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1st Law - Get out of your own way

A. Too much theories, principles, routines stifles a person. Which In turn stops them from being their genuine
self. Ex - Body language.

1. What you've to understand that little things like body language doesn't matter. When you focus on the
macro concepts all the little micro concepts will fix themselves.

2. Back in the day routines would stifle guys. Now the concepts do it. It kills the humanity, soul in game. So
from now on. Instead focus on the macro concepts. The 10 Laws. These laws structure up ALL your game and
it's the only shit that you need to remember in field.

B. The teachings that tell you to approach a lot to create then develop that attractive pickup persona is wrong.
Realise you already have it. Game isn't something you build up to. It's a journey to unstifle and bring out your
true genuine self. Understand you already have it. You just need to get unstifled and bring it out. Ex -

i) An introverted person who's really wimpy and boring outside is the most entertaining / charismatic person
in a video game. He just just can't bring out that persona / be genuine outside in irl.

ii) A guy can talk on and on in front of a 2 but when he's placed infront of a 10, he stifles up.

[ Personal Note : If your genuine self repulses people. Then you have accumulated a lot of traumatic
experiences which has corroded your personality. In which case you should use TM to process the
experiences. After which your genuine self will be a lot better and 10Game will work much much better for

C. Something blocks you which in turn bars your genuine self to come out. You've to get rid of that shell.

1. Things get in your way and bars your genuine self when going out. Such as -

i) Entitlement.

ii) Need for approval.

iii) Outcome Dependency.

iv) Internal Fears.

D. Understand that until you start accepting your insecurities / beliefs you hang to and start being honest
with yourself. They'll always block that attractive personality from coming out.

i) If you keep blocking that then it'll keep blocking you. ( Use TM guided releases to process those insecurities.
They'll present themselves as sensations. )

E) Realise that no matter how much looks and money you acquire. A really hot girl will always have access to
better. So that's an unwinnable game. Understand that you shouldn't play this way let alone try to win.
That's for chodes only.

F) The best way to get past this is to offer one unique thing no one else can top you at. Your own uniqueness.
Its the only thing you can offer that no one else can and that's what'll draw her in. You have to zone in so
much in that unique value that the rest just melts away.

i) Same with openers. We find the best thing to say but there will always be better things to say. Instead
focus on your uniqueness. Target may have heard your opener before but she hasn't heard you say it before.
That's your uniqueness it's the experience that will draw her in.

I) The girl will go with the guy who's uniqueness she experiences better. So you should harness that
experience of uniqueness.

G) The Soul Primes Above All else - most important thing to know in game. Obsessing over the little detail
kills it. The soul could be your uniqueness. It primes above technique, theory, content etc.

i) In fact the girl would be more attracted a bit if you broke the rules a bit, became more humane instead of
being more perfect.

That's what she's looking for. Perfect guy who follows the rules perfectly has no soul. She won't connect on a
fundamental level. There's nothing attractive about it.

H) Now don't proactively break the rules. Focus on the macro concepts and forget about the little details.
Otherwise it will stifle you.

Ex - ( waiting for the perfect moment to open )

Understand too no girl has ever judged you for the little details ( like your opener ). She is always looking at
the bigger picture.
I) There is a stereotype of guys that game should be perfect and elegant. This is absolutely ludicrous. Game is
messy. There are going to be times when it's even extremely messy. There are times when she seems
attracted and there are times where the girl withdraw her iois and looks bored. Most guys bounce out here
with excuses of bad opening at this point, like her friends came in and made me look stupid or I said
something stupid atm.

i) Realise no girl has ever fucked someone because of his opener and vice versa.

Realise no girl has ever not fucked someone because he looked like an idiot for a min when her friends came

ii) She's not looking at the little details instead she's looking at overall whether your the shit the cool guy or
not. You still have to your use your brain tho lol.

III) So understand those small details don't matter. Let go of them and bring back some humanity into your
interactions. Get out of your own way.

Let go of being perfect, having that smooth interaction where everything goes according to plan. You are
going to fuck it up. Be okay with fucking it up and trust that she's looking at the bigger picture. That soul that
humanity that flows through you not you being perfect.

She's fucking you not because you because you did every little detail in pickup right. She's fucking you
because your a cool guy who offers real value.

iv) Now don't make the mistake of beating yourself up for every little detail mistake. If your doing that your
killing the soul and now you feel like shit. How will she be having an awesome experience if your not.

Keep in mind that making mistakes makes it human.

I) Now. When you go out, your harnessing that uniqueness and putting it out there. It's not for everyone.
Some are just not gonna want any of it. Especially if your authentic. It's normal and reasonable. So stop
taking rejections personally dumbfucks. This can happen even if your on point ( authentically ). There are
some you like some you don't. Some you connect with and someone your repulsed by. They didn't do
anything wrong, You 2 aren't just meant to connect. It's natural. So rejection is thereby natural. Also
rejections may not even have to do with you. Some external factors may be at play.
i) The only way to get everyone is to keep changing your game and who you are. This makes you
compromises and kills your soul. Your gonna feel like shit on some extent the whole time your gaming them.
People who do this are people pleasers. So if you are a people please be authentic or please kys.

ii) Remember that if your in a relationship with types like those. You'll be in a constant state of frenzy to
uphold your image. It'll feel like hell. It's not worth it.

If your in a relationship with someone who likes you, you won't have to worry about all that. She'll like you
for who you are. You'll like the dynamic and will be at ease. And you'll also be in power of the dynamic
naturally all the time. Your relationship should be your sanctuary.

J) When your out approaching you should care about relatability to an extent. But not at the cost of who you
are and what's authentic to you.

K) Understand rejection is normal. You should be getting rejected. Get out of that people pleasing paradigm
where your trying to make every girl like you. That's most guys goals. They don't even wanna succeed. Their
vision of success is just getting good reactions. ( Use TM to fix this people pleasing. It's due to want of
validation ). You could instead have a blast with girls who you like you for who you are. You don't have to
manipulate them or hold back. You could go the people pleasing route but don't be surprised if your nights
are stressful and not so enjoyable.

K) Now girls are open to different times of the night. At the beginning of the night. Their goal is to just have
fun build up that volume bar. They don't want to spend multiple hours talking to just 1 dude. Even if your
game and your soul is conveyed on point. The convo is just gonna last 10 to 15 mins. Sex is just the climax of
this emotional buildup which is the night out.

L) Also rejection is gradual. It's not sudden or explosive unless you do something extremely uncalibrated. So
don't fear it. And sometimes it's not your fault, sometimes the girl might even be having a bad day. Bad

i) Something to think about is why do you care so much. Why are you so attached to someone's approval or
need the girl to be complete. What's so bad if you don't get her approval or reach your objective. ( Use TM
get to the cause, process it in order to get rid of the need for approval. )

M) Make your sarging times sustainable and fun. If you don't have a blast, being so caught up in the rules you
will give up on it. You can only will yourself to an extent. But if you game authentically being you make it part
of you part of who you are you'll stick at it. Make it sustainable. Failure to do this is why many people give up
in pickup. They don't find a way to get out of their own way.
N) Be relatable. Your humour could be pretty out there but there's also that area in between where you've to
be socially aware. So sometimes when you approach you should open extreme or not extreme but still
relatable to yourself. If she reacts badly you should start slowing down, more until you reach the point right
before it becomes incongruent to you.

O) Your world of no rejection is a fantasy. It doesn't exist. Be okay with it. ( Use TM to get rid of that need. )
The more you hold on to it the shittier you'll feel. A world of no rejection and comfort will never happen and
that's why it creates all this resistance. You attached to this false delusion. Maybe due to social conditioning.
( Use TM to get the cause. ) Your can always be rejected let go of those mystical realities. Your always gonna
have it, you can only choose how it effects you.

i) The rejection isn't that bad, it in of itself is an event. Its beating yourself up or the belief that follows from
that, that brings you down. If you were told from the start rejection is awesome you wouldn't feel bad when
it happens to you.

P) What unrealistic realities are you hanging on to and be okay with it as unrealistic. Ask yourself why do you
need that approval. Why do you need it, what's so bad if you don't get it. Your assuming here you're
incomplete while there's no reason to. Stop approaching like your not enough. You may get happy when you
get that approval, but realise if you rely on it you can also lose it. Emotions come and go the world is dual. Be
okay with not getting approval. ( Use TM to get to the cause and get rid of it hence getting rid of the
neediness. ) This is why you'll always be tense even when you get the girl. This is why most guys lose their
baes. They can hide their approval seeking for a bit. But they get it then they freak out worrying about losing
it. Same happens when a guy gets good reactions from his approach or make outs. When he gets it he
doesn't know how to handle it, fears of losing it then Bam set dies down. your done. After a make out guys
take it a a huge sign of approval fears losing it, fucks it up. Let go of this need for approval. Be okay with not
getting it. Get to the cause by asking why do you need the girl, approval to feel good enough. Why aren't you
enough right now. Are you afraid of being alone, feeling isolated. Be okay with being alone. ( Use TM to get
rid of the traumas causing your subconscious to do this. )

i) Another one is your ego. Your going to constantly feel the need to validate your image. And as long as your
doing trying to get a reaction, your going to get in your own way. Ask yourself why are you seeking a reaction.
Why do you need those reactions. There is no reason you aren't enough. Let go of them. ( Again TM ).

ii) Another one is being out of state. If someone told you being out of state was the shit. You would be happy
to be out of state but then funny enough you would be in state. As soon as you feel good being out of state
you'll be in state. Your gonna keep having state crashes but if you view state crashes / being outta state as
good, you'll remain in state. Labeling it bad starts a whole chain of negative emotions, so stop labeling it bad
and it won't effect you as such. Same applies to AA. Try to let go of labeling, emotions come and go this world
is dual.
iii) Expectations can go hand in hand with seeking approval in order to reinforce a certain image. If you go out
with high expectations you'll have a bad night out, vice versa you'll have a good night out. Don't be too
attached to the outcome. Let it go and you'll stop hanging to certain events or reactions to validate that

Q) The key to not having a state crashes is to learn how to feel good no matter what you feel. Feel good
about feeling bad, low energy, high energy, feel good about being in your head. Cuz that's the key.

Try to let go of label / image that state is super high energy, super outgoing. That's not safe and you won't be
able to maintain state with that view and expectation.

This way you won't beat yourself up for being out of state and won't get that resistance from trying to resist
being out of state. And the negativity of not getting the expected outcome of not able to get back in state.

R) Scarcity : Scarcity of hot women. You'll be putting pressure on yourself not to fuck it up since you have
limited chances. The only way to get over this is to learn how to have equal amount of fun with all HB ratings
of women. You gotta game the 2s just as much you game the 10s.

i) To get the 9s and 10s you can't be so attached to them. You can't view them as a 10. You've to be so loose
and carefree that they're drawn in. They won't go for anything less than that since they've a lot more options
and cooler dudes who dgaf.

ii) As soon as you have genuine fun talking to less attractive girls, the judgement on them will lift. And so will
the judgement on the hot ones. After which that pressure won't be there anymore. Then they're yours for
the taking. Ideally you can go even further beyond by having just as much fun by yourself. No girls at all. Then
you get em all. It's gotta be genuine or you won't be able to pull them in / they won't buy into you. So you
gotta desensitize yourself to the judgement / viewing them on a pedestal. 2 ways to do this

(a) Surround yourself with 10s all the time.

(b) Have genuine fun with the lesser ones. Let go of the judgement on one side the judgment on the other
side falls too.

iii) There are 2 beliefs that'll hold you back from doing this.

a ) People judging you for talking and having fun with not hot girls. But you've to understand that in reality it
makes you cooler. Because the cool guy can and will talk to all HBs while the tryhard guy will just talk to hot
ones. He'll be worried about what people will think of him and people can sense that. ( Use TM to get to the
cause of why you GAF about other people to process and let go of it. )

S) Understand that trying to be cool doesn't mean you act or imitate people who you think is cool. Cool
people don't give a fuck. They can get away with shit. Like when they have shit body language. They're not
trying to be cool that's what makes them cool. They dgaf that's what makes them cool. So you shouldn't gaf
too. If you do that they can sense that and your fucked.

T) You should talk to not hot girls like you do to your female fams. It should come from a different vibe. You
don't flirt to fuck them. There 2 types of flirting 1 for fucking other for the sake of it. You do it for the fun of it
vs im doing this and there's the possibility of it leading further.

i) If you dont wanna hurt them be genuine and subcommunicate that in the vibe and flirt for the sake of it.
She'll sense it in the subtleties and nuances in the vibe.

ii) The same applies to jokes of the subtleties and nuances. Like saying a joke to a friend vs saying it in an
interview to make the boss laugh. Same joke different vibe.

U) Remember to have collaborative frame instead of a 'me vs you're frame. Don't treat a 10 like a big boss to
conquer. It's you and her not you vs her.

i) Your playing to win. But a lot more subtle and vicious. Like don't persue attract. You cant persue you gotta
do shit that attracts that girl. It's a lot harder and subtle but that's how you win. You gotta be on top of your
shit but it's a lot more indirect in a way.

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