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Psychology Factsheets Number 155
Answering exam questions using biopsychology
Anatomical model of the human body Area of brain Function
This Factsheet provides guidance about how to gain Left hemisphere Language, rational, logical, analytical
the best marks when answering exam questions using Right hemisphere Visuo-spatial, artistic, emotional,
a biopsychological approach. The Factsheet includes intuition, creativity
specific exam hints based on examiner comments and Motor cortex in frontal lobe Fine motor movement
the worksheet gives you the opportunity to apply what Pre-frontal cortex P l a n n i n g , w o r k i n g m e m o r y,
you have learned to exam style questions. Words in
goal-oriented behaviour
bold are explained in the glossary.
Limbic system Emotions
Hypothalamus Regulates the autonomic nervous
The examiner will expect you to be able to:
system (ANS) and endocrine system
• Demonstrate a sound knowledge of the biopsychological approach
• Apply your knowledge of biological processes to psychological
topics Exam Hint:- An exam question might require discussion of the
• Evaluate the biopsychological approach in relation to other strengths and/or limitations of PET scans as a way of identifying
areas of cortical specialisation in the brain. The main strength
approaches in psychology
is the accuracy of the method of investigation. Limitations can
include ethical issues associated with invasive procedures
A. Introduction
and reliability of interpretation of data. It is important to relate
The biological approach to psychology is interested in physiological the identified strengths and/or limitations directly to cortical
processes in the body and their relation to psychological processes. specialization in order to attract top marks in this type of question.
Because of the focus on the interaction between biology and
psychology, this approach is sometimes called biopsychology. The The brain is part of the nervous system which releases chemical
main assumptions of biopsychology are: substances called neurotransmitters. These chemicals facilitate or block
• Human beings are biological machines communication between nerves in spaces called synapses. Different
• Thoughts and behaviours can be explained in terms of physical neurotransmitters have different effects, many of which can be linked
activity to psychological processes, as illustrated below.
There main areas of interest within the biopsychological approach are Neurotransmitter Action
neurotransmitters, hormones, genetics and illness. Psychologists Endorphins A natural painkiller that blocks pain pathways
with an interest in biology aim to explain human behaviour in terms Serotonin Associated with self-confidence and sociability
of (at least) one of these four areas. Dopamine Affects parts of the brain that control emotional
responses and pleasure and pain
Exam Hint:- Many students of psychology feel anxious about the Noradrenaline Creates a state of arousal
biopsychological approach in particular because it is scientific in
a more traditional sense than other psychological approaches. Evidence suggests links between the release of neurotransmitters
However, this can make learning the main assumptions more (biology) and mental states (psychology) including the following:
straightforward because they are based on scientific, biological • Low levels of serotonin have been associated with depression,
evidence. suicidal tendencies, alcoholism, sexual deviance and aggression
Before you attempt an exam question based on the • High levels of serotonin have been associated with OCD (obsessive
biopsychological approach, ask yourself if you will be using compulsive disorder), shyness and low self-confidence
neurotransmitters, hormones, genetics or illness to inform your • High levels of dopamine have been associated with schizophrenia,
response. This will help you to maintain focus. hallucinations and addiction

B. The brain and nervous system Exam Hint:- Remember that the ability to identify a biological
Diagram of the human brain component to psychological disorders such as depression,
Biological evidence based on medical schizophrenia, OCD and addiction has implications for the
images, illustrates the function of different treatment of such disorders through medication.
areas of the brain, as summarised in the
table below. For example, you might The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls involuntary functions
have heard individuals described as ‘left- such as heart rate, breathing, excretion and digestion. It is located in
brained’ or ‘right-brained’ which refers the medulla oblongata region of the lower brainstem and divides into
to the varying functions of the brain and other areas outside of the brain. The ANS is responsible for initiating
suggests that those whose left-brain is a biological response known as arousal, for example at times of
dominant are more likely to be logical, analytical and good at language excitement, fear or stress. The sympathetic branch puts the body
skills, while those whose right brain is dominant are more likely to be into a state of ‘fight or flight’ which initiates a response from the
creative, intuitive and good at applying emotional skills. Already, this parasympathetic branch which in turn tries to return the body to a state
illustrates a link between biological brain function and psychological of homeostasis. This process is summarized in the diagram below.
temperament and behaviour.

155 - Answering exam questions using biopsychology Psychology Factsheet

Exam Hint:- An exam question might require you to explain

why psychologists study individuals with endocrine disorders
+ circulation such as Klinefelter’s syndrome. The reason for this is so that
Sympathetic Bodily arousal
+ respiration comparisons can be made between individuals with Klinefelter’s
branch flight or fight mode
+ digestion syndrome and those with typical sex chromosome patterns in
order to draw inferences about the biological basis for gender
development. Differences between males who have Klinefelter’s
syndrome and males who display typical sex chromosome
patterns include chromosomal make up, size of genitalia, limb
length, differences in language development and temperament.
Resting bodily - circulation
state of - respiration Exam Hint:- An exam question might require you to Identify
homeostasis - digestion and explain limitations of the biological approach to gender
development. Likely limitations include reductionism and an
under emphasis on the role of the environment.
It is important to demonstrate an understanding of why people
Exam Hint:- A typical exam question might require you to with endocrine disorders would be studied by psychologists. The
explain the fight or flight response and give an example of focus of your answer should be on comparisons in behaviour
when it might be triggered. You should describe the actions of and how it might be possible to attribute differences found to
the sympathetic branch of the ANS referring to the perceived
the absence/presence of an endocrine disorder.
threat, the physiological changes that occur in the body and an
appropriate example such as riding a roller coaster or taking
D. Genetics
an examination.
What do family members have in common?
An exam question might require you to explain the role of the Biopsychologists with an interest in genetics
parasympathetic branch of the ANS. This does not require investigate similarities between family members
a lengthy description of the role of the sympathetic branch. in terms of specific psychological behaviours.
Instead it is sufficient to say that the parasympathetic branch For example, there is a large body of evidence to
acts in response to the sympathetic branch, and then describe support a genetic component to eating disorders
the actions of the parasympathetic branch only. which is based on studies of monozygotic and dizygotic twins. There is
A worrying number of students wrongly state that sympathetic also evidence to suggest that certain individuals have a predisposition
activity controls ‘fight’ and parasympathetic activity controls towards developing criminal behaviour, based on the prevalence
‘flight’. of criminal behaviour in biological family members. Similarly,
individuals who have a family member who has been diagnosed
C. Hormones and endocrine system with a psychological disorder, such as depression or schizophrenia,
Human endocrine system are likely to have a biological predisposition towards developing the
The nervous system communicates directly same disorder.
with the endocrine system. The ANS stimulates
Exam Hint:- A typical exam question might require you to provide
the release of hormones, which are chemical
evidence for a genetic component to a particular disorder. You
messengers produced and transmitted by should describe the results of studies which found that individuals
endocrine glands. Each endocrine gland who have a family member with the specific disorder are more
produces a specific hormone. The release of likely to develop the disorder themselves, than an individual who
hormones is initiated in one of three ways: does not have a biological relative with the disorder. It is not
1. In response to an external stimuli usually necessary to describe the methodology of such studies
2. In response to a circadian rhythm (every day) in this type of question as it will not be creditworthy.
3. In response to an infradian rhythm (less than once every day).
Hormones are powerful chemicals and the release of hormones in one E. Evaluating the biopsychological approach
individual can even have an effect on another individual, which is a Weighing up the strengths and limitations
particular group of hormones called pheromones. The table below lists While the biopsychological approach aims to investigate the interaction
the key hormones produced by the main endocrine glands. between biology and psychology, it is not without its limitations. When
Endocrine gland Hormone Action evaluating the approach, you should consider both its strengths and
Hypothalamus Dopamine Response to pleasurable and painful limitations and make these as focused and specific as you can. Part of
emotion evaluating a psychological approach involves comparing with other
Melatonin Synchronizes phases of sleep and approaches and asking yourself; ‘what does this approach do better
activity than that one?’
Pituitary Oxytocin Tend and befriend response The main strengths of the biopsychological approach are:
Thyroid Thyroxin Stimulates basal metabolic rate • It is scientific
Pancreas Insulin Regulates blood sugar levels • It is based on empirical evidence
Glucagon Regulates blood sugar levels • It is refutable
Adrenal cortex Cortisol Stress hormone, stimulates digestion • It has implications for treatment
Adrenal medulla Adrenaline Fight or flight response • It explains how physical state can affect psychological state
Testes Testosterone Male characteristics, influences
Ovaries Oestrogen Female characteristics
Progesterone Supports pregnancy

155 - Answering exam questions using biopsychology Psychology Factsheet

The main limitations of the biopsychological approach are:

• It is deterministic
• It under values the role of the environment and social factors
• It implies cause and effect but findings may in fact illustrate correlations
• It does not explain individual differences

Exam Hint:- An exam question might require you to evaluate the biopsychological approach in terms of strengths and limitations. You
don’t need to have the same number of each but you do need to consider both sides. The point of evaluation is literally to give value
to something by weighing up what it can explain and what it can’t.

Exam Hint:- A typical exam question might ask you to evaluate biopsychological explanations of ‘X’. You must make your answer
focused on the particular question rather than provide a generic list of strengths and limitations which are not specific to the topic in
question in order to gain the best marks.

Arousal: Physical reaction such as stress, fear or excitement in response to a stimulus
Autonomic nervous system (ANS): Part of the nervous system which functions beyond conscious control
Biopsychology: An approach which examines the interaction between biological and psychological processes
Circadian rhythm: Biological process controlled by hormones which happens once within a 24 hours period e.g. melatonin controls the wake/
sleep cycle
Deterministic: Theory which suggests behaviour is beyond free-will and is instead determined by, for example, biology
Dopamine: Neurotransmitter and hormone that influences emotional responses to pleasure and pain and has been linked with extraversion and
Endocrine system: Physiological system of glands that produce hormones
Fight or flight: Physiological response to arousal which prepares the body to act or retreat from a stimulus
Homeostasis: Physiological process of maintaining balance, for example in hormone levels or the actions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
branches of the nervous system
Hormones: Chemical messengers produced and transmitted by endocrine glands
Klinefelter’s syndrome: Genetic disorder affecting males which is caused by an extra X chromosome
Infradian rhythm: Biological process controlled by hormones which happens less than once every day e.g. female menstrual cycle
Neurotransmitters: Chemical messengers that block or facilitate communication between nerves
Refutable: Can be proved wrong
Serotonin: Neurotransmitter that influences mood, memory and learning
Synapse: A space between two nerves where communication takes place via neurotransmitters

Acknowledgements: This Psychology Factsheet was researched and written by Jeanine Connor.
The Curriculum Press, Bank House, 105 King Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1NU.
Psychology Factsheets may be copied free of charge by teaching staff or students, provided that their school is a registered subscriber. No part of these Factsheets may be reproduced, stored in
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155 - Answering exam questions using biopsychology Psychology Factsheet

Worksheet: Answering exam questions using biopsychology

1. Outline one strength and one limitation of the use of scans to illustrate brain activity

2. Low levels of serotonin have been associated with depression, suicidal tendencies, alcoholism, sexual deviance and aggression. Outline
research to support any one of these associations.




3. High levels of dopamine have been associated with schizophrenia, hallucinations and addiction.
Outline research to support any one of these associations.

4. Describe the fight or flight response with reference to the roles of the nervous and endocrine systems.

5. Explain why psychologists might study individuals with endocrine disorders.
6. Summarise the main strengths and limitations of using a biopsychological approach to explain psychological disorders such as
depression or schizophrenia.

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