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Suggested Answer for Diagnostic Test Year 6 2016


1) firefly
2) 2 cm
3) two red spots on the head
4) near water
5) pollen and insects



i) The garage – a car is parked upside down

ii) The furniture inside the house is upside down


Dear Torfiq,

I love to hear that you are going to visit Sabah next month. Do you know that
Sabah is famous with its Upside Down House? It is going to be fun if you visit
this interesting place!

The garage and the furniture inside the house are upside down. Therefore you can
capture all the precious moments creatively. Hey, you can get a photograph
session for free.

Here, I attach an advertisement on this Upside Down House for more information.
See you soon.


Last Saturday, I saw a robbery at the bank. I was in the grocery shop opposite the bank with
my mother. Suddenly, a man who was holding two heavy bags ran out of the bank. I knew
that he must be a robber. The robber was in panic to see a police patrol car approaching him
from the other direction. At the drop of a hat, an armed policeman got down from the car and
he started chasing the robber. The robber was afraid and he tried to get away. The policeman
caught and handcuffed him. The robber was taken to the police station.


Firstly, boil the eggs. Place the eggs in a bowl and mash with a fork. Then, add some salt and
pepper to the eggs.

Next, spread some butter on the bread. After that, spread the egg mixture evenly on the bread.

Slice some cucumber and arrange it neatly on the bread.

Finally, cut the bread into half. Your egg sandwich is ready to be served.

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