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This Module provides a list of agreements I use in my seminars, which you can utilize if you are going to have
agreements in your seminar and use these as an exercise to look at the value of keeping one’s word.

The important things to remember when setting this up in your group are:
• Get everyone to repeat the agreements.
• Have them sign and acknowledge their commitment.
• Allow a space and time for renegotiation or refusal to agree to all agreements.

This lengthy list of guidelines will not work in a one-day workshop. In order to really make this land, it needs to
be in a multi-day agreement or an ongoing group. In a one-day workshop you might have a few key guidelines
and agreements such as “no side talking, come back from breaks on time, and wait for the microphone to
talk.” You can determine what guidelines and agreements are best suited for your audience, length of
workshop, and the purpose of the training.

In This Principle
Guidelines and Agreements

Guidelines and Agreements
Facilitating Broken Agreements

Guidelines and Agreements

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Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P

Guidelines and Agreements – Concept
All agreements are really with yourself. You are giving your word to uphold your integrity. When you give your
word and choose not to keep your agreement, you are sacrificing your own integrity.

PowerPoint slide, flip chart page, or hand out with the Guidelines and Agreements

Classroom Logistics 2
Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P

Guidelines and Agreements – Worksheet
1. Be on time to all sessions.
2. Attend all sessions and complete the seminar.

3. No alcohol or drugs during the seminar.

- Keep taking doctor’s prescribed medications.

4. No smoking in this room. Go to the bathroom only on breaks.

5. Don’t bring water to seats in an open cup — closed containers only.

6. Wear your name tag at all times during the sessions.

- Wearing your name tag in a visible place allows others to learn and call you by name.

7. No side talking.

8. Turn your cell phone off or put it on vibrate.

9. To share, raise your hand, stand, say your name, speak loudly and use the microphone. Applaud after
each speaker has spoken.

10. Rotate seating after every break.

11. Follow all the facilitator’s instructions.

12. Complete all the homework.

- The homework is an integral aspect of the seminar. To receive maximum value, we request that you
commit to completing all the homework.

13. Confidentiality.
- Whatever anyone says during the seminar about him/herself is to be held in the strictest confidence. You
are welcome to talk about your own experience, the processes and the seminar itself. Do not talk about
exercises that have surprise “AHA” endings.

14. Communicate any upsets about the training to Jack either verbally or in writing.

15. No new sex.

16. Do not wear perfume or other scents (essential oils, aftershave, cologne) to the training – it can be a
distraction for others.

17. No new major decisions for two weeks.

18. Hand in your completed evaluation form by the end of the seminar.

19. Write or email a letter to Jack Canfield

Classroom Logistics 3
Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P

We really want to hear from you, how you are doing and what results you are seeing from the seminar. We
also want to know if there is any way we can better serve you.

We very much want your feedback about the seminar and support in perfecting the effectiveness of the
seminar. Send your letters (or an email) to:

Train the Trainer
The Canfield Training Group
P.O. Box 30880
Santa Barbara, CA 93130

______________________________________ _______________________
Signed Date

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Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P

Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
□ Watch the Module Videos
o Module 1 o Module 2

From the perspective of a participant:
1. Reflecting on this entire module, what was your most significant learning? (It is important to understand
the impact it has on you before you facilitate it with others.)
2. How did this module increase your self-awareness?
3. Which activity, demonstration, or exercise provided the most significant learning?
4. Why does this matter?
5. What difference could this insight make in your life?
6. Did you notice any internal blocks that stopped you from fully participating in any of the exercises?
7. What, if anything, are you still wondering about?

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Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P
Trainer Insights Worksheet: What Did You Learn?
Now thinking like a trainer:

1. How do you think this could affect participants in a workshop?

2. What emotions might come up in a workshop? (resistance, fear, judgment, elation, excitement?) How
might you deal with it?
3. Did you notice any internal resistance to any of the exercises, if so, what resistance did you have?
4. How might this impact your ability to facilitate this exercise?
5. How could you overcome your resistance to effectively facilitate this exercise?
6. What parts of the video do you intend to review to deepen your understanding of this module?
Classroom Logistics 6
Copyright © 2016 Self Esteem Seminars, L.P. All Rights Reserved. Jack Canfield and The Success Principles
are trademarks of Self Esteem Seminars, L.P

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