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(9)Env. Bio-Sci., 2016: Vol. 30 (1):9-12 ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)


Anjuli Agarwal* and J. P. Purwar
GBPUA & T Agriculture Research Station, Majhera Garampani (Nainital) 263 135 India
[Corresponding Author E- mail*: anjulit@]

Received: 27-12-2015 Accepted: 06-05-2016

Bambusa and Dendrocalamus are two important genera of bamboos having many species and with wide occurrence in nature in
Asia including Indian sub continent. Conventionally, bamboos are propagated through seeds or by vegetative methods but
micropropagation is a biotechnological technique for rapid and large scale propagation. Besides multiple uses, bamboos are
important carbon sinks and accumulate biomass quickly. Growth pattern of Bambusa spp. viz. Bambusa nutans, B. balcooa, B.
bambos and B. tulda along with Dendrocalamus asper was monitored in the mid Himalayan region of India. Carbon estimation in
various parts of young micropropagated plants of D. asper was also done. Per cent increase in height was highest in B. balcooa
from the time of plantation followed by B. bambos and B. nutans. However, B. tulda showed highest percent increase in the number
of culms. Leaf area index was directly proportionate with the growth data of Bambusa spp. The results of carbon estimation
indicated that carbon content in twigs was more than fifty per cent whereas in leaves and roots it was  50 % in all the three plant
height groups (0-20, 21-50, 51-100cm).

Bamboos occur with a wide range of about 70 genera and bamboos in ecological functions, such as soil and water
more than 1000 species in tropical, subtropical and temperate conservation is also of great importance4-5.
regions in the world1. Bamboos are the most important non-
Traditionally, bamboos are propagated through seeds or by
timber forest products that provide livelihood for millions of
vegetative methods such as rhizome, culm cuttings and branch
people around the world. Among various bamboos, genus
cuttings. But conventional methods of propagation having many
Bambusa is mostly distributed in North East, Orissa, West
limitations are not adequate to meet out the demand and supply
Bengal and Uttarakhand regions of India. Bambusa balcooa
of planting material. Thus, through micropropagation large
and B. tulda are recognized as priority species by FAO (www.
number of plants can be produced. For micropropagation of,, are also the two most
D. asper, several reports are available 3,6-7, but for field
commonly available species of West Bengal2. B. balcooa is a
performance of micropropagated D. asper as far as growth
preferred bamboo used in construction and B. tulda in the
pattern is concerned limited reports are available. However,
production of quality paper due to having long fibres. B. nutans
carbon sequestration potential of D. asper has been reported
is considered a rugged bamboo and able to tolerate dry
in the mid himalayan region8-10.
conditions and stony soil. It grows best at altitudes between
500-1500 m. B. bambos have thorny branches and grows Therefore, the present study was performed to analyze the
densely in moist deciduous forest up to an altitude of 1000 m. growth pattern in terms of culm dynamics and leaf area index
It is common in central and South India. Dendrocalamus is a in subsequent years after field plantation. Estimation of carbon
tropical genus of giant clump forming bamboos having about in young micropropagated plants of D. asper was also done to
83 species in whole of Southeast Asia including Indian sub understand the distribution in various parts like twigs, leaves
continent. Dendrocalamus asper, native of China is an important and roots.
species which provides food, fiber and structural timber. The
young shoots of D. asper are used as food in many countries3.
Besides the multiple uses and versatile role of bamboos for The study was conducted at Agriculture Research Station,
mankind, bamboos are excellent carbon sinks. Role of Majhera, Nainital Uttarakhand. Altitude, latitude and longitude

NAAS Rating (2016)-4.20


Table-1.Growth data of various bamboo species in two years

Table-2. Per cent carbon content in various parts of micropropagated D. asper plants.

Table-3. Per cent correlation between height and dry weight of various parts of micropropagated
D. asper plants

*- (P  0.05), **- (P  0.01) NS- Not significant

Figure-1. Height Pattern of various Bambusa spp. and Figure-2. Culm pattern of various Bambusa spp. and
D. asper D. asper

recorded using Plant Canopy Analyzer CI-110-24 PLB (CID,

Inc, USA) in the last 15 months of study period.


Growth parameters of various species of Bambusa and

micropropagated D. asper revealed that B. nutans attained
maximum height of 6.62 m followed by B. balcooa (6.44 m)
and B. bambos (4.12 m). Sharp increase in height was observed
in the month of September in all the four species (Fig.-1) except
in B. tulda. However, per cent increase in height (Table-1) was
highest in B. balcooa (547.0) from the time of plantation
followed by B. bambos (463.9) and B. nutans (325.5). D. asper
showed an increasing trend in the number of culms but B.
bambos and B. balcooa did not show production of new culms
in the consecutive years (Fig.-2). Though, B. tulda attained
only 1.83 m height which was only 281.2 per cent increase
after two years of plantation but percent increase in the number
Figure-3. Leaf Area Index of various Bambusa spp.
of culms was maximum (394.7). Photosynthesis phenomenon
and D. asper.
in plants adapts to the environmental conditions and sensitivity of
of the study site are 905m (a.s.l), 29°30.137', and 79°28.784' photosynthesis to stress factors varies among plant species11-14.
respectively. Average maximum & minimum temperature and Any limiting factor of photosynthetic efficiency may reduce
maximum relative humidity were 32.1°C, 4.83°C and 97.67 the species productivity, and therefore, ability to compete in
per cent, respectively. The present study was performed for that particular habitat15-17.
two consecutive years one year after the establishment of
plantation. The overall results of the present study underline significant
differences in the growth pattern of various bamboo species.
 Plants of D. asper were produced through micropropagation Leaf area index monitored for various bamboo species (Fig.-3)
using established culture and protocol6. Micropropagated also showed coherence with culm dynamics and henceforth,
plants of D.asper after hardening were maintained in the poly the photosynthetic efficiency. LAI is used to predict
bags. Plants were categorized in to three height groups of 0- photosynthetic primary production as a reference tool for crop
20cm, 21-50cm and 51-100cm. For carbon estimation in twigs, growth. B. nutans which attained the maximum height also
leaves, and roots ten plants in each group were randomly showed a sharp gain of LAI from July to September in the 2nd
selected. Fresh weight of the whole plant and dry weight (after year of monitoring. LAI of B. tulda was less than B. nutans but
oven drying at 70°C for 72h) of twigs, leaves and roots was did not show a sharp fall after September as was the case
recorded. Estimation of per cent carbon was done by Soil with B. nutans resulting in highest per cent increase in number
Testing Laboratory (Uttarakhand Tea Development Board), of culms. LAI of B. balcooa showed neither sharp gain nor
Bhowali, Nainital, UK, India. Data on growth parameters was sharp fall resulting in highest per cent increase in height.
recorded one year after the plantation of Bambusa nutans, B. However, D. asper showed increasing trend in LAI from July to
balcooa, B. tulda and B. bambos and micropropated D. asper. September as was the case with other species too, but no fall
Recommended agronomical practices were followed for the in LAI was recorded up to the month of January.
bamboo plantation. Height of the plants at the time of plantation
was 100 - 150 cm. Plantation was done at ARS, Majhera on a Growth and biomass production are also affected by changes
hill slope at a distance of 5 X 5 m in an area of 0.2 ha. Length of air temperature acting with other limiting factors;
and number of culms was recorded every month for two photosynthesis provides an indicator for functional limitations
consecutive years. Data on Leaf Area Index (LAI) was also imposed by environmental factors1,12-13,18. Air temperature plays

very important role in controlling the magnitude of the (2008). Flora. 203: 77.
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The data on carbon estimation in twigs, leaves and roots of 5. Nandy, S., Das, A.K. and Das, G. (2004). J. Bamboo Rattan. 3:
micropropagated D. asper is presented in Table-2. The results 27.
indicated that carbon content in twigs was more than fifty per 6. Arya, I.D. and Arya, S. (1997). Indian J. Exp. Biol. 35: 1252.
cent whereas in leaves and roots it was  50 % in all the 7. Arya, S., Sharma, S., Kaur, R. and Arya, I D. (1999). Plant Cell

three plant groups. Per cent carbon ranged highest in twigs Rep. 18: 879.
8. Agarwal, A. and Purwar, J.P. (2009). In: Proceedings of VIII
(51.7-53.9) , whereas, lowest in roots (42.9-50.3). There was
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no difference in the pattern of carbon content in various parts
9. Agarwal, A. and Purwar, J.P. (2012). In: Proceedings of IX
of D. asper in all the three height ranges. Correlation study
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parts (Table-3). Correlation coefficient indicated positive Bamboo Congress.
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group of 51 - 100 cm. Maximum significant positive correlation 501.
was recorded in leaf with 0-20 cm height range (r=0.825**) 12. Gratani, L., Pesoli, P., Crescente, M.F., Aichner, K. and Larcher,
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height range group (r=0.613ns). Similarly, in the various studies 13. Larcher, W. (1994). Photosynthesis as a tool for indicating
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sequestered8-10,20. vol. 100. Springer, Berlin. 261.

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The present study concluded that as per the climatic 15. Crescente, M.F., Gratini, L. and Larcher, W. (2002). Flora. 197:
conditions of the study area, B. nutans and B. balcooa are 2.
more appropriate bamboo species to be taken up for cultivation 16. Gratani, L., Meneghini, M., Pesoli, P. and Crescente, M.F. (2000).
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17. Groom, Q.J., Baker, N.R. and Long, S.P. (1991). Physiol. Plant.
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Govt. of India, New Delhi, India for financial assistance and
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Director Experiment Station, Govind Ballabh Pant University
(Eds.), Global change and Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems.
of Ag. & Tech, Pantnagar, India for providing the necessary
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facilities. 20. Scurlock, J.M.O., Dayton, D.C. and Hames, B. (2000). Biomass

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