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Mental health incorporates the feelings of being healthy, safe and happy (well-being).
Thus, it is not limited only to the extent of being free from any mental disorders. In
educational context, people who are happy tend to possess better academic achievements and
performances. Nevertheless, there are many school children who are struggling with
emotional, behavior and family problems which can affect their learning and other people.
The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the mental health status of the students of
SD GMIH Pitu and the school’s mental health promotion program. The study was a
quantitative study with descriptive approach. The participants of the study included 11
teachers and 59 students of 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. The findings revealed that 25 (42%)
students were known to be prone to behavioral social disorder, 18 (30%) students were
identified with the risk of experiencing behavioral academic disorder and 49 (83%) students
had the tendency to go through emotional disorder and the total number of students who were
prone to behavior disorder were 22 (45%). It was also known that the mental health
promotion program at SD GMIH Pitu has not yet been applied due to the teachers’ lack of
knowledge regarding the mental health promotion program at the school.

Key words: Mental health, primary school (sekolah dasar / SD), mental health promotion

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