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Analisis soft skills dan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruang keperawatan RSUD Sumbawa


Kusumaningsih, Etty

Pembimbing: Dra. Sumarni, M.Si

ABSTRACT: Background: Nurse as a profession form of important staff in providing nursing care,
treatment and safe sense to the patients. The nurse ability and skill in providing nursing care would
success if had objectives and knowledge on nursing management and supported by ability to lead. Soft
skills and leadership style would success if could produce change, solving a problem, conflict role,
overcoming the demand, acknowledge the opportunity and reducing the limitation that experienced by
ward head. Objectives: The research was aimed to analyze the soft skills and leadership style, to identify
the weakness or the problem in performing the soft skills and leadership style of the nursing ward head
in Sumbawa Regional General Hospital, as well as the on duty nurse’s expectation to the ward head.
Method: The research using descriptive qualitative method. The research instrument was using
questionnaire, in depth interview, focus group discussion (FGD), secondary data and direct observation.
Results and discussion: The nursing ward head not understanding the soft skills, but the soft skills was
always be performing. The Instruction and participation leadership style was used in nursing ward. The
nurse ethics and less of responsibility to the task had created a problem and weakness in performing a
soft skills and leadership style by nursing ward head. While, the on duty nurse’s expectation to the soft
skills implementation was the existence of communication, openness, and good cooperation from the
nursing ward head as well as opportunity of self increasing through education and training. The support
and care from the management was by meet the desired need of the nursing ward head and on duty
nurses. Conclusions and recommendation: The existence of the support changed the mindset to develop
and increasing the skill by education and training. Cooperation, good communication as well as
openness from the head of nursing ward and on duty nurses, assist in achieve the coal of
organization.Background: Nurse as a profession form of important staff in providing nursing care,
treatment and safe sense to the patients. The nurse ability and skill in providing nursing care would
success if had objectives and knowledge on nursing management and supported by ability to lead. Soft
skills and leadership style would success if could produce change, solving a problem, conflict role,
overcoming the demand, acknowledge the opportunity and reducing the limitation that experienced by
ward head. Objectives: The research was aimed to analyze the soft skills and leadership style, to identify
the weakness or the problem in performing the soft skills and leadership style of the nursing ward head
in Sumbawa Regional General Hospital, as well as the on duty nurse’s expectation to the ward head.
Method: The research using descriptive qualitative method. The research instrument was using
questionnaire, in depth interview, focus group discussion (FGD), secondary data and direct observation.
Results and discussion: The nursing ward head not understanding the soft skills, but the soft skills was
always be performing. The Instruction and participation leadership style was used in nursing ward. The
nurse ethics and less of responsibility to the task had created a problem and weakness in performing a
soft skills and leadership style by nursing ward head. While, the on duty nurse’s expectation to the soft
skills implementation was the existence of communication, openness, and good cooperation from the
nursing ward head as well as opportunity of self increasing through education and training. The support
and care from the management was by meet the desired need of the nursing ward head and on duty
nurses. Conclusions and recommendation: The existence of the support changed the mindset to develop
and increasing the skill by education and training. Cooperation, good communication as well as
openness from the head of nursing ward and on duty nurses, assist in achieve the coal of organization.

INTISARI: Latar belakang : Perawat sebagai profesi merupakan tenaga yang sangat vital dalam
memberikan pelayanan asuhan keperawatan, pengobatan dan rasa aman kepada pasien. Kemampuan
dan keterampilan seorang perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan akan berhasil apabila
memiliki tujuan dan pengetahuan tentang manajemen keperawatan ditunjang oleh kemampuan untuk
memimpin. Soft skills dan gaya kepemimpinan akan berhasil apabila dapat menghasilkan perubahan,
menyelesaikan masalah, konflik peran, menanggulangi permintaan, mengenali kesempatan dan
mengurangi keterbatasan yang dialami oleh kepala ruangan. Tujuan Penelitian : Penelitian ini bertujuan
untuk menganalisis soft skills dan gaya kepemimpinan, mengidentifikasi kelemahan pelaksanaan soft
skills dan gaya kepemimpinan serta harapan perawat pelaksana terhadap kepala ruangan keperawatan
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sumbawa. Metode : Penelitian ini penelitian deskriptif menggunakan
metode kualitatif dengan penambahan data kuantitatif. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan wawancara
mendalam, dan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD), kuesioner, data sekunder dan observasi langsung. Hasil
dan pembahasan : Kepala ruangan keperawatan tidak memahami soft skills, akan tetapi pelaksanaan
soft skills selalu dilaksanakan. Gaya kepemimpinan Instruksi dan partisipasi yang digunakan di ruangan
keperawatan. Etika perawat yang masih kurang terhadap tugas dan rasa tanggung jawab terhadap
pekerjaan menjadikan kelemahan pelaksanaan soft skills dan gaya kepemimpinan oleh kepala ruangan.
Sedangkan harapan perawat pelaksana terhadap pelaksanaan soft skills adalah adanya komunikasi,
disiplin dan tepat waktu, keterbukaan dan kerjasama yang baik, jangan sombong dari kepala ruangan
serta peningkatan diri melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan. Kesimpulan dan saran : Adanya dukungan
merubah pola pikir untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan keterampilan melalui pendidikan,
pelatihan dan pembinaan. Adanya kerjasama, komunikasi yang baik dan pembentukan komite
keperawatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Sumbawa

Soft Skill,Gaya kepemimpinan,Kepala ruangan, Soft skills, leadership style, head of

Kata kunci
nursing ward

Program Studi S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat UGM

No Inventaris c.1 (2817-H-2008)

Deskripsi xii, 96 p., bibl., ills., 29 cm

Bahasa Indonesia

Jenis Tesis

Penerbit [Yogyakarta] : Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2008

Lokasi Perpustakaan Pusat UGM

File Tulisan Lengkap dapat Dibaca di Ruang Tesis/Disertasi

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