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Level 2 ,Term 2

Yarn Manufacturing-1
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
(WPE, AE, TMDM, TFD,IPE) YM-213 : 04
Necessary Calculation for Yarn Manufacturing course

Roving frame Production Related math

- Find out the Production in Metric per day by using the

following information : no. of flyer=124 ; flyer speed= 800
r p m ; R o v i n g h a n k = 1 . 2 N e ; Tw i s t
Multiplier=1.25 ;Efficiency =80% ; Waste % = 2%

Answer : 1022 kgs/ 24 hour ;1.022 mt / 24 hour

If say Assume necessary parameters , than assume Roving Count=0.7Ne

to 2 Ne & TM for Roving= 1 to 1.5

Ring frame Production Related math

-Find out the amount of production in metric ton of a spinning

mill for a day by using the following detail. Also find out the GPS

No. Of Ring frame =25 ; No. Of spindle / Ring frame =1008 ; Yarn
count=30 Ne ; Twist Multiplier (TM) =3.64; Spindle speed= 15,000
rpm; Efficiency = 94 % ; Wastes=0.2 %

Answer : 12573.3 Kgs/ Day ;12.573 metric ton /day ; OPS=

5.866 ; GPS = 166.91

If say assume necessary parameters than assume spindle speed Between

12k to 18k ; Twist Multiplier for Ring yarn = 2~3 for Knit / Hosiery ring yarn
& 3 ~ 4 for Woven Ring yarn ; Spindle per ring frame 480~516 for short
ring frame & 980 ~1008 for Long ring frame

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