V V V V True if none of the members of the argument collection belong to the self collection
collection->including(element: T): Collection(T) V V V V The self collection with the argument added to it
collection->excluding(element: T): Collection(T) V V V V The self collection with the argument removed from it
collection->union(collection: Collection(T)): Collection(T) V V V V The union of the self collection with the argument collection
collection->intersection(collection: Set(T) | Bag(T)): Set(T) | Bag(T) V V The intersection of the self collection with the argument collection
collection1 - collection2: Set(T) V The first set excluding all elements of the second set
collection->symmetricDifference(collection: Set(T)): Set(T) V Union of the self collection with the argument collection, minus their intersection
collection->prepend(element: T): OrderedSet(T) | Sequence(T) V V The self (ordered) collection prepended with the argument
collection->insertAt(pos:Integer,element:T):OrderedSet(T)|Sequence(T) V V The self (ordered) collection with the argument inserted at the position
collection->reverse(): OrderedSet(T) | Sequence(T) V V The self (ordered) collection in reverse order
collection->append(element: T): OrderedSet(T) | Sequence(T) V V The self (ordered) collection appended with the argument
collection->flatten(): Collection(T) V V V V The self collection flattened; only produces effect if the self collection is nested
collection->sum(): Integer | Real V V V V The addition of all elements of an Integer or Real collection
collection->max(): Integer | Real V V V V The largest element of an Integer or Real collection
collection->min(): Integer | Real V V V V The smallest element of an Integer or Real collection
collection->first(): T V V First element of the self (ordered) collection
collection->at(position: Integer): T V V Element of the self (ordered) collection at the given position
collection->last(): T V V Last element of the self (ordered) collection
collection->any(expr: Boolean): T V V V V Any element of the self collection for which the argument expression is true
collection->indexOf(element: T): Integer V V Position within the self collection of the argument; undefined if not found
collection->count(element: T): Integer V V V V The number of times the argument occurs in the self collection
collection->subOrderedSet(lower: Integer, upper: Integer): OrderedSet(T) V Subset of the self ordered set, between the two argument positions
collection->subSequence(lower: Integer, upper: Integer): Sequence(T) V Subsequence of the self sequence, between the two argument positions
collection->asSet(): Set(T) V V V V Cast operator to type T (eliminates duplicates, does not preserve existing order)
collection->asBag(): Bag(T) V V V V Cast operator to type T (does not preserve existing order)
collection->asOrderedSet(): OrderedSet(T) V V V V Cast operator to type T (eliminates duplicates, preserves existing order)
collection->asSequence(): Sequence(T) V V V V Cast operator to type T (preserves existing order)

Object type operations Description

T.allInstances(): Set(T) Static operation that returns the set of all instances of class T
object.isUndefined() : Boolean True if the attribute or link was not initialized or a value (e.g. 5/0) is undetermined
object.isDefined() : Boolean True if the attribute or link was initialized or a value can be determined
oclUndefined(T) Returns the undefined value of type T (e.g.: ? oclUndefined(Real) => Undefined : Real)
object.oclIsTypeOf (T) : Boolean True if self is an instance of type t
object.oclIsKindOf (T) : Boolean True if self is an instance of type t or of one of t type descendants
object.oclAsType (T) : T Cast operator (t should be a subtype of the self type)
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Basic type operators and operations Description



toString() V V V V Serialization operation

= , <> V V V V Equality and inequality operators
> , < , >=, <= V V Relational operators
+,-,*,/ V V Arithmetic operators
not Boolean V Unary logic operator (negation)
Boolean and Boolean, Boolean or Boolean, Boolean xor Boolean V Binary logic operators (conjunction, disjunction, exclusive disjunction)
Boolean implies Boolean V Logic implication
if <booleanExpression> then <resultIfTrue> else <resultIfFalse> endif V Conditional operator like Java's <booleanExpression> ? <resultIfTrue> : <resultIfFalse>
Real|Integer.max(other: Real|Integer): Real|Integer V V Biggest of two numbers
Real|Integer.min(other: Real|Integer): Real|Integer V V Lowest of two numbers
Real.round(): Integer V Normal round operation
Real.floor(): Integer V Truncation operation
Real.ceil(): Integer V Ceiling operation (round upwards)
Integer div Integer V Integer division operator
Integer.mod(divisor: Integer): Integer V Remainder of integer division operation
String.size(): Integer V Number of characters in the string
String.toLower(): String V Lower case conversion operation
String.toUpper(): String V Upper case conversion operation
String.concat(other: String): String V Concatenation operation
String.substring(from: Integer, to: Integer): String V Substring operation

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