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Name Noer Amara Pradiva Hardijanto


Study Program Education of English

Program Studi

Year of study & semester 1

Tingkat & Semester Kuliah Odd

Lecturer-supervisor name Susilowaty, M.A.

Nama dosen pendamping


Day & Date 25 November 2018

Hari & Tanggal

Time start 9:30 A.M

Waktu mulai

Time end 11:00 A.M

Waktu selesai

Grade Grade 3

Subject -
Mata pelajaran

Before Observation Sebelum Observasi

● Show this form to the teacher to get her/his ● Perlihatkan lembar observasi ini kepada
approval for using this observation form guru untuk mendapatkan persetujuannya
● Ask the teacher whether you should stay at ● Tanya guru apakah Anda sebaiknya
the back of the classroom or you are allowed senantiasa di belakang kelas atau
to participate in the activities diperkenankan untuk terlibat dalam
aktivitas kelas
● Ask permission to copy the lesson plan for
● Minta izin untuk membuat salinan RPP
the session being observed
untuk sesi belajar yang diamati
Instructions Instruksi
1. The objective of the observation is to 1. Tujuan observasi ini adalah untuk
explore classroom management by mengeksplorasi pengelolaan kelas dengan
collecting qualitative information. It is not cara mengumpulkan informasi kualitatif.
designed for rating and evaluating the Observasi ini tidak dirancang untuk
teacher’s performance. memberikan penilaian dan evaluasi
2. You are required to record all notes and terhadap performa guru.
findings on this form. 2. Anda wajib menuliskan semua catatan dan
3. This instrument involves both observation dapatan menggunakan form ini.
and interview of the teacher being 3. Instrumen ini untuk observasi sekaligus
observed wawancara guru yang diobservasi
4. There may be some indicators that may 4. Mungkin ada indikator-indikator yang
not be observable and there may be tidak dapat diamati dan mungkin ada
findings you need to clarify. Therefore, ask temuan-temuan yang perlu diklarifikasi.
for the teacher’s permission to have an Oleh karena itu, mintalah izin pada guru
interview session after the observation. untuk mewawancarainya setelah sesi
5. The items on the form do not need to be pengajaran berakhir.
completed in order. 5. Butir-butir yang ada di lembar ini tidak
perlu dilengkapi secara berurutan.
#Decoration #PhysicalSetting #Environment
The classroom decorations are lively, appropriate types and amou nt of decoration, and there is
adequate natural lighting.

Dekorasi kelas nampak ‘hidup’, jumlah dekorasi cukup sesuai (tidak terlalu padat namun tidak terlalu
sepi), jenis dekorasinya juga sesuai, dan ada cahaya alami yang cukup terang sehingga proses belajar
menjadi nyaman

What you might see Findings

Hal yang dapat diamat Temuan

Posters and other materials There are posters on every wall with students’
siswa? Apakah hasil put ontersebut
karya the wall:
1. Are they relevant to learning? artworks, pictures of President and Vice President of
sesuai (tidak mempermalukan siswa)?
2. Apakah
Are there students’ work?tokoh-tokoh
Are they Indonesia, as well as posters of multiplication,
3. ada foto/gambar
appropriate (not humiliating any subtraction, and world map.
yang menginspirasi?
4. Apakah terlalu banyak jumlah
3. dekorasinya?
Are there pictures of inspiring people? The classroom has a typical Indonesian public
5. Are there
Apakah too many posters
warna-warni di kelascovering
elementary school which most of the time uses
the wall?
sesuai? natural lights from the sun and less neon lights.
5. Apakah
6. The colors
adaare appropriate?
peraturan kelas yang Classroom rules or agreement are not posted on the
6. Classroom
ditempel? rules or agreement? wall because the rules are verbally told by the
teachers and the students are aware of the rules and
Poster dan materi lainnya yang ditempel di
Furnitures agreements already, thereby there’s no need rules or
dinding kelas: agreement to be posted.
1. Are desksposter dsb. Relevan
organized according Desks are organized well and more efficient for
to the teachingsiswa?
method? learning as well as teaching method.
2. Apakah ada hasil
Are the desk fit tokarya atau hasil
the students’ kerja
(they are not broken, the height is There are few scribbles on the desks, but other than
appropriate)? that, the desks are not broken.
3. Can students read the information on
the whiteboard clearly? The whiteboard is really clean, that when the teacher
writes on the board, the students can read the
1. Apakah meja dan kursi siswa disusun information clearly.
sesuai dengan metode pengajaran
yang digunakan?
2. Apakah meja sesuai dengan kebutuhan
belajar siswa (tidak rusak, tingginya
3. Apakah siswa dapat membaca
informasi di papan tulis dengan jelas?

The desk and the chairs are made of wood so they
1. Are the chairs/desks moveable? are very heavy to be moved.
2. Are there areas for students do
different activities? There is a vacant area, near the cupboard and
3. Is there enough space for students do teacher’s desk where students can do different
independent work and for discussion? activities in classroom.

1. Apakah meja/kursi dapat The class is not big enough to do many activities,
dipindah-pindahkan dengan mudah? but if the chairs and desks are moved to the sides of
2. Apakah ada area di mana siswa dapat the wall, there will be a bigger space to do other
melakukan aktivitas berbeda? activities.
3. Apakah ada ruang yang mencukupi
untuk siswa bekerja secara mandiri dan
#RulesRoutines #Norms
Teacher develops and implements effective classroom rules and routines to establish effective learning
process and conducive learning environment for all children
Guru membuat dan menerapkan peraturan dan rutinitas kelas untuk membangun proses belajar yang
efektif dan kondusif untuk semua anak.

What you might see Findings

Hal yang dapat diamat Temuan

Rules or Classroom Agreement

● Is there any classroom rule applied? There are classroom rules applied in this classroom.
● Are the rules are appropriate? However, those are not written or posted anywhere in
the classroom. The rules are told by the teachers.
Peraturan atau Kesepakatan kelas
● Apakah ada peraturan atau The rules that are applied in the classroom are: no
kesepakatan kelas yang diterapkan? cheating, have to finish homework, no bothering
● Apakah peraturan tersebut sesuai atau your friend when doing work, try first before asking,
layak? etc.

● What happens or what do students do When the students want to ask questions, they have
when the teacher come to the to raise their hand and wait for teacher to call their
classroom? When the teacher leave name
the classroom?
● Are there routine ways to ask question, The students are playful and respect each other.
to submit assignment, to ask for a “Thank you” is always said when anyone in the
bathroom break, etc.? classroom helps one another.
● Do students respect one another? Do
they respect the teachers and vice The teacher uses hand signals when the class starts
versa? Is “thank you” part of the making loud noise and when students are not paying
culture? attention to teacher’s explanation. The signals are
● Does the teacher use hand signals and effective, because the students who are paying
nonverbal communication with the attention tells the other students to be silent and pay
students? Are they effective? attention.

● Apa yang dilakukan siswa ketika guru

masuk kelas? Ketika guru
meninggalkan kelas?
● Apakah ada tata cara rutin untuk
bertanya, untuk mengumpulkan tugas,
untuk izin ke toilet, dsb?
● Apakah siswa saling menghormati satu
sama lain? Apakah siswa menghormati
guru dan juga sebaliknya? Apakah
“terima kasih” bagian dari budaya di
● Apakah guru menggunakan
sinyal-sinyal tangan dan komunikasi
non verbal dengan siswa? Apakah hal
tersebut efektif?

Behavior management They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day

therefore there is no teaching and learning process.
● How does the teacher handle behavior
● Is there any specific punishment for
the students who break the rule? Does
the teacher use the punishment to
modify the student’s behaviors? Is it

● Bagaimana guru menangani masalah

perilaku siswa?
● Apakah ada hukuman spesifik untuk
siswa yang melanggar aturan? Apakah
guru menggunakan hukuman tersebut
untuk mengubah perilaku siswa?
Apakah efektif mengubah perilaku

Communication between teachers and students, students with other students.

What you might see Findings

Hal yang dapat diamat Temuan

The way the teacher use voice and tone. Does The teacher speaks loud and clear
she/he use different volumes and tones for
different purposes?

Cara guru menggunakan suara dan nada.

Apakah guru menggunakan volume dan nada
yang berbeda untuk tujuan yang berbeda?

How does the teacher respond to the student’s The teacher is responsive to the student who is
statements/questions? asking questions.

Bagaimana guru merespon pernyataan/

pertanyaan siswa?

Does the teacher encourage students to The teacher really encourages students to
communicate their thoughts? communicate their thoughts and the students are all
responsive, loud, and excited.
Apakah guru mendorong siswa untuk
mengkomunikasikan ide/pikirannya?

Teachers need to design their lessons in creative ways so that students are engaged in learning. They
also need to be able to modify the lesson plans in order to meet the students’ need

Guru perlu merancang pembelajaran secara kreatif sehingga siswa terus terlibat dan belajar dengan
efektif. Mereka juga perlu memodifikasi rencana pengajarannya untuk menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan

What you might see Findings

Hal yang dapat diamat Temuan

How does the teacher keep the students’ They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day
attention to the lesson? Does the teacher use therefore there is no teaching and learning process.
several different ways to engage students and
maintain their attention?

Does the teacher modify her/his plan in order

to meet the students’ needs?

Bagaimana guru mempertahankan perhatian

siswa pada pelajaran? Apakah guru
menggunakan cara yang bervariasi untuk
melibatkan siswa dan mempertahankan
perhatian mereka?

Apakah guru memodifikasi rencana

pengajarannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan

Does the teacher use creative teaching method They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day
that allows students to actively learn? therefore there is no teaching and learning process.

Apakah guru menggunakan metode

pengajaran yang kreatif yang membuat siswa
aktif belajar?

Independent work: how does the teacher They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day
monitor the student’s work? therefore there is no teaching and learning process.

Kerja mandiri: bagaimana guru memonitor

siswa ketika mengerjakan tugas?

Group work: is everyone involved in the group They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day
discussion? therefore there is no teaching and learning process.
How does the teacher monitor and ensure that
all students contribute to the group work?

Kerja kelompok: apakah semua siswa terlibat

dalam diskusi/kerja kelompok? Bagaimana
guru memastikan semua siswa berkontribusi?
Do you find another interesting findings? Write them down here
Apakah Anda menemukan hal yang menarik? Tuliskan di bawah ini

They are celebrating National Teacher’s Day therefore there is no teaching and learning
process. Through this observation, i get to know the ‘Behind the Scene’ of what the teachers
are doing, talking about and how they bond with another teacher, students and even parents.
They also have to be creative on creating school events which is not only have to be taught to
learn school’s materials.

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