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1. Which substance is an element?

Bahan manakah merupakan suatu unsur?

A. Air/ Udara B. Steam/ Stim C. Carbon/ Karbon D. Naphthalene/Naftalena

2. A sample of carbon dioxide gas is cooled. Which of the following is true about the velocity and
the size of its particles?
Satu sampel gas karbon dioksida disejukkan. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar
tentang halaju dan saiz zarahnya?

Velocity of the particles / Halaju zarah Size of the particles / Saiz zarah
A. Increases / Bertambah Decreases / Berkurang
B. Increases / Bertambah No change / Tidak Berubah
C. Decreases / Berkurang Decreases / Berkurang
D. Decreases / Berkurang No change / Tidak Berubah

3. The mass of 3 atoms of element X is equal to the mass of 4 carbon atoms. X is not the actual
symbol of the element. What is the relative atomic mass of the element X? [Relative atomic
mass: C=12]
Jisim 3 atom bagi unsur X adalah sama dengan jisim 4 atom karbon. X bukan symbol
sebenar unsur itu. Apakah jisim atom relatif bagi unsur X? [Jisim atom relatif : C=12]
A. 48 B. 36 C. 16 D. 12

4. Which of the following elements are in Group 18 in the Perioic Table of Elements? Antara
berikut, unsur yang manakah dalam Kumpulan 18 dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur?
A. Helium and Krypton / Helium dan Kripton
B. Hydrogen and Oxygen / Hidrogen dan Oksigen
C. Oxygen and Krypton / Oksigen dan Kripton
D. Helium, Hydrogen and Oxygen / Helium, Hidrogen dan Oksigen

5. Which characteristics is correct about elements in Group 17 in the Perioic Table of Elements as
going down the group?
Pernyataan manakah yang menerangkan mengapa kereaktifan unsur Kumpulan 17 meningkat
apabila menuruni kumpulan itu?
A. The reactivity increases
Kereaktifan bertambah
B. The intensity of colour decreases
Keamatan warna berkurang
C. The tendency to accept an electron decreases
Kecenderungan menerima electron berkurang
D. The physical state changes from liquid to gas
Keadaan fizikal berubah daripada cecair kepada gas.

6. A concentrated sodium chloride solution is electrolysed using carbon electrodes. Which are the
half-equations that represent the reactions at the anode and the cathode?
Larutan natrium klorida pekat dielektrolisis menggunakan elektrod karbon. Setengah
persamaan manakah yang mewakili tindak balas di anod dan di katod?
Anode / Anod Cathode / Katod
- -
A. 2Cl Cl2 + 2e Na+ + e- Na
B. 2Cl- Cl2 + 2e- 2H+ + 2e- H2
C. 4OH- O2 + 2H2O + 4e- Na+ + e- Na
- -
D. 4OH O2 + 2H2O + 4e 2H+ + 2e- H2

7. Which of the following substances are electrolytes?
Bahan-bahan manakah adalah elektrolit?
A. Glucose / Glukosa B. Ethanol / Etanol
C. Acetamide / Asetamida D. Sodium chloride / Natrium Klorida

8. Which of the following particles in a solution of hydrogen chloride is responsible for its acidity
Antara zarah berikut, yang manakah dalam larutan hidrogen klorida bertanggungjawab ke
atas sifat asidnya.
A. H+ B. OH- C. Cl- D. HCl

9. What is the number of moles in 100 cm3 of 1.5 mol dm-3 of nitric acid?
Berapakah bilangan mol dalam 100 cm3 asid nitrik 1.5 mol dm-3 ?
A. 0.015 mol B. 0.100 mol C. 0.150 mol D. 1.500 mol

10. If you want to cook 100 potatoes within a short time, which is the most suitable method?
Sekiranya anda ingin memasak 100 biji kentang dalam masa yang singkat, apakah langkah
yang paling sesuai dilakukan?
A. Boil the potatoes in a pan / Merebus kentang dalam kuali leper
B. Boil the potatoes in a pressure cooker / Merebus kentang dalam periuk tekanan
C. Steam the potatoes in a steamer / Mengukus kentang dalam pengukus
D. Fry the potatoes in a wok / Menggoreng kentang dalam kuali

11. A student has an iron ring. He wants to make the ring more beautiful and urable to give his
friends as a present. What is the best way to do it?
Seorang murid mempunyai sebentuk cincin besi. Dia ingin menjadikan cincin itu lebih cantik
dan tahan lama untuk dihadiahkan kepada rakannya. Apakah langkah yang paling baik
A. Dip the ring in acid / Mencelup cincin dalam asid
B. Wash the ring with detergent / Mencuci cincin dengan detergent
C. Plate the ring with silver / Menyadur cincin dengan argentum
D. Brush the ring with glossy material / Memberus cincin dengan bahan pengilat

12. When going down Group 1 in the Periodic Table of Elements, ...
Apabila menuruni Kumpulan 1 dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur, ...
A atomic radius increases./ jejari atom bertambah.
B electropositivity decreases./ keelektropositifan berkurang.
C the number of isotopes of element decreases./ bilangan isotop bagi unsur berkurang.
D oxidation condition for its ion increases./keadaan pengoksidaan bagi ionnya bertambah.

13. Which substance is a covalent compound?

Bahan manakah adalah sebatian kovalen?
A Phosphorus(V) oxide/Fosforus(V) oksida
B Sodium sulphate/Natrium sulfat
C Magnesium chloride/Magnesium klorida
D Lead(II) bromide/Plumbum(II) bromida

14. Diagram below shows the electrons arrangement of an atom of Y.
Y is not the actual symbol of the element.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom Y.
Y bukan simbol sebenar unsur itu.

Diagram Rajah
Which of the following, is the position of element Y in the Periodic Table?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah kedudukan unsur Y dalam Jadual Berkala?

15. Which factor does not affect the rate of reaction?

Faktor manakah yang tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindakbalas?
A. size of the solid reactant / saiz bahan tindakbalas pepejal
B. volume of the reactant / isipadu bahan tindakbalas
C. concentration of the reactant / kepekatan bahan tindakbalas
D. temperature of the reactant / suhu bahan tindakbalas

16 Which of the following explains the meaning of effective collision?

Antara pernyataan berikut, yang manakah menjelaskan maksud perlanggaran berkesan?
A. the collision where its energy is less than the activation energy
pelanggaran yang tenaganya kurang daripada tenaga pengaktifan
B. the collision that has a low energy
pelanggaran yang berlaku mempunyai tenaga yang rendah
C. the collision which takes place before a reaction
pelanggaran yang berlaku sebelum sesuatu tindakbalas
D. the collision that causes a reaction
pelanggaran yang menghasilkan tindakbalas

17 Which compound is saturated hydrocarbon?

Sebatian manakah suatu hidrokarbon tepu?
A. propene / propena B. propane / propana
C. propanol/ propanol D. chloropropane/ chloropropana

18 Butene can be transformed to butane by the process of

Butena boleh ditukar kepada butana melalui proses
A. fermentation / penapaian B. oxidation / pengoksidaan
C. dehydration / pendehidratan D. hydrogenation / penghidrogenan

19 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a catalyst?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah BUKAN ciri mangkin?
A. a catalyst is specific in its reaction
mangkin khusus dalam tindak balasnya
B. a catalyst influences the quantity of product of a reaction
mangkin mempengaruhi kuantiti hasil tindak balas
C. the chemical property of a catalyst remains unchanged at the end of the reaction
sifat kimia mangkin tetap tidak berubah di akhir tindak balas
D. only a little amount of the catalyst is needed to influence the rate of reaction.
hanya sedikit mangkin diperlukan untuk mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas.

20 Which statement is correct about alkanes? / Pernyataan manakah betul tentang alkana?
A. undergo polymerisation reaction / mengalami tindak balas pempolimeran
B. undergo hydrogenation reaction / mengalami tindak balas penghidrogenan
C. undergo substitution reaction /mengalami tindak balas penukargantian
D. undergo hydration reaction / mengalami tindak balas penghidratan

21 Which process occurs when iodine crystals are heated at room tremperature and pressure?
Proses manakah berlaku apabila hablur iodin dipanaskan pada suhu dan tekanan bilik?
A. melting / peleburan B. freezing / pembekuan
C. evaporation / penyejatan D. sublimation / pemejalwapan

22 The table below shows information about 3 simple voltaic cells.

Jadual menunjukkan maklumat 3 sel voltan ringkas.

Pair of metals Potential difference (V) Positive terminal

Pasangan logam Beza keupayaan (V) terminal positif
W and X 0.7 X
X and Y 2.0 Y
W and Z 1.6 Z
What is the potential difference of a voltaic cell which uses Y and Z as electroes?
Berapakah beza keupayaan sel voltan yang menggunakan Y dan Z sebagai elektrod?
A. 0.4 V B. 0.9 V C. 1.1 V D. 1.3 V

23 Which of the following contains 6.02 X 1023 atoms?

Antara berikut, yang manakah mengandungi 6.02 X 1023 atom?

A. 1 mol of nitrogen gas / 1 mol gas nitrogen B. 1 mol of chlorine gas/ 1 mol gas klorin
C. 1 mol of ammonia / 1 mol ammonia D. 1 mol of neon / 1 mol neon

24 Which elements dissolve in water to produce solution that turns blue litmus paper red and then
Unsur manakah larut dalam air untuk menghasilkan larutan yang menukarkan kertas litmus
biru ke merah dan kemudian dinyahwarnakan?

I. Chlorine II. Bromine III. Iodine IV. Astatine

Klorin bromine iodine astatin
A. I and II B. I and III C. II and IV D. III and IV

25 Which statement explains why the reactivity of Group 1 elements increase when going down
the group?
Pernyataan manakah yang menerangkan mengapa kereaktifan unsur Kumpulan 1 meningkat
apabila menuruni kumpulan itu?
A. the physical state of the elements changes from gas to liquid to solid at room temperature
keadaan fizik unsur berubah daripada gas ke cecair ke pepejal pada suhu bilik
B. the attractive force between valence electron and the nucleus becomes stronger
daya tarikan antara elektron valens dengan nukleus semakin kuat
C. the valence electron gets further away from the nucleus
elektron valens semakin jauh dari nukleus
D. D. the melting points of the elements decrease
takat lebur bagi unsur menurun

26 The following equation shows the reaction to obtain soluble sulphate salt.
H2SO4 + X sulphate salt + H2O
What is substance X?
Persamaan menunjukkan tindak balas untuk mendapatkan garam sulfat terlarutkan.
H2SO4 + X sulphate salt + H2O
Apakah bahan X?

A. calcium oxide / kalsium oksida B. lead (II) oxide / plumbum (II) oksida
C. barium hydroxide / barium hidroksida D. potassium hydroxide/ kalium hidroksida

27. Diagram below shows a snail.The snail shell contains a natural ionic compound.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seekor siput. Cangkerang siput mengandungi sebatian ion
semula jadi.

Other than oxygen, what elements are contained in the ionic compound?
Selain oksigen, apakah unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam sebatian ion itu?
A Calcium and carbon
Kalsium dan karbon
B Calcium and hydrogen
Kalsium dan hidrogen
C Sodium and carbon
Natrium dan karbon
D Sodium and hydrogen
Natrium dan hidrogen

28. Which substance forms yellow precipitate when added to lead(II) nitrate solution?
Bahan manakah yang membentuk mendakan kuning apabila ditambahkan kepada larutan
plumbum(II) nitrat?
A Sodium chloride C Potassium iodide
Natrium klorida Kalium iodida
B Sodium carbonate D Potassium sulphate
Natrium karbonat Kalium sulfat

29. Table below shows the pH values of four different acidic solution of the same concentration.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nilai pH bagi empat larutan asid berlainan pada kepekatan yang

Table /Jadual

Which acidic solution has the highest degree of dissociation?

Larutan asid yang manakah mempunyai darjah penceraian yang tertinggi?


30. The graph below represents the decomposition of 25 cm3 hydrogen peroxide of
0.5 mol dm-3 with manganese(IV) oxide as catalyst at a temperature of 30oC.
Graf I mewakili penguraian 25 cm3 hidrogen peroksida 0.5 mol dm-3 dengan
mangan(IV) oksida sebagai mangkin pada suhu 30oC.

Which of the following experiment will produce graph II?
Antara eksperimen yang berikut, yang manakah akan menghasilkan graf II?

31. What is the product formed when ethene is burned in air?
Apakah hasil yang terbentuk apabila etena dibakar dalam udara?
A Ethane and water /Etana dan air
B Carbon and hydrogen/ Karbon dan hidrogen
C Carbon dioxide and water/ Karbon dioksida dan air
D Carbon dioxide and hydrogen/ Karbon dioksida dan hidrogen

32. A hydrocarbon contains three carbon atoms and it has the characteristics below.
Satu hidrokarbon terdiri daripada tiga atom karbon dan mempunyai ciri seperti berikut:

What is molecular formula of the hydrocarbon?

Apakah formula molekul hidrokarbon itu?
A C3H4 B C3H5
C C3H6 D C3H8

33. Which of the following can be used to determine the rate of reaction?
Antara berikut, yang manakah dapat menentukan kadar tindak balas?
A Decrease in the volume of a gas given off per unit time
Pengurangan isi padu gas yang dibebaskan per unit masa
B Decrease in the mass of a reactant per unit time
Pengurangan jisim bahan tindak balas per unit masa
C Decrease in the mass of a product per unit time
Pengurangan jisim hasil tindak balas per unit masa
D Increase in the height of a precipitate formed per unit time
Penambahan tinggi mendakan per unit masa

34. The reaction between zinc, Zn, and hydrochloric acid, HCl, is represented by the following
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)
A student wants to determine the rate of the reaction in a school laboratory.
Which of the following methods is the most suitable?
Tindak balas antara zink, Zn, dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl, diwakili oleh persamaan berikut:
Zn(p) + 2HCl(ak) → ZnCl2(ak) + H2(g)
Seorang murid ingin menentukan kadar tindak balas itu di makmal sekolah.
Antara kaedah berikut, yang manakah yang paling sesuai?
A Determine the change in temperature of the solution with time
Menentukan perubahan suhu larutan dengan masa
B Determine the change in the concentration of zinc chloride with time
Menentukan perubahan kepekatan zink klorida dengan masa
C Determine the volume of hidrogen gas given off with time
Menentukan isipadu gas hydrogen yang terbebas dengan masa
D Determine the change in the concentration of hydrochloric acid with time
Menentukan perubahan kepekatan asid hidroklorik dengan masa
35. Diagram below shows the structural formula of a compound.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan formula struktur suatu sebatian.

Diagram /Rajah

Which of the following is an isomer of the above compound?

Antara yang berikut, manakah yang merupakan isomer bagi sebatian di atas?

36. Diagram below shows a chemical cell. What is the chemical reaction that takes place at the
negative terminal of the chemical cell?
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu sel kimia. Apakah tindak balas kimia yang berlaku di
terminal negatif sel kimia tersebut.

A Cu + 2e → Cu
2+ -

B Zn → Zn2+ + 2e-
C Zn2+ + Cu → Zn + Cu2+
D Zn + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu
37. The relative molecular mass of M2(SO4)3 is 342. What is the relative atomic mass of element
M?[Relative atomic mass: O = 16, S = 32]
Jisim molekul relatif bagi M2(SO4)3 ialah 342.
Berapakah jisim atom relatif bagi unsur M?[Jisim atom relatif: O = 16, S = 32]

A 27
B 54
C 118
D 123

38. When copper(II) carbonate, CuCO3 is heated, the gas released turns the lime water chalky.
What is the volume of gas released when 0.62 g of copper(II) carbonate is heated at room
[Relative atomic mass: C= 12,O = 16, Cu = 64; Molar volume of gas = 24 dm3 mol–1 at room
Apabila kuprum(II) karbonat,CuCO3 dipanaskan, gas yang terbebas menukarkan air kapur
menjadi keruh.
Berapakah isi padu gas yang terbebas apabila 0.62 g kuprum(II) karbonat dipanaskan pada
keadaan bilik?
[Jisim atom relatif: C= 12,O = 16, Cu = 64; Isi padu molar gas = 24 dm3 mol–1 pada keadaan
A 5 cm3
B 120 cm3
C 240 cm3
D 360 cm3

39. Table below shows the proton numbers of elements K, L, M and N.

Jadual di bawah menunjukkan nombor proton bagi unsur-unsur K, L, M, dan N.

Table /Jadual
Which of the following compounds formed between two elements is soluble in organic
Antara sebatian yang terbentuk daripada dua unsur berikut, yang manakah larut dalam pelarut
A K and L B K and N
C L and M D L and N

40.Element M and element L are located in Group 1 and Group 16 in the Periodic Table
respectively. Elements M reacts with element L to form a compound.
What is the chemical formula of the compound?
Unsur M dan unsur L masing-masing terletak dalam Kumpulan 1 dan Kumpulan 16 dalam
Jadual Berkala. UnsurM bertindak balas dengan unsur L untuk membentuk suatu sebatian.
Apakah formula kimia bagi sebatian itu?
A ML B ML2 C M2 L D. M2L3

41. Element G reacts with element L to form a covalent compound with the formula GL2. The
electron arrangement of an atom of L is 2.8.7.
Which of the following is a possible electron arrangement of an atom of G?
Unsur G bertindak balas dengan unsur L untuk membentuk suatu sebatian kovalen yang
formula GL2. Susunan elektron bagi atom L ialah 2.8.7.
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah susunan elektron yang mungkin bagi atom G?
A 2.8.1
B 2.8.2
C 2.8.4
D 2.8.6

42 The heat of combustion for propanol, C3H7OH is – 2016 kJ mol-1. When 0.3 g of
propanol is completely burnt, the heat given out is used to heat 250 cm3 of water.
What is the rise in temperature for the water?
[Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J g-1 °C-1. Molar mass of propanol = 60 g mol-1]
Haba pembakaran propanol, C3H7OH adalah - 2016 kJ mol-1. Apabila 0.3 g propanol
terbakar lengkap, haba yang dibebaskan digunakan untuk memanaskan 250 cm3 air.
Apakah kenaikan suhu air?
[Muatan haba tentu air = 4.2 J g-1 °C-1. Jisim molar propanol = 60 g mol-1]
A 2.4°C
B 4.8°C
C 9.6°C
D 19.2°C

43. Diagram below shows a simple cell using copper rod and a metal, Z.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah sel ringkas menggunakan rod kuprum dan logam Z.

Diagram /Rajah
Which of the following metals is Z if the cell generates the highest voltage?
Antara berikut, yang manakah logam-logam di Z dalam sel akan menghasilkan voltan yang
paling tinggi?
A Lead B Zinc
Plumbum Zink
C Aluminium D Magnesium
Aliminium Magnesium

44. Diagram below shows an energy level diagram.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu gambar rajah aras tenaga.

Diagram /Rajah
Which of the following is the activation energy for the reaction K + L→ M?
Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan tenaga pengaktifan bagi tindak balas K + L → M?

45. The following equation shows how compound P is produced.

Persamaan berikut menunjukkan bagaimana sebatian P dihasilkan.

Etanol + asid propanoik ⎯→ sebatian P+ asid sulfurik pekat

The mixture of reactants is refluxed in a roundbottomed flask. What is the molecular formula of
Campuran bahan tindak balas direfluks dalam kelalang bulat. Apakah formula molekul P?

46. Table below shows the total volume of gas collected at 30-second intervals in the reaction
between zinc and sulphuric acid.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan isi padu gas yang dikumpul pada sela masa 30 saat bagi tindak
balas antara zink dan asid sulfurik.

Table /Jadual
What is the rate of the reaction at the end of the reaction?
Apakah kadar tindak balas pada akhir tindak balas?
A 0.000 cm3 s–1
B 0.037cm3 s–1
C 0.039 cm3 s–1
D 0.049 cm3 s–1

47. 100 cm3 of 2 mol dm–3 hydrochloric acid react completely with excess magnesium. If the
maximum volume of hydrogen is collected in 100 seconds, what is the average rate of reaction
in cm3 s–1? [1 mole gas occupies 24 dm3at room conditions]
100 cm3 asid hidroklorik 2 mol dm–3 bertindak balas lengkap dengan serbuk magnesium
berlebihan. Jika 100 cm3gas hidrogen dikumpulkan pada 100 saat, apakah kadar tindak balas
purata dalam unit cm3 s–1? [1 mol gas memenuhi 24 dm3 pada keadaan bilik]
A 0.024 cm3 s–1
B 0.24 cm3 s–1
C 2.4 cm3 s–1
D 24 cm3 s–1

48. The equation below represents the neutralisation of barium hydroxide by nitric acid.
Persamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas peneutralan barium hidroksida oleh asid nitrik.

Ba(OH)2 + 2HNO3 ⎯→ Ba(NO3)2 + 2H2O

25 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm–3 nitric acid neutralise 12.5 cm3 of barium hydroxide solution. What is
the concentration of barium(II) hydroxide solution?
25 cm3 asid nitrik akueus 0.5 mol dm–3 meneutralkan 12.5 cm3 larutan barium hidroksida.
Apakah kepekatan larutan barium(II) hidroksida?
A 0.25 mol dm–3
B 0.50 mol dm–3
C 0.75 mol dm–3
D 0.10 mol dm–3

49. Diagram below shows the structural formula of an organic compound.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan formula struktur satu sebatian organik.

Diagram /Rajah

Based on the IUPAC nomenclature, the compound is called…

Berdasarkan IUPAC, sebatian ini disebut sebagai…
A 2,3,3-trimethylpent-2 – ene.
2,3,3-trimetilpent-2 – ena.
B 2,3,3-trimethylpent-3 – ene.
2,3,3-trimetilpent-3 – ena.
C 2-methyl, 3-ethylpent-1 – ene.
2-metil, 3-etilpent-1 – ena.
D 2-methyl, 3-ethylpent-2 – ene.
2-metil, 3-etilpent-2 – ena.

50. The following equation shows the complete combustion of an alkane.
Persamaan berikut menunjukkan pembakaran lengkap suatu alkana.

Based on the equation, what are the values of x and n?

Berdasarkan persamaan berikut, apakah nilai x dan n?


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