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Mathematics IX

Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring

Prepared by: Brian M. Mary T-I
Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring

Sub Tasks

Identifying quadratic equations
 Rewriting quadratic equations to its standard form
 Factor trinomials in the form x2 + bx + c
 Determine roots of quadratic equation
ax2 + bx + c = 0, by factoring
A quadratic equation in one variable is a
mathematical sentence of degree 2 that How are quadratic equations used in
solving real – life problems and in
can be written in the following form making decisions?

ax2 + bx + c = 0,
Many formulas used in the
physical world are quadratic in

where a, b, and c are real numbers and
a ≠ 0.
nature since they become
second-degree equations when
solving for one of the variables.
Likewise, many word problems
require the use of the quadratic

At the enrichment card, we

will consider some of the
common uses of the quadratic
+ Activity # 1
Quadratic or Not Quadratic?
Direction. Identify which of the following equations are
quadratic and which are not. Write QE if the equations
are quadratic and NQE if not quadratic equation.

__________ 1. 3m + 8 = 15

__________ 2. x2 – 5x – 10 = 0

__________ 3. 2t2 – 7t = 12

__________ 4. 12 – 4x = 0

__________ 5. 25 – r2 = 4r
Activity # 2
Set Me to Your Standard!
Direction. Write each quadratic equation in standard
form, ax2 + bx + c = 0.

 1. 3x – 2x2 = 7
+ ____________________

 2. 5 – 2r2 = 6r

 3. 2x(x – 3) = 15

 4. (x + 3)(x + 4)= 0
+ Activity # 3
What Made Me?
We learned how to multiply two binomials as follows:
factors terms
(x+2)(x+6) = x2 + 6x + 2x + 12 = x2 + 8x + 12.

In factoring, we reverse the operation

terms factors
x2 + 8x + 12 = (x + 2)(x + 6)

The following will enable us to see how a trinomial factors.

12 = 2 (6) Product

x2 + 8x + 12 = (x + 2)(x + 6)

8=2+6 Sum
In general, the trinomial x2 + bx + c will factor only if there are two
integers, which will we call m and n, such that m + n = b and
m(n) = c.

Sum Product
m+n m(n)

x2 + bx + c = (x + m)(x + n)

1. a2 + 11a + 18 m + n = 11 m(n) = 18
+ 2 + 9 = 11 2(9) = 18
The m and n values are 2 and 9. the factorization is,
a2 + 11a + 18 = (x + 2) (x + 9)

2. b2 – 2b – 15 m+n=-2 m(n) = - 15
3 + (-5) = - 2 3(-5) = - 15
The m and n values are 3 and - 5. the factorization is,
b2 – 2b – 15 = (x + 3) (x – 5)
Factor the following trinomial in the form x2 + bx + c.

x2 + bx + c m+n m(n) (x + m)(x + n)

x2 + 4x – 12 6 + (-2) 6(-2) (x + 6)(x – 2)

w2 – 8w + 12

x2 + 5x - 24

c2 + 6c + 5

+ 5r – 14

x2 + 5x + 7

After learning how to factor trinomial in the form x2 + bx + c,

we will now determine roots of a quadratic equation using factoring.
Activity # 4
Factor then Solve!
Some quadratic equations can be solved easily by factoring. To solve each equations, the
following procedures can be followed.

1. Transform the quadratic equation into standard form if necessary.

2. Factor the quadratic expression.
3. Set each factor of the quadratic expression equal to 0.
4. Solve each resulting equation.

Example. Find the solution of x2 + 9x = -8 by factoring.

+ a. Transform the equation into standard form
x2 + 9x = -8  x2 + 9x + 8 = 0
b. Factor the quadratic expression
x2 + 9x + 8 = 0  (x + 1)(x +8) = 0
c. Set each factor equal to 0.
(x + 1)(x + 8) = 0  x + 1 = 0; x+8=0
d. Solve each resulting equation.
x+1=0  x+1–1=0- x+8 =0  x+8–8=0-8
1 x=-8
Direction. Determine the roots of the following quadratic equations using factoring.

1. x2 + 8x + 16 = 0 _____________________________________

2. x2 – 9x – 14 = 0 _____________________________________

+ _____________________________________

3. y2 + 9y + 20 = 0 _____________________________________

4. b2 – 10b + 21 = 0 _____________________________________
Number Theory
* The product of two consecutive even numbers is 168. What are the integers?
Solution: Let x = the lesser even integer. Then, x + 2 = the next consecutive even integer.

Note: Consecutive even or odd integers are given by x, x+ 2, x + 4, …

product of two consecutive even integers is 168

x (x+2) = 168

x2 + 2x = 168 original equation

+ x2 + 2x – 168 = 0
( x + 14 ) ( x – 12 ) = 0
write in standard form
factor the left member
x + 14 = 0 or x – 12 = 0 set each factor equal to zero
x = - 14 x = 12 solve each equation

when x = - 14, then x + 2 = - 14 + 2 = - 12 and when x = 12, then x + 2 = 12 + 2 = 14

since (-14)(-12) = 168 and (12)(14) = 168, and both solutions are consecutive even integers, the
conditions of the problem are met.
Therefore, the two integers are – 14 and – 12 or 12 and 14.

Mastery Points!
Can you
 Determine two integers whose product is one number and whose sum is another number?
Recognize when the trinomial x2 + bx + c will factor and when it will not?
Factor trinomial of the form x2 + bx +c ?
Determine roots of a quadratic function in the form ax2 + bx + c?
Learner’s Material – Mathematics IX, First Edition pp. 27 - 34
Holiday, Berchie. et. al. ALGEBRA 2. USA. The McGraw – Hill
Companies, C2008. pp. 253 – 256
Bernard J. Klein Publishing, 2006
pp. 152 – 156
Activity # 1 Quadratic or Not Quadratic? Assessment
1. NQE 1. x2 + 8x + 16 = 0 (x + 4)(x + 4) = 0
2. QE x+4=0
3. QE
4. NQE
5. QE x=-4

Activity # 2 Set Me to Your Standard 2. x2 – 5x – 14 = 0 (x – 7)(x – 2) = 0

1. - 2x2 + 3x – 7 = 0/2x2 – 3x + 7 = 0 x–7=0 x–2=0
2. - 2r2 – 6r + 5 = 0/2r2 + 6r – 5 = 0 x–7+7=0+7 x–2+2=0+2

3. 2x2 – 6x – 15 = 0
4. x2 + 7x + 12 = 0
5. x2 + 8x + 24 = 0
x=7 x=2

3. y2 + 9y + 20 = 0 (y + 5)(y + 4) = 0
y+5=0 y+4=0
Activity # 3 What Made Me? y+5–5=0–5 y+4–4=0–4
y=-5 y=-4
x2 + bx + c m+n m(n) (x + m) (x + n)

w2 – 8w + 12 -6+2 -6(2) (w – 6)(w + 2) 4. b2 – 10b + 21 = 0(b – 7)(b – 3) = 0

b–7=0 b–3=0
x2 + 5x – 24 8 + (-3) 8(-3) (x + 8)(x – 3)
b–7+7=0+7 b–3+3=0+3
c2 + 6c + 5 5+1 5(1) (c + 5)(c + 1) b=7 b=3
r2 + 5r – 14 7 + (-2) 7(-2) (r + 7)(r – 2)

x2 + 9x + 20 5+4 5(4) (x + 5)(x + 4)


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