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Museo Alqucológ1co Nacional ¡¡iüring de Lanbaycquc

The Royal Tombsof Sipán:ArL and Power

in Moche Society

Irc d:scorery in r98- of rhe fusr SipJn(ornD thc uppcrsectorof the plctform Thc findü)g
lcd ro a ncw Lndersrrndingof rhe splendor of th< romL \dasprecededby rhe dr<co\er) of
rrd significanccof burixl for thc highesrcchr- r rcposiror)of offcrrngsdrar irrcludcdr,r3-
lon of Moche socicty.Tolrb r containedtl,e cerarnicvessels,arnongother objccts.
richest burial, in terrns of both the variety I he Lwclvc(o'nbo lllx( wc Lravcqxc;rvlrcd
Jrrdquality of thc prccioüsrneril objects,ever in the ftiirerary platform penain to vadous
scicnrificdl) cxcavarcdill rhc wcsrernher¡i- e¡as and llllillg hiemrchies. The inventory
sphere.Conrinuirrgcxcavctronshavc dcrLron- rnd cor)Lprrisonof rlLcscrombshJvc rllo\red
stratcd xhat Sipán was not just the site of ¿ us to infer the role ¿ndftirction of eáchof the
siLr8Le Lrricsric royal roL¡b..bur.r moruruerr buriedindividual5. Irve>rigrrionsro dilteindi-
l'hcrc nrany of thc royalLy o[ LLreMoch. catethat theseelite tombs c¿nbealividedinto
worl.l wcrc inrcrrcd o\cr rimc, To d¡rc, we four broa<1caregories:rl¡ljnt lords, priesr,,
hnve cncoulrc¡cd rwch c ro lbs rhrr a rplify r)rilirrr) lc¿ders,arrdfin.rlly tJrcsccontl-rrLrl<
our vision oI the Moche sociál ard poiitical assrstrrrrs ro InilitJr) lcrdcrsandpflcsts.fhc
world. We now have ¡ broaderview of elitc prescnccof drffcrerr onr¡mcnt.. qcnoons
budal practices,which previouslycould only ,1d ri,uil ob,ec,.in e.,chof rhe funerarycor-
bc conJccrurcd[roL¡ rhe prilrcd /epresenL¿- texts suggeststhe distinct soci¿l¡oles of the
tions on Moche architectuleand ceramics, buded hclividuals.
Ihe qireof Siprn w¡. n¡med ¡fter a ¡u¡¡l The iLrrreraryspacc irself rlso <eenrsro
rown i.1rhc l¿.11bryeque \¡ller ofnorLhwe.r- havebeendelimitedby socialiole. The tombs
crr tcru. The ¡rcSxeolog rrl .re con' of of individuals relatedto politic¿l or milit¿ry
two largc and croileil pyranridal structures of powerxreprinrrrilvir I re norlhen..ecr'onof
adobc(mLr.lbrick), and a thi/d, loscL ¿rld the funclary platfoln1,usiug Tomb r as the
smaller, now known as the funerary pladorrn LcnLr¿lr(fcrcnr Mosr individu¿Lsbr¡¡rcJ i,
{fig. r ).This rectangular platform was probably the.outhernp¿rt,rn conn¿st,h¿dorl¡crfuu.-
constructedin sft phases;sometimebetween tions, princip¿lly dtual
A.D.r and3oolfig.2,MenesesandChero19941
facl "ucccs<ivc p\ásccncáp5ul,red Lhccá"1'e'
Tombs of the First OrdeÍ: Lords and
con5!rucrions ¿s rhe pl¿Lformw¿s cn]arged.
AIthoughd,rn¡gedb1 ero.ronand1oorq, rhe
Mochee.r orMDrenrlvnh In¡l sr.ucrurcre'en-bles r ong recrrngular The most complextombs at SipánareTotubs
lisue oi a w.rrior, Toúb r
nl¿r¡o"rnw r\ ,r prñrrirerce loc¡redrow¡rd r, 2, ánd 3. The indiyidu¿l interredin Tomb r
Mus@ a¡qu@ló8ró N¿don¡l the cenrer,whcrc Tornb T wás found.Th. undoubtedlyheld consideráblepower in this
principaltomb wasin the center-westarea,in ¡ o r L l c o ¡ s rr ¡ l ' c ' d u ' i r s r h ¡ M ñ ' l , c c r n

andhe was dubbedthe Lord of SipáÍIin r 987, AnorherrmpojLárrindcx grvi.1sinform.r- r. vidv of tlc.rch¿colosiúl
site ot SipÁi,I¡mbayeqüe
¡lludi¡g to both the nativc toponym and his tion oÍr soci¿l catcsories¿nd rolcs within vallet Pcm.The Iu¡cn¡y
rrnk rc ¿u cLh.liclord of Lhc.rre¡.tLc iLrd'- Mochc culrure is provjdedby thc p'ilciprl rl¡tfou¡ is ¡¡ lowc¡lcft
rhordA¡ifr by nill ¡¡Uc¡bdi
v'rlulrl.buricdin Tombs: :nd 3 ;re krou ornrrnc[l5 pen¡ining Lo ránk Ihrt arc typi-
thc Priest,and thc O1dLord of Sipán,respec- c.rlly locarcdwirh rhc rcrDrir. of thc indi
rrrcly. l\e.c tombs'cpre.ent thc \ighe.r vidual. Finding inlormation of this order,in
r¿nk of Moche cultrúe, given the sizeand dis- itr origjrrl cortcxr provid(sa hcrrer'deiof
positíon of thc funeraryspaces,in ¿dditionto the lclationshipsbetweenthe perso[s \¡/ithin
the number of buried retainers,the quantity rh. tombs ¡nd of tl)c brorder MocJrcsphere.
arrl qualiL¡ut Ll'c turerar) good' and tlrt In this prelimináry study,I a1¡ conce¡trating
matcrialsusedto producethe oñaments ¿nd on rhe mo-r idcitfirble orn,rn'enr.,.pLcrfr
embleñs. Together,thcse feáturesset these Lally anicler rur "d 'rexror on rhc princrprL
r o m L ra. p : r r f r o m d r c o . h c r ' ¡ r s r f ¿ r . l o r persoiagesin the tombs.Thus, wc can begin ,. Reconstruchon ot ihc
example,Tomb r consistsol a very complex ro Lrrdcr.r¿nd rnorcLLea"ly Lhe.r< of "oci¡l ¡rchncdur¡l pháses oi thc

funerrr; chanhcr u irh th< pri n¡ru lord su' dtual, and nilitary symbols oI power. in
r o u r d c db y e r B h ¿ r ..nrrDrnring indi\iduilt our investigations, we havc [oted the impol- ¡ D¡inús by albdto Guriércz
'crrirers r. v( n re- rárceof certoin dcráilsin thL producr on L'l
,hg. 1. Tl-e inclu{oa ñf
.Lricr(di ) rl.eMoch<s or ,1,¡rd rhrr rLrn'ber rod rc'arron\hrpbcrween. ornsmcnr.. Sever¿l j. RecoNÍu¿iion oi Tomb r

emphasizesthe status of the upper hierarchy pattenÉ háve also emerged regalding the
of Moche society. placement of ornaments in the tombs. For Phobs¿ph br cuilLe¡¡o Hrc
example, it appears to have heen important to
include three types of necklaces in the tombs.
A certain symholic duality was also mani-
fested by bimetallic articles or pairs of oma-
ments (one in gold and the other in silver). 1
Tber.e is even sorne ·evidence that there were
specific relationships hetween the number of
objects and their component parts and thenmk
or role of the individual with whom they were
founcl. We have documented a long-lasting
tradition of paired necklaces with ten beads
per necldace in tlie tomhs of .the lords, while
the number nine or othcr ocld nqmbers seem
to be a·ssociated with the Priest in Tomb ·2 .

Tomb 1

The funerary chambcr of Tomb r measures

approximately 5 m on each side and contains
a coffin conta.ining the primary lord; his

ALVA 225
retaincrs and othcr offerings surround it. The After excavating to the bottom of thc cof- 4· Gildcd copper banncr from
body was enveloped in a rich and varied col- fin, we rcgistered 45 r objects buried abo ve Tornb 1, Sipán (height:
lcction of cmblems, mctallic :vestmcnts, and and beneath the skeletal remains of the lord. Musco 1\rqueológico Nncion:~l
IJriining de Lamhaycquc
ornaments (fig. 3). The principal coffin was 1-Iere, 1 will bricfly discuss a few of thc most Phmograph by Cario< 11.ojns
madc of woodcn planks" bound with copper important ornaments from this tomb. 2 The
ties. According to osteological studies by first critica] elements were banners of gildcd
John Verano (1997), the person in the ·coffin metal that may have been cult images (fig. 4).
was probably a relatively tall m aJe, betwéen Found along the uppcr torso, thesc banners
thirty-five ancl forty-five ycars of age. Three were madc of small square metal plaques
adult males, three adolescent femalcs, one scwn onto a thick cotton cloth. Each of the
child, and one adult femalc acéompanied banners has a central figure with extended
him. arms, composed of metal plaques and largcr

2-26 A L VA
rendered;.l rhc cháracrcris(ic mámrer ul
Moche leaders:weariüga b$ddress, holding
wc¿pons. rnJ fbnked by t*o
profrle.Also nerr rhe bodyrr' a necl.a, c
s o l dr n d . r l v e rb c r , l .i r r h c f o r n ro f p e a r r u r r .
thc lárgestof \yhich measurésapproximately
nine cemrmererr in lengrhlAl\ ¡ Jnd Donn¿n
r993b: Iis. 96). The complete necklace has
twenty peanut representationson the two
.rrand.,andextended from.houldcrro .houl
dcr.On r h. prnp.r righrh¿lfof rbc oecLlác(
r h . o . i n u r . u c r c r r r r J cu f g o l J .u h i l e t h o r e
j. lnr orftDcnÚvit¡ jigu¡e on rhe left ,i,le ¡er. ot,rher Ove¡thc
rjbc:ge ncre .ixteen thicir, ,hghtl) con\cx,
Muso Anreoleico Nrcion¡l gold disk. rnresrarcd rnro nnorhcrncckl¡cc
Phorisrpl by sftr Ei'*.in br,r
lAIv; ¡n.l Dñnn¿nroolb: fig. o.). trch disl(
.\hr .nd Donn.¡ r9e3bI¡.371 hastwo pcrforationsfor fasteningthat erhibit

embosse¿l pieces,which dominatesthe com-

position. These b¿nre¡s have á border of
plaqueswith clDbossed paislcy-shápcd Drotils
rhorrghr ro rcprcscnr a plant fornr.¡n,l known
in MochcsLu(lics rs r¡lhlchu.I árcL,in i srrr-
prisins discovcryoI c sjmi]Jr b.rn¡cLin Tornb
¡, wc found rhc rcm¡rn<of rn ¡ctuJl fruit
c$cáscdwithir thc enbossc¿lrendedrus.3
Undcr thcsc l¡¿nncrs was a metal orn¿-
ment, composedof cut sheet8old, depictilr8
an anthropomorphic silhouctte, headless,
wirh Jrrrls cx¿sscrrtcdl)oursrrcrchcd:rnd
hands thanatically opcn lAlva and Donnan
rgoJb:figs.6¿-6-'.h llnrromicrldi.cordlln-
cy, probably syrnbolic,cl'Mr¡ctedsticsof the
f¡onL.rnrlh.rcko[ rhc h¡n(ls rrc shown in rh.
samcvicw {that is, nails and palms togethcr).
At the ce tcr of this silhouctte is a pe¡sonage
rcrrL-r.,1rr ¡clitf ¡rrd rinul¿r !o tl,c dcpic-
tions seenon the b¿nners.
of hundredsof shell beads.One particularly
firc exa1l1ple is composcrlof rcd ánd \,,'lite
rhcll bc¿Js(somcb(¿Jsnow .rppcdL ¿rccnJuc
to the oxidation ol copperobjectsaroundthe
pectoral),orgrnizedrn r "¡dix|ns pírerr
(Alva and Don¡an r993b:fiss. 70 74).
Some spectaclrld omanents 1{¡crenext to
rltcbodyoftlrc¡"Lmarylord. A¡ hjs be¿dwcre
rl,reeparr. ol el¡bor¿tecr¡cul¿rear orn,-
ment. m¿deof sold ¿nd rurquoise. One prir
ó. col.l á¡d silverscepte! d e p ' r, . r d u c t , w h i l er 1 o , r e r . h o w s¡ d e c r
with ántlers (Alva á11d Donnan r993bl
f i g s -. o 8 s . T h c n r o " rc \ q L r i r. c t ¡ i . ( f i g .r ) .
c¿urerdre rm¿8eof a smal] lrum:n frgure
notáble wear, suggestingthat it ¡{'as ¡vorn lhe gold bacLrlnpi. xinongthc mnsr .pec-
frcquently. taculár objectsin Tomb r. The image on the
Among the omamcnts we excavatcdwas rop of r}le bacltlap d.picrs ¿.uperndrur¿
rhe tirsr Mochegold and -rlver -ceptetun- anthropomolphicbeing,in ftontálview, hold-
coveredin an archceologrcal conrexrlfig r,' ing á trophy head in one hand and a ¡ürni in
The scepr€i corrposed r silvcr hándle
ol the other. This figure is also known as the
sunnounted by an inverted pyramidal box Decapitatot ¿nd is formd on v¿rious rattlcs
made of sheet gold. Thc sceptercoüld have also found in the tomb.
álso fuDctionedas a sacrificiál knife, as the Beueár\ the l-r.r.l<{laps. atnong othet
handle telnúnates in a chisellike edge.The rhin8<.se foundtso morc bánncrs.ln con_
upper sectio¡ of the scepteris omamented trast to the ba lers in the upper half of the
wirh frve p¿ncl.ól .hcer m<t¿l "culpredin coffin, theseba rers were found face down.
lo\a' relief. The top of the chamber depicts a Ar Lhcborromof rhc coffin$ere threeminiá-,.plendldl¡¡rndin t}c acr of rLrrewár club\ cnd sh,cldsot.heet coppcr.
-ubjJS,crinS i conqLcrcdprironer.The wáF rnd variou>coppcrpoints. probábly for nor'
rior thru<rsr wir club towarJ lhc prrsoner. mlll-sizedspcrrs.Finrlly,in ttc ¡ichcq ovcÍ
whn is nr¡deand sclredcross-lcggcd. rnd i< bcnchesrlong Lhc wálls were )r) simple.
apparclldyrestrainedby á sm¿ller i dividual sculpte¿lceramicvessels.
behindhi111. The four sidesof the chamberof
rlre<ceprcr arc rcndcrcd r á similáÍfrsbion. 'IOmi¡ ,
These scenesshcd light on xhe functional
associatíonof the object.The implicátion of Thc sccond romb cxcaváred¿t Silán wrs
rhc irnngcryis thar rhc submtssionof pnson_ located in the southern párt of the fulnerary
crs is pjrrrof the milirrry nndpoliticálcorn_ plarformand rn.rsclsoconsrructcd dtLirrgirs
mand of the in¿lívidlal who cArriedit. last architecturAl pháse (fig. 2), Tombs r and 2
A¡other element knowD fuom Mochc *re probably fuolll the sameera, The flrlleraly
rcorroSiaphy and fou[d ur the rombs.r Sipán charnbcr,slighrly srnallcr than rhar of TomD
is a crcscenthe¡rldrcssorrrmcnt. Loc^rcdlic- r/ measüÍesapproxim^tcly4 m x 4m. As with
neath the sl<eleton,it w¿süáde from a sinSle Tomb r, it contained a coffir of woodeil
goldsbeetlAIvá r994:fjss.r04,toúrAlv¿rnd pl.rllks wjrh bindrng<oi coppcr .trJps fhc
DonÍIan r993b: fig. rr7l. He¡ddresseswith buried íldividual was a maÍI betweenthúty-
rhis sort of ornamcnt árc usualiy 3s<ociated five ánd forty"five years of age,shorter than
wrrh i dividu¿lsof rhc lighcst r¡nk in MocL( the individual in Tomb r lveráno in Alv¿ ¿nd
iconography,Neyt to thc orlr¿üienrwerc thc Donr¡n i9)lb: r(1, Ver¡no r99l1.Around
remarnsof fcáthcrbundle.rrtachcdto coppcr the rem¿ins of the pdncip¿l occupantwere
shafts, which may also h¿ve been used ¡s fivc retainers,v¿riousanim¡ls, and offerings.
hcaddressornaments. IIl ¿JJirion,x your€ ¡ran wrrh both fccr
TWoother key royal ornaments,kñown as ¿mpúatcd was located ovel the rool of the
b¿cl{láps, one in silver ánd one in gold, \vere ch¿mbet suggestingthat he se ed as a
lound bclow rhe sl<eleton rAlv¡ rnd Donndn guardian.
r993b:figs. r2o, r22, rr3). Backflaps¿rethin This tomb corrcspondsto an individuál
shc¿tsof metal, often decor¿tedat thc top in \\ l,om. hv vin ue or thc cl'á",r.rensric\ of \is
ba. rcl .f ¡nd rnla), wl'ich rermrndtci'] , garrnentsand orn¿meDtswithin the coffin/
curvededge,generallyreplicatingthe form of we h¿veüáDledthe Pdest,alludingto the Bird
¡ ¡umi la knife with ¿ curved-edgedblade, Pdcst represeütedin sceneskr¡own as the
typic¿lly usedin ceremoniesl.Backflapsm¿y cácriticeCeremon\lAlv¡ ¡nd DonnrnToalh
have servedas a type of body armor (seealso fig. r43r Introduction to this volume. fig. 5).
L\c looredroml,.bclow. lr Mocheiconogrr_ Thc mosr¡fcrcrcebetweenth s
phy, waÍiors are showÍI wearing bácl<flaps b u r i a al ^ d - l o ¡ : ¡ I ' t h a r r h c o f r e r i n g . s r e o t
behIj¡d ,\¡m, .Lr.pend.Jf,om rhei- I'clrs. lesserquality.
l\e.e ol'lccr.,Ie un que tu rhc \4oche¿nd The Priest's tomb included a hcáddress
.rpp:renrly used onlt by w,uriorsol ofnámentmadeof gildedcopper,represcoting
rank. Backflapsof thc size and quality found a n o w w i r h q i n g c c x r c n r l e d l -f il gT l e b n d v
in Tor'1bI h¿venu pa'¡l .l ourcideot \ipár. of the owl is in high relief, and the eyes were
¡eadú essIrom Tonb 2

rnlxidwirh shclland nrql|oi¡c.Th( f(orhLr\ Tomb 2 w.s buriedwitha coppelgoblctin his

irc of d3nglins Incril p'.rqtcs dr.rr dght haüd.This gobletís sirnilar ro thc rpper
would havc moved and shimmered iD the porflo of rlc r,rllcllp. lrl.o¡ccn in rhc S.rcri
Iight when worn. This eláborAtehexddress ficc Cerclllony.
constj$.rtcd rhc oDIyl,c.rdscnr irr rhc hurial. ThcpersoninTomb 2 wore two neckláces,
Thc toúb álso conr¿ircda backflap,dre only each with nine gilded coppcr bcaclsiD thc
dcfcn'ivcirnr¡rncnr ir rhc tornb,if rn [rcr sh.rpcof lrurnflrhc.Ld'lAlv¿ roo¿:fi6s.r¿'
rhcsc brcl<fLcps wcrc ., sorr of ]'ody arrror r¿¿, r¿6-r48:Alv.r rnd Donn.rnr991h:fjg.
lAhJ 1994:iig. r)1, Alv, :¡nJDoarl.rl rjlr.JL. 16:). The facesol the he¿dson onc necklacc
fig. 166).Madc from two vcrticál h: ves/ ore ¿rc smililrg/ showillg thcir whitc tccdr of
of sol.l nrJ rlc oLhcrof.ilvcr. rhc bxckfl,rp carvedshcil The othcr üccklacc is nadc of
h¿s two perforatior'$h its üpper half allow I'caJ-<h.r¡cJ I'c¡J. uf dru.rnc mcr,rl ¡nn
ncckl¡c4 in Ton$ L Bods ing it to be suspcÍrdedftom a bclt. Thc hcad, mc.,\r,rcrncrrrs Lrurrhc frcc. .,ro frow,rint
¿rcDr¿dcofgildcd coppc¡
with shetltul¡y l¡vc!¡sc d r * : . r n r lr h r b r c L f l a p a r c r u ys n l i l d L r o r h . {fis.8l.
owl headdrcssand bacl<flápsworn frcqucndy
Nrcionrl by thc Bircl Pricst in Mochc art. Even more
Tomb 3
Lylrviú ¡¿r¡ñr con8rJsnrwirh rhir l|nrge,'he indjviduálin
lonrh I h r.locrrcJ rn rhqcLnLer-eJsr secrion
or drc l,latforrn ¿nd pe"rJin\ ro rhc or,lc\l
corLrucrion phr.e of rhr furcraryplat¡o"nr
lfig. ,). Dne ro irs c.rjic'chrouological posi-
tion pcrhapssome four or live generations
h c f o r ct l - t L o r Jo f s i l . r n r nI o m b r - r h e i r d i -
r rdu¡l inLered here¡ ofien reteled Lo¡s rh.
O I d L o r do f S i p r n .I L i s r o n h w ¿ s a l , . l ' r i a l
o l e "¿ n ds m a l l e rr.. o m n l e ' t s r l ' , f dT . - , r i ,
width) ánd withort a wooden coffin. The
body ivas envelopedin reedmáts and textiles
aid dcpo,r(J wirh t$enr)-.rx cerJmic\es
.r'r and cop¡erob¡ecrr,rmong or5ernrrte'-
¡ l r T h r - i n d r r d u ¡ l d i e db e . s e e rl o . . y f i \ c
a n d ' r f t v - f i vvnc r n n f , g r l \ c ' ¿ r o i r A l , ¿ ¡ r ' . 1
I. Gold slidcr bc¡d ncold¡cc
di¡mcte! ol bc¡d6r8 3cnr]
Msm A¡qusló*i.oN{ioMl

Donnan r993br:r3). He was accornpaniedin .,nd rhe orhcr ¡n ¡nrhropomorplrrzcd crxb

the buri¿l by a femaleatlendant¿nd a llam, wrrh ¡ cre\ccntLrcxddrcsr ltig. ro'. Borh scrr
One of the first ornartcnts we found was rcckjace! wrt[ I'c¡d' in thc :hape of owl
.r go.l necklacc,whoser(n bc.rdsreprc<cnt heads. Tomb 3 álso containcd t{qo súáll
spiderswith human faceson their backslfi6 sccprers .Alvr iürdDonnrn r90¡b:fiss raJ-
q). thc sprd.r-ffe dclrLrrel)frxcdLoA seI) r95). One of silver, mcasuring 243 cm in
of gold wires, $'hich forms the ftont of the hcight, h¿s a finial depicting ¡ m¿]e figure
bcads.One of tLc most admilable piecesof $irh á crescen!hc,rddress. [¡terdjng rbo\.
crpjr work n r\hip. c,rch.prdcr wa. tnad. thehc¿ddre5. i- , rrck exren.ionfrorr whicL
rorn\iI \.cr'ons $rt\ rrore thaD¡ hundre.r rep*esentatjons of Iwo L'um¡nhecJ\ ¡re sus_
points of solde¡ing.The back of eachl¡cadis¿ pended.The secondsceptcrof gold measures
convex disk of sheet gold with ¿n exquisite 22.6cm.Its finial is ¿ sphericalláttle.
d < r r g ro f . w r r l " ¡ n d z o o r n o ? h i h . eJJs,(1 To1l1b3 also cont¿ined banrcrs similar to
deredin 1owrelief. rho<efoundin Tomb r. fhLccbárner"scrc
¡ , " ¡ " ¡ o r h e rr o r ¿ l ' . ci r e m \ ' n r h e r o r n b found¿boverhe body. Asáinsrd báckdropol
u eretr o gild'd cop¡er"rramentt wirh .he,- gilded copperplaques,eachhas an anthropo-
iniays,perh¡psoriginally attáchedto banners morchrctig,Ie wrrh Ldi-coárm. Border'ol
or he¡ddre.rcror" repr(rcnr.Jn ¿a'l"opo- < nbo.'ed pa:.lcv^haoed, fofins e'1-
rno?h zed ¡elirc will_ r bLLcphrlrc'e/pcrr closcdthe figures.The figule on one bánncr
'g ro4r wa. IaLg.'rhan!h< orl-errwo. andunderth(
headdrc-s 1{JvarnJ Dnnnrn .44]h:
,o. Androl)o l1t)hiccr.l)
.¡n¡mcnt ol sillcd copDcr
rvith shrl nrhy lroDrToúb l

r1. Coptci¡!¡i¡l n!$l wil!

sldLn ¡ythcisht1 : 3c n r l
d¡l ot ovl hc.ds

fcotoL,l 1{nlrh: 9o cm l, rlL

( r r L u \ \ r J J ¡ l L , " 7 rfl, r , . ñ r r \ i . . \ . , n . p 1 ,
¿ctu¡rl ¿rl¿rc¡u Inrit wcro cncascclbctvcclr
the rnctal foflrs arcl thcir toxtilo backing.
l w o r ) , o r L , . , r rr.' u f - r r rr J . rJr r . r ¡ , w c .
f ñ , , n ,|1, r d c ', h ¡ b o d y r, l . o f , , ,i r . El r s r ¡ q , r , 1 ,
as thcy wcrc in Tonb r.
Closcr ro drc body wcrc ]nr tiplc groupsof
personalorlarnents, such as peclotals,nccL-
laces,¿ndear ¡ndnose orn¿ments.Five nccl-
laccswcrc foünd, cach with ten be¿dsin the
shapc of artluopolrorphic ¿tndzoomoryhic
heads.Two werc of golcl and thrcc wcrc of
. i \ e r . L v r d e n r l r) h ( s l r J ( , , ( . l J L ( c o n
pletes ¿ set oI three birnetallic pairs. Tbc
mo.r spe,r,rcuhr pecrorrl r- cu rr'u.(J uf
g i J ñ l , o o o . r\ o l L r e sr e . e m L , l i nr lCr er c n L . , -
c l c r n f ¿ r ¡ c , n p u "{ Í i s .| | l . o \ e " , \ e ¿ c eo l
r l - . J e ( e 1 . <hJ¿ . á l i f . - 7 . ] ' u ' á l m A - , ,c o - r -
p l e r es r r l - . r . , . , ( ( , , r . 1 ' ¿ rd.
¡ r d ¡ n . c < l ¡ c eo l o ¡ l - h c r Jb . r J . T L . ¡ r o ¡ , r
tr. Nosc ornd¡rcn!{ith
IiSurcoJ¿$rtio!n1 silvcr,
go1d,¡nd lrüruolsc Ureishti

Mnro ^lq|q, ósi(' N¡lioDll

right eyc w¿s irláid lvith sheil; thc inlxy for onumcnt was forüld in thc tipper h^1fof thc
thc lcft cyc wAsábscnt. L'rrri:rl, nlrlc orhcrbu'Lyl,irr. scrc founJ :n
lcr)rn¡<thc rrosr inrcrcstrnt.1oscorrr'r_ variouslcvcls of rhe tomb.
meDt is a silvcr pl¿quc $'ith A maryelous Thc backflaps, thc nccklace sets, thc
mini^türc cffigy of a wanior sculptcclin Sokl wcdDo¡s, ¿l}drh( (crxluc ofrcring)highliaLt
and rurquoisc {fig. r2l. The lvarrior wcars a á closcrclationshipbct cc¡ Tomb r ánd 3. hr
largc heaclclrcss iD thc shapcof ¡n owl with somc cascsthc scalc is slightly diffcrcÍIt, as
cxtendcdwings, Andhis owÍI nosc orD¡lrlen!/ for examplethc goldbackflaps.Thcnccklaccs
f l r J L . , , , i c¿r r d ¡ ' , l u b .I L ( t , S L , ,i c' - l l n i l r rr u ó c c u ' n s c r qo r t h r ( c :r h r e e o f S u l J . , ri dl r c f
r h ( r i t r ( s c n r ¡ r i o no f s á r r r o r só n e i r ru r n r - - l v e ' r h , r ' g c n .r l y h . r v er e n I r i r . u r h c : r d '
' r , r r r sl r o u rT o m b I b r r ri r r r l rs c ¡ s c , . h e o w l
l'cadd"css i. Jrrtjnc,,.rrrdr".crrÜc. t\c tu l- A dlorrShrhc fofl[ rni Lh.rr¡crcri-ric- uf
sizc hcaddressIourld h Tomb 2. this buriál show fundar¡e¡tal differerces
cr sirh lorlb r, To'nh r h¡d g"uup-o' from Tomb r no coffin ard fewer áccompá-
b . l r ' ¡ r r n ' i r a l | l e . . . o r nw c i,} rep"e'entr- n y i r s " e r J i " r ( r *r \ ( r c ' r i ' l e x r . t . J - c L ñ f
.on' ot ,he Dq.¡pitaror.In cunrrrrrtó TomD urnr¡r( r| -, Fmblem.,¡nJ 8ññ.lqrh,llrre.rrr,-
r, dlis romb h¡d ten /attlcs of gold aDdtcn of lrr. Tl,c Jirpñri, on o¡ '¡'a 1¡.¡¿'y good.of
silvcr, ás\a'cllástelbackflaps in silver,ten ir r h e O l d L u r . l¡ ' c r . m i n r . c e nur l r l ( l o ' d o l
gilded crrypcr,lrnd one in sold. The bacldlap S i p ir i r l o m b r i r á . m u c hJ \ r \ . J \ . 1 ¡ \ . ' l
o f s o l J l c . ' r . r r-. ' l ' s h t l vI . . . L \ 1 r r h eb x c l- ' ( ' ¡ y o .r . r l - ec < n ¡ , ¿rl r i s o l r \ e b u r i ? T h '
f l . r ¡ o r , r r n , . ' ñ , n - 1l .i r u l l t a - i " f o m b r . r q o r o r r b . d e m u ' r r r ' ¡ r cr h e r r n c ¡ . r u a
forrb r h¡J ¡ i,^,rD ol \"cJlur -¡rc ordcrof ircr'l.. wrdr tl c rrnrr pcr.on.l u'r¿
although many of thc wcaponsseeDrto have rnerri c o\.\. ro LheL,uLl¡Br'' rrore i.lrere\t-
h m n r n r e n r r o n " lJl yL r r n r ¡ d ¿ t t h e ¡ t t u n ¡ n , ing is the idca thát this ordcr occursnot only
u r | , r c ' n r c r r . l .Jl d d r u , ' ,- ^ m c ' m L , l e r ¡\ -¡ d over the bod, but also beDcath it. This
lil..$,.( lr.n a.¡n,r.ledl.r.r buriJl fL,l -cauerceol ul, irrd oth<rgooJ. ¡nC
example,the hcad of a gilded coppcr Ieline rhc r .pa. ,rl onent-r on \.' m ro hrv< becn
dgidly prescribe4 and may allude to Moche tomb would corespond to ánotheriord of thc
be ief. 1nd wo,lJ \ (w.. lor e\rrnplc.pláce s¿me rank as the lords in Tombs r ¡¡d 3.
ment of the banners(thoseon top of the body From the isolated pieces recoveredby the
are face up, while those bereath the body are police, and from kno$.ledgcof certain pieces
face down) may suggesta division of concep: that have endedup in p vate collections,it
tual space,a division oI the world aboveand appearsthat the looted tomb of Sipán con,
thc world below, split on the axis of the royal t¿ined matcdals very simil¿ir to thosc o a,
hody. c p<rvr,r\e .en.e of dul|isn i. rlro ments and cnblems of Tomb r . For cxan'rpie,
inherent in the pl¿cementof orr,amentsand the tonb probally contáiied á sccpterof gold
their m¿teri¿ls lgold with the proper úglt and silver with a representation of á w¿irior
side o¡ the bodt silve( with the leftl. Most in low reliel lAlva 1994:fig. r4o) and a neck-
interestinglt it is clear th¿t these symbols laseof goldbeádsin thc form of pea4utslAlva
of powet rank, and identity endured for r994:1i8.24s).
generatiolls. Ncvcrrhclc:s. excJ!Jrionol wltárremli'red
of rhc roLnb<üggesr. Éh¡rrhc rnreflncnrofthc
individu¿l in this tonb was ín a fotmat inter-
The Looted Tomb
mediAtebetweenthe bundle of the Old Lord
rl. cold ¡ácklla! recove¡ed
by üe ¡cdcral¡utnu of One of the most inportant tombs at Sipán In ronrD1 Jrtd 1eIuner¡rych¿rnD(rut flre
¡uvest8.tioú i¡ Plil¿ddllia was p.tially loote¿lpdor to the beginningot Lod of Sipán in Tomb r. Ir cffect, the bliri¿l
i¡ ¡998, belielcd to IJcf¡oDr
the lootedtoüb ¡t SiDár
our sciertific cxcavations.We can, howevcr, was not properlya coffin,but a set oI \yooden
deducethat thc sanretype of ornarnentsard planks that encloseda space..As o¡e Inigilr
elllblcmsfound in Tombs r and 3 would have rn_¡ginc.drc ronrbwás iorgclydesrrolcdin
also lrccn found in rhe loorcd romb.oTI"s the looting, we couldonly s¡Iv¡geeviderccof
sorne of thc ácconrpaÍryingtet¡iners of the
principal occupant.To a Iimited dcgree,we
havc been able to identify :r few items from
this tomb that h¿vccntcrcd the interÍIational
3ft r)rárkcr.Anrong rhFpiecc6wc hr\ c idcnri-
ficd ¿s coDlirg from this tomb is ¿ b¿rcldl;Lp
recoveredby the FedcralBureauof Investiga-
tion in Philadelphiaill 1998 lfig. r3). Fligl y
sínilarto thosc fuomTombs r an¿I3,dlc goid
backflap has the charactedsticDecápit¿tor
on top/ holding ^ fl¡r¡í knifc and a severed

Butials o[ SecondRank: Assistants of

WardoÍs and Pricsts
Wc haveloc¿tedninemorctonbs in theyears
sjnc( rhedi.coveryñf To,rl\ i, r, ¡nd l. Th(
rnrenrorvof subscqucrrr romb. ,. le.s :uml..
tuousthan thefirst three,suggestingthatthey
n ( r t ¿ I | r rion d i v i d u ¿ r \ ao l c r s crr¿ n hb, u rs ri l l
connectedwith theclitc. Thesetoml¡sdateto
various chronologicalphases,as defined by
the ¿rchitecturalsequence1fi8.21.

Tomb 5 contained ¡n individual who may have
ü r c r ¿ w ¿ n r o ro f s e c o n d. ¿ , , <, r r s . .r a , r ¡ ) .
The bunrl consi>tcd of a furer¿rypl of ap
proxi¡ately 4 m2,loc¿tedin the south ccnüal
: ,i'{irr
,, '1
tu., -tl
' .'

\.. ' ñ l h , l l . ' t Í u' r, . { ' r , r n b u r ' I i . ¡ ¡ i . Tonlb 7

" - . 1 , $ ¡ , ( r o , r' n d( l r - l ( , ' . . 1n . l ' . t r i l u \ ( l
t , c r . r r r i o , c c dc " f l r r .T l , c ' ñ f I : 1 . u n - T r i . r - . . . r 1 1c L . ' r n l ' c "p . . r : rn r r g t o ' h ' rj. Reconst,u.ri.nof Tonb 5
¡ i r l L L r rL ¡ t nf ,¡n .l,lt thjrdphasc of ¡rchitcctural ooüstmction,was
cxtcndcd position, and orlcnted $'ith thc .l L l ' cr o r . l r ' ' r . 1 ." ' r r . p l ir f o n l
".,r. "r'
1r.. , ', o u r h .l l , c - J , t ' ) , , . ,r r d v . ¡ 1 , . ar areasubjectcdto lootirg ¿nd crosior. The
oft. '¡. ' l' .,. ., co¡\'r rJrl. nñ.' orr. - cl'nrnber me¿surcd3.5 m by r.7 ln {fis. 16l.
ments, shca¡hsof comb¡t we¡pons, a cres- \ r i \ ' . n r e r $ e r . r l . h r . ' . r l -o f n v , '¿ ' . r
ccnt hca(LlLrcss, ccrrrmicp¡n pipcs,thirtytwo : , - . . , o n . f ' n . , 1 .J , o , ' c n , l e u ' . , , , 1
v *cl . ' . , ,r ...1., -1rrrrhrnwe- l¡rJ o.rr n ¡r ovr' r rernq rr( rl'(l
ith shell ¡nd lur.trúisc inl¿ys. This btüi,rl rs- r l1nJI'c-d.JnJso,.1rh¡ocd'e.'.1..
f , " l r f . v p r r . , re i L " , ¡ , ¡ r . l i r r d u ¡ r " ¡h c l h e m , l , s ñ , c ¡ r n L , ¡ r . r .u f - l ' . 1 b ' . d - , '
military clitc, who perhapsalso served¿s a . o p p e cr r ' k . . , d : h . r d d r e * f $ . - c c r i or . o l
musicinn, acconpanying thc lord ánd his ¡ ' , ¡ , ¡ l , l r . k r e , l . . c d , r ' b o n e rL , f , \ . f .' . .
cntourageand ¡rlayingthc pan pipes. . , 1 , r ' , r¿ , r - ¡ l r u f ¿ , i , , , , ¡ 4 l n I U t , r u ,.
Other metá1 pieces werc folrnd urdcr the Tomb 3
The Ienale's burial contained a copper Tomb 8 consistedoI a fairly l¿rge funerAr-)'
' r e , d d r e *u i h ¡ n e m b o - . c d l ¡ c e ar5.llhcrd Lh,,nb< I ,r r , . a a m r nr h e u o pr h , r l f )i.n o r
necl l"cc. ¡ rccrnrgula'pl:1Lrc.:rJ L rr.r L ,tlrg rh.rrro-nL, .izc ¿ndlay^uri. ror J fJirh
ccra¡icvessels.The heaclclress was simil¿r to f u l " c fe c r i o n , l - c, ¿ n l o, ¡ i n l r i d u ¡ 1 . ,, . t h r r
those $¡orn by the principal wonen who chámbc¡lfis. r7)is ]¡rser dranth¿t of Tomb r.
accor4raried the lord in Tomb r and the In a scÍrcral wa, the forDr oI the chamL¡er
| ( . r i r T o n , L1 ( A l r r . 9 7 a :f i s . r J , A l \ . i ' ' i n r l ¿ r r o T u r n Lr , b r r tr r d c t e - . o r n c w rrr
¿ n dD o n n ¡ nr g r J b :f r s . . r J ¡ - r j l l . f h c f o d i , , sarlierin the architecturalsequence,to PlTasc
o f d c c r p i r a r c rl il a ¡ ¡ ' - n d , r r , c , . , ¡ r n . t. Tl,eÍuneln cl .rmLcrl,¡d fivc w¿ | n., n.r
b o w l . w c r c J : n . c r \ . , 1h . r s , . n r l , ( r ( . . 1 l o L r L , u n ¡, $ e r e f o u n di r h c . h . r n b , , . l
coffins. which two, located h thc ccntq ir1 ca¡c
coffins,wcrc clcarly thc pinsipal occLrp.nts.
They were surrountledby r14 ccrarnicvcsscls.
T l , c r n o n . l ¡ l , o r ¡ , .o f r h ¡ , w u , o n r h c w . r ,
'wasan ádult m¡lc skeleton coveredby Iour
L r ¡ 'r . u f o r r r r l r e r r t.., , , Cc , , . L , l c r , A . m",;
thcsc were a hc¿ddrcssm¡dc of shcct nTct¿1,
sl,Lcl .,,¡ ccrrr.rlcrrri,o*"d.,nrhron'orl'hic
f¡cc.q irlr r lrrqr crr'. .rrt xtrn,l.n¡.rtruver
f l . u . l . r dr r w o , n y r h o l o q r e . r l . r n i n gr r 'r{rf' .
ll,r' in.liv,r1,r.,l\rr¡v. r,v..l- ,nLI.,.l(.1J
scricsof wcapons,snggcstingth¡t hc lulfille.l
r ) i l i r . r r vt r r r c r i u n \5. h i . l . l, \ ( c r ' o r \ . J t . ( ( -
torals ¡üd $rai clnbs/ rlosc orD¡r¡cnts, spcar
points/ .Dd two rcm¡rkál)lc mctrllic banncrs
or rrr..;rs w, rr ¡,rr. ol hi: frrncrrr¡.r<.
scrlllagc. Olc of thcsccoppcrorlamcnts {lig.
r9), rcprcscnts¡n .nthropomorphic crcaturc
with frns clominátiDg^ Dr¡r.
T l . . s l , r ' lr u r o f , 1 , ¡ . c c n n dn f r h c r * u
t , r i r !r l , i l i r , , l i v i ,,l ., 1 ' .l o c . , , ¡ ' o
l r Lhc.., r,
w . t r o u r d , 1 i . r ' ., , l i , . , l f \ . L , , r l )i i . i , J , -
viduálh¿d dic.l c.rrlicrthArlhis cor¡p¡nion or1
. l ' e w . ' . i h , i . . l s , ( , ' . , ,( . 1' , , , , , $ 1 , 1 , -
e \ c ' h ¡ r , , . 1 ^ . ! iJ , l r . r I r . * 1 , r r r . r 1 , i r c . J
n p¡\irñ¡ i' (l r' t, ¡l'. Crr( r,rk,'r
1,.\('(r ,u ¡l.c, i h¡.¡mc
order. His grAvegoodsnrcludcd a hc¡ddrcss
\ \ i , h \ o l u ' , ^ p ¡ , r - ó ' o r \ . , l e ¡ L l , l r . . - r .. ,
coppcl mask/ a scepter,¿ w¿r club, milit¡ry
c n t l u n . , r n d ' o L " c e r i r r i . v c - . 1 - . t . r 1 (ñ f
r l " . ) I n b o l ,o f ' . , n r n , r r dw i r h ' h r h u ¡ , c . 1
índividual is a sccptcrtoppcdby a pyr¿midal
l . o x lL . . l ' ¿ n h r i , r i l ¡ , , , , f o r r nr o ' 1 . . , r
fñ,,nd n To,,,l , lf,s ol A, -r sse,redrto\ e
, h . \ c , c r r e. f f ( . . . r u L , ( r,,k e d q i h m i i -
tary coñm.nd. This scepter,however,is of
. " ¡ ¡ e r , n d r r r d r : l 'o f l e * e r . r a r u ' , , r . l ,
hc, e ornrmerr' ol copp" ,1,i .ild. d , ñpp.l
r . r h e r h " r ! , od o ' . i l , . , . I q , , , , ¡ , , h , , l - ,
p r o b a b l v , ( rn¿c , - ,w r ¡ ql . : ¡ L c Ju r l r r , v . . , -
em side of the chámber.
, i,l .
'. i1.l



T u n h o i \ ¿ . \ u Li a . < Jú i r l -r \ . r ( L Ur Jp h ¡ - < . r
con.rrJLnon/rhJr r\, J reflod -lrg rtll ).'ter
, h , , nl o . ' r b J l.r . b u r i " c o f . . t c d o ¡ f u r , r
¡ r ) h , , r r " .f l A . f J I n ¡ f i r , , 'J r , r i r ' b' . o . n
L ' )o . 8 , m T , ( * l < ( l . L u r ' . ' ¿ rr J . r l rr r ¡ 1 .
r u r c r . . lb ¡ ' r r r u u . l ¡ i q , r o Í o r Í t r n ¿ . ¡ r J
This hdívidual $.¡s alsoprob¿bly1inLedto
military activities, judging by the inventory
of his funer.ry soods. AmoÍrs these were
rh'cc coppcrc'csftn, hc.,J,ln*c.,,,s,,r cl¡l'
a mask inldd with shcll, r ccranic vcsscl,a
ret r rg.rh 1., r rtr ur gi JeJ net rl 1'hre..
f n r r rl , c r . l . l r * c . . , r x r l , : , r L l, w ñ c ñ p t ' c.r. r r
u r , , n r f , r \ . C l ' : ' , . 'r h l ' ! J v , - l f s , r . f i \
s ¡ , . . , b - . ¡ r tJu o ' l , L l l lt c t u. r ) -T u u . . l r ,
r r . l q n l dr c c t , n S . r l .nr ñ \ c ^ r r . , r n . r ( w . (
lo,,n,rov"r l,, f¡cc. c u.,n(l
r l , u t l r ^ $ . r r x c u f r i ' , rl. r r . n r , j | | r ' rl . . , i -

18 CorNrhc{(U¡lss frxn
To¡b 8l¡lirhi:'to I c¡1r

r9. coppcr orn¿DenrfroDr

Tomb 3lheight: 5r.4 c¡r,
naxn¡um {mth: j6.7 cñ)
r e l i e fl.s e n U - r t u e eL e r á . n i\ce . - c l \ w \ ' . n ro. Scepte¡i¡om Tor¡b 3
L1,,¡¡¡J :r ,hebu. al,rrd the .rrn Lp^po.r v(.- Ucryih: 32.i c¡r, mtrxnnum
selsamoDgthem corrcspondto the Moche III
phr.e.soerrpornt..rrrJolh(r fic.c. v.l rñb'
idcn,ilicd,were.rlso JrrJng<drrorrJ thr ndi
r i,lLr¡1. T\c- n.rc n" hu.r,r' retJrner'rcLom-
p a n ¡ i n gr h r rl . u r r r lo, n c l l , r n ' ás ¡ . i f c l J o e L .
A. rn ot\(r rumb. n¡ny wc¡por- uere re-
covered,especiallywoodcnwar clubscovered
u r h . h c e rm e r . r T l l ( , l L ¿ n r i ro ) f w c r p n n isr
r h i sr o | l r bc o u l dr n d r L J (r h ¡ L, l , c ) w . r c r r . -
¡ r i c . . i p , u r e dr n n r J , l c u m l , r LT l , , r b L n , r l
highlights the qu.ntity of goodsneededfor a

One of these nose om:uncrts llig. lx)

dcplcts two profilc figurcsra wárrior with a
c(csccnthc¿rddrcss on the left, facnrga fcllalc
riSrrc witl, hr¿r,lrTl'( hnrrl. r$rrci. r,robr-
bly a rcprcsclrtatioDolthe Priestess,¿person-
¡s( .c(, ii Mñ.hc icoror"Jphyind link(J
rvith burials at san Iosó dc Moro lcastillo,
r n i . v o l u r n cD o n n r r ¡ l r L l C . rl r' oL I o o ) .I o o 4 . la:iix.l
I t, otl'." r'o.c.,dornmrnt(ng..,tl rlrn rptc
\c¡r. rwn ?r nnn.rqe\.rg.rrnfuce-ro-f:ce.
this tir¡c thcy arc hoizontál, as if flo¿ting.A
tree wirir d¿nglingfruits appcarsto cmerge
f , n r i h . c < . , " r d r h e r o o-ry s r u n ( x t c r u \
l . q , , q r ' r i l " J r ¡ r . A n o n g r h e o r h e ro r n r - i.$i,:
ments wc¡e ¡ecklaccs¡orc of silver be¿dsin
the shapeof anthropomoryhichcáds,¿nother
of L¡eadsin the shapc of pcánüts/ and two
t.r1'Lr-rr ¡rr c, - ').' nrxrc(li'r
¡elief. The shaft of one ol thesctubular olna'
Iner,.l s. )tl . render.d$ rtl-r J(rid,,LJ¡rcd
nn ar ah.rr¡c.edzoo¡o-ph c torm r.pcrtedin
d r g o r r l h r d . ¿ d r \ . c n , ]o r r F o r n J n e n t
is an anthropomorphicface,sculptcdin higher

!18 ArlA
pLoperLnrerrnenr. xrd underscore\rhe in-
t e n r e . c r i v , r yo f ¡ 1 i . ¿ n - n e e d e d' o m c f l

Tombs to, t t, tz
Loc¡rcdin rhc suurhern¿rea rhc funcr¿r'
platforn, Tombs ro and r2l pertáiningto the
mo.r r.ccnr ¿rchrrecrur¡lpha.e, conrrin.J
omaments and emblems clearly related to
the religiouscult. Tomb ro is one of the few
rty,picrlbLn¡1.xr sip¿ helJan ¡dolesccnL
mrle or Jpproximarcly rs (lv, ro nlreenyc;rs
ol agc.oricnr.din á nosrtionoppo.Íe ro rh,rl
of rhc orhcrburiJl,,rh i., wirh h.áJ Lortre
north ¿nd dle feet to the south. funong the
few ornamcntsrecoveredwere smallmetallic
ornánrclrtr or]gin¡llr scwnonro¿ rcxlilc 8Jr-
meút and Spo¡dylusvalves.To rhenorth ryas
J llrrnc slclcron.whilc Io rhc sorrhwcrc LoJ
simple globular vesscls.Wall _nichesfu thé
small funeráry chamb9r codtained other
vessels,cAmelidbores,and ten sr¡rallcer¡r¡ic
mJ<KS. C,rchipproxLm¿(cly ( ctn tn llcrgrhl.

,, Sjlvd n¡d eold ñs

onr¡nDtrt jlo¡¡ To¡rb 9
{hekhu g cn, wldtL rr.2cúl

2t. Silve!¡nd gold ¡ose

o¡Nmcnr from Tbm¡ 9
14. Silvero¡¡¡neDt 6on
Toúb t ilcrurh:22.!r,
údxünu¡ di¡n.tcr: r.6 c'nl

Tonb r2 consisledof ¡ büriál whosc goods

, o.,lJ b reL.(" rñ d,( rc isrou"ul! {r'8 ) 'l
Togetberwith thc skeletonwerc rattles an.l
. r 'r i f i c , . ,kl r ) r ! ( \ ,, y p i c J l l yi n d i c ¡ r i n sr i r L á l
rUrcrion<A n. nh.r cf !(\\ l\ wJr. locll(
, r r n c , r d c \o f t h ( b o . l y $, h i l . l r . r r r h . c r . l
ri.rrrr wcr( rwo rLbulrr <ilvcr I'i(cf' rlr.rl
cou,(lbc (:rr,,rrlrn(nr.. Il,c indf iJu:ll $.rs
covcrcd by coppcr pl¡telcts, which nlrly
nIgi rill] rlrv,lonncJ i p(cLor'rlAt \iJL
was rhr 5kclcLonof.r t' rxlrrcrwrrl rl'c fLct

Tomb rr was loc^tcd oü thc noith sidc of ii.

thc pladorm, ncxt to Tomb 8, ¿rrdit ás_
socixtcdrvittr thc third xrchitcctur¿rlphasc.It
i),r funcrrrycl,¿'nbcrw tlr rwul Lrilc lrr Lc''l
c o l f i r . , L i b). o l . f t s e p r i n c r p rrl r r L l r v i d uJrnl
adult malc, had a numbel ol orn¡¡lcÍrts: two
coDocrlrcxldrcs,Ls, 1 p rjr uLcorrcr t rndil', I
hcx¿rgonal pl¿rqüc, fourshcots of coppcrin thc
-l'.rpc r I Il '.. coDlcr 'cLfrt r'' ts"
tl¡c.s o- cóDDerrr rhe .ur¡n ot p,tllntl ut
bcans,twclvc coppcr pl¿telcts sewn onto :l
thick tcxtilc, and much cvi¿leDccof disirte-
gr¡rtiDgtextiles. The ¿ccol'np¡nyiryretartcr
again laclccdfeet and ¿s covercd by four

Givcr, rhis cvirlcnce,it is possibleto sug_

\ r t i ¡ f o l l o w ( .c1e n r r l
; r ' r r l . . r r r r rr r r r i -l r . r r
¡ ¡ r e dw i r h . o q -
I r r .r n \ . r L n d r r ' , , . ¡ - t o '
ciiic roles il1 lile a,rd perhaps dearh were
ir-r( . a'ri- f u r e r a r p¡ ] : L -
" t.;''w
o Jf trlr-ico ^ w e r ( s . l e F
forr- \4rlrrrr1¡hrel
r l ¡ n u r i e Jr ' | . , r d C , . n o n h ' ' 1 .o f t r , cp l ¡ r -
r ¡ , r . r- o f r l ( D i e ' r ' r r d
theÍ ássist¡rntswere located .ow d dle
. o u r hr i d " ,d e m o - - . ' ar n sI r . d r r r .' n r i r l L r "
o f t u n e r . " ¡r p r ,e ' . . " r d r n 1. o l - " ' o c , r l r . l (
of the indivíduals.

Itctrcsert tiors Jrd Alrh:'cologic l tlr . . r ' r ' r .t \ ' , , , 1 " ¡ r r . , , r1r I
' l , r . r I l , r ' . , ' , . , ^ .,
Corrclnliürs ! " ¡ r ' . r " , , 1 ,r v
l, r ¡ r . r l 1 ¡ ' . ' , ' r . , ¡ lr . ' ,
Thc lLurcraÍypt:ttforn oi Sip:nrnclLrtlcrlir ",1 . , , r l ( ' l l ) r ' r " r . , r r , r ' l l ' , , 1 . f -.
rcllrcnts ot iD.liv u¡ls who wcro clc¡rly thc scntarionol i nrilit¡ry 1)rrccssion knowlr
su¡rcnc ¡oliticrl endrcligiousruthoriticsof l , , , r '1 . , , i M , , r l , r L L r . , i c \ c s s J l
Ll,t , ru-t . ll,t.. - ..lrvLlu.,l ,,r rluL tr.,l'- l , l " , , , , l ' . , ' . , , l i , , , , . 1 i , . , 1 ., , , r , ,
thro rh thc oír¿mcnts,crrHcDS ol r¿rk, ¿r1rL thc hdivrlu.tlsbtrricd,rrSifrnr{fiij.27).
sylnl)olsoi conn¡I1d d1¿rt ¿ccolllprnicclthc¡r 1 r . , . - . , , l . , , , J, r ' l ., l l , . r , ,' r "u v , ,
in !hcir Sr¡vcs.Tbc itcms, ¡nd thcir contcxts, the processior,the third figurc fton thc lcft
providc us Í.lth r rr[prccedentccloppor . 1 , ¡ . , Jl r . ¡ i ,r,. ,1,( r.
t . rr i ¡ t . . l . . s c . r r ¡ . r r i l ' r q ' r : ' 1 , ' I , , ,.,t,, , t . , , , i . rI " , , .t . t , I , , t ' I , . 'r l
' , 1 , ' j , , j i ,. r - r ' , , 1 | , . 1 1 , , , r t I r r ; . r . . J . 1, * . I r l . c , . ¡ h " c r c - ,' r
"¡',:r ,t ,,
¡.1 r r . ' , - , r r . , , q , , , , , f ' L l¡ n q J , ' , r . n , n , | , , ) \ x \ , . . r ' . , rh, . , . o l o , . . r.lñ r r .
"r "rr
knorvn from the Moche \forld. By usins both lrLe tL ü,e nd ridL¡1 bL,rJd *i h h ' shiLl..
sourccsof c1¿t¡,rve ¿re ¡ble to forur ¿ rnore , I C w . r . l , r b , l o . . I , . l o f r h , . , r - f , r E l , ,^
conrllelcficturc oi Mochc soci¿lhicr.rc¡y the pritrury ]ord ir Tomb r Thc mdiv u¿l
ánd ritual pr¿rctice. ' o l o " r g \ i n ¡ . r r i c , . r l ' . , r r 'r , r . , , , i ( ( l
r. p' r,ip.. . r nl - , r ' ¡ ¡ ' . . . r ¡ n , . I n u r d . , \ ñ , . f ñ u n Ji , - , , . * r . , J r A 1 , u ¡ r . . r r r L
s i h r ' . l ¡ r J ó s i t ¿ r 1 " 1 1 ,I r ¡ ) , \ ' i, ,l,c r(*i ¡ c r u u ¡u r l . r . l r r , l r , l
¡s ¡ point oi dcparturcfor this discussion{fig. ' r . ' , 1 ) r n a .. r . d o . , , r r ) I g . . e l I
51. The individu¡l portrayed on these ear . r d , \ ! o . . ' . ) I n - h 1 . ¡ , r .* . l ' ' r r r r : y
ráttles danglingoff tho sides,surmou¡ted by 9 5 ,l ( u r s c h er r9 8 ] f i g .r s ) 1 .I n r h i - d c p i c r i o r . . 27, Roll out dr¿wi¡g oi ¡
úilit!ry procesion p¡nrhd
profilc hcr.lq.The sceptcris sinril¿rto thrt only rlc Inosrimporr¡ntlfldr\iduálwcársa o¡ ! cenmic vesel rcw nr
lourid iD the looted tomb {Alva r994: fig.24o; cornple¡e metrlhcrunic. Inrcrc.tinsl). hc also dre Stlrtlichee Mnscun liir
Alv¡ and Donüan rqq:br fig. rs3l, while the wcarsa necklaceol disl<ssimilar to orc found
l)c¡J5could referto certáinmctallicmasl(\ antdIttrt¿hüa33:^bb rs3^rB
fouDdin someof the tor¡bs. The másl<shave Onc o[ rheornarncnt.rc fo.rndrn TomL:
pe orationsallowing fo¡ suspension,perhaps ucs ¡ fox hc¿dmrdc oi gildcdcopper.Tl'r<
from a woodenstalf or other support.Finall, smrll ornamcurlr.z.5cm in lcngth)wrsprob:t-
pon pipc pleycrs arc vi.iblc cr borh ends ol bly part of a headdress, such as thosc seenin
the scene,recaliiDgthc individual in Tomlr 5, rhcpxinredscenes oi conrh¡ranrl¡rrualhurrrs
who wasintcrrcdw¡h a suchan instLtLncnt. , A l v n á r l d D o r m nr 9 9 t b .T 8 ¿ l' i g . r 9 9 1 . T I u s
The ico[ogr¿phylorLndon ccrnmicvcsscls typc of heáddresswas also foruld iD Tomb I
rei[forccs or¡¡ identification of the types of and at otherMoche sites,such as at I{raca de
ornamentsconsidere¿l crucial to rulershipby h Cruz in rhe Vini Vallcy whcrc Stroru ,nd
the Moche. TÍme ¿nd agáfu, types ol iteins Evánsfound oÍre il1 thc tomb ol the wátior
fourd ¡r the tolDbsat Sipánarerepreseúted in Pdest (Strongand Evans r952r r54, pl. XVII,
the fine-lüe p¿intings on Mochc vesseis. XXI, XXVI e-k'. Whrr is apparcrltfronr botb
omarneÍlts import¿r'rt to the luling Iord are rhc arch.rcology ¿0d rhc piintcd inlxgcryrs
sccr)ilr nurnerousrhemesin Mochc art, su.h rh¿r rhcrL arc rrcms rhsr ¡re reservedfor
,s rhc bcaddrcsses worn by irrdividrrrls Jrr., mcmbersof rlc higLrcst echelonof rheMochc
sccncof rirurl running(l(rlrscherr98l:AbD. elite, or govening rulers, and then therc ¿re
r35). Hcrc frgurcswcrr zoomorphichcad- ¡cn's rhxrm¡y bc usedby thc lowcrlcvelsot
dresseswith chcvron designs.In Tomb r, a the Moche elite. Whcrcas objccts such ¿s
coLroI ttxtile wirh rtet¡l orn¿ment. was scepters¡nd goldbackflapsa1ccxclusivelyfor
found Lhct rc.crnblcs this he.tddre.s.TLc LL'crulers, fox hc¡ddrcs.crnra¡ hcve bcen
ovcr¿ll sh^pe is zoomorphic, anrl the body more widely used.
containsa simil¿r chewon motif (Alva 1994:
z¿,dib.rzl. Art and Power in Moche society
One ofthe shellpectoralsftom Tomb r h¿s
a triangle design, linking the hdividual Tngener¿ltenrrst\c párrerns andconrent'uf
bun.J wrr'r ¡ p"ron.rgeknowr ¡s the R¿di- rheSipárromü. LsrJbljsh á rigidhier,rrch)of
ánt Being, seen in thc S¡cdfice Ceremony. social roles And functions arnoÍrgthe Moche
Fineline paintings on Moche cer¿micsgive elitc of the centr¿l L¿mbayequeValley. The
u' ¡ berrerrde¡ of *rr¡r ,h¡ co-runre.rnC persistenceof specificitems of royal rcgalia
'egrliJ would h¡r. '"ukcd I k. when com- o \ c r | | r n c ¡ n d r h e p e r s i . r e n coef f r e p r o r "
p l e r e ,r n d i n ¡ h a r o r o f rolc cv ' ir rherrplrcemertwrthir lo nb'
ncnr. wouldbe worn.¡or (xd,rplc.gxrrrent- indrcrre.rh. ábidrncchrr¿crer ol thescurr¿
embclllshedwith metál platelets,such as the ments of ritual and rulership, ¿nd their as-
-oib .ociJredL,eli.rr corncd f¡crenre., ho¡eve ,
onc roLrndir r, , ¡n be rel 'tqJ ro rnd
vidu¿lsseenin a nunbcr of scenes,incluüng ¡re evidef i-r rhc rrvcruoricsof rhe lord.
the Ribbon D¿nce (Hocquenghen1987:fig. funerary goodsover time- There is an early
preferencefor no.e adornments,for erample, rcmains to be answered.The San José de
á¡d á h,cr preference for err orrcment' ¿nd Moro Priestessbudáls, which d¿te hund¡eds
headgear, Som. lcnc. sLrch¡) vcsrrrc'1ls of yearslater, howcvel, suggcstthafthis wás
adornedwith metal platelets, seem to be a a rilL¿l prrctic<Jperjo.lLrall¡in Mochehi*
gcncrrl charxcteri.ricfor ¡il sipán elire tory, by numbers of individuals ¡vho donned
burials, re¿ardlessof relative ra¡i< or role. the attire of their specificoffices o¡ roles to
Weapons,Iound in quantities a1ld conditions pedorm this cerernony and probábly many
suggestingthey werc combat tlophics, wcre othersoverthe courseof their lives lAlva and
alooextLerncJ¡ comflon ámongrhc)cburi,rls. Do t r r993b:223-2261.
Yet within this dgid hieiarch, it is cleal The Sipiín findings provide a¡'r unprece'
that importantpolitical changesweredevelop' dentedopportu ty for the stüdy of the high
ing over rime. The errdence\J88e¡¡sthJt est levelsof Moche societt áüdfor the analy-
rhercwa. prosre.sionfrom ¿ du¡1.b¡l¡nced sesof the mainten¿nceof political ¿uthority.
religious$ilita:ry áuthodty representedby The overÍ¡helmhg emphásison donhátion
the singlc figure of thc Old Lord 1o¿ sirLr¿rion in Sipán imagery through such de¡ictions as
whcre therc is a sep¡rátionof roles and func- the submission of prisonerson the scepter
tions, evident in thc tombs of tl,c Lord of from TonTbr, to tl,e depiction ol the deeron
sipin ¡nd rhefriesr The burlrlsof Lhcpriesrs rhc \ár ornámctr( jrr r}c 5árncromb.os g
and their ¿ssistantswould indicáte that they geststhat the displayof süchpoten ial power
exercised lárgely religious functions/ in con- was ftrndaÍnentáI in the maintenánce of
rrrst ro rhc suprcmc polrricrl rnd rnilir:rD political authority. We still do not know the
functioDsof the Lord of sipán. extent of the reálm of the lords of Sipán, and
Thc Sipán toDbs provide a relr1árkáble whether or not they dominated ány regions
array of cvidence suggcsting thát much of thc beyond the LaDbáyequeValley. Nor ¿lo\ve
bcháviorrlepjcrcdirr rhc linclinc iconogr." know precisely whxt their relatioDshipwás
phy on Moche ceramic vesselsmay irdeed with the lords of other north co¡stál valleys/
havc occurerl. The high deglee ol cofle- or to a centralizedMoche state or stateg,For
spon.lcnccbcrwccn thc costurlrcsand grrvc now/ we pfopose an orgadzatio[ básed o11
goodsof rheseinrlivjduns áud rhe ehbor¡re individu^l "lords" in eachvrlllcy, whose eco-
rlaÍátive scenesdepictedo11vessc]sknowÍr rlol¡ic maÍIagementwas basedon irrigation
from mllseun collections arcrind the Í/orld And conditioncdby the political ulits urdcr
implies rhrt rhere wns n vi.ual ¡rlLlacrucl a cultural pattenr shared throughout the
reireririonof key prxcrice"in Mochcculrur( Mocheworld. The sipár tombshavcprovídcd
at the platform mound. Sipáncontainsgraves an unprecedentedvicw of somc of the spec-
of individuáls who probablyfulfilled the role tacul¿rtools ¡r'rdmethodsusedby the Moche
of lord or pdest, and \qere buried with the lords, as úey presidedover someof the dost
irccourcrrrenr3 of rhe)e office5. lhe Siprn import¿rnteventsof their times.
buriaLplatfornr conrciLledrbe remtun5of ¡r
least two individuals lTonb r, 3, al1dproba-
bly the lootedtomb) who appeartohaveworn
the regalia of a specific office, ¡n office we
J<nor prrtrulJy r\roug\ d(ticrioa- of rh(
\xcrijiceCeremony oll cErJlnrc v!q.elc.Tlr<\e
lords may have presided over such cere-
nonics during úeir 1ives,aided perhapsby
others such as thc hdividual it1 Tomb 2, á
In¿nL'rr(rcJ $ irlr r(gá iá rcT ri-ccnrof rl'c
Bird Priest of d1eSacrificcCcrclnony.
w¡erhcr wL'ár wc sce ár Sipán ,¡-rerhc
remains of a limited or specific scdcs of
¿cuon,,or uherherthe rnh¿brranrr of srp¿'
$'ere ritu¿1ly reenacting commonly under-
rrooo pr,¡Lri.c5,now¡ from mvrhologic".
or rheologrcal rerching<ic a quesrionLhár

r. Cold objectswere often Io Dd o¡ the lroper rjsht

.rdco,rlcbú') .rd.r.\e"oJ'c". .hepioperl.t r9s8 Discovernrsüe New world's Richett
Accordi.€ ro edlr colo¡ia1 e¡a docume¡ts, native t n l o o r . dT o r '¡ . A ¿ u o " 4 l 6 " 0 8 r ¿ ! .¡ r
p e o r ' co , . , \ e l o i , l c o . . r L , ci . " d , ' r l p L r L \ d d l a ) :j r o j 4 e .
c o m p lm c , ,a n , / o f ' 5 e h ) \ c 3 , ' , l n f . 1 ,f .\ e . . C o l d r99o Ncw Toúb of RoyalS¡lcndol.N¿¡iordl
was añoci¡ted $ith m.sculi¡ill ¿nd üe right side, Cea+rapuct7lól: r-t t.
silvo with feni¡inity and thc lcftside lAlva a¡d
r99, !l sciro¡dc Sipán,llevhtadel Mns¿ó¿e
.A¡qn¿ólósl¿ 3: 51 64.lTruji]lol.
- a d c ' 1 i l . l . 1. . I p u o . o r l , . . o , a ! d - . o ¡ l b I n \ c 1 -
tort/ ¡s $cll ¡s úventories ol ToDlh t atrd l, cán be t994 ¿ . p a nc o c " . i o nC r l t u r . vr A J t e .d l ¡ " ' ú .
found nr Al'¡ 1i994)and A1!¿ ¿nd Donún lr993a/ bl.
Seeálso Alv¿ r938, rt9o, r992, and r998. 1998 Sip¿t, .l5.ubtjmietto e inv¿st1-gdaiú1.
I This g¡eenfruit, f¡cqtrc¡tly lepresentcdin Moche
iconos¡¿ph, pe¡t¡ins to thc Meli.ceae lamiLt. Cor- Alvr, wálter,.nd Ch.istophdB.DoDn.n
rdr to nh¡tHenrrW¡se¿ú haswittenlr987l, thú
' o - , ' , ' , 1 ) h . v ¡ l o r h i r L s t o d o s i rph. r o J q b . n o r $ ' r l r 9r)1 nr.b 6 t..1" d. t:i'|¡rl¡x1 c,t lowllr
Müscnn of Cult!úáLHistory UniveFity
theusc of ántico.gul¡nts. Thcsc f¡üits hád difle¡e¡t Ios A¡8elcs.
óf cá1iforüi.1.
¡ r o ¡ " a r , l . , l ' p - r i e Jr o r o , , ' 1 N i . u . ' 1. \ . ( r . l \ .
ústb tloyolTb¡hbsof sip¿, lexl. c¡1.,¡owlc!
(,p n Museumof Cúltúr¿lHisto!, UDivcrtity
4. .n Fcb,L.rD ,8 - ¡ioup of loor.s fo,', ,h. los Angeles.
of CaLiloúiial.
.rc¡ b'oke nrto onc of the ¡ichest undistur¡cd
funer¡ry chánbcn.t d1c 6ite.AftefrchoviDS.¡d Do¡náü,Christopber D.
djsfibüti¡g álálgep.rt oftbe ftdtcri¡ls, onc of the r . q 2 L , L . ' z' d ( l v c n l J ni n - l r r r c N o c l ' L ( ¡1. '
pnrticipáüts ¡lcrtcd the policc, who solicitcd the áid vistadal Mdaa NadüML4ó: 45-t5\
ol thc Mrsco ArqueoLósicoNacion¿] Brünnrs dc lLnn¡l
l . . m b i y - q u c .w c i T , a c . l i , , " 1 vo r s ¿ D r z (r, ,1' J r ( 1 ,' c o .
l o Ec . r ls á l v . r El Cloi(c! wi"l ,hc 60rlof r.Loirrru.r'ñ5 r9r- DccLH',¡ungJnJCohb.!:l'..'J-lc-A-rivi
. . l lt o r i h l c h l . r n M t r o ! o , , h c c o n L * t N . l ( o , ' r c , , , ( ties ir1dlc Mochc World. ID T¡¿ Std¿ o/
o, rhc .o4-cd ruDrb.w! L.!c . t,cidLJ rln tr(rr-ri. AncierLPe : n¿aitas'fran lhe Müsca
excrvations to othc! sectorsof úc tlrdD , where At(FtealósicoRalaaLLarco H¿!rcta Icx\.
üc othcr rcm¿],ringtwclvc to¡rbs wcrc discolcrcd cát.,¡iDc ArtsMuscul¡sol Sánlr¡Dciscol,
c¿.IOtl cc¡ !cÍin, t1-59. Ncw Yod<.
5.111¿dditio¡to tl¡c toDüs disdscditr this ariiclc,
therc ¡rc two toDrbs,4 ¡¡¡d 6, wlich .rc still i¡¡ üc DonD¡n,Cl¡rislophúll., ¡rd luis l¡in¡c C¡stillo
p¡occssof bcirs stldied aüdwilL not bc dcsc¡i!€d ¡9r¿ ¡inding thc Tomb(fá MoohcP¡estcss.
hcrc. Tohb 4 rclresents á cot¡¡lcx soricaofhtc!- Atch¿eology 4: \6lt \8-42.
m . n t r n c l . ' r s . , i - ó ! q r , t E o l t l n 8 n \ ( J ' f i 1 cr h - 1994 Excav¡cioúcs dc t!¡n¡ás dc slccrlotis¡s
l¿st árchitcctruál pLáscof úc tl¿tfonn Tóú! 6 has M n c \ f , 1 , , n J o . cJ cM o r oJ, c q . ( ,p ¡ I ¡ .
bccn loc¡ted b¡t h.s not bco cxcaváted I¡ Móch¿ lrotüestasy peltpecfiv¿s
ó. Thc dcc¡ üla8ery ¡ppeás to ¡c rcl¡tcd to-theúes tunb¿rc [^ct¡s del t¡nncrcoloqniosobrel¿clntuta
\r.r.,' \1'{l(!ii',edvc+cl.. Fit'u .I- Moche,Trujillo, 12¡l 16de¡brll de 19911,
¡D.bsous !o üe cápturc of w¿lriors in batde lALv¿ éd.S¡nti¿roUccd. ¡¡d Elí.s Mujica,
¡ n d D o n ¡ a n r 9 9 l b : r l 9 , D o ¡ ¡ . D ¡ 9 8 2 ¡¡ 9 9 7 1 . 415-4!4.Tr.v¿lx dc l/Institüt¡ranqais
¿'Etudes Andnrcs?r. Tturillo ¡nd Ln¡á.
rya¡ lcota$d[ía Ma.hi.a. Lina.

1983 Nordpent.h^cheGel¿ssnaleteier.les
Moc¡¿-S¡rls. Mátedalienzur ¿llscmcnren
tucheolosicr 3.Mxrnch.
und vc¡sleichenden
Mereses,Susán¡,and Luis Chelo
r994 -r r"qu ' . 1 1 \D d b \ r a l ¡ - A l \ "
248-257. " Colección
'rr Cultur¿I Ar¡csdel
tc¡ír. Lú1¿.
súon& willi.m Du¡cán, atrdclilford rv¿ns
r95a CafuuralSttatigaphy it the Vnú Vdlley,
NattbenrPe : ú¿ Foún.rivedD,l
¡lo¡¿sc¿rt¡to.¡s. colutubi. Studies¡r
&cheolosyándEdNoló8y4. NewYo¡k.
1997 Hmd SkeletálRemáinsfro,úTombr,
Si!án llámbáyequeRine¡ valer Pero),
andthen SociálImpliútions.,4¡¡rquiry

1987 "Ulluchu" il Moche Iconogr¡phy ed

Blood ceieno¡ies: The Sedrchfor
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