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Determining Motion Parameter

and Free Fall Experiment

Accelerated Physics

28 September 2018

1. Ploypapas Pianchoopat (Panpan) 6061101

2. Tanchanok Punnate (Amp) 6061159

3. Kan Ratanasovaphak (Jasper) 6061185


The concept of Physics has existed for over thousands of years. Even though some

theories are adjusted as scientists continue to discover new information which contradicts or

supports these theories, Physics is a law of nature that governs everything, from the non-

living to the living from either the space or the Earth.

Throughout the history of Physics, motion is one of the topics that many physicists

focus on. The very first physicist that laid the foundations of motion concept was Aristotle,

the renowned Greek scholar. He proposed two concepts to explain how objects move: the

natural force and violent force. However, these concepts of motion were challenged by

Galileo’s experiments on the Leaning Tower of Pisa and inclined planes, and the old concepts

of motion were officially changed by Isaac Newton.

Understanding the basic concepts of Linear motion is prerequisite to comprehend this

report, and these definitions of concepts are shown in the following sentences.

Linear motion is a two-dimensional motion in a straight line; for example, an object moves

forward for a distance of one kilometer. Speed describes how fast an object moves, and

distance describes how far an object travels in total. Conversely, velocity is a speed in a given

direct, and displacement is how far an object travels from start to finish points. Instantaneous

speed is a speed in a specific time while average speed is obtained by dividing total distance

with total time, thereby neglecting the variations in speed. Acceleration is a rate at which

velocity changes. Free fall is a type of linear motion that concerns how the gravity applies

force on an object.


These experiments do not focus on obtaining exact answers to the questions; however,

they aim for the learners to revise the concepts of linear motion, as well as to apply them

correctly on a real situation. Indeed, the external forces and other factors, such as friction and

air resistance, are present in the real environment, interfering with the calculation. So, it is

important for the learners to know how to cope with such problems. Moreover, Although

these concepts of motion are thoroughly taught in the classroom, the ideas behind them will

be less ambiguous if the learners practice how to use them in an empirical manner. Lastly, by

performing this experiment, learners will learn how to use the scientific methods correctly, as

well as exploiting their creativity to design a suitable experiment that yields satisfying results.


Determining Motion Parameter Experiment

1. a golf ball

2. a measuring tape

3. a stopwatch

Free Fall Experiment

1. 5 golf balls

2. a stopwatch


Determining Motion Parameter Experiment

1. Set start and finish points

2. Measure the distance between the two points

3. Assign each member a role: one person (timer) stands behind the finish point to

record time using a stopwatch; another person signal the timer when the ball passes

the start point; another person record the data.

4. Roll the ball behind the start point

5. Stop the stopwatch when the ball reaches the finish point

6. Record the time

7. Repeat step 4 to 6 in total of five times

8. Use recorded data to find an average velocity of the ball from the start to finish points

Free Fall Experiment

1. Assign each member a role: one member go to on the ground floor to collect balls

while the rest go to the fourth floor of the building with 5 golf balls

2. Assign each member on the building a role: one person let go of the ball while

simultaneously times how long the ball takes to hit the ground, and another one record

the time on the paper.

3. Let go of the ball from the building

4. Record time taken for the ball to reach the ground

5. Repeat step 3-4 into total of five times

6. Use recorded data to find an average height of the building


Newton’s Law of Motion : V =

The formula for velocity is velocity = . There are 3 factors in this

formula including velocity, distance, and time. However, in order to calculate one of the

factor, two factors must be present; in this case, we have a data of time and distance, so we

can calculate velocity.

Free Fall Motion : h = 𝑺𝑺

The gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its

center. Without gravity, everything would suspend in the air, including our body too.

In an absence of other external forces, Free fall motion concerns how gravitational

force affects an object on a vertical plane.

The formula for finding traveled distance of an object under an influence of gravity is

1 2
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑ℎ𝑑 = × 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 × (𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑) . As the equation

indicates, two factors -- including gravitational force and time -- are prerequisite to

calculating traveled distance. The gravitational force is already given in the question, which

is 9.80665 𝑑/𝑑𝑑𝑑 . The time is obtained during the experiment.

The Experiment Design

We conducted two experiments to answer the two essential questions: the average

velocity of a golf ball traveling in a horizontal plane and the average height of the building.

In the first experiment, we set up an independent variable, which is the distance

between the start and finish points. In addition, the given distance must be suitable for the

experiment. One of the reasons is that if the distance between two points is too long, the ball

might not pass through the final point. Likewise, if the distance is too short, the velocity of

the ball might be too fast, so we cannot record the time accurately. As a results, the recorded

time would not be precise, which lead to a dissatisfying calculation. Next, we assigned a

specific task for each of the member. One member is a thrower whose task is to throw the

ball behind the start point. Why did we not throw the ball on the start point? Because if we

did that, the ball would start rolling properly after the start point. Another member is a timer

whose task is to start timing when the ball passes through the start point and to stop timing

when the ball reaches the finish point. Last member is a signaler whose task is to signal the

timer that the ball has passed the start line so that the timer can start timing. In additional,

signaler has an additional job to record the time given by the timer. After that, despite

completing a round, we did an addition of 4 rounds to ensure that we minimize the random

errors, including the experimenters’ ability to record time accurately. In fact, the more

experiments we repeat, the more precise our final answer becomes.

Similarly to the first experiment, each member has a similar role in the second

experiment. One member is both a thrower and a timer whose tasks are to let go of the ball

from the building the ground while simultaneously start timing when releasing the ball and

stop timing when the ball hits the ground. The person can know when to stop timing by

listening to the sound made when the ball hits the ground. In addition, the reason for

assigning two tasks to the same person is that the person who record the time knows exactly

when the ball is let go. Another member is a recorder whose task is to record the data. Lastly,

one person is the ball collector whose task is to collect the ball when it drops onto the ground.

Next, the ball using in this experiment is a golf ball.


Determining Motion Parameter Experiment

Free Fall Experiment

Data and Results

Determing motion parameter experiment

❖ Recorded data

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Distance 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43 7.43


Time 2.91 3.88 3.31 2.47 3.35


❖ Calculated data

from, velocity =

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Avg. Velocity


Velocity 2.55 1.91 2.24 3.01 2.21 2.33


Free fall experiment

❖ Recorded Data

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Time 2.09 1.84 1.84 1.72 1.69


❖ Calculated Data

from, Height = 0.5 ⋅ 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ⋅ 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Avg. Height of the

Building (metre)

Height of the 21.4 16.6 16.6 14.5 14.0 16.6




In the first experiment, the data of recorded time varies between 2.47s and 3.88s, and

it can be expressed in this equation 3.175 ± 0.705. Judging by the deviation value, we

conclude that the precision of the data is relatively poor, due to limitation of experimenters’

ability to throw the ball with same velocity and time it accurately. However, after we took

this to calculate an average velocity of the ball, the result -- 2.33 m/s-- averages the errors

out, improving the accuracy of the answer.

In the second experiment, the data of recorded time varies between 1.69s and 2.09s,

and it can be expressed in this equation 1.89 ± 0.2. Judging by the deviation value, we

conclude that the precision of the data is relatively better than the first experiment. The

reason is that a same person simultaneously drops the ball and records the time, so the person

knows exactly when to start and stop timing. After we took this to calculate an average height

of the building, the result --16 metre -- averages the errors out, improving the accuracy of the



The final answers are successfully obtained by using the linear motion and free fall

equation, neglecting external forces such as air resistance and friction, to calculate the

average velocity of the moving ball and the average height of the building. Moreover, we

learnt how to apply our existing knowledge to our experiment, as well as helping us to revise

the scientific methods.


Because of our carelessness, we forgot to take pictures while we did the experiments.

So, we have to repeat the experiments in order to take pictures that we need for this lab

report, and it is time-consuming. Therefore, we will be more mindful of the given instruction

and follow it. Moreover, the method which we use to measure time did not yield us a precise

outcome, since it took some time to stop the stopwatch when the ball had reached the finish

point. Similarly, it took some time to know when a person signaled that the ball had reached

the final point. For the free fall experiment, it also took time for the timer to receive a signal

and stop the stopwatch when the ball had reached the ground. Thus, these recorded time

affected how we calculate the final answers. To fix these problems, next time we would use

sensors instead of humans to keep track of the time in both experiments. In this way, the data

that we collect would be more accurate than what we did since sensors are much faster than



Hewitt, P. G. (2014). Pearson New International Edition: Conceptual Physics. Harlow,

Essex: Pearson Education Limited

(n.d.). Retrieved September 24, 2018,


(n.d.). Retrieved September 26, 2018, from


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