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DOI 10.2478/JAS-2018-0026 J. APIC. SCI. VOL. 62 NO.

2 2018
J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 62 No. 2 2018
Original Article


Krystyna Pohorecka1*
Piotr Skubida2
Piotr Semkiw2
National Veterinary Research Institute, Department of Honey Bee Diseases,
Puławy, Poland
Research Institute of Horticulture, Apiculture Division, Puławy, Poland
*corresponding author:
Received: 13 September 2018; accepted 22 November 2018

Field trials were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of amitraz fumigation against
Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies with brood. Within this project the following
aspects were taken into consideration: strength of colony, the number of treatments,
time intervals between treatments and way of its performance. Honey bee colonies with
brood were fumigated four times with one tablet of Apiwarol® per each treatment every
four, six, eight and ten days. The tablets with amitraz were burned in the electrical device
Wakont or directly in hives. In case of amitraz fumigation with Wakont even four treatments
reduced infestations of V. destructor to a limited extent, on average from 40 to 61% of
mite populations. A similar effectiveness among the treatments has been ascertained
regardless of intervals between them. The efficacy of amitraz combustion in hives was
slightly higher and statistically significant only after four treatments. Moreover, beyond
brood area, the population of worker bees turned out to determine treatment efficacy
with amitraz in this form and modes of administration. In honey bee colonies with brood,
even four amitraz fumigations do not decrease the level V. destructor infestation to the
extent that it is safe for wintered bees.

Keywords: amitraz fumigation, control, honey bee, Varroa destructor

INTRODUCTION procedures. Apiwarol® come in tablets and each

contains 12.5 mg of amitraz. Immediately after
The epizootic situation of a Varroa destructor ignition, the tablet glows and amitraz is release
parasite infestation endangers the population into the air. According to the manufacturer’s
of honey bee colonies. In summer, high and recommendations, Apiwarol® should be used in
even critical level of the parasite invasion is colonies with the small amounts of brood, twice
detected in many national apiaries (Pohorecka during spring and two to three times in autumn,
et al., 2013, 2014). These data reflect that however this is rarely implemented in apiaries.
the action undertaken by beekeepers towards The control of V. destructor infestation is very
fighting Varroa mites are insufficient. For more often conducted in the summer months during
than thirty years treatment based on amitraz intensive brood rearing, but unfortunately there
(formulation Apiwarol® and Biowar 500®) have is no preferred approach so beekeepers apply
been used by most beekeepers (Pohorecka et Apiwarol® to colonies in any way, often based
al., 2014), which seriously risks the contamina- on recommendations prepared for colonies with
tion of apiculture products (Kiljanek et al., 2017; no brood. Thus, honey bee colonies are only
Pohorecka et al., 2017, 2018) and the possibility fumigated with amitraz from one to three times
to select more resistant strains of V. destructor per summer.
(Pohorecka & Bober, 2007, 2008; Maggi et al., In the absence of recommendations and
2010; Kamler et al., 2016). Low field effective- additional data on amitraz efficacy in colonies
ness of the administered drug are frequently with brood, beekeepers are unable to correctly
caused by incorrectly performed treatment combat the threats arising from V. destructor
Pohorecka et AL. Varroacidal efficiency of amitraz

infestation. Therefore, the effectiveness of III and IV (Tab. 1) and fumigated four times with
treatments with amitraz conducted in summer one tablet of Apiwarol® per each treatment
must be assessed to ensure appropriate every four, six, eight and ten days, respectively.
protection of honey bee colonies. The amitraz tablets smouldered in an electrical
Wakont device and the smoke was then
MATERIAL AND METHODS introduced through a nozzle to the entrances
of hives. In autumn, ten broodless honey bee
Honey bee colonies colonies were also fumigated with Wakont four
Field studies were conducted in 2014 and 2015, times with one tablet of Apiwarol® per each
in apiaries of the Research Institute of Hor- treatment every four days (named as group VIII
ticulture at the Apiculture Division in Pulawy - positive control in Tab. 1).
and in the apiary of the National Veterinary In the first half of August 2015, ten colonies
Research Institute. The experiment was carried with uncapped and capped brood (group V in
out on Apis mellifera carnica and Apis mellifera Tab. 1) and ten broodless honey bee colonies
caucasica honey bee colonies maintained in (group VII - positive control) were fumigated
Wielkopolski hives (frame size: 360 mm x 260 four times every four days with one tablet of
mm) equipped with deep mesh-covered bottom Apiwarol® per each treatment. The smouldering
boards. tablets of Apiwarol® were located directly on
Before the start of the trial, colonies were the bottom board in both groups of the hives.
monitored to estimate the bee population. This Indirect amitraz-generated smoke was applied
was done by counting the number of combs with a Wakont to another ten broodless colonies
with both sides covered by bees. The amount (group VI - positive control). The dates of amitraz
of brood (uncapped and capped brood) was administration are given in Tab. 1.
determined by the measuring of vertical and Each treatment was performed in the evening
horizontal axes of brood combs were on both after the end of bee flights. During fumigation
their sides. Tables of Brood Area Measurements the hive entrances were closed. The natural
from the Polish Industry Standard BN-81/9148- mortality of the parasite was assessed in the ten
01 were used to calculate the area (dm2). untreated colonies (negative control). Two days
In July 2015, queens were caged to obtain after the last fumigation, a control treatment
some colonies without a brood but with a high with two strips of Biowar 500® was applied for
population of adults. All honey bee colonies were six weeks in each colony within groups I-VII to
naturally infected with V. destructor. For two evaluate the efficiency of each treatment with
weeks before treatments the dead Varroa mites amitraz and to assess the number of mites that
from each colony were counted on the bottom survived the treatment with Apiwarol®. The
boards. The level infestation was determined on second control formulation of one trickling with
the basis of average daily fall of the parasite. 3.5% oxalic acid solution was administrated to
Honey bee colonies were subsequently divided the no-brood colonies directly after the removal
into homogeneous experimental and control of the strips in October or November (depending
groups of ten hives each. on the starting date of amitraz treatments). The
control treatment of colonies within group VIII
Amitraz treatment and efficacy assay was executed only by trickling with 3.5% oxalic
The varroacidal effectiveness of fumigation acid solution on 18 October.
with amitraz (Apiwarol®) was assessed in fifty The dead Varroa mites dropped on the bottom
honey bee colonies with uncapped and capped boards were counted after each treatment.
brood and in thirty broodless colonies as the The efficacy (E%) of amitraz treatments
positive control. In the last week of July 2014, was calculated as: E% = 100 [TA / (TC + TA)].
forty honey bee colonies with brood, were TA equals the number of mites fallen on the
divided into four groups marked as groups I, II, bottom board of each hive during the amitraz

J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 62 No. 2 2018
treatment period, and TC equals the number of roacidal efficacy of amitraz treatment after
mites collected after the control treatments. each fumigation and area of brood between all
E% was calculated for treatments one, two, treatment groups were determined whether
three and four, respectively. to be significant using one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA) with Welch test. All the statis-
Statistical analysis tical analyses were carried out using Statistica
Data were expressed as mean ± standard 10 StatSoft, and p < 0.05 was considered to
deviation (SD). Before the performing of the indicate statistical significance.
statistical analysis, data were examined for
normality with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov RESULTS
and Lilliefors tests and variance homogene-
ity with Levene’s test as parametric test as- The population of honey bee workers in the
sumptions. Differences in mean values of var- groups of colonies treated with amitraz in August

Table 1.
Pattern of treatments with amitraz and biological status of honey bee colonies

Number of combs covered Area of brood before the

Period and methods of amitraz
by bees before the first first treatment and after the
treatment with amitraz last treatment with amitraz
(for each group n=10 colonies)
(mean±SD) (mean in dm2±SD)
Group I
35.9bc ±6.2
31.07-12.08.2014 W 18.9b ±0.3
37.7bc ±6.4
4 x every 4 days
Group II
41.5bc ±14.8
31.07-18.08.2014 W 18.8b ±0.3
31.5bc ±7.4
4 x every 6 days
Group III
33.4bc ±5.8
28.07-21.08.2014 W 18.6b ±0.7
6.7a ±1.8
4 x every 8 days
Group IV
33.5bc ±12.3
29.07-28.08.2014 W 18.4b ±08
2.3a ±1.8
4 x every 10 days
Group V
54.8c ±14.8
13.08-25.08.2015 BB 18.4b ±0.7
19.1b ±9.1
4 x every 4 days
Group VI - positive control
13.08-25.08.2015 W 18.6b ±0.5 0
4 x every 4 days
Group VII - positive control
13.08-25.08.2015 BB 18.8b ±0.3 0
4 x every 4 days
Group VIII - positive control
01.10-17.10.2014 W 9.5a ±0.8 0
4 x every 4 days
Group IX - negative control
- 18.9b ±0.3 32.5bc ±5.4

W - tablet with amitraz burned in Wakont

BB - tablet with amitraz burned on bottom board of hives
a,b,c - means with different small letters in the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)

Pohorecka et AL. Varroacidal efficiency of amitraz

Table 2.
Number of V. destructor mites fallen on bottom board during amitraz treatments of honey bee
colonies with and without brood

Period and manner of Number of dead Varroa mites after each Number of
honey bee colonies treatment with amitraz (mean±SD) dead Varroa
status of
treatment In total, mites after
honey bee after after after after
(for each group of after four control
colonies first second third fourth
colonies n=10) treatments treatments
Group I
221.9 261.4 229 214.1 926.4 1183.4
31.07-12.08.2014 W
±104.3 ±151.3 ±135.7 ±142.0 ±467.6 ±758.7
4 x every 4 days
Group II
291.6 290.2 271.8 230.9 1084.5 872.8
31.07-18.08.2014 W
±309.4 ±407.1 ±217.6 ±215.9 ±1118.9 ±522.7
4 x every 6 days
With brood

Group III
441.9 410.9 446.4 633.7 1932.9 2248.6
28.07-21.08.2014 W
±240.9 ±218.8 ±237.6 ±309.1 ±714.9 ±1250.8
4 x every 8 days
Group IV
377 537.4 562.1 1016.9 2493.4 1827.1
29.07-28.08.2014 W
±292.2 ±329.3 ±332.1 ±354.2 ±1171.5 ±1568.2
4 x every 10 days
Group V
579.3 673.5 1073.5 871.7 3198 1050
13.08-25.08.2015 BB
±779.7 ±663.0 ±1072.3 ±600.5 ±2806.8 ±928.0
4 x every 4 days
Group VI
357.1 82.1 44.8 5.8 489.8 31.0
13.08-25.08.2015 W
±398.0 ±96.8 ±94.3 ±5.5 ±443.9 ±17.0
(positive control)

4 x every 4 days
Without brood

Group VII
741.1 92.6 20.8 3.6 858.1 35.1
13.08-25.08.2015 BB
±896.1 ±61.5 ±19.7 ±7.4 ±919.1 ±36.6
4 x every 4 days
Group VIII
658.6 10 1.8 670.4 9.4
01.10-17.10.2014 W 0
±425.9 ±12.5 ±1.9 ±438.6 ±5.9
4 x every 4 days

W - amitraz tablet burned in Wakont

BB - amitraz tablet burned on bottom board of hives
a,b,c - means with different small letters in the same column are significantly different (p< 0.05)

(groups I-VII) and group of untreated colonies because queens were placed in cages, 520 to
(negative control) were similar (Tab. 1). In each 893 parasites were found. In colonies with
of them, on average the eighteen combs were queens which seasonally stopped laying eggs,
covered by bees. Colonies treated in October the average number of parasites was 679 mites
(group VIII - positive control) had considerably per colony. In the control colonies (untreated),
less adult insects. Before the start of treatment, the average number of V. destructor was 2550
in the groups of colonies raising brood (groups mites per colony.
I-V and IX), the capped brood surfaces of were Colonies with brood which were amitraz-fumi-
similar with an area from 32.5 to 54.8 dm2. The gated four times every four and six days (group
V. destructor infestation level was high in most I, and II) similar numbers of mites destroyed
colonies from all groups. Groups of colonies after each treatment. However, the colonies
with brood had an average number of up to treated four times every eight and ten days had
4320 Varroa mites. In groups without brood a much higher number of dead parasites was

J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 62 No. 2 2018
Table 3.
Average varroacidal efficacy of amitraz treatments of honey bee colonies with and without

Period and manner Percentage of Varroa mites dead after another

treatment of honey bee treatments with amitraz (mean and range)
status of
honey bee
(for each group of after one after two after three after four
colonies n = 10)
Group I
10.8a 22.7a 33.2ab 43.3a
31.07-12.08.2014 W
1.7-18.5 3.2-31.7 3.5-43.9 4.7-60.7
4 x every 4 days
Group II
13.1a 25.5a 39.5ab 50.3a
31.07-18.08.2014 W
6.6-18.6 15.5-42.5 22.1-56.6 30.7-69.0
4 x every 6 days
With brood

Group III
10.7a 20.7a 31.9a 46.9a
28.07-21.08.2014 W
4.9-22.7 11.5-32.9 15.2-43.5 28.1-59.6
4 x every 8 days
Group IV
8.1a 20.8a 33.8ab 61.2ab
29.07-28.08.2014 W
0.2-14.7 3.8-31.7 15.8-45.8 42.3-83.3
4 x every 10 days
Group V
11.4a 27.3a 49.4b 74.5bc
13.08-25.08.2015 BB
0.8-24.0 13.2-48.9 39.3-63.9 54.0-92.0
4 x every 4 days
Group VI
51.1b 70.7b 79.7c 83.3c
13.08-25.08.2015 W
16.5-93.3 37.3-96.2 37.3-98.3 54.5-98.3
4 x every 4 days
(positive control)
Without brood

Group VII
55.0b 80.9bc 88.2c 88.7c
13.08-25.08.2015 BB
4.8-93.3 20.1-99.5 48.3-99.7 48.3-99.7
4 x every 4 days
Group VIII
96.9c 98.2c 98.5c 98.5c
01.10-17.10.2014 W
95.2-98.8 97.1-99.0 97.1-99.2 97.1-99.2
4 x every 4 days

W - amitraz tablet burned in Wakont

BB - amitraz tablet burned on bottom board of hives
a,b,c - means with different small letters in same column are significantly different (p< 0.05)

after the fourth fumigation. In the groups of of colonies with and without brood (p = 0.00).
broodless colonies (VI-VIII), most mites had died The proportion of dead parasites after another
after the first amitraz treatment (Tab. 2). In the fourth treatments, regardless of intervals
untreated group (negative control), on average between them, did not differ significantly in the
ninety-one mites per colony had died within one colonies with brood Wakont - fumigated (groups
month as a result of natural mortality. I-IV) averaging between 8 - 13%; 21 - 25%; 32 -
The efficacy of amitraz in the eradication of 39% and 43 - 61% of the total mites population,
V. destructor achieved after each treatment is respectively. Four operations of amitraz being
presented in Tab. 3. The share of Varroa mites directly burned in hives release the honey bee
fallen on bottom boards after each treatment colonies with brood from significantly higher
differ significantly mainly between the groups rate of parasites (74%) in comparison to the four

Pohorecka et AL. Varroacidal efficiency of amitraz
Wakont fumigations (43 – 61%). Both methods of The results of the fight against V. destructor
burning Apiwarol® in three groups of broodless in honey bee colonies fumigated four times
colonies was significantly more effective in every four days are particularly worrying, as
comparison to the therapeutic outcomes of the parasites removed from colonies accounted
colonies with brood. The highest efficacy (96.5% only around 44% of their total population. This
after one and 98.5% after fourth treatments) manner should hypothetically cause the de-
was found in the group of broodless colonies struction of most mites. This scheme includes
fumigated in October. In both groups of colonies four treatments with period of duration of
with no brood treated in August, a similar the capped brood which is present in colonies
percentage of mites had died after another during the first fumigation, whereas a further
round of treatments. The average efficacy three treatments are scheduled at intervals
of one, two, three and four treatments in the shorter than the shortest period (four days) of
group fumigated with Wakont amounted to 51, the Varroa female phoretic phase (Rosenkranz,
71, 80 and 83%, respectively. The V. destructor Aumeier & Ziegelmann, 2010). Therefore,
population decreased on average by 55%, 81%, all mites which leave the cells together with
88% and 89% in relation to the total number of emerging bees should stay on the surface of
mites found in the colonies fumigated by direct bee bodies, thereby being exposed to amitraz
combustion of Apiwarol® in hives. over the consecutive treatments.
In colonies with brood, the application of
DISCUSSION amitraz through direct combustion in hives or
indirect combustion in a Wakont had a greater
Although we expected a lower amitraz influence on treatment efficacy. However,
efficiency in colonies with brood, we were during direct Apiwarol® combustion, efficacy
surprised by the results achieved in the field statistically increased by over 30% was only
studies. It turned out that even after four after the implementation of four treatments.
amitraz Wakont treatments (one more than In the broodless colonies, the percentage of dead
is recommended for the autumn period), the mites was considerably higher in comparison to
number of mites declined approximately 50%. the groups with brood regardless of the appli-
After any single treatment regardless of the cation manner of amitraz fume. Nevertheless,
length of time between subsequent fumigation the most varroacidal activity of amitraz was
the honey bee colonies were released on observed in colonies without brood and treated
average from 10.1 to 15.0% parasites. Only in October, which reflects how the strength of
the last intervention within a group of colonies colonies (population of worker bees) influences
treated every ten days resulted in the deaths the effects of amitraz fumigation. In this group
of 27.4% parasites. Because the fourth of broodless colonies on average 97% mites
treatment in the mentioned above colonies was were killed already after the first treatment.
performed at the end of August, we believe Such a rate represented close to over half of
that a higher efficacy of amitraz fumigation the percentage of mites fallen in broodless
caused the decreased brood area. However, colonies after the first treatment in August.
in honey bee colonies fumigated four times All these data lead to the conclusion that both
every ten days the level of infestation was the the brood and adult population have a sig-
highest possibly due to the mite proliferation nificant impact on the effectiveness of bee
during the extended period of full treatment colony protection with amitraz. Bąk, Wilde, &
(30 days). At the four-day intervals between Siuda (2013) also assessed summer Apiwarol®
treatments, comparable results of the efficacy treatment and obtained better results with an
were already obtained after twelve days. The average efficiency of was 94.1% for three-time
total level of Varroa mite infestation in colonies fumigation.
treated this way was twice as low (Tab. 2). Increasing amitraz fumigation efficiency

J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 62 No. 2 2018
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