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o 1105. INVALID STIPULATIONS. Wry, When a passengers carried gra uation limiting the caries ly, gence is valid, but not for Willfuy AY for Sy, negligence. However, Tedction of f° of justify any limitation of aby © are gO Ne ‘CARRIERS. O) @ @ @ 6 © ” Ga Nee SA 148 the goods are transported ap “ho, ‘owner or shipper; the the carter will not be table destruction oF deterioration of tug ny bey, the carrier need not observe ANY dilipe, custody of the goods; "eMce in gy the carter shall exercise a degre gg ls than that of good father of tay the movable transported; Wome o the carer shall not be responsible fy ‘omissions of his or its employees the carters liability for acts com thew or robbers who do not act wih 8 iesiatible threat, violence or free geMet with or diminished; Pemsed thecaririsnot responsible fo theo, deg tn or deteraton ofthe gre ore the dfeivecondion of the car vec or other equipment used in the contac riage the ao, PART vin PARTNERSHip UTION. Partnership is conta 1 oer ind themselves ‘contribute my ‘0 oF mone fest € 8 COMMON fund, with pa: Popery ints among themselves: tention of dividing te a) Elements of Prinenip () Two or more it Pettons bound thems cnt oe he serena Po ny (2) They intend to divi themselves.” de the profits among, PERFECTION. The contacto : un. Pte scnen al hen it pricy mew cont ate the meting of minds wih rapes ee ‘consideration of the contract, ee 2) Entity Theory. From the tine o perion the presi has a perry distin tom he presen 1) Examples of consequence of pute enon: ality: (1) ‘Theparnership can age propery iis erent. Hes of Tan Eng Ke Cour of Appa 3 SCRA 74,72 (0 ila ‘tia SCRA 39 010 Man 1774, NCC oo 1.02. FORMALITI 1.0201. General Rae: No formal le: No formality ore A py ship agreement need not beta wine & REVIEWER ON CIVIL LAW (2) Is entited to conduct own frm name which woos wa ena Partners;* Names, oa (3) The Partnership (not the Senne inact pant ee he ae interest therein» weal partyin. Exceptions: (1) When immovable property ora contri. —~ The. agrement on in. pl ite ad en F c partes mun be attached the instrument otherwise the parrenip isinvalid the rue is primarily intended protet third persons. In one exceptional case was noted that the nullity of the parenip agreement will not prevent the Cout from considering the agreement w an onlinary contact from which te partes rights and obligations to Other may be inferred and enforced! The Court noted that no thd pry wil be prejudiced inthe cae (2) When the partnership capita is P3,000r mot ‘The partnership agreement must also bein 140202. 19301. 103.02. — ART Vi — partes pinta a a nee in entity ettbeestenceot He nad secrets ma an Sano and ty Cm 0 mustered wih seee a FD ‘al personality sil exists even if nt mysaree ony gle Ter PARTIES. Any capaciate person can bea prt Deets Pons Be sen hewn ap ta en me oo en Oi acess ean erent eee a cree ries ieee ecee reseed Spans termaiasaa ass di ere cecoatenatmaes Patented Cieaioges b kines acai, tom Diateatee ee ehe pariners namely" pe wen pram im cD ‘of adultery ot concubinage atthe tine of the oor i once 2) era a “Those made to 0 publ () edanis and ascend he oi o Wi ile ri byrne He 1.02, 1.0201 REVIEWERON CIVIL LAW 2) Itis entitled to conduct own firm name which nema not inde te mame as ey Partners; MES Of (9). The partnership (not the par beimpleaded incase in an actions) ht 8 property registered in the name WR partnership because itis the rea)", he interest therein FORMALITIES. General Rule: No formality is required; ship agreement ned not bein wrt Pt a) Exceptions: (1) When immo prpery or conbuteh — The agreement ina public rstrument and an i signet by the parties mast be atmo 2 the inrumen otherwie he ps isivalids thre pray rded protec tid persons! (Inone exceptional case, it was noted that the nullity of the partnership agreement will not prevent the Cour from considering the agreement st ‘an ondinary contract from which the parties’ rights and obligations to each other may be inferred and enforced ‘The Court noted that no third party will be prejudiced Inthe case. (2) Wen the prtnershipcpita i P3000 or mo The partnership agreement rust alo bein 102.02. 103. 10301. 108.02. PART Vi — Parsi Publ intent ba fae a iy doesnt ae eee be cy Secures and Exchange Commision (840) tration, Partnerships with a capital ofa last FSR mst rete wih these Honcen eee Cal personaly sil xt een ite ong ah teste PARTIES. Any capacitated person canbe a pater, Delectus Personae. The partners choose with whom they will enter into a prtnerhip grecmen. who wll be accepted inthe parmeip and whether they will emain to be pres. The choices based con the personal harecerits ofeach pret. The right to choow is the foundation and eosenc ofa partnership and is continued existences dependent tn the constancy oftheir mutual rele Disquaifcations in Univeral Faiership. Tone trae pred rom mating erator cote partners rare ; “Those mace between persons who were guy (tery or cocinage othe ine of te chnation, sie woe perc fue uly of @ eas, ons et sue made to 4 pic of © Teen an eit oc. feer ot hin wie, reason of it

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