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Bertambah / Increases

Bertambah / Increases

Rasa satu daya ke atas / Feel an upward force

Semakin bertambah daya apungan
semakin banyak isipadu air
The higher the buoyant force the
larger the volume of water

Memecut / accelerates
W1 > W2

Berat objek dalam air lebih

rendah disebabkan daya apungan
dalam air. / Weight of object in
water is lower due to buoyant
force in water
Daya apungan ialah daya ke atas
yang bertindak apabila objek
direndam dalam bendalir
sepenuhnya atau sebahagian.
The buoyant force is an upward
force resulting from an object
being wholly or partially immersed
in a fluid.
Meningkat / Increases 200
sesarkan 200
Isipadu air disesarkan = isipadu
objek dalam air
Volume of water displaced =
volume of object immersed in
• Isipadu air disesarkan = isipadu objek dalam air
• The volume of the immersed part on an object in
a liquid is EQUAL to the volume of the displaced
It is very much easier to lift object when it is beneath the water
surface. Why?
Observe the shape of the fishing rod as the ship comes out of the water.
25 N
15 N
10 N
100 N
increase P2 > P1 sebab P2 lebih dalam /
lower P2 is deeper

F1 = P1A

F2 = P2A

Permukaan bawah > dalam / bottom face is deeper

F2 > F1

F = F 2 - F1

Ke atas / upward

Daya apungan / buoyant force

Weight of the liquid displaced

Weight , W1

Weight of the object in the
air, W1 /N 2.2
Weight of the object in
water, W2 /N 2.0
Weight of the empty
beaker, W3 /N 0.11
Weight of the beaker and
water, W4 /N 1.31
Loss in weight of the
object , W1 –W2 /N 0.20
Weight of water displaced,
W4 –W3 /N 0.20
Sama / equal

Daya apungan = berat air disesarkan

buoyant force = weight water
Sama / equal

Sama / equal
Remember !!!
Archimedes Principle
Buoyant Force
= Weight of water displaced.
Archimedes Principle
• Apabila objek direndam di dalam air sepenuhnya
atau separuh, daya apungan sama dengan berat air
yang disesarkan. “ When an object is immersed in a
fluid,the buoyant force is equal to the weight of
fluid displaced by the object.
8N 6N


Lost in weight = bouyant force = 8 – 6 = 2 N

Weight of displaced water = 2 N = bouyant force
Daya apungan = berat air disesarkan
buoyant force = weight water displaced
FB = Wberat air disesarkan = Wwater displaced

FB = Wberat air disesarkan = Wwater displaced

= mg m = jisim air disesarkan
mass of water displaced
Daya apungan = ρVg
buoyant force = ρVg

Daya apungan = Wudara – Wair

buoyant force =
65 – 30 = 35 N

35 N

Fb = ƿVg
1000 V 10 = 35
V = 3.5 x 10 -3 m3
Isipadu objek dlm air = isipadu air sesar
Volume of object immersed in water
= volume of water displaced
= 3.5 x 10 -3 m3
Buoyant force, B = ρVg = Berat di udara – berat dalam air
2.5 – 2.2 = ρ x 25 x 10-6 x 10
ρ = 1200 kg m-3
W = FB Buoyant
force, FB


0.2 kg
2.0 N 2.0 N

W epal = W air disesarkan

Weight of water displaced = Buoyant force
= weight of the boy + weight of the float

Weight of
iceberg =
Buoyant force
= Weight of sea
water displaced
Buoyant force = weight of object = 900 N
Daya apungan = berat objek = 900 N

Buoyant force = weight of water displaced = 900 N

Daya apungan = berat air disesarkan = 900 N
W = ρVg = 1000 x 0.000032 x 10
= 0.32 N

Daya apungan = 0.32 N

Daya apungan = berat tiub + berat plumbum

0.32 = (0.012 x 10) + Wpb
W = 0.32 – 0.12 = 0.20 N
Mass / jisim plumbum = 0.2/10 = 0.02 kg = 20 g
V = Ah = 0.08 x 4 x 10-4
= 3.2 x 10-5 m3
Buoyant force = weight of object
Daya apungan = berat objek
= 100 x 10 = 1000 N
Buoyant force only acts on the fish in
Weight of fish in water is lighter water.
Berat ikan dalam air lebih ringan Daya apungan hanya bertindak ke
atas ikan dalam air.
Berat kapal = Berat air laut disesarkan
Weight of ship = Weight of sea water displaced
Keluli lebih tumpat dari air. Sebongkah
keluli akan sesarkan sedikit isipadu air
Steel is denser than water. A block of
steel will displaced a small volume of
water only
Daya apungan keluli kecil daripada berat
keluli. Oleh itu sebongkah keluli
So the buoyant force acting on it is less
than its weight. Therefore it sinks.
Kapal keluli terapung atas air kerana ia
sesarkan isipadu air yang banyak.
A ship floats on the surface of the sea
because the volume of water displaced
by the ship is sufficiently large.
Berat air disesarkan sangat besar,
jadi daya apungan ke atas kapal Berat kapal = berat air disesarkan
sangat besar. weight ship = weight of water
The weight of water displaced is displaced.
large so the buoyant force acting on
the ship is large.
Berat kapal = Berat air laut disesarkan
Weight of ship = Weight of sea water displaced
Aras bot dalam air laut lebih tinggi /
bot lebih tenggelam dalam air sungai
The level of the boat in the sea is higher
/ the bot sink deeper in the river.

Ketumpatan air sungai rendah

The river water is less dense

Isipadu air sungai disesarkan lebih

The volumes of river water displaced is
Daya apungan adalah sama kerana bot Buoyant force are equal because the
yang sama same bot.
Semakin kurang ketumpatan air, semakin the less dense the water, the greater
banyak air yang disesarkan. the water is displaced.
Oleh itu bot tenggelam lebih dalam Therefore the bot submerged deeper in
sungai. the river.
Bot menyesarkan lebih banyak air bagi
mendapatkan daya apungan lebih The bot displaced more water to get
besar untuk menyokong berat greater buoyant force in order to
tambahan support the extra weight.
Membantu menentukan aras selamat Terdapat perbezaan suhu air laut
bagi sebuah kapal untuk terapung berbeza. Oleh itu ketumpatan air laut
Help to determine the safe level for a berbeza dengan lokasi.
ship to float. The temperature of sea water different
so the density of sea water varies with
the location.
Pada musim sejuk, ketumpatan air laut
Ketumpatan air sungai lebih rendah, ia tinggi, bahagian kapal yang tenggelam
tenggelam lebih dalam. kurang. (sesarkan sedikit air)
The density of river water is lower, so it During winter, the density of sea water
sinks deeper. is higher (cold), so the ship sink lower
in water.
Apabila air diisi dalam tangka ballast,
berat kapal selam bertambah, ia
Apabila air dikeluarkan, daya apungan
lebih besar dari berat, ia naik ke atas
When filled with water, weight is
bigger, so the submarine sink.
When water is removed, buoyant force
is bigger than the weight, it rises up.
Mengawal kedudukan dan kedalaman
Control the position and depth of
kapal selam dalam air dengan
submarine in water by controlling the
mengawal kuantiti air diisi.
quantity of water filled.
Hidrometer terapung tegak
Hidrometer floats vertically upward.

Mengukur ketumpatan cecair Daya apungan yang besar

Measure the density of liquid Greater buoyant force

Dapat mengesan perubahan kecil / lebih peka

Can detect small change / more sensitif
Hydrometer akan sesarkan banyak air,
jadi lebih tenggelam.
Hydrometer will displaced more water,
so it sinks deeper.

Daya apungan sama kerana berat

hydrometer yang sama. Berat objek Cecair A lebih tumpat
sama dengan daya apungan bila objek Liquid A is denser
Sama buoyant force because weight of
hydrometer is same. Weight of object =
buoyant force when object floats.
Panaskan udara di dalam,
Berat dan daya apungan besarkan saiz belon
Weight and buoyant force Heat the air in the balloon
Increases the size of the balloon

Ketumpatan udara di dalam belon kurang tumpat

The density of air in the balloon is lower
Untuk menambahkan isipadu udara
yang disesarkan, oleh itu daya apungan
bertambah. F = ρVg
To increases the volume of air displaced,
so the buoyant force is greater

Sama / equal
Belon naik ke atas
The balloon rises up

Belon terapung pegun di udara.

The balloon floats stationary in the air.
FB = 1.3 x 2080 x 10 = (1900 x 10) + WTambahan
W = 8 040 N

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