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Bahan Hafalan SIM:

System software: Perform certain fundamental tasks that all users of a particular computer require.
 operating systems: manages the com puter’s processes, functioning as an interface connecting the user,
the software that processes the firm’s data (the application soft­ware), and the hardware
 utility programs: is a routine that enables the user to perform certain basic data processing operations that
are not unique to a particular user’s applications. Utilities enable users to copy files, erase files, sort the
contents of files, merge two or more files together, and prepare removable storage media for use.
 language translator: programming language that translate the programmer’s instructions into those of the
computer, were developed to provide a more friendly way to instruct the computer.
 Fourth generation language (4GL): one that expresses what is to be done by the computer without
explicitly defining how the tasks will take place. For example, a spreadsheet software package may contain
built-in capabilities to calculate the net present value of an amount of money to be paid at some future
date according to a given interest rate.
Application software: Memproses data perusahaan
 Prewritten Application Software
 Custom Application Software

LAN (local area network):

 Limited area but could include 100 or so micros, Facilitates office automation
 Topologies: Star, Bus, Ring
MAN (metropolitan area networks)
 spans one city/metropolitan area
WAN (wide area network)
 Covers a large geographic area
 Includes a wide variety of circuits
 Usually includes host computers

 Internet: Collection of networks, Public
 Intranet: Uses Internet network protocols, Limits accessibility, Firewall
 Extranet: For trusted business partners and customers
Control of data communication networks:
 Centralized: Point-of-sale terminals, Data collection terminals
 Distributed processing: Receiving computer runs programs that use data
 Client/server processing: Mixes centralized and decentralized processing strategies

3 Level penggunaan EDI:

 Level-one users: One or two transmission sets sent to limited trading partners
 Level-two users: Many transaction sets transmitted to large number of trading partners
 Level-three users: Many transaction sets transmitted to large number of trading partners and firm’s
computer applications are tailored to EDI approach

EDI Benefits:
 Reduced errors
 Reduced costs
 Increased operational efficiency
 Increased ability to compete
 Improved relationships with trading partners
 Improved customer service

Agar penggunaan internet sukses:

1. Make sure your Web site is robust
2. Make sure your browser and database structure are both flexible and intuitive
3. Update often
4. Look beyond customers
5. Target content to specific users’ needs
6. Make the interface intuitive
7. Be in the right Web location
8. Create a sense of community
9. Get help if you need it
Model Types
 Physical models: Three dimensional representation such as a scale model
 Narrative models: Spoken or written
 Graphic models: Abstraction of lines, symbols, or shapes
 Mathematical models: Equation(s)

Physical & Conceptual System

Problem Solving dengan System Approach:

Phase I: Preparation Effort
 Step 1. View the firm as a system
 Step 2. Recognize the environmental system
 Step 3. Identify the firm’s subsystems
Phase II: Definition Effort
 Step 4. Proceed from a system to a subsystem level
 Step 5. Analyze system parts in a certain sequence
Phase III: Solution Effort
 Step 6. Identify the alternative solutions
 Step 7. Evaluate the alternative solutions
 Step 8. Select the best solution
 Step 9. Implement the solution
 Step 10. Follow up to ensure that the solution is effective
Tahapan SDLC:
Planning Phase:
1. Recognize the problem
2. Define the problem
3. Set system objectives
4. Identify system constraints
5. Conduct a fesibility study
6. Prepare a system study proposal
7. Approve or disapprove the study project
8. Establish a control mechanism
Analysis Phase:
1. Announce the system study
2. Organize the project team
3. Define information needs
4. Define system performance criteria
5. Prepare design proposal
6. Approve or disapprove the design project
Design Phase:
1. Prepare the detailed design system
2. Identify alternate system configurations
3. Evaluate system configurations
4. Select the best configurations
5. Prepare the implementation proposal
6. Approve or disapprove the system implementation
Implementation Phase:
1. Plan implementation
2. Announce
3. Obtain hardware resources
4. Obtain software resources
5. Prepare database
6. Prepare physical facilities
7. Educate participants and users
8. Prepare cutover proposal
9. Approve or disapprove cutover to new systsem
10. Cutover to new system
Use Phase:
1. Use
2. Audit (post implementation review)
3. Maintain the system
4. Prepare reengineering proposal
5. Approve or disapprove reengineering

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

 Reverse Engineering: analisis sistem untuk mengidentifikasi elemen dan hubungannya
 Restructuring: mengubah sistem jadi bentuk yang lain tanpa mengubah fungsinya
 Reengineering:mendesain ulang sistem seutuhnya dengan tujuan mengubah fungsinya

Database: integrasi logis record-record dalam banyak file, bertujuan meminimalkan data redundancy dan meraih
data independence
Data redundancy: duplikasi data / data yang sama tersimpan di banyak file -> kalau update data lebih dari sekali
Data independence: kemampuan untuk membuat perubahan dalam struktur data tanpa membuat perubahan pada
program aplikasi yang memproses data
Data dictionary: definisi data yang tersimpan dalam database yang dikontrol oleh DBMS
Database Structure
 Hierarchical structure: Uses the ‘parent / children’ concept, Cannot handle ad hoc requests
 Network structure: Allow given record to point back to any other record in the database, Solves problem
of having to backtrack through data
 Relational structure: Rows and columns, Frees designers from need to specify relationships prior to
building the database, Does not rely on physical relationships, Easy to understand
Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD)
 Data warehousing: refinement in the database concept to make it very large, very pure, very retrievable
 Data mart: a more modest approach than data warehousing, generally only one segment of the firm
 Data mining: the process of finding relationships in data that are unknown to the user, may be for
verification (pakai hipotesis duluan), discovery (membiarkan sistem/komputer mencari kelompok dnegan
karakteristik yang umum), combination of verification and discovery

Proses KDD:
1. Define the data and the task
2. Acquire the data
3. Clean the data
4. Develop the hypothesis and search model
5. Mine the data
6. Test and verify
7. Interpret and use

DBMS Advantages
 Reduce data redundancy
 Achieve data independence
 Enable integration of data from multiple files
 Retrieve data and information quickly
 Improve security

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