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Group Members Id Number,


Friday, June 16, 2017

The first and the most we would like to Thank Almighty God who gave us the patience and courage
to finish our project. We would like thanks all Information Systems Department Staff for long time
experience. Our deepest appreciation goes to the students of collage of engineering and
technology, for giving full information about how the current system works and for their support.
Last, but not least, we would like to thanks to our classmates for their support for our project
document completion and our advisor Mr. Dawit Hassen advises us.

Approval sheet
This is to confirm that the project report entitled “Internship Board Management System for
Wolkite university” submitted to Wolkite University, College of Computing and Informatics
department of (Information System) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Science in (Information System) is an original work carried out by Dubale
Dukko, Gashaw Munie, Mihert Shawul, Mebiratu Melese and Alemtsehay T/Silasie under my
guidance. The matter embodied in this project is reliable and is genuine work done by the student
and has not been submitted, whether to this University or to any other University /Institute for the
fulfillment of the requirement of any study.

Student Team Approval Form

Student Name Student Signature

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Advisor and department head Approval Form

Advisor Name Advisor Signature

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Department Head Name Department Head Signature
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Advisor and department head Approval Form

Examiner Name Examiner Signature

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----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
----------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Table content

Acknowledgement ......................................................................................................................................... i
Approval sheet .............................................................................................................................................. ii
Table content ............................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figure ........................................................................................................................................... viii
ABBRIVATION .......................................................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. x
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Background of the Project .................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Statement of problem .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Objective of the project ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.5.1 Main objective ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.5.2 Specific objective......................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Feasibility analysis .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.6.1 Economic Feasibility ................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.2 Technical feasibility..................................................................................................................... 4
1.6.3 Operational feasibility ................................................................................................................. 5
1.6.4 Behavioral feasibility ................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.5 Schedule feasibility ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.7 Scope of the project ............................................................................................................................ 5
1.9 Target Beneficiary .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.9.1 Benefits of students: - .................................................................................................................. 7
1.9.2 Benefits of university/collages..................................................................................................... 7
1.9.3 Benefits of Developer team ......................................................................................................... 8
1.9.4 Benefits of organization ............................................................................................................... 8
1.10 Methodology of Project .................................................................................................................... 8
1.11 System Analysis & Design Approach ............................................................................................... 9
1.11.1 Limitation of project .................................................................................................................. 9

1.11.2 Risk & contingencies ............................................................................................................... 10
1.11.3 Assumption & constraints........................................................................................................ 11
1.11.4 Implementation method ........................................................................................................... 12
1.12 Document organization ................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter Two ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Description of the Existing System ............................................................................................................ 15
2.1. Introduction of Existing System. ..................................................................................................... 15
2.2. Organization structure ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.3. Users of Existing System ................................................................................................................. 16
2.4. Major functions of the Current System ............................................................................................ 16
2.5. Existing System Workflow structure ............................................................................................... 16
2.6. Report generated in the existing system .......................................................................................... 17
2.7 Forms and other documents of the existing systems. ........................................................................ 17
2.8. Bottlenecks of the existing system (using for example PIECES frame Work). ............................. 18
2.8.1 Performance (Response time) .................................................................................................... 18
2.8.1 Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate) ................................................. 18
2.8.2Security and Controls ................................................................................................................. 18
2.8.3 Efficiency................................................................................................................................... 18
Chapter Three ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Proposed System......................................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Product overview .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.3 User class and characteristics ............................................................................................................ 19
3.4 Functional requirements .................................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Non-functional requirements ............................................................................................................ 24
Chapter four ................................................................................................................................................ 26
System Analysis ......................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1 system models ................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Scenarios .................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Use case modeling ..................................................................................................................... 30
4.1.3 Use case description ............................................................................................................... 31
4.1.4 Data Dictionary .......................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.1 Sequence diagram ...................................................................................................................... 44

4.1.4 Activity diagram ........................................................................................................................ 49
CHAPTER FIVE System Design ............................................................................................................... 68
5.1 System Overview .............................................................................................................................. 68
5.2 Design Considerations ...................................................................................................................... 68
5.2.1 Design goal ................................................................................................................................ 69
5.2.2 Design Trade-offs ...................................................................................................................... 71
Development Cost versus Functionality ............................................................................................. 71
5.3 Architecture of the proposed System ................................................................................................ 72
5.3.1. Hardware/Software mapping (deployment design) .................................................................. 73
5.3.2 System Decomposition .............................................................................................................. 74
5.3.3. Persistence data management ................................................................................................... 75
5.3. 4 Class interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 77
5.4 User Interface Design ....................................................................................................................... 81
Chapter 6: Implementation ......................................................................................................................... 83
6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 83
6.2 Hard ware and software acquisition .................................................................................................. 83
6.3 User manual preparation ................................................................................................................... 84
6.4 Tanning ............................................................................................................................................. 84
6.5 Installation process............................................................................................................................ 84
6.6 Startup strategy ................................................................................................................................. 84
6.7 Algorithm .......................................................................................................................................... 84
6.8 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................... 93
6.8.1 Maintaining code ....................................................................................................................... 93
6.8.2 Maintaining database ................................................................................................................. 93
6.8.3 Maintaining user interface ......................................................................................................... 93
CHAPTER 7 ............................................................................................................................................... 94
TESTING PLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 94
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 94
7.1 Features to be tested ................................................................................................................ 94
7.1 Features not to be tested .......................................................................................................... 95
7.1 Testing Tools and Environment .............................................................................................. 95
Hardware ................................................................................................................................................. 95
7.1 Test Cases ............................................................................................................................... 95

7.6 Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 96
7.7 Test Procedure......................................................................................................................... 97
7.7.1 Unit Testing ............................................................................................................................... 97
Sample Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 97
7.7.2 Integration Testing ................................................................................................................... 97
Sample Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 97
7.7.3 System Testing........................................................................................................................... 97
Sample Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 98
7.7.4 Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................................... 98
Chapter Eight: Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 99
8.1. Summary of Final product ............................................................................................................... 99
8.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 99
References ................................................................................................................................................ 100


Table 1 Use case description for Login......................................................................................... 31

Table 2 Use case description register information ........................................................................ 32
Table 3 Use case description create Account .............................................................................. 33
Table 4 Use case description for search organization ................................................................... 34
Table 5 Use case description for See Notification ........................................................................ 35
Table 6 Use case description for Manage Account ....................................................................... 36
Table 7 Use case description for Request .................................................................................... 37
Table 8 Data Dictionary for Student ........................................................................................... 39
Table 9 table for description of data dictionary ........................................................................... 44
Table 10 Test Case ....................................................................................................................... 96

List of Figure
Figure 1 Organization structure .................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2 Forms and other documents of the existing systems ...................................................... 17
Figure 3 use case for IBMS (Internship board management system) ........................................... 30
Figure 4 Class diagram for IBMS (Internship Board Management system .................................. 38
Figure 5 Sequence diagram for organization registration ............................................................. 45
Figure 6 Sequence diagram for search organization for student ................................................... 46
Figure 7 Sequence diagram see feedback for Admin................................................................... 46
Figure 8 Sequence diagram for organization manager to respond the request ............................ 47
Figure 9 Sequence diagram for request for apparent .................................................................... 48
Figure 10 Sequence diagram for Create Account ........................................................................ 48
Figure 11 sequence diagram for login ........................................................................................... 49
Figure 12 Show the activity Diagram for manage account ........................................................... 50
Figure 13 Shows the Organization Manger register information................................................. 51
Figure 14 Activity diagram for request for department ................................................................ 52
Figure 15 Activity diagram for respond to request ..................................................................... 53
Figure 16 shows Activity diagram for Feedback ......................................................................... 54
Figure 17 Shows the activity student registration ........................................................................ 55
Figure 18 Shows the activity diagram for login ........................................................................... 56
Figure 19 shows activity diagram for create account.................................................................... 57
Figure 20 Shows the Activity Diagram for Update Account ....................................................... 58
Figure 21 State diagram for response........................................................................................... 59
Figure 22 Shows the State Diagram Register student information .............................................. 60
Figure 23 Shows the Activity Diagram for manage account ....................................................... 61
Figure 24 Shows the State Diagram for Feedback ....................................................................... 62
Figure 25 Shows State Diagram for Update Account .................................................................. 63
Figure 26 Shows State Diagram for Login .................................................................................. 64
Figure 27 Shows State Diagram for Create Account ................................................................... 65
Figure 28 State diagram for request ............................................................................................. 66
Figure 29 Shows State diagram for Register Student Choice ...................................................... 67
Figure 30 Deployment Diagram for the proposed system ........................................................... 73
Figure 31 System decomposition ................................................................................................. 75
Figure 32 Persistence data management ....................................................................................... 77
Figure 33 class interface for student ............................................................................................ 77
Figure 34 class interface for Department Head............................................................................ 78
Figure 35 class interface for System Admin ................................................................................. 79
Figure 36 Home page for IBMS................................................................................................. 81
Figure 37 Login For IBMS ......................................................................................................... 82

SQL: Structured Query Language.

RAD: Rapid Application Development. [Software development]

UML: Unified Modeling Language.

HDD: Hard Drive Disk.

RAM: Random Access Memory.

DBMS= Database management systems

OOSAD =Object Oriented System Analysis and Design

SDLC= System Development Life Cycle

IBMS=Internship Board Management System

WKU=Wolkite University

Student internships represent a unique, innovative, nontraditional educational approach based on
experiential learning. Internships take students out into the community and the real world to
internship sites for experiences in the field. Manual process need to be done for this system, manual
process means, the student or intern's candidate need to fill a paper form, and need to submit it by
hand to the office. Therefore, there are many problems regarding to this those are wastage of time
and efforts we want to understand the problem and use of this system. We can use some data
collection methods like observation and interview that helps us to understand the problem more.

Therefore, we want to develop a web based Internship board for Wolkite university students. The
main objective of the project is solving problems by identifying problems the existing system and
we analyses the problem, gather requirements and designing of the system to solve existing
problem. The main objective of this project is to study and understand the current system problems
and provide an automated system as a solution to enable the internship distribution for students
with technological advancement.

1.1 Introduction
The history of internships is intimately intertwined with that of experiential learning and
experiential education, school-to-work programs and initiatives, career academies and career
exploration programs and service-learning programs (Michigan Center for Career& Technical
Education, 1995) [1].They are career-oriented curricular endeavors of practical application.
Students are placed as interns with a wide variety of sponsoring organizations based on their
individual fields of interest. They can serve internships in the arts, education, health,
communications, business and industry, technology and many other areas.

Internships are the way to explore or expend the related knowledge and skills required in a real-
world situation and experience to enter into a particular career field. It is for undergraduate student,
or a trainee, this not only for gaining experience, but also expose them to fine if they a totally
interest in the field. Nowadays in the world there are many systems are changed in computerized
to make their life special or to make their life better. Developing the system using technology has
a tremendous effect for institution and offices; which is in our case the online internship board
system for Wolkite University. Internship board is a system that is helpful for undergraduate
students to get the organization they want to practice on it .so internships can helps students
to improve the their knowledge .There are two types of internships those are the first one is the
internship which the students take for one semesters and the second one is for some days that
are not specified .The rationality of the study for converting the manual system to automated
system is to simplify the functionality of the system such as increasing performance of the system
i.e. the response time that the system give to users, to avoid data redundancy and data
inconsistency, to avoid consuming a lot of time and resource, to minimizing the work load of the

Applying a manual process may cause some disadvantages, because it required the user to write it
in a paper, instate of write it in computer. Error on filling in the form can be void if it is filling on
computer. Moreover, the data cannot directly use, but need to be rewritten before can be used, this
way will have a lot of work on it. Other than that, problem of losing or misplace the form can be
avoid, or damaging the hardcopy form will not occur

1.2 Background
Wolkite is a town which founds 158 km from Addis Ababa. The internship is started when the
university begins its work in 2004. Therefore, Wolkite University is one university that give the
chance for students in different departments.

In Wolkite University, there are students that take internship when they are learning, so they can
go to an organization and practice the theory in practical manner.

When the students want to take the internship, they can go different Organization until get the
acceptance. So, this manual operation face different types problems like it takes time for the
operation .so the department or students ask the organization to practice his/her knowledge to
practice on the organization.

Internships provide an opportunity for students to enhance their academic programs with field
experience that is related to their career interests and goals. The value of work-related experience
has been demonstrated many times over by the successful placement of our graduates in the world
of work and in graduate or professional schools. Students are encouraged to complete an internship
that relates to their studies.

1.3 Background of the Project

Nowadays there are many systems in the globe. Those systems are categorized into different
section like web-based, desktop application, android and soon. Therefore, they can be built through
different programming languages and paradigms. Which offer variety of functionalities to their
respective users. The idea was become a curriculum in higher education of our country. Currently
Wolkite University is one of the listed institution, which gives this education under field of
Computing and Informatics. Therefore, our project entitled “Wolkite University Internship Board
management system” is a web-based system to be built with object oriented PHP (hypertext
preprocessor) programming language in combination with necessary frameworks for interactive
appearance of the system.

1.4 Statement of problem

Student internships represent a unique, innovative, nontraditional educational approach based on
experiential learning. Internships take students out into the community and the real world to
internship sites for experiences in the field.

Before going to the industrial training, student or the department need to complete the registration
process. The process then need to be done manually, which mean students need to fill and complete
in by write it in the form. After receiving offer letter from company, students need to inform
faculty's internship coordinator for approving. Besides, when it comes today, the student came to
internship place; they need to make a self-report manually by fill in the form in the logbook about
details of company. Therefore, these processes cost and time consuming because the students must
go to the company to insert their latter to the company they want to practice. Also, when the
assigned supervisor wants to contact with their students the Supervisor go to the company so this
is the wastage of time and effort. In another way, the meeting between the Departments is more
less because they can contact their department Head when they finish the internship time to meet

To conduct this project, we are initiated by seeing the problems that are reached to the students
that take the internship like the cost the time and effort that the student lost so we recognized that
if a student does not have more money he/she cannot take the interns he/she want because he/she
does not have money to go for transport.

Therefore, in order to address those problems there is a need of developing web-based Internship
Board management system for WKU. Which may eliminate those difficulties using computerized
system that enhance the efficient management of Internship.

This study therefore Aims to develop Web based Internship Board Management System for
Wolkite university.

1.5 Objective of the project

1.5.1 Main objective
 the general objective of the project is to develop web based internship board management
system for Wolkite University.

1.5.2 Specific objective

We will follow SDLC steps for the efficient accomplishment and creating of a full and functional
system through passing those system development life cycle techniques.

 Review of the existing system and its problems.

 Data collection of the current system
 Identification of system requirements and problems of the existing system.

 Analysis of the existing system
 Design of the proposed system for the overall view of the structure
 Implementation of the proposed system
 Lastly testing the proposed system for assurance of system functionality.
System maintenance if needed

1.6 Feasibility analysis

The proposed system will be evaluated and reviewed through different perspectives of feasibility.
Focuses on how much the system is feasible based on different feasibility aspects, which are
mentioned below.
1.6.1 Economic Feasibility
Concerns with economic justification that includes cost benefit analysis.
The system user can use only internet connection to find the internship so they can use rather
internet connection rather than going to the organization, so they can use minim cost.
Generally, web-based Wolkite Internship Board management system does not require huge amount
of money and energy in order to be developed. It costs few amount of money producing many
useful advantages beyond its cost. Therefore, it is economically feasible for the institute.
1.6.2 Technical feasibility
This feasibility evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system to
be developed is available or not.
 The system can be developed through tools and devices which are currently available on
the market
 The project can be working with current equipment existing software technology &
available personal.
 There is no need of requiring any software or equipment, which is not existed now a time
the system can be upgraded if new technology developed.
 The needed equipment and software may also easily access and can successfully satisfy the
user requirement.
The system in which we are developing is also compatible to all operating systems. So, our
proposed system is operational feasible.

1.6.3 Operational feasibility
 Is very easy and user friendly for the End users to operate it. It only needs basic skill about
computer system from the individuals. The proposed system provides the following
 Easy to understand
 Easy to use
 User friendly
 Interactive GUI
 Efficient output production
1.6.4 Behavioral feasibility
The proposed system will have implemented in one of governmental institutions, the system to be
developed is not conflict with any government directives, rules and regulations. Therefore, the
government is profitable and can enhance political stability and security for the whole country.
Therefore, the system will be politically feasible.

1.6.5 Schedule feasibility

Concerns on how much time do the system need to be accomplished. Our project will be finished
within the time frame allotted by the college of Wolkite Internship Board
management system will be fully functional and presented to the audience through the given time
range. It is not such time consuming and requiring many periods of time slots.

1.7 Scope of the project

Wolkite University web based internship board management system is proposed to do the
following functionalities to the institute after it has been fully developed and implemented on the
real ground. Even though there is no such like web-based system for such institutions, it will
provide various purposes

Organization Manager

 Registering organization information

 Post The Internship’s
 Respond to Request
 Notify student and Department via Online.

 Give the Feedback to system

 Create User profile

 Change Password

Departement Head

 Registering students that take Internship

 Creating account for supervisor
 Assigning Supervisor to student
 Managing supervisor Accounts
 See Notifications
 Create User profile
 Change Password
 Give the Feedback to system


 Apply for Internship

 Create Account
 See Notifications
 Change Password
 View Message sent from Supervisor
 Search for organization
 Create User profile
 Send Message Via online to Supervisor


 Creating account for Department

 Managing Department Accounts
 Create User profile
 Change Password

 Give the Feedback to system
 Creating account for Collage
 Managing All Accounts of System Users
 Create User profile
 Change Password
 See Sent Feedback
 Change Password
 View Message sent from Student
 Create User profile
 Send Message Via online to Student.

1.8 Significance of the project

This Wolkite university internship board Management system has the following significance and
benefits for those who will go to use it.
 Reduced costs & time consumption.
 Speed up the operation
 avoiding data loss.
 Increase security
 Add new knowledge.
 Increase competency

1.9 Target Beneficiary

1.9.1 Benefits of students: -
 The Student can get an access if there is connection and by using the connection, he/she
can choice the organization that gives the internship.
 The Student learn job-seeking using the internet connection.
 Solves the problem that are associated to the manual system.
1.9.2 Benefits of university/collages
 The system helps the department to save their time and workload

 Helps the department to reduce data loose
 Solves the problem that are associated to the manual system.
1.9.3 Benefits of Developer team
 The project has initiated our team to get knowledge of how to develop the required
application system.
 The team members will get a comprehensive knowledge and experience in developing and
designing a new system
 The team got a lot of experience of solving problem while they are facing with some
1.9.4 Benefits of organization
 Speed up the business operation.
 Increase competency.
 Permanent data storage.
 Solves the problem that are associated to the manual system.

1.10 Methodology of Project

Data collection methods

For gathering the data, we use interview documentation and observation. As interview we can ask
students that take the internship in this semester and we know how the internship process is
done .we refer the documents how the internship is taken process and the methods in the
document and also we can gather data by direct observation We observed the current system in
the direct observation method and identify the problems regarding to the Interns in managing the
Internship information and others .so it helps us as easy way to understand the current system and
to develop the proposed one. By observing their system structure, we design a new system, which
will solve their problems.
Software Development Paradigm
Software development paradigm helps us to select a strategy to develop our has its own set
of methods and procedures, which are expressed clearly and defines software development life cycle.
There are many SDLC models used for development of several software and systems like waterfall,
iterative, spiral, v-shaped, agile development model and others each having their own approaches to
produce a software/system. Among those models, we choose Waterfall model which have linear
sequential flow of SDLC phases and each phase is begin when previous is finished. Through this model

IBMS is modeled and worked in a steadily downward process: problem identification, requirement
gathering, existing system study & analysis, propose new system, analysis, design, implement, test and
maintain the new system if it necessary. For selecting this model is because of:
 Easy to model & understand each system stages
 Fit for small projects
 Has less cost compared to others?
 Verification at each stage ensures early detection of errors/misunderstanding
 Each phase has specific deliverables
 Suit for projects that have static deadline
 Simple to manage our project
 Clear requirement
 Suited for milestone-focused system development
1.11 System Analysis & Design Approach
We use object-oriented system analysis and design paradigms to analysis & design the system the
project team has choose Object Oriented Modeling techniques and Unified modeling language
(UML) tools.
Reason of choosing:
 It enables us to comprehensively model a system before we develop it
 Modification of the object implementation is easy because objects are loosely
 Understanding of the structure is easy because object oriented modeling and tools
used to represent real world entities.
 Direct manipulation of architectural components is possible because several
object-oriented programming languages exist.
Object oriented system analysis and design methodology: Is software development methodology
by building self-contained modules or objects. This methodology has the following futures
increased reusability, increased extensibility, proved quality, and reduced maintenance burden and
managed complexity. Due to this, we select OOSAD Method.
1.11.1 Limitation of project
The system does not encompass the following tasks or activities on its module. So, the following
are delimitation of Wolkite Internship Board management system which may not be included are
the system cannot do for Ethiopian university because we have no chance to collect all information
about all the universities and does not deals with the payment to the student from the organization
and department.

1.11.2 Risk & contingencies
Risk is anything/uncertainties that may stop the project from being delivered on time for its users
& achieving its goals. Risk can affect the progress and achievement of a project if & only if it is
identified, managed at early stage. Different risks may have been happened in the project like:

 Technical Risks: - related to the business logic of the project, normally in the form of some
language. These risks may result from excessive constraints, lack of experience, poorly
defined parameters, or dependencies on organizations outside the direct control of the
project team.
 Problems with language.
 Project size (leading to financial and schedule risk).
 Project functionality.
 Platforms.
 Personal Risks: – Risks related to the people involved with the project. Good
communication is the key between both the members of the team and the supervisor, the
capability to communicate ideas and problems is very important. Regular meetings to keep
everyone up to date will help avoid any ambiguity and hopefully catch any problems before
they get out of hand. The other risk to consider is that of time management. Figuring out
how best to devote time to the project will be tricky, but once figured out, it will greatly
help reaching the goal on time.
 Project Risks: – Risks related to the ‘act’ of doing a project. The project itself, like other
projects, encompasses three important things; time, resources and quality. As the amount
of time or resources increase, theoretically, the quality of the output should increase.
Conversely, should the amount of time or resources decrease, then the outcome of the
project will be of a much lower quality. Using this we can, to an extent, cater for several
potential problems. It means that for a given problem, we would have to increase/decrease
one of the aforementioned three factors. So, we can ‘tolerate’ problems to an extent using
this approach.
 Controllable risks: - Failure to finish the system in time, Cost overruns, Low quality and
error prone modules.
 Uncontrollable risks: - Work load, inadequate user documentation, Low user satisfaction

Scope creep (undefined features that are added as the project progresses) is another threat to the
project. It is extremely detrimental to the cause, but so long as the scope is well defined and
everyone agrees on what is to be done, it should be avoidable. Therefore, we will follow the best
five risk management methods in order to manage those uncertainties occurring in our project. The
five main ways of risk management and controls are risk acceptance, risk avoidance, risk
transference, risk mitigation or risk exploitation.

1.11.3 Assumption & constraints

Assumptions: - are those events and circumstances that are expected to occur during the project’s
life cycle. They are made based on your knowledge, experience or the information available on
hand. Although assumptions are the driving force that determines to project success. If any
assumptions are inaccurate, inconsistent, or incomplete, they will create project risks and may
adversely affect project scope, timeline, and cost. The following positive assumptions were made
in preparing the Wolkite University Internship Board management system Project Plan: -

 Requirement gathering will be easy

 Documentation may be accepted by examiners
 Existing may be simple for automation
 Proposed system will be accepted by users
 We expect we will make better project/system for the Interns College.

The following negative assumptions were made in preparing the Wolkite University Internship
Board management system Project Plan: -

 Difficulty in studying existing system

 Difficulty in modularizing activities in proposed system
 Difficulty in fully implementing the requirements
 Lack of enough information
 Lack of some resources related to progress the project
 Occurrence of some disappointing events
 Time overloading
 Lack of acceptance of the system by Wolkite University Internship Board.

Constraints: restrictions that limit or place conditions on the current development of the project,
especially those associated with the project scope such as a hard deadline, a predetermined budget,
a set milestone, or privacy or security considerations. Are any events or circumstances that may
restrict, limit, or regulate a project?

Constraints are limitations imposed on the project, such as the limitation of cost, schedule, or
resources, and you have to work within the boundaries restricted by these constraints. All projects
have constraints, which are defined at the beginning of the project. The following are main
constraints that we are recognized and determining factors in managing our project:

A. Schedule-time available to deliver the system

B. Scope-the features of the project (what it does, how it does)
C. Resources-people, budget and assets required to achieve the project
D. Risk-uncertainties, threats to the project
E. Quality-how successful & correct the project deliverable is
F. Customer satisfaction-customer/users must be satisfied

1.11.4 Implementation method


Minimum requirement:

Intel(R) core™i3, CPU 2GHz, 4 GB of installed RAM and 80 GB+ Hard Disk. Maximum

Any computer with above the minimum hardware requirement can be a maximum
requirement for the implementation.

To develop the project, the following software’s will use:

Code lobster and Sublime text3: - to develop the front end the project group will uses Code
lobster 6.7 and Sublime text3, which supports PHP

Xampp Server to test the system will be running.

Structural Query Language (SQL) DB (Database): for back end. For the development of

Microsoft Office 2016: in the development of project document as well as in presentation

the project group uses Microsoft office.

Edraw-max 6.8 and Microsoft Visio 2016: is an open source software-modeling tool that
supports UML (Unified Modeling Language)

Firefox, chrome browsers: -since our system is web based, it is very necessary requirement
and it use for front end.

Adobe Photoshop: a computer application software used to edit and manipulate digital
images. For the development of the project, the project group uses this software for editing.

1.12 Document organization

Our project proposal organized from project contents that performed in each topic of the
project and the purpose of this to show activists and its order or sequence in each topic.
Activates are shown below.

This project consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 discusses introduction, background of the
existing system. Statement of the problem, objective of the project (both general and
specific objective), functionality, non-functionality, significance of the project, scope of
the project, limitation of the project, delimitation, feasibility, Document Organization and
methodology of the project is also included.

Chapter two deals about description of the current system, major function of the existing
system, user of the existing system, organization structure and work flow the of the existing
system, strength and weakness existing system, forms and other documents of the existing

system follow, Bottlenecks of the existing system, and, expected outcome of our project
after finishing.

Chapter three deals about overview of the proposed system, business rule, functional
requirement, process requirement, input requirement, output requirement, storage
requirement, and nonfunctional requirement. Determine security and safety procedures for
our project. Chapter four deals about we define system analysis and design for our projects
include scenarios, system model, user class and characteristics (actor specification), use
case diagram (system use case diagram and use case description), class diagram, dynamic
model of our system and this includes sequence diagram, activity diagram, ER Diagram,
Data dictionary or Mapping and normalization.

Chapter five cover System Overview, Design Considerations, Design Goals, Design
Tradeoffs, Architecture of the proposed System, Sub-system Decomposition,
Hardware/Software mapping (Deployment design), Persistent data management, Class
interfaces, and User interface design.

Chapter Two

Description of the Existing System

2.1. Introduction of Existing System.
When the students want to practice on internship on any organization the student or intern's
candidate need to fill a paper form, and need to submit it by hand to the office. Therefore, the
existing system may take more time for the students to get the place where they take their
internship place him /her practice.

In existing system, the students must go to the organization or give to the person to take to the

2.2. Organization structure

S TUDent

organization Depart ment A s s ign S upervis or

Fill s t udent
Informat ion

Figure 1 Organization structure

2.3. Users of Existing System
The users existing system that uses these systems are the students of Wolkite University and the
organization that take the students in internship.

2.4. Major functions of the Current System

The major function of current system:

• The students can take their internship in any organization that gives the internship.

• The organization can make the students to practice in their field they take.

• The students must take the certificate to the department.

• The organization must give the certificate to the students from their organization side.

• The entire above list is done in manual method that mean in the paper.

2.5. Existing System Workflow structure

As Student

• The student search organization until he/she gets acceptance from the organization that
gives internship to the students by using letters.

• The student fills the information in the departments about his/her self and the
organization he gets acceptance.

As department

• The department will give assign the supervisor to the students.

• The student send message via internet to their supervisor

• The department writes the letter for the organization that says where the students come
from and the student is legal.

As Organization

 The organization has the responsibility to take the students if the students have the
acceptance from their organization.

 The organization gives the area where the students to practices.
 The organization gives pay for students if they want.

As Supervisor

 The supervisor can advise the student

 Give comment to the report that student write

2.6. Report generated in the existing system

The report generated in the existing system from students to their department can be done in
manual form. That means all activities that performed in internship can be done in manual form
in paper.

2.7 Forms and other documents of the existing systems.

Figure 2 Forms and other documents of the existing systems

2.8. Bottlenecks of the existing system (using for example PIECES frame Work).
All the tasks have been done manually. Therefore, there is much stationary, consumes more time and costs
at each level.

2.8.1 Performance (Response time)

The performance of the existing systems is very low because all activities can be done in manual form this
manual activity can consume more time and takes more response time of the system.
2.8.1 Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate)
Since each activity can be doing in paper form it makes many mistakes like redundant registration of
one organization in that do not give the internship of the fields. These problems can occur since the list
of all organizations are cannot put in database it simply recorded in paper.
2.8.2Security and Controls
In existing system, the security mechanism and control systems are very low. For example, if the student
lost the certificate that given from the organization the students must go back to take the certificate.
Therefore, as we observe its security mechanism is no sufficient already there is no security.
2.8.3 Efficiency
In existing system, there is no efficiency because all activities performed manually in the paper. It can
reduce the efficiency of the system. As we observed in existing system to perform some action, it takes
more time and many resources and it results economic problem.

Chapter Three

Proposed System
3.1 Introduction
Because of many drawbacks and disadvantages of the current system practiced in the organization
(i.e. Wolkite university Internship Board) we have proposed alternative, problem solving and
automated web based system named as” Internship Board management system (IBMS)” which
will eradicate those difficulties and bugs of the existing system through the application of different
automation mechanisms and tools that convert the current system into computerized ones.

The system also prevent data lose by preventing outsiders using authentication i.e. Using password,
authorization using access control mechanism. The system uses to security mechanism for the
organization and the students to fill the unique information to access their information so the system is
more secure.

3.2 Product overview

IBMS will be accessed through the web. The user will type the URL of the system or send page
request to the web server and IBMS will be displayed from the server then he/she can perform
their delegated task and operation based on the role assigned to them by entering his/her user
credentials on the login page. This process will continue just like this to each users of the system.
At the final, the product (i.e. IBMS) will function all stated scopes and management functionalities,
which are previously listed to each user based on their roles to the system.

3.3 User class and characteristics

We have six system users
Students are the responsibility to be registered to use the system after that the system can
assign them.

The students have their own unique id in that helps them to update their data if possible to
update these helps to protect the unauthorized access.
After the account is approved, the student can write the report to the department/collage.
Organization Manager

The organization must be registered to use the system after that the system can assign the
students to them.
In addition to that, the organization have their own unique in that helps them to update their
data if possible to update these helps to protect the unauthorized access.
The departments can register the student’s full information in to the system. This
helps to restrict the students that are not allowed to take the internship those have
some problems in the course.
System Admin
The system admin can perform so much many operations in these system like the
system Admin Can Import the Identification Number of organization that have the
license of trading. this helps the system to protect the organization that create
account and post fake post because the organization create their profile online.
The supervisor can help the students by giving advice and giving the comment.
The supervisor can communicate with student via online with the student that
are assigned to them to examine.

The main thing the collage needed for these system is the collage
Dean take the username and password for his/her collage and create
account for the departments that found under that collage.
Also the collage can manage all the accounts of Department.

3.4 Functional requirements

A functional requirement is an area of functionality that the system must support. Therefore, the
internship board management system can do the following functions those are: -

 Register the students that take internship
 Request the organization to the apparent.

 Manage student and Supervisor Account.
 Create User profile
 Update the Account
 Assign Supervisor to Students That Get Acceptance from organization
 Create user account for supervisor.
 Give feedback to system
System Administrator
 Manage all the account of the system user’s.
 Create user account for Collages.
 See feedbacks from System user’s.
 Create user profile.
 Change User password.
 Apply for internship
 Create Account
 Search Organization
 See notification
 Send Message Via online for Supervisor.
 View Message Sent from supervisor.
 Create User Profile
 Change password
 See notification
 Send Message Via online for students.
 View Message Sent from students.
 Create User Profile
 Change password

 Register the organization.
 Respond to the request sent from departments.
 Create Account.
 Post Internship’s that want to take Students.
 Create User profile
 Update the Account
 Give feedback to system
 Manage Requests from Students That apply for internship’s.
 Register the organization.
 Manage Department Account
 Create Account for Departments.
 Create User profile
 Update the Account
 Give feedback to system

Performance Requirements

For the enhancement of performance of the new system, we require compatible & supporting web
browsers, secured database for storage & retrieval of accurate data, validated input is only accepted
by the system.

Student: the system should allow for this actor for:

 searching organization on organization profile.

 Updating and creating account.

 Fill the information when want to take internship.
Organization Manager: the system should allow for this actor for:

 Updating and creating account.

 Fill the information when want to take internship.
 Request for apparent.
Supervisor: the system should allow for this actor for:

 Updating his/her account.
 Send message to students via online.
Department: the system should allow for this actor for:

 Fill the student information which to take internship.

 Manage the Account.
System Administrative: the system should allow the officer to:
 Update user’s profile.
 Block users account.
Input Related Requirements

 The system should enable Student can choice the organization what he/she want and
exist in the database.
 The system should enable Organization manager can register the data about the
organization in the database.
 The system should enable Supervisor can send message to students via internet.

 The system should enable Administrator to Manage users

 The system should enable the Department Head to manage Supervisor Account.

 The system should enable the Department Head to Input the student’s data to the

database. Output Related Requirements

Since different users and form fields enter, right input to the system generation of accurate output
is quite easy. There for there will be an accurate display of required processed output and
information using recommended result generation and output displaying methods to user.

Storage Related Requirements

Storage related requirement of IBMS are requirements, which are related to storage of data to the
database of the system. Among our system functionality: -

 The system should allow Students could store the data to the database.
 The system should allow Organization manager can store the data to the database

3.5 Non-functional requirements
These are extra-system functionalities beyond its scope by viewing the system based on different
perspectives. Therefore, we desire the proposed system will have the following non-functional
requirements as its main components.

 Usability: -The system will be easy to use and understand for users in order to
operate. The proposed system is very intuitive enough it only needs few hours
of training to the user. It will use standard UI elements and consistent workflow.
 Reliability: -The proposed system will be highly reliable by providing accurate
and error free information of the institute. It will be permanently important and
useful. Therefore, stable operating system and database storage is required.

 Security: -The system will apply security mechanisms in which users can only
access information and perform any operation through their privilege and
credentials. Only authenticated users can access the system. Additionally,
authorization mechanism also applied. The system also requires daily backups
to guard against accidental data loss. Data will be stored within 24 hours to
ensure smooth operations of the institution.

Security measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the system at various levels.
Security is the main issue to protect and secure the entire project to unintended loss of data, deletion
of data and modification by unauthorized and unauthenticated users. We try to handle this though

 Prevent unauthorized access of data: Users are restricted to access specifically

what the grant they are provided
 Only assigned users can use the system for the sake of privacy & to increase
 Prevent unauthorized presentation of user’s password: Only authorized user is
authenticated to user name and password.

 Generate error message for invalid inputs: Wrong input entry shouldn’t be accepted by the
system it should prevent and notify for the user so that wrong output will not be generated.
 Secure every document in order to be used in the future. Prisoners profiles and other
institution Documents, profile of users and prisoners with good performance should be kept
for use of long period time.
 We will use different server for the safety of our data base from external attacks (it could
be natural or human attacks).so that there will be enough backup and recovery process to
keep data’s in this system.
 Performance: -The proposed system will have fast response, quick throughput production,
and available for service when required by end-users.
 Supportability: -The system will support current features and can be scalable to the current
technology by the process of upgrading the software to the next version.
 Speed: - IBMS will respond the requested task and operation quickly as fast as possible.
Such over processing and overloading data processing mechanism will not be seen.
 Interactivity: - IBMS will be an attractive and easily operated web system, which will,
initiates the user to use it and work on it.
 Storage: -The system will take few storage areas of the user computer and it will store huge
collection of information processed by it for the user. User also can manipulate the stored
data and free up the database through built-in system’s controls.
 Accessibility:-IBMS can be accessed through the web, which is available now, and user
can use the system on the internet by providing right query to the web.
 So, things will be done online.

Chapter four

System Analysis
4.1 system models
4.1.1 Scenarios
Scenario Name: S#1 Actor:

System Administer

Flow of event:

1) The admin of the system activates the system to login in to the system and then his/ her
password and user name. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If
the value corrects the system display the admin page, if not the system displays the
message like “the value you entered is incorrect please try again!”
2) The admin clicks on the feedback and gives feedback to the given comments by the
users to the system. In addition, the system admin can manage the account of the users.

Scenario Name: S#2

Actor: Student

Flow of event:

1) The student clicks on the sin up to register to the system and then fill all information
properly, then submit, then the system checks the validity of the entered value, if the
value entered is valid then the system displays the login page to the student if the value
entered is invalid the system display the error message to the student.
2) The student activates the system to login in to the system and then his/ her password and
user name. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If the value
corrects the system display the user page, if not the system displays the message like “the
value you entered is incorrect please try again!”
3) The student searches the organization so he/she fill the form and click search button.
The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If the value corrects the

system display the User page, if not the system displays the message like “the value you
entered is incorrect please try again!”

4) The students click the register link to register the internship organization that he/she
wants take internship and the student fills form and submit. The system checks either
the entered value is correct or not. If the value corrects the system display the user page,
if not the system displays the message like “the value you entered is incorrect please try

5) The student writes the report to their supervisor, the student clicks the report and fill the
form and submit. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If the value
corrects the system display the user page, if not the system displays the message like “the
value you entered is incorrect please try again!”

Scenario Name: S#3

Actor: Organization manager

Flow of event:

1) The Organization manager click on the sin up to register to the system and then fill all
information properly, then submit, then the system checks the validity of the entered
value, if the value entered is valid then the system displays the login page to the student
if the value entered is invalid the system display the error message to the student.
2) The Organization manager activates the system to login in to the system and then his/ her
password and user name. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If
the value corrects the system display the user page, if not the system displays the message
like “the value you entered is incorrect please try again!”.
3) The Organization manager can register the information of the organization so he/she
fill forma and submit. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If the

value corrects the system display the User page, if not the system displays the message
like “the value you entered is incorrect please try again!”

4) The Organization manager notify the student that the day the student to entire date and
the Organization manager click link and fill form and submit. The system checks either
the entered value is correct or not. If the value corrects the system display the user page,
if not the system displays the message like “the value you entered is incorrect please try

Scenario Name: S#4 Actor:

Department Head

Flow of event:

1) The Department Head click on the sin up to register to the system and then fill all
information properly, then submit, then the system checks the validity of the entered
value, if the value entered is valid then the system displays the login page to the
Department Head if the value entered is invalid the system display the error message to
the Department head.
2) The Department Head activates the system to login in to the system and then his/ her
password and user name. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If
the value corrects the system display the user page, if not the system displays the message
like “the value you entered is incorrect please try again!”.
3) The Department Head also can assign the supervisor to the student and then fill all
information properly, then submit, then the system checks the validity of the entered
value, if the value entered is valid then the system displays the user page to the
Department Head if the value entered is invalid the system display the error message to
the Department head.

Scenario Name: S#5
Actor: Supervisor

Flow of event:

1) The Supervisor activates the system to login in to the system and then his/ her password
and user name. The system checks either the entered value is correct or not. If the value
corrects the system display the user page, if not the system displays the message like “the
value you entered is incorrect please try again!”.
2) The supervisor can give comment which the student reported the supervisor then fill all
information properly, then submit, then the system checks the validity of the entered
value, if the value entered is valid then the system displays the user page to the Supervisor
if the value entered is invalid the system display the error message to the Supervisor.
3) The supervisor changes the username and password the supervisor click the update
account link and supervisor then fill all information properly, then submit, then the
system checks the validity of the entered value, if the value entered is valid then the
system displays the user page to the Supervisor if the value entered is invalid the system
display the error message to the Supervisor.

4.1.2 Use case modeling
A use case is a list of steps, typically defining interaction between a role or actor and the system
to achieve a goal.

Manage Feedback

Applay For
View Profile <<include>>
Inteship <<include>>
<<include>> <<include>>

Create Profile <<include>> Login

<<include>> <<include>>

Student <<include>>
See Post
Notification <<include>> Interships
<<include>> Organization

Message <<include>>
Message <<include>>

Department Collage

Department Add Student



Figure 3 use case for IBMS (Internship board management system)

4.1.3 Use case description
Describing each use case process helps to clarify he concept of the use case

Use case name Login

Use case number UC-01

Participation actor system administrator, students, organization Manager and


Pre-condition The system administrator, students, organization Manager

Supervisor and Department Head must have valid username
and password

Flow of events User side System side

1. Click on login button 2. Display the form to insert
3.Insert user name and username and password

Alternative action Invalid information entry.

3.1 Error message is displayed
3.2 Go to step 2

Post condition Go to the page they are allowed to see

Table 1 Use case description for Login

Use case name Register Information

Usecase number UC-02

Participation actor Organization Manager, Students and Department Head

Pre-condition The users must fill the correct information

Flow of events User side System side

1.Click on fill information 2. Display the form to insert the

button information they want

3.Insert information

4. Click to submit

Alternative action Invalid information entry.

3.1 Error message is displayed

3.2 Go to step 2

Post condition The user can see you are inserted data successfully

Table 2 Use case description register information

Use case name Create account

Use case number UC-03

Participation actor Student, Collage and organization

Manager and System administrator

Flow of events User side System side

1. Click on button 2. Display the form

‘create account

3. Fill the form

4. Save it.

Alternative action 3.Invalid information entry

3.1.The system provide error message

3.2. go to step 3

Post condition The data base is updated and shows you are
created an account

Special requirement The created user have its own access privilege

Table 3 Use case description create Account

Use case name Search organization

Use case number UC-08

Participation actor Student

Flow of events User side System side

1. Click on search link 2 display the form

2. The students search

Alternative action 3.Invalid information entry

3.1.The system provide error message

3.2. go to step 3

Post condition shows the organization list

Table 4 Use case description for search organization

Use case name see feedback

Use case number UC-10

Participation actor System Administrator

Flow of events User side System side

1 Click on button see 2 display the

feedback feedback

3 read the feedback 4 give feedback to


Table 5 Use case description for see feedback

Use case name See Notifications

Participation actor UC-11

Participation actor Student ,Supervisor And

Flow of events User side see System side

1 Click on button 2 display the

notification notification

3 read the notification

Table 5 Use case description for See Notification

Use case name Manage Account

Use case number UC-12

Participation actor department Head ,organization Manager ,System

administrator And Collage

Flow of events User side System side

1 Login to the system 3.

Display the form

2 Click on button
Manage account

4 Select type 5. Fill

the form

6. Save it.
Alternative action 3.Invalid information entry

3.1.The system provide error message

3.2. go to step 3

Post condition The data base is updated and shows you are
created an account

Special requirement The user have its own access privilege

Table 6 Use case description for Manage Account

Use case name Request

Use case number UC-13

Participation actor Department

Flow of events User side

1 login to the system

2 Click on button Request

3 System Display form

4 Fill form

5 Submit it

System side

Alternative action 3.Invalid information entry

3.1.The system provide error message

3.2. go to step 3

Post condition The data base is updated and shows the you are
Requested successfully and redirect to user

Table 7 Use case description for Request

4.1.3 Class Diagram

1 :* search

Student Organization
Student Id
Organization Id
Student First Name VarCHAR()
Manager First Name VarCHAR() Supervisor Id
Student Middle Name VarCHAR() 1:* supervisor
Manager Middle Name VarCHAR() Supervisor First Name VarCHAR()
Student Last Name VarCHAR()
Manager Last Name VarCHAR() Supervisor Middle Name VarCHAR()
Department VarCHAR()
Organization Name VarCHAR() Supervisor Last Name VarCHAR()
Gender : VarCHAR()
Site VarCHAR() Department VarCHAR()
Phone: VarCHAR()
Location VarCHAR() Gender : VarCHAR()
Email: VarCHAR()
Gender : VarCHAR() Phone: VarCHAR()
Phone: VarCHAR() Email: VarCHAR()
Applay() Email: VarCHAR()
Create Account()
Create Profile()
Create Profile()
Post Intership() Change password()
Change password()
Create Account() Send Mesage()
Send Mesage()
Create Profile() View message()
View message()
Change password() Replay message()
Replay message()
Send Notification()
View Notification()

1:1 1:1
*:1 Managed

Admin Id
User Admin First Name VarCHAR()
Department Admin Middle Name VarCHAR()
User_id varchar() ADmin Last Name VarCHAR()
Head Id Password varchar() 1:1 Gender : VarCHAR()
Head First Name VarCHAR() username varchar() Phone: VarCHAR()
Head Middle Name User Type varchar() Email: VarCHAR()
Head Last Name VarCHAR()
Create Profile()
Department VarCHAR() *:1 Change password()
Gender : VarCHAR() 1:1
Manage Account()
Phone: VarCHAR()
Email: VarCHAR()
Create Profile()
Change password() Dean Id
Create accout Supervisor() Dean First Name VarCHAR()
Add Student() Dean Middle Name VarCHAR()
Dean Last Name VarCHAR()
Gender : VarCHAR()
Phone: VarCHAR()
Email: VarCHAR()

Create Profile()
Change password()
Create accout Supervisor()
Add Department()

Figure 4 Class diagram for IBMS (Internship Board Management system

4.1.4 Data Dictionary
The data dictionary contains records about other objects in the database, such as data ownership,
data relationships to other objects, and other data. The data dictionary is a crucial component of
any relational database.
Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
Student-ID User ID for Varchar Not null
F Name User first name for Varchar Not null

M Name User middle name for Varchar Not null

L Name User last name for Varchar Not null
E-mail The e-mail of the user Varchar Not null
for communication
Phone-no The phone number of Varchar Not null
the user for
Sex The gender of the Varchar Not null
Department The department the Varchar Not null
student learned

Table 8 Data Dictionary for Student

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
Message_id message Id Varchar Not null

Message user_id User id for the notification Varchar Not null

user_id2 User id2 for the notification Varchar Not null
Massager name The Massager name Varchar Not null

Date Massaged Date Massaged date Not null

status The status of Massage seen int Not null

or unseen

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation

Admin-ID User ID for Varchar Not null
First Name User first name for Varchar Not null
Middle Name User middle name for Varchar Not null
Last Name User last name for Varchar Not null
E-mail The e-mail of the user for Varchar Not null
Phone The phone number of the user Varchar Not null

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
Search Name The name of the organization Varchar Not null

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation

Department -ID User ID for Varchar Not null
First Name User first name for Varchar Not null
Middle Name User middle name for Varchar Not null
Last Name User last name for Varchar Not null
E-mail The e-mail of the user for Varchar Not null
Phone The phone number of the user Varchar Not null
Department name The name of department Not null

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
User_id User_id of the user Varchar Not null

User Account Password Password of the user Varchar Not null

username Username for the system Varchar Not null

User type The user type Varchar Not null

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation

Notification_id Notification Id Varchar Not null

Notification user_id User id for the notification Varchar Not null

user_id2 User id2 for the notification Varchar Not null
Notified name The Notification notified Varchar Not null

Date notified Date notified date Not null

status The status of notification int Not null

seen or unseen

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
Manager -ID User ID for Varchar Not null
First Name User first name for Varchar Not null
Middle Name User middle name for Varchar Not null
Last Name User last name for Varchar Not null
E-mail The e-mail of the user for Varchar Not null
Organization Phone The phone number of the user Varchar Not null
Description The Discerption About the Varchar Not null

Website The website of the Varchar Not null


Location Where the company is existed Varchar Not null

Organization name Name of organization Varchar Not null

Table name Attribute Description Data type Validation
Supervisor-ID User ID for Varchar Not null
First Name User first name for Varchar Not null

Middle Name User middle name for Varchar Not null

Last Name User last name for Varchar Not null
E-mail The e-mail of the user Varchar Not null
for communication
Phone-no The phone number of Varchar Not null
the user for
Sex The gender of the Varchar Not null
Department The department the Varchar Not null
supervisor learned

Table 9 table for description of data dictionary

4.2.1 Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram showing the sequence of interactions among objects and used to
represent or model the flow of messages, events and actions between the objects or
components of a system. Sequence Diagrams are also used primarily to design,
document and validate the architecture and interfaces of the system by describing the
sequence of actions that need to be performed to complete a task or scenario.

O rganizatio n Re gistrationp age Registratio n DB
R egistratio n
<< Actor >> Login << UI >> < < controler >> << server > >
<< link >>

Sequence for
registration open


Display Form

fill the required information and send


Check validty

If Invalid
S aved to database

Registration success

Figure 5 Sequence diagram for organization registration

Search searchorganizationpage Search
Sequence for Search Student <<UI>> DB
organization <<Actor>> organization organization
<<link >> <<controler >>


Display Form

fill the required information and send


Check validty

If Invalid
Search from database

Display the list

Figure 6 Sequence diagram for search organization for student

Sequence for See Admin Feedback Feedbackpage DB

feedback Login
<<Actor>> <<link >> <<UI>> <<server >>

Open click

Search Feedback

display feedback

Figure 7 Sequence diagram see feedback for Admin


Organization manageer Repond Reponed Responed DB

<<Actor>> <link> page <<Controller>> <<Server>>

click send

Display Form

fill the required information and Submit


Check Validity

Invalid Input
Save to Database

Display Successfuly message

Figure 8 Sequence diagram for organization manager to respond the request

Request Request organization Request
Login o rganization page o rganization
Sequence for Request Department DB
<<link >> <<UI>> <<controler >>
organization <<Actor >> <<server >>

click send

Display form

fill the required information and Request


Check validty
If Invalid
Save to database

Requsted Successfully

Figure 9 Sequence diagram for request for apparent

Figure 10 Sequence diagram for Create Account

Figure 11 sequence diagram for login

4.1.4 Activity diagram

In this section, the document we try to shows the possible number of condition that the
module must pass to make the operation valid. This can be done using conditions. And shows what
state is coming if condition satisfied or not satisfied

Show the activity Diagram for manage account

Activty for
Manage Login to
Account system

click Manage
Account link

click Delete Delete Select the Type Update click Update


Fill form and

click Create
Invald input

Saved Valid Input Check Input

Figure 12 Show the activity Diagram for manage account

Activityfor Regis ter

Login to the
s ys tem

clic k Regi s ter

li nk

Fill Form and

s ubmit

Dis play Error

Mes s age

Is Input Valid Invalid


Regis tered

Figure 13 Shows the Organization Manger register information

login to system

Click Request Link

Fill Form and

Error Message




Figure 14 Activity diagram for request for department

A c tivity fo r response

Login t o Syst em

Click Res pond Link

Fill F orm and S ubm it

Dis play Error

Me s s age

check V alidity Invalid


Res ponded

Figure 15 Activity diagram for respond to request

Login t o t he
Ac t ivit y For feedback s y s t em

c li c k Feedbac k

Fill Form and

s ubmi t

Dis play Error

Me s s age

Is Input V alid? NO

Y es

Feedbac k

Figure 16 shows Activity diagram for Feedback

A c t ivit y for Regis t er St udent

Login to

click Registe r

Fill r egistr ati on Ret ry

Form and s ubmit

Display E rror
M essage

Is Input V alid Invalid

V alid

Regist ered

Figure 17 Shows the activity student registration

click Login link

Enter username And

Password and

D i sp l ay error
M essage

In va li d



Figure 18 Shows the activity diagram for login

login to

click Create Account


Enter username and password

nad submit
Error Message

Is Valid Input Invalid



Figure 19 shows activity diagram for create account

Activity Update
Account Login to
syste m

click Update
Account link

Ente r use rname and password and


Mes s age

Is Valid Input NO


Update d

Figure 20 Shows the Activity Diagram for Update Account



click responed link

Click link

Fill Form Retry

Fill form and

Display error
Submit Butto

Click Butto




Conform message

Figure 21 State diagram for response

Figure 22 Shows the State Diagram Register student information

Figure 23 Shows the Activity Diagram for manage account

Figure 24 Shows the State Diagram for Feedback

Figure 25 Shows State Diagram for Update Account

Figure 26 Shows State Diagram for Login

sta te di a gra m f or Account
cre a te


Activa te

Home pa ge

Click Create li nk

Fill Form

Click Create Button

Cre a te

Display Error
Me ssage

I s Va li d I nput NO

Ye s


Conform and redirect

to user profile

Figure 27 Shows State Diagram for Create Account

login to system


Click Request Link

Click link

Fill Form and

Error Message
Submit Display




Figure 28 State diagram for request

Figure 29 Shows State diagram for Register Student Choice

CHAPTER FIVE System Design

5.1 System Overview

In previous chapter, all the interaction of client that the end user with the developer is discussed.
However, to see the information about the internal structure of the system and its hardware
configuration the system design will be discussed.

In this phase, the project groups try to illustrate:

 Design goal of the system.

 The proposed system Design  System decomposition.
 The architecture of the system.
 Deployment diagram.
 Persistent data management.
 Access control and security.
 Sample user interfaces design.
 Finally, the object design.

5.2 Design Considerations

To the strict, it should consider:

 Low operating cost: In performing tasks by using the new proposed Internship Board
Management system, the process cost minimized.
 Easy to use: Because easy user interactive pages the user of the web application is
develop; the web-based system feels easy to use.
 Easy maintenance: When sometimes failure come to the new proposed system
because the development worked on layers, it is to maintain the system.
 Security: In using such system, the security issue is essential. For the Internship Board
Management system security is hold by in development and by user authentication
for using the system. In development by layering the overall development, the system
achieves secure system.
 Good response time: The Internship Board Management system implemented in PHP
language, which is ease to readable for all browser, and it minimizes many works for
those who use a system.

 Portability: In this case, the developed system is plat form dependent. Because support Microsoft company’s product, if runs only on windows system.
 Minimize error: Using the internship Board Management system in computerized
form minimizes errors, which done by the system user in manual time.

Generally, for the performance criteria the system response time should be fast and reliable and
should not take up too much disk space. The system must be robust and failure free (fault tolerant)
for supporting the dependability issue. Finally, efficiency and satisfaction must be specified with
interactive and easily system usability.

5.2.1 Design goal

Design goal primarily emerged from nonfunctional requirement of the system and the objectives
of the design goal are to model a system with high quality that should achieved, and addressed
during the design of the system.

The designer creates the nature of the design and it is more important for the programmer to
implement a high quality and error free system. The design goals for the system grouped into four
categories. These are:

 Performance
 Dependability
 Maintenance
 End user


In order for the Internship Board management system is make online delivery services. The system
should meet the following performance criteria’s

 Response time: the speed imposed on the system. The system should responsive Maximum
number of tasks with minimum times.
 Throughput: number of tasks accomplished in a fixed period.
 Memory: memory space available for speed optimizations should use efficiently.


The Internship Board management system should achieve the following dependability
characteristics in order to resist crash and be available and reliable.

 Robustness: - Since the system is a web-based system, that mainly use a menu driven
entry there would not be an input problem by the user side. However, for the server side
there might be an error during the process of entering a data. In this time the system will
provide an error page and the system will continue without failure or crush.
 Availability: -as long as there is an internet connection, the system will be available
 Security-: the system should have secured, i.e., not allow unauthorized users to access the
database system.
 Reliability: the information provided by the system is as reliable as it presented on the
web page interface, and this maintained by the persistent database.


In time of failure or need modification the system, need to maintain. To be maintainable the
system should meet the following maintenance criteria

 Extensibility: - if it needed to add new functionality to the system, this must have achieved
by only making a separate page and integrate this page with the existing system.
 Modifiability: - if in the system, some functionality requires to be modified, this
modification must be done specifically to that function or page without affecting the
overall system organization.
 Portability: - the system is developed to be viewed and retrieved from any web browser
regardless of their version and platform it resides in it.
 Readability: - the system code can be viewed by clicking on the current web page and
choose “view the source code” option.

End user
From the user point of view, the system should provide the following end user criteria’s:

 Utility: - in order to help the user, to easily understand and interact with the system.
 Mouse over tips
 Keyboard alternative
 Usability: the system is easy and user-friendly system. It doesn`t require a high level of
expertise in computers. Any user can access it simply using user guide. The system should
be designed incorporating the following usability concepts:
 Consistent page pattern.
 Less overcrowded interface.

5.2.2 Design Trade-offs

Development Cost versus Functionality

 IBMS provides many functions for users such as Registering, creating users etc.
Each function of the system requires extra design and this causes an extra cost for
the development. Without functionality, the system is nothing so, we focus on
functionality rather than development cost.

Understandability versus Efficiency

 Understandability of the code is too important especially during the testing phase.
Each class and method must be readable, so number of methods increase in the
system and functions must be implemented in a clear way. Writing comments into
the source code increases the understandability of the code. This causes an
additional time taking in the developing phase.

Security versus Availability

In IBMS (internship board management), users must have authorized to connect to the system from
web, and unauthorized people should not be able to access the system. Each user will be able to
login to the system by using the username and password that is assigned by Administrator.
Moreover, Availability is the degree to which a system or component is operational and accessible
when required for use. We know that if the system is available, discussing about security is
nothing. Though the system can be available but the system has money transactions so, we focus
on the security part a little more than on availability

5.3 Architecture of the proposed System

Web-based system is an interesting target for security attacks on the Internet. They are easily
accessible through the HTTP-protocol, and often company-critical assets are part of the web
application infrastructure. In addition, although web applications infrastructures are fairly
complex, basic technology for building web applications is easily accessible. Hence, web
applications are often designed and built by developers with little or no distributed system security
background. Therefore, useable guidelines for building secure web applications are highly useful.
Therefore, the project group prefers a generic architecture of modern Web-based system.
Our generic web-based system architecture consists of a client at the end user side, and a 3-tier
processing server side (presentation tier, business tier and back-office tier).
Client tier:
The client tier consists of a recent web browser, possibly extended with client-side application
components downloaded from the web server, and different clients used. The client tier interacts
with the web server through simple HTML over HTTP.

Presentation tier:
The presentation tier is responsible for formatting the processed information before returning it to
the client, and for handling client requests by performing input validation and delegating them to
the appropriate units within the business tier. Infrastructural components within the presentation
tier are typically the web server.
Business tier:
The business tier contains the application server. The application server implements the actual
business logic. In order to achieve its functionality, several services can be provided to the
application server from the back-office tier.
Back-office tier:
The back-office tier provides some basic services to the business tier, such as a database system
and an authentication and directory service. The SQL query language mostly used in requests
towards the database system.

5.3.1. Hardware/Software mapping (deployment design)
The architecture used for our system is a three tier Client/Server Architecture where a client can
use Internet browsers to access the online registration and other services that provided by the
system anywhere using the Internet.

The client tier is the system user interface containing data entry forms. Users interact directly with
the application through user interface.

A web server is a program that runs on a network server (computer) to respond to HTTP requests.
The web server used in this system is apache web server. HTTP used to transfer data across the
Internet. The application server implements the placement logic. Database server stores all
information of the system.

The hardware software mappings illustrated by UML deployment diagram to diagrammatically.

Deployment diagrams show the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software
components, processes, and objects that live on them. Software component instances represent
run-time manifestations of code units.
Deployment Diagram

Database Server


Application Server

I B MS Ser v er

Client computer

W e b Br o wser

Figure 30 Deployment Diagram for the proposed system

5.3.2 System Decomposition
System decomposition identifies the sub-system from the functional requirements outlined early
in analysis:

 Account management sub-system

 Notification management sub-system
 Message sub-system
This sub-system includes the Student choice registration

 Registration of Supervisor
 Registration Student
 Registration organization information
 Registration of student choice
 Notification management subsystem: The students and organization manages the notification
 Send notification
 View notification
 Message management subsystem: The students and supervisor manages the Message service;
 Send notification
 View notification


View Notification
Account MSS
Send Notification
Account Create
Account Update
Account Block



View Message
Send Message

Figure 31 System decomposition

5.3.3. Persistence data management

Internship Board management system will have its own persistent data management in order to
describe the data stored by the system and the data management infrastructure required for it. This
helps us to permit different users of Internship board management system to have different views
of the system, to store any data related to management system and to allow concurrent access to
the system.

A relational database management will be used to maintain the persistent data in its advantages
that it provides several services and utilities that help to attain the design goals of Internship Board
management system.
Student Student<<table>> Notification Notification<<table>>

Student Id varchar PK Student Id varchar Notification Id :varchar(6) PK Notification Id

First Name Varchar(20) First Name Varchar(20) user_id :Varchar(20) user_id :Varchar(20)

Middle name Varchar(20) Middle name Varchar(20) user_id2 :Varchar(20) user_id2 :Varchar(20)

Last name Varchar(20) Last name Varchar(20) Date Notified :Date Date Notified :Date

Gender Varchar(6) Gender Varchar(6) Notification Content Notification Content

:Varchar(300) :Varchar(300)

Phone Varchar(13) Phone Varchar(13)

Notifier Name :Varchar(20) Notification Content
Email Varchar(20) Email Varchar(20)
Notifier Name :Varchar(20)
Photo Text Photo Text

Department Department<<table>> Message Message<<table>>

Depaartment Id varchar PK Depaartment Id varchar
Message Id :Varchar(20) PK Message Id
Department Name Department Name
user_id :Varchar(20) user_id Varchar(20)
Varchar(30) Varchar(30)

user_id2 :Varchar(20) user_id2 Varchar(20)

First Name Varchar(20) First Name Varchar(20)
Messager Name :Varchar(20) Messager Name Varchar(20)
Middle name Varchar(20) Middle name Varchar(20)

Last name Varchar(20) Last name Varchar(20) Date Messaged :Date Date Messaged :Date

Gender Varchar(6) Gender Varchar(6) Message Content Message Content

Varchar(300) Varchar(300)
Phone Varchar(13) Phone Varchar(13)
Status :Int Status :Int
Email Varchar(20) Email Varchar(20)

Photo Text Photo Text

Superviosr Superviosr<<table>> Organization

Supervisor Id varchar PK Supervisor Id varchar organizationManager

Id varchar
First Name Varchar(20) First Name Varchar(20)
Organization Name
Middle name Varchar(20) Middle name Varchar(20)
First Name Varchar(20)
Last name Varchar(20) Last name Varchar(20)
Middle name Varchar(20)
Gender Varchar(6) Gender Varchar(6)
Last name Varchar(20)
Phone Varchar(13) Phone Varchar(13)
Gender Varchar(6)
Email Varchar(20) Email Varchar(20)
Phone Varchar(13)
Photo Text Photo Text
Email Varchar(20)

Photo Text

Account Account<<table>>

user_id :varchar(6) PK user_id :varchar(6)

User type :varchar(20) User type :varchar(20)

username :Varchar(20) username :Varchar(20)
password :varchar(20) password :varchar(20) Id varchar

Organization Name

Feedback First Name Varchar(20)


user_id :varchar(6)
Middle name Varchar(20)
PK user_id :varchar(6)

Last name Varchar(20)

username :varchar(20) username :varchar(20)
Gender Varchar(6)
Email :Varchar(20) Email :Varchar(20)
Phone Varchar(13)
content :varchar(300) content:varchar(300)
Email Varchar(20)

Photo Text
Figure 32 Persistence data management

5.3. 4 Class interfaces


+Stud_id: Varchar
+Name: Varchar
+Gender: Varchar +Email:
+Address: Varcahr
+Phone: phone
Register_choice ()
Write_report ()
See_notification ()
Figure 33 class interface for student

1. Student
Attribute: First Name
 Description: it contains the name for the user
 Type: String
 Visibility: public
Attribute: last Name
 Description: it contains the grandfather name for the Type:
Visibility: public
Attribute: Phone no: phone
 Description: it contains the phone no for the user
 Type: String
 Visibility: public

Method: Register-choice ():
Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is registered to the system and display success
Method: Write-Message ()
Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is reported for supervisor and display success message.
Method: Give-feedback ()
Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is submitted to System Admin and display success
Method: See-Notification ()
Per-condition: login to the system.
Post-condition: see the notification comes from the organization.

Department Head

+Name: Varchar
+Gender: varchar +E-
mail: Varcahr
+Address: Varcahr
+Phone: phone
Register student ()
See_report ()

Figure 34 class interface for Department Head

2 Department Head

Attribute: First Name

 Description: it contains the name for the user
 Type: String

 Visibility: public
Attribute: last Name
 Description: it contains the grandfather name for the Attribute:
Phone no: phone
 Description: it contains the phone no for the
 Type: String
 Visibility: public

Method: Register-Student ():

Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is registered to the system and display success
Method: Request_for_apparent ()
Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is Requested the organization manager and display
success message.
Method: Give-feedback ()
Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted
Post-condition: information is submitted to System Admin and display success

System Admin

Name: Varchar
Admin_id: Varchar
Gender: varchar E-
mail: Varcahr Phone:
Comment ()

Figure 35 class interface for System Admin

3 System Administrator

Attribute: First Name
 Description: it contains the name for the user
 Type: String
 Visibility: public
Attribute: last Name
Description: it contains the grandfather name for the Employee
 Type: String
 Visibility: public  Attribute: Admin ID
 Description: it contains the ID of the user
 Type: Char
 Visibility: public  Attribute: Email: Char
 Description: it contains the email for the user
 Type: String
 Visibility: public
Attribute: Phone no: phone
 Description: it contains the phone no for
the user
 Type: String
 Visibility: public

Per-condition: login to the system and fill information wanted that are needed for
the feedback comes from the system users.
Post-condition: information is Comment is given for the feedback display success

Method: Manage_account ()
Per-condition: login to the system and select the operation wanted and do the
Post-condition: If the account is existed, the operation is done and display success

5.4 User Interface Design
The proposed system has graphic user interface to interact with the user. Below the home page is
visible to all user of the system. In addition, can get information notified and different links to
other pages.

Figure 36 Home page for IBMS

Figure 37 Login For IBMS

Chapter 6: Implementation
6.1 Introduction

Implementation refers to the coding of the all documents gathered starting from requirement analysis to
Design phase. All documents, business logic, information gathered are designed into the code so that the
system will be implemented for the user to be used for the purpose it developed. The chapter here describes
about the final testing system, hardware and software acquisitions, and installation process. The functional
system from the design phase above is the key input to the implementation phase. The deliverable of the
implementation phase (the project) is the operational system that will enter the operation and support stage
of the system’s life cycle. Here is the sample code for each module.

6.2 Hard ware and software acquisition

Hardware acquisition /HW: The system is going to be implemented on the Wolkite University Internship
Board Management System. Since our system is web based for its deployment a web server is needed. As
a Mail server and domain name server, our system need servers. From user’s point of view, they can use
it from anywhere through domain name of the system that provided after implementation. Here the
hardware requirements are the minimum that they need to be part of internet.

Software acquisition: The client side application is compatible with any environment. The application
part of our program is developed by PHP and the database part is developed PDO Server database.

For the project implementation; the following Software and hardware tools are used.
Hardware Tools: -

 Server: for connection to the client computer (to host the system)

 Computers

 Network connection

 Printer: For printing Documentation

Software Tools
For the System implementation the following software’s are used.

 Notepad++

 Sublime text 3
 PDO database server

 Xampp

6.3 User manual preparation

No more manual preparation is needed for users, because the system developed is not
software and it is not installed on a client computer. After the implementation has been
completed, it is directly hosted on Network (server).
6.4 Tanning
During the deployment of the system, the project group members will give short time
training for the system administrators and clerks explaining how the system works and in
what way they can manage the system developed.

6.5 Installation process

Since our project is a web based System, there is no need to install it on a particular machine and no need
high installation process rather it will be hosted on a web server and provide domain name for the web
server in which the system is hosted and Database server will also be configured.

6.6 Startup strategy

Once the system is hosted, it has two parts: One which needs password and username that is for
administration and the user. To access those parts one has to have password and user name so that he/she
can enter into it and use it. The other part is those which do not need pass word and username so they can
be view by anybody.

For students and organization before creating username and password the student and organization id
number must be in the system.

6.7 Algorithm
The code for home page

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type="text/css" media="screen">

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<br /><a href="#"><h3>Well Come To Intership managment system</h3></a><br />
<a href="#"><h4>Mission</h4></a><br />
<p><a href="#"></a>1 :To Improve The Performance Of Working Situation For
Students</p><br />
<p><a href="#"></a>2 :To Improve The Performance Of Working Situation For
organization</p><br />
<p><a href="#"></a>3 :To Improve The Performance Of Working Situation For
depaetment</p><br />
<p><a href="#"></a>4 :To Improve The Performance Of Working Situation For
supervisor</p><br />

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The code for login

// user login function

public function login($username, $password)
if (!empty($password) && !empty($username))
$stmt = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user_account where password=? and
username=? ");
$stmt->bindparam(1, $password);
$stmt->bindparam(2, $username);
if ($stmt->rowcount() == 1)
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$status = $row['status'];
$user_id = $row['user_id'];
$User_type = $row['User_type'];
if ($User_type == 'admin' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['admin'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
if ($User_type == 'student' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['student'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
echo "<script>location.href='../student/index.php'</script>";
if ($User_type == 'organization' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['organization'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
echo "<script>location.href='../organization/index.php'</script>";
if ($User_type == 'Department' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['Department'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
echo "<script>location.href='../department/index.php'</script>";

if ($User_type == 'Supervisor' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['Supervisor'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
echo "<script>location.href='../supervior/index.php'</script>";
if ($User_type == 'Collage' && $status == 'A')
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
$_SESSION['Collage'] = $User_type;
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
echo "<script>location.href='../collage/index.php'</script>";
echo "<script>alert('you are blocked from the system ')</script>";
} else
echo "<script>alert('Invalid User Name and Password')</script>";
echo "<script>alert('Please Fill User Name and Password to login ')</script>";

6.8 Maintenance

 Our system is maintainable in different perspective in the following perspective our system is
6.8.1 Maintaining code

Our system code part is easily men table because it is object oriented it can be maintained easily without
affect other parts of the we can maintain our as needed and any failed.
6.8.2 Maintaining database

Data base one part of our system it can also maintainable without effect of other system module.
6.8.3 Maintaining user interface

Our System user interface is also maintainable without affect the other modules.

7.1 Introduction
In order to be prevail good practical educational system and making wolkite university
competitive needs to be able to offer its existing and future clients the opportunity to access
IBMS. This project's goal is providing an automated system computing and managing for
Wolkite university. The initial release of the system and application will be known as IBMS
version 1. The target audience will initially be for existing and current users that use
Internship management system. Once the system is working successful, the Finding of
Organization that gives internships performance will increase at certain level than the
former stair. However, once the system is operational, this initial selection of products will
be reviewed to determine if they will ultimately provide the kind of scalability needed for
the foreseeable future. Specifically, testing will now consist of the following phases (listed
chronologically): · Unit and integration level – adherence to coding standards and
successful communication between units and integration level · System level –
compatibility, performance, usability, functionality etc. · System Quality Assurance &
Acceptance (acceptance into Production).

7.1 Features to be tested

In order to test a program, a test engineer must perform a sequence of testing activities.
These explanations focus on a single test case. In software quality assurance, there is
various features to be tested. Characteristics to be tested are listed below

 Graphical user interface

 Input output functions
 Sub system communication
 Data base transaction
 Login capability
 Access privileged
 User interface and database interaction
 Coding structure style
 Customizability (in case of if new Applicant will be added and new information about new Student
and organization).
 Software platform

7.1 Features not to be tested
Features not be tested includes the feature of the application which cannot be measured
directly or indirectly. These features cannot make serious damage to system but indirectly
have an influence on our application performance and acceptance. These features include

 User satisfaction of the system

 Exact response time of the system

7.1 Testing Tools and Environment

Testing will have access control to one or more application/database servers separate from
any used by non-test members of the project team. Testing will also have access control to
an adequate number of variously configured PC workstations to assure testing a range from
the minimum to the recommended client hardware configurations such as:- v LAN
networked Computer v Mobile
In addition to the application and any other customer specified software, the following list
of software should be considered a minimum:

 Sublime Text 3
 MS Office 2016
 PDO server

7.1 Test Cases

It is the final step of testing done by developers. In this system tested the entire system with all forms,
code, modules. In this we tested all the functionalities in the System. All errors in the forms, functions,
modules have been tested. Finally, System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system meets
the desired requirements. It tests a configuration to ensure known and predictable results.

Test Case 1 – User Authentication
Test Case UN = student – Dubale
Unit to Test = Authentication of Login Users

Assumptions = Redirects to index.php

Test Data = username (valid username, invalid username, empty)

Password (invalid password, valid password, empty)
Steps to be
Data Expected Results
Enter valid username Display an alert
and Empty Password username “this field is
and Click Login =Dubale required!"
Enter Valid Should display an
Password and Empty alert “this field is
username and Click required!"
Login button
username Should display an
Enter Invalid =Dubale alert “invalid login
Password and Password please enter correct
Invalid username = e-mail and
Click Login button 1234567 password”
username Redirects to student
Enter valid =Dubale index.php
username, Password,
type and Click Login Password
button =123456
Table 10 Test Case

7.6 Purpose
Software testing is performed to verify that the completed software package functions
according to the expectations defined by the requirements/specifications. The overall
objective to not to find every software bug that exists, but to uncover situations that could
negatively impact the students and organizations, usability and/or maintainability. From
the module level to the application level, this article defines the different types of testing.
Depending upon the purpose for testing and the software requirements, a combination of
testing methodologies is applied.

7.7 Test Procedure
7.7.1 Unit Testing
Unit testing is done at the source or code level for language-specific programming errors
such as bad syntax, logic errors, or to test particular functions or code modules. The unit
test cases shall be designed to test the validity of the programs correctness.

In this level of testing process, the Wolkite University Intership Management system
developers test the different sub procedures, functions and tested.

Sample Tests

1.Check whether the return type of the functions is correct.

2.Check how the sub procedures or functions are call correctly.
3.Check if the correct output is produced for different inputs.
4.Check the efficiency of the code with respect to the memory and CPU time.
5.Check the input data that we write on the GUI must be submitted to the data base.
6.Check the GUI can access the privileged data from the data base.

7.7.2 Integration Testing

In this level of testing we have examined how the different procedures work together to
achieve the goal of the sub system. The type of integration testing that we have followed is
bottom up. Since Wolkite University Intership Management system is web based
application each and every access is depending on hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). So
we integrate each component from single functionality (individual interface) to the main
function incrementally step by step through link tag by using test driver.

Sample Tests

1. Check the interaction between individual functionality which performs the specific tasks.
2. Evaluate the functionality of subsystem after combination all individual functionality.
3. Identify the Independence of each subsystem with other subsystem.
7.7.3 System Testing
In this level of testing process we have examined how the whole subsystems of Wolkite
University Intership Management system work together to achieve the desired goal (user’s
requirements of the system). The goals of system testing are to detect faults that can only

be exposed by testing the entire integrated system or some major part of it. Generally, under
this testing is mainly concerned with areas such as performance, security, validation,
load/stress, and configuration sensitivity of Wolkite University Intership Management
system. But we will more focus only on function validation and performance.

Sample Tests

1. Evaluate the functionality of subsystem after combination of individual sub system weather it
works correctly or not.
2. Check the coherence and coupling of each subsystem.
3. Check the overall functionality of Wolkite University Intership Management System that achieves
the user’s requirement.
4. Measure the system boundary which is beyond the goal or not.
5. Measure the weakness and the strength of the system using different metrics.
6. Check the interaction of each subsystem that performs the specified business process.
7. Verify the system completeness based user’s requirement.

7.7.4 Acceptance Testing

Forth year students (real users) will participate on the acceptance testing of our system.
According to system requirements and other resources (documentation, source code, user
manual) test cases are generated to determine (validation and verification) whether the
system satisfies users need and expectation to maintain the reliability of our system and
also meet the user’s requirements.

Chapter Eight: Conclusion
8.1. Summary of Final product

Currently Wolkite University Intership Management System is manual based information management
system. Due to this many problems are there. Like to students communicating with their supervisor’s,
search data and, finding Organization that gives internships and reports premium value of insured easy
and takes time. By analyzing this problem, the group team proposed, analyze, design, and implement this
computerized information management system for Wolkite University Intership Management System. The
system that will provide more efficiency, and accuracy than the manual based system. The new
computerized and management system perform many operations performed manually. It prevents the loss
of paper documents, time, effort and soon... This system solves many problems that the organization,
students, supervisors and Departement face. It brings effectiveness to the Intership and reduce work load
of students and organization. The new system can retrieve data in real time. From this we conclude that
the project is very important in work environment of the Wolkite University and organization areas that
takes internship’s after implementation. We could accomplish some of the objectives. But now there is a
clear and base idea how the system can be developed and integrated, this project can be seen as an initiation
for students who are doing project on the same field for nationalization/generalization Wolkite University
Intership Management System.
8.2. Recommendation

While doing this system the team has faced different types of challenges. But by the cooperation of all the
group members and the adviser, the team is now able to reach to the final result. All the group members
strongly fought these challenge and take the turn to the front. We would like to recommend some of the
extra features add to this System which we could not do due to time limitation and unavoidable reasons
and challenges including the following features. We strongly recommend that one who under goes through
this project can succeed, if he or she (they) pay(s) attention for expanding the system national wise by
adding email conformation.

 online payment by the department to the students.

 Making the system for all Ethiopian universities.


[1] M. Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education, "A guide to work-based learning," in
Student Internships, 1995.


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