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A. How many Pyramids were built in ancient Egypt?

Ans: Over 200.

B. How many pyramids are left in modern Egypt?
Ans: Half of them.
C. which is the most famous pyramid of Egypt?
Ans: Giza Pyramids.
D. what are the names of some other famous pyramids?
Ans: Red, Bent pyramid.
40. (C) The passage states, “Explorations and detailed examinations
of the base of the structure reveal many intersecting lines.
Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of
timeline of events.” None of the other three answer choices is
supported by the passage.
41. (D) The prefix “extra-” means “outside” or “beyond.” “Terrestrial”
refers to the earth, so “extraterrestrial” refers to beings
from somewhere beyond earth. The use of the word “even” in
the sentence might help you to conclude that “extraterrestrial
beings” are something out of the ordinary.
42. (D) The author implies that there are a number of passages in
order to protect the tomb and its treasures.
43. (A) “ Intersecting” lines are lines that cross one another, choice
44. (D) The passage states that researchers have found that the
intersecting lines represent historical and future events.
45. (D) To “prophesy” is to tell of the future, so choice (D) is
correct. The “future generations” in the sentence is a contextual
46. (C) The passage is essentially a listing of the amazing things
about the Great Pyramid, so choice (C) is accurate. Choice (A)
covers a fraction of the passage. That the Great Pyramid was a
massive construction project is briefly described; however, the
passage is not about construction problems, so choice (B) is
incorrect. Choice (D) is too limited because it refers only to the
burial chamber rather than the entire pyramid.
47. (A) The last sentence of paragraph 1 says that they based their
calculations on astronomical observations (observation of the
celestial bodies).
48. (C) Paragraph 1, sentence 1, tells us that it was built “as a tomb
for Pharaoh Cheops.” Although the Egyptians did observe the
solar system (A), a tomb would have some connection with
religious observances (B), and the pyramid was an engineering
feat (D), none of these are given as the reason for the pyramid’s
49. (A) The passage implies that the pyramid is one of the seven
wonders of the world for many reasons. Two of the reasons are
1) the alignment of the pyramid’s four sides with true north,
south, east, and west and 2) the timeline on the base that
stretches into the future.
.50. (A) A “ fe a t” is a notable “achievement,” so “ accomplishment”
is the correct answer. In the sentence, the adjectives describing
“ fe a t” are “ incredible” and “engineering,” both referring to
the perfect alignment of the Great Pyramid with the compass
points. That contextual information should help you eliminate
the other answer choices.

5.ans: A. False

B. True

c. false

D. true, E. false

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