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Study findings from University of Tasmania provide new insights into clinical

Eka Amelia Citra
NIM : G2A017007



Judul :
Temuan studi dari University of Tasmania memberikan wawasan baru
tentang keperawatan klinis

Anonim. Perangkat Medis & Minggu Teknologi Bedah; Atlanta [Atlanta] 22 Aug
2010: 3187.
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2010 AUG 22 - (<> - "dan tujuan (lihat
juga <> Clinical
Perawat) Studi ini menguji sejauh mana dokumentasi perawatan luka akut oleh
dokter dan perawat memenuhi standar yang ditetapkan dalam pedoman Australian
Wound Management Association, yang berfokus pada sejarah klinis sehubungan
dengan luka, karakteristik luka, bukti rencana pengelolaan dan faktor seperti sakit
luka, "para ilmuwan di Hobart, Australia melaporkan.

"Dokumentasi perawatan luka merupakan komponen penting dari pengelolaan

luka 'praktik terbaik' Bukti menunjukkan bahwa dokumentasi luka oleh staf rumah
sakit seringkali tidak adhoc dan tidak lengkap Survei audit dokumentasi
perawatan luka akut pada pasien rawat inap yang dirawat di bangsal bedah
dilakukan di 2006 menggunakan catatan kemajuan dari 49 pasien rawat inap akut
di sebuah rumah sakit regional Australia Audit terfokus pada dokumentasi luka
pada saat masuk dan saat ganti pakaian. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa,
sementara dokter dan perawat mendokumentasikan aspek luka yang berbeda saat
masuk, tiga perempat pasien tidak memiliki dokumentasi margin luka dan
setengahnya tidak memiliki dokumentasi dimensi luka, eksudat dan tempat tidur
luka. Sedangkan 122 perubahan rias didokumentasikan oleh perawat dan 103 oleh
dokter, hanya 75 (60%) yang diperiksa oleh staf medis dan perawat. dan perawat
cenderung mendokumentasikan berbagai aspek perubahan rias, namun, di lebih
dari separuh kasus, tidak ada dokumentasi n tentang luka tidur, margin, eksudat
dan keadaan kulit di sekitarnya, sedangkan dimensi luka dan sensasi kulit tercatat
kurang dari 5%. Dokumentasi perawatan luka oleh dokter dan perawat tidak
memenuhi standar Australia. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa ada komunikasi
yang tidak efektif mengenai perawatan luka di lingkungan multidisiplin rumah
sakit. Relevansi dengan praktik klinis, "tulis J. Gartlan dan rekannya, University
of Tasmania.
Para peneliti menyimpulkan: "Artikel tersebut menyimpulkan bahwa rumah sakit
perlu melibatkan staf medis dan perawat dalam proses kolaboratif untuk
mengidentifikasi isu-isu yang mendukung dokumentasi luka buruk dan untuk
menerapkan intervensi untuk memastikan praktik terbaik tercapai." Gartlan dan
rekannya mempublikasikan studi mereka di Journal of Clinical Nursing (Audit
kecukupan dokumentasi perawatan luka akut pada pasien rawat inap. Journal of
Clinical Nursing, 2010; 19 (15-16): 2207-2214). Untuk informasi tambahan,
hubungi A. Robinson, University of Tasmania, School Nursing & Midwifery, Tas
Pribadi 121, Hobart, Tas 7001, Australia. Informasi kontak penerbit untuk Journal
of Clinical Nursing adalah: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc., Tempat
Perdagangan, 350 Main St., Malden 02148, MA, USA. Kata kunci: Kota: Hobart,
Negara: Australia, Perawatan Klinik, Rumah Sakit, Bedah Artikel ini disiapkan
oleh editor Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week dari staf dan laporan
lainnya. Copyright 2010, Medical Devices & Teknologi Bedah Minggu melalui
<> Jumlah kata: 431 (c) Copyright 2010,
Medical Devices & Bedah Teknologi Minggu via

(c)Copyright 2010, Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week via
Lampiran : Naskah asli

Study findings from University of Tasmania provide new insights into clinical

Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week; Atlanta [Atlanta]22 Aug 2010:

2010 AUG 22 - (<> -- "and objectives (see

also <> Clinical
Nursing). This study examined the degree to which acute wound care
documentation by doctors and nurses meets the standards set in the Australian
Wound Management Association guidelines, focusing on clinical history with
regard to the wound, wound characteristics, evidence of a management plan and
factors such as wound pain," scientists in Hobart, Australia report.

"Wound care documentation is an important component of 'best practice' wound

management. Evidence suggests that wound documentation by hospital staff is
often ad hoc and incomplete. Survey. An audit of acute wound care
documentation of inpatients admitted to a surgical ward was conducted in 2006
using the progress notes of 49 acute inpatients in a regional Australian hospital.
The audit focused on wound documentation on admission and during dressing
changes. The findings demonstrated that, whereas doctors and nurses documented
different aspects of the wound on admission, three quarters of patients had no
documentation of wound margins and over half had no documentation of wound
dimensions, exudate and wound bed. Whereas 122 dressing changes were
documented by nurses and 103 by doctors, only 75 (60%) were reviewed by both
medical and nursing staff. Doctors and nurses tended to document different
aspects of dressing changes; however, in more than half the cases, there was no
documentation about wound bed, margins, exudate and state of surrounding skin,
whereas wound dimensions and skin sensation were recorded in less than 5%.
Wound care documentation by doctors and nurses does not meet the Australian
standard. The findings suggest there is ineffective communication about wound
care in the multidisciplinary setting of the hospital. Relevance to clinical
practice," wrote J. Gartlan and colleagues, University of Tasmania.

The researchers concluded: "The article concludes that hospitals need to engage
medical and nursing staff in collaborative processes to identify the issues that
underpin poor wound documentation and to implement interventions to ensure
best practice is achieved."
Gartlan and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Clinical Nursing
(An audit of the adequacy of acute wound care documentation of surgical
inpatients. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2010;19(15-16):2207-2214).

For additional information, contact A. Robinson, University of Tasmania, School

Nursing & Midwifery, Private Bag 121, Hobart, Tas 7001, Australia.

The publisher's contact information for the Journal of Clinical Nursing is: Wiley-
Blackwell Publishing, Inc., Commerce Place, 350 Main St., Malden 02148, MA,

Keywords: City:Hobart, Country:Australia, Clinical Nursing, Hospital, Surgery

This article was prepared by Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week
editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2010, Medical Devices & Surgical
Technology Week via <>

Word count: 431

(c)Copyright 2010, Medical Devices & Surgical Technology Week via

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