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Grading as

Formative Feedback

How do we use the grade book as better tool?

● Streamline gradebook
○ What gets recorded?
○ What do grades mean?
● Involve student self
reflection and peer
Our Motivation ○ Rubrics
○ Forms
○ Schoology Discussions
● Provide multiple
opportunities for
students to succeed.
Example #1
What did we do?
To reduce entering grades on a daily basis for 90 + students, to encourage
reflectiveness, and to make the grading more authentic, we created a reporting
form. Math Reporting Form and Weekly HW Report.

Would we do it again?
Absolutely! It reduced the amount of grades entered in Schoology and
eliminated the recording of math grades on a daily basis (streamlined indeed).
Moreover, the reporting form encouraged self reflection among the students as
they wrote about what they learned or how they felt about the unit/concepts.
Example #2
What did we do?
Students take a “quiz” that is basically another version of the unit test. The quiz is
graded and given back a few days before the test. The test grades supersede the
quiz grades, which then disappear!

Would we do it again?
Definitely! While many students kept the same level of understanding, a good
number increased their scores. Previously, students were required to come in at
a lunch for retakes and very few took advantage of that opportunity. Now, every
student does a retake, and has the opportunity to show their growth.
Example #3
What did we do?
To involve students in peer and self reflections we created the
Peer/Student/Teacher Notebook grading rubric.

Would we do it again?
Definitely. It not only helped to streamline the grading of student notebooks but
also allowed students to reflect on their own and other students’ not taking
practices. It also helped to keep students accountable.
Example #4
What did we do?
To engage students more, and encourage peer assessment, we created
Schoology Discussions around math problems and performance tasks.
Schoology Discussion - 6th Grade Performance Task

Would we do it again?
Yes. Integrating technology, writing, and math is always a good thing. In
addition, on-line discussions has students “constructing viable arguments and
critiquing the reasoning of others”(MP#3) Personally, I also find grading the
work and responses of students quick and easy on Schoology.
Example #4
What did we do?
As in math, to encourage reflectiveness, and to make the grading more
authentic, we created a reporting form. Ancient Greece Reporting Form

Would we do it again?
The reporting form encouraged self reflection among the students as they wrote
about what they learned or how they felt about the unit/concepts.
Example #5

What did we plan to do?

Parent Survey

Should we do it?
Although this has not yet been used, we are interested in some form of feedback
from parents. Another option we have considered is having specific students
(struggling) get a signature on this form.
Example #7
What did we do?
Copying Ms. Klatt’s work habits grading system, a simplified version was adapted
for Pre-Calculus and Physics.

Would we do it again?
The reporting form encouraged self reflection among the students on their
perseverance, which research shows is a crucial element for success.
Questions? Feedback?
Formative Assessments and Standard
Based Grading - Marzano

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