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Advances in Facial Rejuvenation: Botulinum

Toxin Type A, Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers,
and Combination Therapies–-Consensus
Jean D. A. Carruthers, M.D.
Background: Facial aesthetics and rejuvenation are evolving rapidly due to
Richard G. Glogau, M.D. changes in products, procedures, and patient demographics. Clinicians can
Andrew Blitzer, M.D., D.D.S., benefit from ongoing guidance on products, tailoring treatments to individual
and the Facial Aesthetics patients, treating multiple facial areas, and using combinations of products and
Consensus Group Faculty ways to optimize outcomes.
Vancouver, Canada; San Francisco, Methods: A multidisciplinary group of aesthetic treatment experts convened to
Calif.; and New York, N.Y. review the properties and uses of botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA) and hyal-
uronic acid fillers and to update consensus recommendations for facial reju-
venation using these two types of products. The group considered paradigm
shifts in facial aesthetics; optimal techniques for using BoNTA and hyaluronic
acid fillers alone and in combination; the influence of patient sex, ethnicity,
cultural ideals, and skin color on treatment; general techniques; patient edu-
cation and counseling; and emerging trends and needs in facial rejuvenation.
Results: The group provided specific recommendations by facial area, focusing
on relaxing musculature, restoring volume, and recontouring using BoNTA and
hyaluronic acid fillers alone and in combination. For the upper face, BoNTA
remains the cornerstone of treatment, with hyaluronic acid fillers used to
augment results. These fillers are central to the midface because of the need to
restore volume. BoNTA and hyaluronic acid in combination can improve out-
comes in the lower face.
Conclusions: Optimal outcomes in facial aesthetics require in-depth knowledge
of facial aging and anatomy, an appreciation that rejuvenation is a three-
dimensional process involving muscle control, volume restoration, and recon-
touring, and thorough knowledge of properties and techniques specific to each
product in the armamentarium. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 121 (Suppl.): 5S, 2008.)

ubstantial and rapid change typifies the field Aesthetics provided guidance on the use of the
of facial aesthetics and rejuvenation as phy- Botox formulation (Botox Cosmetic; Allergan,
sicians and patients continue their quest for Inc., Irvine, Calif.) of botulinum toxin type A
minimally invasive yet highly effective and safe (BoNTA).3 Statistics for 2006, the latest available,
approaches to mitigate the signs of facial aging.1,2 show that BoNTA injection continues to be the
In 2004, the publication Consensus Recommenda- single most common aesthetic procedure per-
tions on the Use of Botulinum Toxin Type A in Facial formed in men and women in the United States,
but that its use is accompanied by growth in the
From the Department of Ophthalmology, University of British use of other modalities, including dermal fillers.4
Columbia; Department of Dermatology, University of Cali-
fornia, San Francisco; and Department of Otolaryngology–
Head and Neck Surgery, Columbia University. Disclosures: The faculty’s financial relationships
Received for publication November 5, 2007; accepted or relationships to products or devices they or their
February 4, 2008. spouse/life partner have with commercial interests
The faculty of the Facial Aesthetics Consensus Group is listed related to the content of this continuing medical
in an Appendix at the end of this article. education activity are listed in an Appendix at the
Copyright ©2008 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons end of this article.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31816de8d0 5S
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

Nearly 3.2 million procedures were performed CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS

with BoNTA, and another 1.6 million procedures The rapid changes occurring in aesthetic med-
were performed with hyaluronic acid fillers, consti- icine necessitated updated clinical recommenda-
tuting about 81 percent of all procedures involving tions to guide the practice of more advanced tech-
soft-tissue augmentation.4 Together, BoNTA and niques. Specifically, areas to be addressed included
soft-tissue fillers comprise approximately 54 percent the following:
of all nonsurgical aesthetic procedures. With the
fillers now available, such as the newer hyaluronic ● Understanding the importance of how differ-
acid products, it can be anticipated that both de- ences among products of the same class influ-
mand and use will increase because the variety of ence clinical use and outcomes
options affords clinicians and patients greater ver- ● Treating multiple areas in a single session
satility in tailoring therapy to individual needs and ● Tailoring treatments to individual needs and
goals. circumstances, including ethnic and cultural
Changes have occurred not only in products considerations, such as skin type, facial shape,
but also in patient demographics, treatment goals, and aesthetic ideals
and the ways in which products are used. For ex- ● Using combinations of products
ample, in the year 2000, ethnic minorities ac- ● Ensuring patient satisfaction
counted for approximately 15 percent of all min- On April 13 to 15, 2007, a multidisciplinary
imally invasive procedures in the United States. In group of experts in aesthetic treatments convened
2006, this had increased to approximately 22 per-
to review the properties and clinical implications
cent. Men had 8 percent of all cosmetic proce-
of various BoNTA and hyaluronic acid filler for-
dures in 2006. Growth rates for BoNTA injection
mulations and to develop updated consensus rec-
and use of hyaluronic acid fillers are higher in
ommendations for facial rejuvenation with more
men than in women.4,5 Cultural and ethnic dif-
advanced techniques using these two types of
ferences in aesthetic ideals and treatment goals
products. Specifically, these experts addressed the
are likely to have an increasing effect on how
aesthetic medicine is practiced. following topics:
● Optimal techniques for using BoNTA and hy-
aluronic acid fillers alone and in combination
AN EVOLVING PARADIGM to treat multiple upper, middle, and lower fa-
One of the most important changes in facial cial rhytides, volume depletion, and folds
rejuvenation has been a shift from a two-dimen- ● Effect of sex, ethnicity, cultural ideals, and skin
sional focus on hyperdynamic facial lines and im- color on treatment
mobilization of corresponding muscles to an in- ● General techniques and patient education/
creased comprehension and appreciation of the counseling
three-dimensional aspects of facial aging, partic- ● Emerging trends and needs in facial rejuvenation
ularly the loss of volume and its effect on treat-
ment approaches.6 This change manifested itself For purposes of discussion, the face was di-
initially in the idea of using BoNTA for facial shap- vided into thirds (upper, middle, and lower). The
ing, but it has expanded to meld concepts of move- faculty stressed, however, the importance of eval-
ment control, recontouring, and volume restora- uating the overall patient presentation and assess-
tion using multiple modalities.2,7,8 ing the effect of change in one area on others.
With changing aesthetics have come modifi- They concurred that the goals of aesthetic treat-
cations in the way BoNTA is used in clinical prac- ments are to help patients feel more attractive
tice. Although most clinical trials report results of and as satisfied with their appearance as possible,
BoNTA treatment on single areas of the face, cli- by creating and maintaining a harmonious, bal-
nicians tend to treat multiple areas to provide a anced, and refreshed look. This continuing med-
more natural, relaxed look.9,10 Increasingly, too, ical education supplement represents a compila-
BoNTA is used in combination with other modal- tion of their recommendations, continuing the
ities, including hyaluronic acid dermal fillers.11 By process begun in 2004. The specific recommen-
using fillers in combination with BoNTA, it be- dations made in this document reflect the con-
comes possible to address facial rejuvenation from sensus of this group based on their clinical expe-
a three-dimensional rather than a two-dimen- rience as well as published data regarding the
sional approach, thereby providing more pleas- use of BoNTA and hyaluronic acid fillers. It should
ing, longer-lasting aesthetic outcomes. be noted that other treatments, including non–

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

hyaluronic acid fillers, may be suitable for facial Drug Administration review and is indicated for
rejuvenation in individual patients. Recommen- aesthetic use in other countries.19
dations for optimizing their use may become avail- According to clinical studies, product label-
able in the future. ing, and clinical experience, these two formula-
tions are not interchangeable and cannot be
substituted one for the other by any simple or
BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS AND fixed-dose conversion ratio. Perhaps one of the
HYALURONIC ACID FILLERS IN most important clinical considerations is the
FACIAL AESTHETICS probability of diffusion or migration outside
the targeted muscle. From both preclinical and
Botulinum Neurotoxin Formulations clinical studies, it appears that the Dysport/
Botulinum neurotoxins are produced by var- Reloxin formulation is more likely to diffuse
ious strains of Clostridium botulinum, resulting in farther from the injection site.16,19,20 In addition,
seven known serotypes, of which A and B have the duration of effect may differ, with the Botox
been developed for routine clinical use.12,13 Al- formulation providing a longer response at a
though basic mechanisms of action are the same dose ratio of 2.5:1 (Dysport:Botox).21
for the various types of toxins, they differ both The consensus faculty reported on their ex-
between and within types in a number of proper- perience with the two formulations of BoNTA. All
ties that have important implications for clinical have used the Botox formulation, and 87 percent
use.13 Of the major toxins available for clinical use, reported experience with Dysport/Reloxin in clin-
only two formulations of BoNTA have been stud- ical studies. Approximately 50 percent also have
ied and used extensively for both cosmetic and used botulinum toxin type B (Myobloc). On the
therapeutic indications (Table 1).14 –16 The type B basis of their experience, most faculty members
formulation, commercially available as Myobloc who have used both Botox and Dysport/Reloxin
(Solstice Neurosciences, Inc, Malvern, Pa.), is in- reported that injection volumes and doses differ,
dicated in the United States for the treatment of that injection patterns may need to be altered due
cervical dystonia. It was deemed less suitable and to differences in migration, and that inexperi-
practical for cosmetic use by the consensus faculty enced injectors will likely have a steep learning
members because of discomfort on injection due curve to adjust injection techniques, because out-
to its acidity (pH approximately 5.6) and its comes can differ substantially as a result of rela-
shorter duration of effect, which has also been tively minor differences in injection sites. They
reported in the literature.17,18 Therefore, the re- recommended that Dysport/Reloxin be used with
mainder of this discussion focuses on the two ma- caution around the eyes, upper lip, and depressor
jor formulations of BoNTA. Only one (Botox) is anguli oris and in the mentalis.
approved for a cosmetic use (to treat glabellar
lines) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration;
the other (Dysport, Reloxin; Ipsen Limited, Berk- Hyaluronic Acids
shire, United Kingdom) is undergoing Food and Naturally occurring hyaluronic acids are
present universally in living organisms as part of
Table 1. Comparisons between Formulations of the extracellular matrix.22,23 For many years, forms
Botulinum Toxin Type A of hyaluronic acids have been used for intra-
articular joint injections and in ophthalmologic
Botox Reloxin procedures such as cataract surgery.24,25 More re-
(Vistabel), (Dysport),
Allergan, Inc. Ipsen Limited cently, they have become important as dermal fill-
ers and contouring agents.
FDA approval Yes, cosmetic/ Pending,
therapeutic cosmetic/ Native hyaluronic acid has a short half-life of
therapeutic only about 1 to 2 days in tissue.23 The process of
Serotype A A cross-linking hyaluronic acid results in larger,
Complex molecular more stable molecules that have biocompatibility
weight 900 kDa 500–900 kDa
Units per vial 100 500 and viscoelastic properties similar to those of
Protein ⬃5 ng/vial ⬃5 ng/vial the naturally occurring substance. Cross-linking
Form Vacuum-dried Lyophilized causes the ordinarily hygroscopic gel to become
pH ⬃7.0 ⬃7.0
Diffusion Lower Higher less water-soluble, thereby increasing product sta-
Diluent (saline) 2.5 ml 5.0 to 7.5 ml bility in tissue. Properties of hyaluronic acids that
FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. are important in determining their clinical per-

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

formance include the concentration of hyaluronic percent of the wrinkles treated, of which two reac-
acid and the degree of cross-linking, which affect tions were considered severe in one patient.
longevity and stability; gel hardness, which helps On balance, the participants in this confer-
determine flow properties, the extrusion force re- ence considered that, at this time, temporary fill-
quired, and the structure and stiffness of the fin- ers such as hyaluronic acids afford clinicians and
ished product; and the degree of gel swelling, or patients a long-lasting outcome (Table 2) without
ability to resist dilution, which also influences the risks associated with permanent fillers and
longevity.23,26,27 their use can be repeated as needed to maintain
Commercially available hyaluronic acid fillers a satisfactory outcome and address evolving treat-
differ in their specific properties, thus contribut- ment needs. Hyaluronic acid fillers have an ex-
ing to differences in their clinical applications and cellent safety profile. Many complications can be
performance (Table 2).26,28 –33 These differences
avoided by careful injection technique or reversed
allow clinicians to select the most appropriate
by injection of hyaluronidase.38 For patients de-
agent for a given treatment need. For example,
one important consideration is longevity of effect, siring a more permanent effect, hyaluronic acid
and available dermal fillers offer a wide range of fillers can be used initially to provide the patient
expected durations.34 In addition, within the cat- with an opportunity to evaluate the effects.35
egory of hyaluronic acid fillers, products differ in In summary, the use of minimally invasive
expected longevity, and recently, product labeling products such as BoNTA and hyaluronic acid der-
for the Juvéderm fillers (Allergan, Inc., Irvine, mal fillers has expanded significantly from their
Calif.) was revised to note that the treatment ef- original applications to encompass mobility re-
fects last up to 12 months.33 In the clinical expe- striction, volumizing, and contouring alone and in
rience of the faculty, various fillers differ from combination to manage the multidimensional as-
each other in their duration of effect. pects of facial aging (Table 3). Meaningful differ-
Some investigators have expressed the opin- ences exist among botulinum toxin formulations
ion that permanent fillers may lead to longer- and hyaluronic acid filler preparations, and prac-
lasting complications that are difficult to treat.35 titioners should be familiar with these differences
They have noted that such agents may also lead to achieve optimal outcomes.
to an aesthetically unsatisfactory outcome that
cannot easily be corrected.34 –36 Moreover, areas
treated with such substances will not age in the
same way as the rest of the face, with potentially Table 3. Evolving Aesthetic Uses of Botulinum Toxin
unsatisfactory longer-term outcomes.34 –36 Clinical Type A and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
studies on polymethylmethacrylate and bovine col- Older treatment approaches
lagen have, however, indicated a relatively low rate Restricting movement to smooth lines (BoNTA)
of late-occurring adverse events.37 In the current tri- ● Glabellar lines*
● Horizontal forehead lines
als reported, late adverse reactions occurred in 2.2 ● Crow’s feet
● Bunny lines
● “Chemical” brow lift
Filling lines and folds (HA)
Table 2. Comparisons among Selected Commercially ● Nasolabial folds
Available Hyaluronic Acid Fillers ● Lips (border and volume)
Newer treatment approaches
Juvéderm Restricting movement, volumizing, contouring
Ultra (24 HV), ● Treating multiple areas of the face
Restylane, Juvéderm Ultra ● Using combinations of BoNTA and HA fillers
Perlane Plus (30 HV) (e.g., brow lifting and shaping)
● Expanding treatment of the lower face with
Source Bacterial Bacterial
BoNTA, especially in combination with HA filler
fermentation fermentation ● Shaping the jaw line with HA filler
Gel-sizing process; Sieving; Homogenization; ● Using BoNTA for masseter reduction
product granular smooth ● Periorbital volumizing with HA filler
consistency ● Restoring malar projection with HA filler
Cross-linking ● Preventing lines with BoNTA
agent BDDE BDDE BoNTA, botulinum toxin type A; HA, hyaluronic acid.
HA concentration 20 mg/ml 24 mg/ml *Botox (Allergan, Inc., Irvine, Calif.) is indicated for temporary
Duration of effect improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe glabellar lines
(FDA label) ⬃6 months ⬃12 months associated with corrugator and/or procerus muscle activity in adult
BDDE, 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether; HA, hyaluronic acid; FDA, patients 65 years of age and older (from Allergan, Inc. Botox Cos-
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. metic [package insert]. Irvine, Calif.: Allergan, Inc., 2005).

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

FACIAL AGING AND REJUVENATION males, significant determinants of high perceived

General Principles age were low body mass index, sun exposure,
smoking, and low social class.44
Facial aging progresses as the result of both in-
In general, muscles of males tend to have a
trinsic and extrinsic contributing factors. Over time,
loss of subcutaneous fat, gravitational changes due to greater mass, which can affect the typical doses of
loss of elasticity, and remodeling of bony and carti- BoNTA used in treatment.3 Other aspects of mus-
laginous structures lead to visible signs of aging. All cular anatomy, such as location and insertion
portions of the face do not age simultaneously. For point, may vary between individuals without being
example, it has been observed, and confirmed in sex-specific, as indicated by a study of the anatomic
studies, that the subcutaneous fat of the face exists position of the corrugator supercilii in cadavers.45
as separate and distinct anatomical compartments When white males and females were compared
that may age differently with respect to each other.39 within age groups, males tended to have consis-
Similarly, the bony changes that occur may affect tently larger dimensions than females. The spe-
different parts of the facial skeleton differently. A cifics of growth and aging of their soft tissue also
recent study using computed tomography demon- differed, however, based on computerized three-
strated that the skeleton of the midface below the dimensional mesh diagram analyses.46 It has also
inferior orbital rim undergoes significant changes been pointed out that the skin of males and fe-
while the anterior projection of the inferior orbital males differs substantially, particularly with regard
rim remains relatively fixed at its midpoint.40 to thickness.47 The effects of photoaging tend to
With age, repetitive muscle activity leads to be less pronounced in males than in females. Fe-
fine lines that eventually become hyperdynamic male skin is also generally more sensitive to irri-
wrinkles, which may deepen and ultimately re- tants and allergens as well as to procedures and
main apparent even when the muscles are at products used in their skin care.47 Particularly im-
rest. Photodamage and smoking both accel- portant to treatment planning are sex differences
erate these changes, with photoaging being the in idealized concepts of facial attractiveness
single most important contributor to the ap- (Table 4),41 but many of these descriptions are
pearance of aging skin, including its texture and traditionally based on Caucasian ideals, which do
pigmentation.41,42 Due to the numerous factors con- not universally apply.48
tributing to the visible signs of aging, facial rejuve- Ethnic groups differ in their facial character-
nation is likely to be best served by a multipronged istics with respect to both color and underlying
approach.43 structural or architectural differences.48 Some of
the important and most obvious differences be-
Effects of Sex and Skin Color tween skin of color and white skin are in melano-
In addition to environmental influences on some type and size, distribution, and degree of
aging, sex and skin color contribute to the man- melanization, which determines responses to ul-
ifestation of facial aging. Interestingly, although traviolet radiation and thus, to some extent, the
similar environmental factors affect perceived age effect of photoaging. The darker the skin, the less
among men and women, the strength of the as- vulnerable it is to ultraviolet damage.49 Skin of
sociation varies between the sexes. In a study of color also tends to be thicker and more sebaceous
aging twins, for example, a history of smoking, sun and to have more abundant collagen.50 Conse-
exposure, and low body mass index were associ- quently, the signs of aging differ among persons of
ated with higher perceived age in males. For fe- different skin colors and ethnic backgrounds. For

Table 4. Sex Differences in Facial Aesthetic Ideals*

The Idealized Female Face The Idealized Male Face
● Large, smooth forehead ● Overhanging, horizontal brow
● Smaller nose ● Larger nose
● Arched or gull wing–shaped eyebrow ● Minimal eyebrow arch
● Wide-set eyes for a larger look ● Deeper-set eyes, appearing closer together
● Prominent cheekbones ● Wider mouth
● Heart-shaped taper in lower face ● Squared lower face
● Smaller lower-to-upper face ratio than in males ● More equal ratio of lower-to-upper face proportions
● Full, vermilion lips ● Beard or coarser texture to lower facial skin
*Modified from Tan, S. R., and Glogau, R. G. Filler esthetics. In A. Carruthers and J. Carruthers (Eds.), Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series:
Soft Tissue Augmentation. Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders, 2005.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

example, darker and thicker skin is not prone to Clinical studies have demonstrated that both
developing the fine lines associated with aging BoNTA and hyaluronic acid fillers are effective
lighter skin types.50 –52 Both Asian skin and darker and well tolerated in persons of color.55,56 For ex-
skin types have a higher probability of pigmentary ample, in women of skin types V or VI, BoNTA (20
changes with aging as well as dyschromias in re- U, n ⫽ 15; or 30 U, n ⫽ 16) safely reduced the
sponse to treatments.49,53 severity of glabellar lines, with a high level of sub-
Anthropometric studies conducted in various ject satisfaction (100 percent at day 30) that lasted
populations provide quantification of some of the for the 4-month duration of the study in 60 per-
differences among and within ethnic groups and cent of subjects.55 In another study, the Juvéderm
demonstrate how far various populations diverge formulation of hyaluronic acid provided longer-
from Caucasian aesthetic ideals, which have tra- lasting improvement in the appearance of naso-
ditionally driven much of facial plastic surgery.48 labial folds in both Caucasians and persons of
Faculty members discussed the substantial differ- color compared with bovine collagen.56 No differ-
ences in profiles of Asians, African Americans, ences in efficacy based on skin type were observed
and Caucasians and their effect on treatment plan- throughout the 24-week duration of this study. No
ning. increased incidence of hyperpigmentation or hy-
In Asians, for example, the lips project more pertrophic scarring occurred in persons of color
than the nose and chin, whereas in Caucasians, the as compared with Caucasians, and there were no
nose and chin project more than the lips. With serious treatment-related adverse events. The in-
aging, the lips of Asian patients tend to deflate and cidence of adverse events did not differ by treat-
become flatter. The treatment goal with filler is to ment or skin type. In clinical practice, faculty
restore volume but not to cause excess protrusion, members recommend reducing the number of
and faculty members recommended that practi- injections in persons of color to reduce the risk of
tioners separate these two effects conceptually. hyperpigmentation.
Asian patients tend to object to a bulging in the As faculty members pointed out, treatment
lower periorbital area and benefit from small planning and goals must take each individual’s
amounts (2 U) of BoNTA just below the inferior presentation into account to provide a harmoni-
ciliary line (approximately 1 to 2 mm). This pro- ous, balanced outcome. Ethnic background and
vides a rounder, more youthful look to the eyes. skin type add another dimension to the evalua-
Note that BoNTA should not be injected into the tion: sensitivity and consideration of cultural and
medial lower lid, because excess weakness in the ethnic aesthetic ideals and goals, such as main-
medial orbicularis oculi may produce epiphora taining ethnic identification while improving ap-
from decreased muscular squeeze toward the pearance. This is, however, in keeping with an
canaliculus. These injections may also result in essential guiding principle of aesthetic treatment:
morning edema of the lower eyelid due to de- tailoring treatment realistically to specific individ-
creased squeeze of fluid into the lymphatics. ual goals and needs, which plays an important role
Adding treatment of the crow’s feet and lateral in determining timing and use of specific products
brow can also help widen the appearance of the and ensuring high patient satisfaction.
eye. In general, faculty members who treat Asian
patients cautioned that BoNTA treatment should
be conservative. They also noted that combination General Product Usage Considerations
treatments with BoNTA and hyaluronic acid fillers Virtually all faculty members stated that they
may provide better results than monotherapy. use a variety of products depending on needs, area
Facial aging in African Americans differs of the face, patient preferences or request, and
somewhat from that in Caucasians. For example, product characteristics. With hyaluronic acid fill-
aging in the midface is prominent.54 Faculty ers, for example, the choice is very dependent on
members who treat African Americans noted patient presentation. Faculty members generally
that these patients exhibit a significant loss of prefer softer gels for more superficial use and
volume in the midface with age and have heavier more robust or stiffer products for deeper use, but
cheeks, a prominent tear trough, and fewer fine said that the type of skin may play a role in dic-
lines and wrinkles than Caucasians. Treating tating choice of product. Faculty members noted
only the nasolabial folds in patients with this that they view all fillers as falling along a contin-
type of presentation can result in a very unnat- uum from softer to stiffer products. They also
ural look; in contrast, malar augmentation pro- stressed the concepts of layering with different
vides more satisfactory outcomes. products and using enough product to provide

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

optimal outcomes. In their opinion, complica- when combined with injections into the lateral
tions were in many instances a function of tech- canthus.57 The authors noted that the outcome
nique rather than solely a result of product char- was most dramatic in Asian subjects. Moreover, by
acteristics. One important general way to reduce understanding the interplay of the elevator and
complications with filler injections is to slow the depressor muscles of the upper face, clinicians can
injection down and use finer-gauge needles (e.g., use BoNTA for managing asymmetries and repo-
30 g) that are longer than 1 inch in areas such as sitioning, such as eyebrow lifting.1,3,58 – 63
the infraorbital hollows. Faculty also recom-
mended avoiding superficial use of stiffer prod-
ucts in areas such as the glabella, where they have Literature Update on the Upper Face
the potential to compromise the capillary bed and Much of the literature on the use of BoNTA to
lead to necrosis. In the experience of the faculty, treat the upper face has focused on line efface-
these adjustments may help minimize swelling. ment in single facial areas, but in clinical practice,
Novice injectors need to understand that each it is common to treat more than one area. One
product and syringe set has a different feel to it, recent placebo-controlled, double-blind study ex-
that injection technique has to be adjusted for amined the efficacy and safety of treating the fore-
each product and treatment area, and that less head, glabellar area, and crow’s feet in a single
may often be more. session.9 In this study, female subjects received 64
U of BoNTA divided equally among 16 sites in the
TREATING THE UPPER FACE WITH glabella (five sites), crow’s feet (three sites per
BoNTA AND HYALURONIC ACID side), and forehead (five sites). The Facial Line
FILLERS Outcomes questionnaire was the primary out-
come measure on which subjects rated items of
Aging Considerations in the Upper Face and importance to their appearance based on their
Areas of Interest previous 7 days’ experience. Subjects also rated
Aging changes in the upper face reflect the ef- their perceived age of appearance using the sin-
fects of ultraviolet damage, gravitational changes, gle-item Self-Perception of Age. Facial Line Out-
and muscles of facial expression on overlying skin.42 comes scores improved significantly after BoNTA
Although volume changes occur in parts of the up- but not placebo treatment, and were maintained
per face with age, they are not the most overtly ap- through the duration of the double-blind period
parent visible signs of aging in this region. of 12 weeks. In addition, the number of subjects
The muscles involved in upper facial expres- who reported looking younger than their current
sion and the central role of brow position have age increased from 35 percent at baseline to 75
previously been reviewed.3,8 The hyperdynamic percent at week 4; this was also maintained
lines that form as a result of muscle activity are through week 12. Self-Perception of Age scores
primarily perpendicular to the contraction direc- did not change with placebo treatment. During
tion of the muscles, but with aging, sleep creases the study, no ptosis occurred and any adverse
also form on damaged skin. Loss of brow elevation events were transient and mild to moderate in
is noticeable when the eyebrows descend below severity. This study confirmed widespread clinical
the level of the supraorbital ridge. Lateral brow experience that BoNTA can be used safely and
ptosis also becomes apparent as temporal hood- effectively to treat multiple areas of the upper face
ing. Overall, the appearance is one of fatigue in a single session.
and/or other negative expressions, such as anger, Of increasing interest is the addition of hyal-
sadness, or disapproval, that are discordant with uronic acid filler to BoNTA to expand the options
reality. when treating the upper face.1,8,64 The results of a
BoNTA has become the standard for nonsur- prospective, randomized study of BoNTA in com-
gical upper facial rejuvenation. By reducing the bination with hyaluronic acid filler demonstrated
motility of the muscles of facial expression, that combination treatment of glabellar rhytides
BoNTA significantly reduces the severity of upper improved outcomes in comparison with hyal-
facial rhytides and leads to a smoother, more uronic acid filler alone.65 In this study, female
youthful appearance. Another use of BoNTA in subjects with deep resting glabellar rhytides re-
the upper face is to widen the eye. Injection of 2 ceived hyaluronic acid filler either alone (n ⫽ 19)
U of BoNTA subdermally into the orbicularis oculi or in combination with BoNTA (n ⫽ 19). BoNTA
in the midpupillary line 3 mm below the ciliary (30 U) was injected 1 week before hyaluronic acid
margin increased palpebral aperture, especially filler was used in those receiving combination

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

treatment.65 Combination treatment nearly dou- 15 U previously recommended. For male patients,
bled the median duration of response compared 73 percent use 11 to 15 U, with the remainder of
with treatment with filler alone.65 In addition to the faculty evenly divided between higher and
increasing durability of outcome, combination lower doses. Previously, the typical range for male
treatment also increased the percentage of sub- patients was 20 to 30 U. Interestingly, the faculty
jects with aesthetic improvement at week 16 (95 now use somewhat higher amounts of BoNTA to
percent versus 83 percent). At both rest treat crow’s feet in men.
(through week 32) and maximum attempted Current Practice in the Upper Face: Staging
contraction (through week 16), responder rates of Treatment
were significantly greater with combination For the glabellar area, BoNTA is used alone
treatment. This study did not include a BoNTA- about 75 percent of the time; when it is used in
only arm, so the effect of BoNTA alone com- combination with fillers, 73 percent of the faculty
pared with combination treatment cannot be noted that they stage the treatments for new pa-
assessed from this study. tients, treating first with BoNTA and then with
filler. This allows for the assessment of residual
Consensus Recommendations static lines/folds after BoNTA has taken effect. A
What Has Changed? minority of the faculty sometimes treat with both
Many of the changes that have taken place in BoNTA and filler during a single treatment ses-
approaches to facial rejuvenation have come sion. Approximately 43 percent of the faculty split
about because of increased understanding of facial the treatment of the glabella and frontalis into two
aging, expansion in the numbers and types of prod- visits when treating a patient for the first time.
ucts available, and associated refinements in aes- Combination versus Single Treatment
thetic goals—specifically, providing a balanced, har- Presently, all of the faculty use BoNTA alone
monious, and natural look. to shape the brow about 50 percent of the time,
Consensus recommendations on use of the but more than 90 percent of the faculty also use
Botox formulation of BoNTA alone have previ- filler in some patients to replace volume in the
ously been published (Table 5).3 Changes from brow area. Combination treatment of BoNTA and
these original recommendations, based on this filler is used in the brow area about 20 percent of
current update, are also shown in Table 5. Most the time. Approximately 67 percent of the faculty
importantly, 100 percent of the faculty agreed that use filler alone to fill the expression folds of the
they have decreased the number of units of lateral frontalis immediately above the lateral up-
BoNTA they used to treat the forehead. per brow of some patients. All faculty members
Changes from Previous Recommendations continue to treat crow’s feet with BoNTA, but 80
To treat horizontal forehead lines in female percent now use it in combination with filler for
patients, 57 percent use 6 to 10 U and 43 percent some patients as part of treatments to enhance
use 11 to 15 U, compared with the typical dose of malar volume (see Treating the Midface with

Table 5. Consensus Recommendations on the Use of Botulinum Toxin Type A* in the Upper Face†
Usual No. of Injection Points Total Starting Dose: Usual Range
(range): Unchanged from
Region/Target Muscle(s) Original Recommendations Original Recommendations Revised Recommendations
Glabellar complex 5 to 7; men may require more Women: 20 to 30 U; Women: 10 to 30 U;
(procerus, depressor sites men: 30 to 40 U men: 20 to 40 U
supercilii, orbicularis
Horizontal forehead lines 4 to 8; more or fewer may be Women: 15 U, 10 to 20 U; Women: 6 to 15 U;
(frontalis, but consider required based on anatomic men: 20 to 30 U men: 6 to ⬎15 U
interactions with procerus, and aesthetic evaluations
corrugators, and
orbicularis oculi in overall
facial shape)
Crow’s feet (lateral portions 2 to 5 per side (higher in 12 to 30 U Women: 10 to 30 U;
of the lateral orbicularis) selected patients) men: 20 to 30 U
*BoNTA injection sites and volumes are for the Botox formulation.
†Adapted and updated from Carruthers, J., Fagien, S., Matarasso, S. L., et al. Consensus recommendations on the use of botulinum toxin type
A in facial aesthetics. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 114 (Suppl.): 1S, 2004.

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

BoNTA and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers). In treating metry, and bruising, particularly in the lateral can-
the upper face, faculty members agreed that re- thus. Understanding the anatomy and evaluating
storing volume in the temporal region is an emerg- each patient under dynamic and resting condi-
ing treatment area. Faculty reported using a vari- tions can help avoid these complications. Patients
ety of different fillers in this area. with a low brow or evidence of pre-existing ptosis
Order of Treatment When Treating should be evaluated carefully before treatment.
Multiple Upper Facial Areas Eyebrow ptosis can generally be avoided by inject-
When treating multiple areas of the upper ing no closer than 1 cm above the bony orbital rim
face, 47 percent of the faculty treat the glabellar in the midpupillary line and using lower doses in
area first, followed by the forehead and then the the frontalis. Faculty members recommended de-
crow’s feet. Another 47 percent of the faculty treat creasing the amount of BoNTA used in treating
crow’s feet first, followed by the glabellar lines and older patients to avoid brow ptosis when trying to
then the forehead. All faculty noted that the most elevate the forehead. Many patients may require
important consideration of the order is to track education about the need for striking a balance
the treatments that have been performed in terms between reducing the appearance of forehead
of injection location and units. lines and the risk of brow ptosis. All patients
Using Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in the Upper should be counseled not to manipulate the treated
Face area for several hours after treatment.3,66
Most participants in the consensus meeting Injecting the medial aspect of frontalis fibers
reported using more than one product, depend- with BoNTA, without treating the lateral frontalis
ing on the specific need. Use of hyaluronic acid fibers, can result in a cocked eyebrow in some
fillers was divided evenly among Restylane, Juvé- patients. This can be corrected by injecting 1 to 3
derm Ultra, and Juvéderm Ultra Plus. The usual U of BoNTA into untreated fibers that are causing
amount of hyaluronic acid filler varied by site and the upward pull.67 Note also that these recom-
ranged from 0.1 ml to 1.0 ml. About 50 percent of mendations are only for the Botox formulation of
the faculty use 0.5 ml or less per site. Specific BoNTA. Various lines of research, as well as the
recommendations for hyaluronic acid filler use in clinical experience of the faculty, indicate that
areas of the upper face are listed in Table 6. The another formulation of BoNTA (Dysport) exhibits
faculty noted that loss of volume in the temple a greater tendency to diffuse from the site of in-
area lateral to the tail of the eyebrow is associated jection, which would be of clinical relevance in the
with a drop in the tail of the brow. By using filler small muscles of the face.16,68,69
in the temple area and under the lateral brow and Conference participants agreed that using
a small amount of BoNTA in the tail of the brow, hyaluronic acid or any other dermal filler in the
a very attractive effect can be obtained. Patients upper face, particularly the glabella, is an ad-
may be unaware of the potential for treating this vanced technique that should be undertaken
area with combination treatment and may need to only by very experienced injectors. Although
be educated about it. rare, the most serious potential complication is
necrosis, which can occur most commonly when
Avoiding and Managing Complications in the any filler is injected intravascularly (Table
Upper Face 7).24,35,67,70 Injectors should have thorough
The most common complications with BoNTA knowledge of the anatomy and blood supply of
are an overtreated frontalis, dropped brow, asym- the area and must be alert to blanching or sud-

Table 6. Recommendations for Use of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in the Upper Face
Treated Area Filler Volume Comment
Glabella ⬍0.25 ml in most patients; up to 0.5 ml Stay superficial to mid-dermis, and aspirate if necessary;
avoid compressing vessels
Forehead Depends on length of rhytide and Use softer products and avoid hard products that bead
degree of compensation; dictated
by product to be used
Crow’s feet 0.25 ml Avoid stiff fillers, and proceed gradually and with
caution; place hyaluronic acid fillers deeper than soft
Bunny lines ⬃0.10 ml Use soft, malleable product

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

Table 7. Managing Potential Complications with Hyaluronic Acid Filler Treatments in the Upper Face
Potential Complications Management Approach
Necrosis ● Use caution to avoid injecting intravascularly; inject slowly (⬍0.3 ml/min) and with low
pressure; watch for danger signs, such as sudden pain or blanching
● Use a topical vasodilator immediately; inject hyaluronidase for hyaluronic acid fillers
● Use low-molecular-weight heparin daily for 1 week*24,35,67,70

Beading, clumping, ● Avoid overcorrection in initial injection by using multiple puncture serial technique;
overcorrection consider smaller-gauge needles to control amount of filler injected
● Massage to distribute filler; use less in future
● Use hyaluronidase to reverse unwanted effects of hyaluronic acid filler
*Evaluate risks associated with heparin treatment when considering its use.

den pain, which can indicate blood vessel oc- by experienced injectors because of the risk of
clusion or compression. blood vessel occlusion or compression.


Summary Recommendations and Key Insights AND HYALURONIC ACID FILLERS
for Treating the Upper Face
Aging Considerations in the Midface and Areas
BoNTA remains the main treatment option
of Interest
for the upper face, but dermal fillers such as hy-
aluronic acid are being added to the armamen- An important contributor to aging changes in
tarium to augment the results achieved by BoNTA the midface is the remodeling of underlying car-
alone. Also, doses of BoNTA, particularly in the tilaginous and bony structures that occurs, in ad-
forehead, are definitely lower than previously rec- dition to photodamage and loss of subcutaneous
ommended to maintain some muscle movement, tissue and cutaneous elasticity.40,41 Changes in the
to minimize adverse outcomes such as brow ptosis, structure of and relationships between the inferior
and to maintain a more harmonious aesthetic ap- orbital rim and the anterior maxilla markedly in-
pearance. Doses of BoNTA greater than 20 U in fluence facial appearance, including the appear-
the frontalis are more likely to lead to subopti- ance of the eyes.40 The key to rejuvenating the
mal outcomes. All faculty agreed that a frozen midfacial area is volume restoration through re-
look is not a desirable goal, even though some inflation and recontouring. The specific areas of
patients expect to have a high level of immo- interest are the malar smile lines, malar projec-
bility. In those cases, patient education is very tion, infraorbital hollow (arcus marginalis), naso-
important, to establish realistic and aesthetically jugal fold (tear trough, which is the medial arcus
pleasing expectations. marginalis), nasolabial folds, and nasal dorsum
Combination treatment may increase the and tip (Fig. 1). Each of these areas is considered
longevity of the outcomes.65 The consensus of below.
the faculty was that BoNTA treatment should
generally be performed first to assess the need Literature Update on the Midface
for treatment of residual issues, such as static Clinical experience using BoNTA and/or der-
lines and deep folds that can be treated with mal fillers to treat various midfacial areas has been
hyaluronic acid fillers. It is now recognized that reported and reviewed.1,8,71 Several clinical studies
shaping of the brow region is a three-dimen- and case reports document techniques and out-
sional challenge that is well suited to the use of comes for treating midfacial sites with hyaluronic
both BoNTA and hyaluronic acid fillers used in acid filler. For example, a technique of nonsurgi-
the superior orbital rim, especially in the lateral cal lower eyelid lift performed by filling the hol-
brow. An emerging use for fillers is to address lows with hyaluronic acid has been described, with
the aging-related loss of volume in the temples. the total filler volume reported as ranging from
In all cases, it is important to consider patients’ 0.35 ml to 1.40 ml per side, injected in small
sex and ethnic differences and to keep balance amounts.72 These investigators cautioned injectors
in mind when treating the upper face (e.g., re- to avoid the infraorbital nerve and periorbital
laxing the frontalis versus the degree of brow arteries.
ptosis or change in the shape or arc of the brow). In another study, 24 female patients received
Some of these techniques, particularly the use hyaluronic acid filler to treat tear troughs.73 The
of dermal fillers, should be reserved for use filler volume ranged from 0.1 to 0.45 ml per eyelid,

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

Fig. 1. Changes in the midface due to aging.

with most patients requiring 0.2 to 0.3 ml. The that the results of treatment with these products have
deepest portion of the medial tear trough was been shown to last to up to 1 year.33
treated first, and multiple passes with small
amounts of hyaluronic acid filler were used. At the
10-day follow-up, 22 of the patients reported sat- Consensus Recommendations
isfaction with their appearance. General Principles
A larger, retrospective analysis reported on All faculty members agreed that one of the
121 patients who had received hyaluronic acid most important treatment considerations for the
treatments for periorbital hollows that included midface is the degree of volume depletion and
the orbital rim hollow, zygomatic hollow, septal flattening that occurs in the malar area. Accord-
confluence hollow, and cheek pad (as well as the ingly, 60 percent of the faculty use fillers first fol-
eyebrow area).74 The mean filler volume used to lowed by BoNTA treatment when a combination
treat the orbital complex was 0.9 ml, and reinjec- approach is indicated, to assess residual volume
tion for maintenance was typically at about 6.5 deficits, lines, and folds. They noted that not all
months. Patient satisfaction was generally high: 86 areas of the midface are amenable to combination
percent were satisfied after the first injection, 91 treatment.
percent after the second, and 100 percent after Faculty members agreed that the malar con-
the third. Side effects were mild and transient and tour should be restored first, followed by the or-
included color change, fluid build-up, lumpy or bital-malar groove and the nasojugal fold, which
irregular contours, and bruising. they noted to be the most complicated. When
The basis for approving hyaluronic acid fillers malar contour is restored, it results in a lift of the
for dermatologic use was their utility in treating face and diminution of the nasolabial folds, af-
nasolabial folds. In a multicenter, randomized, fecting how the folds are to be treated. This ap-
comparative study of 137 subjects, the Restylane proach, moreover, sometimes negates the need to
formulation of hyaluronic acid provided a more treat the nasojugal fold/tear trough, which is a
durable response at 6 months than did bovine more complicated procedure. Thus, this conser-
collagen, based on both physician and patient vative approach is a very useful way to begin treat-
ratings.75 Similarly, a multicenter, randomized ment of the midfacial area.
study of Juvéderm fillers compared with bovine Regarding injection technique, 56 percent re-
collagen in 439 subjects demonstrated that Juvé- ported using an anterograde technique. It is com-
derm hyaluronic acid fillers provided a significantly mon to use the anterograde technique along the
longer duration of effect than did collagen.76 Sub- vermilion border, where the material will run
jects also significantly preferred the Juvéderm treat- along the potential tissue space with little or no
ments to the collagen treatments. Recently, approval additional movement of the needle tip. This can
was granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- help verify the proper depth of placement for the
tration to amend the labeling for Juvéderm Ultra needle tip. Other advantages of an anterograde
and Juvéderm Ultra Plus to include the information approach is that it may yield a softer forward move-

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

ment through tissues, blunting the impact of the generally conservative. For treating small malar
sharp needle tip, pushing vessels out of the way of smile lines, all of the faculty members use hyal-
the advancing needle, and reducing the probabil- uronic acid filler, but none uses BoNTA alone
ity of bruising. It is also possible to inject a small because of the risk of a stroke-like appearance
amount of hyaluronic acid filler moving forward and/or an inability to smile. Fewer than 20 per-
to blunt the dissection and to inject additional cent use combination treatment in this area. To
filler as the needle is withdrawn if a greater volume restore malar projection, faculty use a number of
of correction is needed. Those who prefer the products: 100 percent use Restylane or Juvéderm
retrograde injection technique believe that inject- Ultra Plus in some of their patients; another 25
ing slowly as the needle is withdrawn helps avoid percent use Juvéderm Ultra for some patients,
intravascular injection of filler. This technique is depending on needs and goals. For this use, filler
often chosen for very soft, thin, or vascular areas, may be injected submuscularly as well as subder-
such as below the eyes or the malar region. In mally, particularly when using Perlane or Juvé-
these areas, it is especially important to avoid tis- derm Ultra Plus.
sue trauma; with a fine needle, it is thought that In treating the nasojugal groove, 67 percent of
when the material flows as the needle is with- the faculty use Juvéderm Ultra and the remainder
drawn, additional tracks or dissection planes are use Restylane. For nasolabial folds, treatment of
not created. This may be preferred when injecting the infraorbital hollow should be undertaken only
areas with named vessels. Regardless of the tech- by experienced injectors, with precautions to
nique used, it is essential to inject slowly (⬍0.3 ml avoid injecting deep to the orbital septum. Al-
per minute) and gently to avoid tissue tears. though not a major application of fillers, a variety
Specific Recommendations by Treatment of products are also used to recontour the nasal
Area dorsum and tip due to surgical depression or atro-
Although it is a key principle to tailor treat- phic changes caused by aging: 44 percent of the
ment to each patient’s specific presentation, rec- faculty use Restylane, 25 percent use Juvéderm
ommendations were undertaken for a typical or Ultra, 19 percent use Juvéderm Ultra Plus, and 50
average patient, a Caucasian woman approxi- percent also use fillers other than hyaluronic acid,
mately 45 years of age (Fig. 2). Filler volumes and such as calcium hydroxylapatite. Fewer than 10
treatment recommendations are listed in Table 8. percent use collagen in this area. Most of the fac-
Note that greater or lesser volumes may be suitable ulty elevate the nose saddle, recontour the nasal
for individual patients, depending on their pre- tip, and inject filler at the base of the columella to
sentation. The recommendations in Table 8 are lift the nasal tip as a whole. Asian patients may

Fig. 2. Commonly treated areas of the midface. Injection sites and patterning for hyaluronic acid fillers are shown.

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

Table 8. Recommendations for Treating the Midface with Botulinum Toxin Type A* and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
Filler Volume
Treated Area (% of faculty) Comment
Malar smile lines 0.2 to 0.4 ml/side Use deep dermal or subdermal injections and treat conservatively; may
combine with resurfacing approaches or very small amounts of
BoNTA; layering with different products can be used to address the
etched-in superficial lines
Infraorbital hollow 0.2 to 0.5 ml/side Undercorrect in this area; do not inject deep to the orbital septum;
(arcus marginalis) this should be attempted only by experienced injectors
Nasojugal fold (tear 0.1 to 0.2 ml/side Treat conservatively and re-evaluate need for additional treatment in 2
trough) (80%), 0.25 to 0.4 ml/ to 4 weeks; this should be attempted only by experienced injectors
side (20%)
Nasolabial folds 0.5 to 1.0 ml/side Visualize the nasolabial folds as a triangular area to be filled rather
(81%), 1.1 to 1.5 ml/ than as a linear area; hyaluronic acid fillers can be layered with
side (19%) collagen or with each other; massage to distribute and contour fillers
and reduce beading/clumping
Nasal dorsum and tip ⱕ0.5 ml Can be used after rhinoplasty for refinement or to treat drooping that
occurs with aging; BoNTA has been used to treat this area77
*BoNTA injection sites and volumes are for the Botox formulation.

benefit from small amounts of filler in the bridge may obviate or modify treatment needs in other
of the nose, which may also soften the appearance areas, such as the tear trough and nasolabial folds.
of the epicanthal folds. Some faculty elevate the After this, it is important to re-evaluate the re-
nasal tip by injecting 3 U of BoNTA into the nasal mainder of the face and then treat. In treating the
spine area and 5 U each into the lower nasalis.77 midface, it is important not to stint on filler vol-
ume, which may require educating patients to un-
Avoiding and Managing Complications in the derstand that undertreatment will yield subopti-
Midface mal results.
Faculty members suggested marking each side
General precautions are the same as for other of the face before injecting, which may help treat-
areas of the face, such as using slow, gentle injec- ment of the second side if and when the first swells.
tions to prevent tissue damage while maintaining Another option is to have the pretreatment pho-
steady pressure on the plunger when advancing. tograph(s) available for comparison once the first
Precautions for treating the midface include side of the face undergoes augmentation. It was
the following: also suggested that clinicians use half the syringe,
● Avoid using BoNTA in the malar smile lines, to and then walk around to the other side of the
avoid causing a transient stroke-like, frozen ap- patient to inject the other side of the face.
pearance or an inability to smile
● Start conservatively with filler to avoid overcor- TREATING THE LOWER FACE WITH
recting; touch-ups can be performed at fol- BoNTA AND HYALURONIC ACID
low-up visits in 2 to 4 weeks FILLERS
● To achieve an optimal aesthetic and avoid Aging Considerations in the Lower Face and
clumping, massage filler to distribute it and to Areas of Interest
permit evaluation of the effect before treating
other areas Aging changes due to photodamage, loss of
● Do not inject deeply into the nasal septum subcutaneous fat, gravitational changes, and re-
● Do not overfill the nasal area; treat conserva- modeling of the underlying bony and cartilagi-
tively and re-evaluate and re-treat if necessary nous structures are very visible in the lips and
surrounding tissues (Fig. 3).41 The appearance of
the lower face is also modified by aging changes in
Summary Recommendations and Key Insights the midface. In addition, dentition changes, re-
for Treating the Midface sorption of mandibular and maxillary bone, for-
The main focus of treatment of the midface is ward rotation and protrusion of the chin, and
on volume restoration, which dictates that filler other aging changes alter the proportions of the
use predominate and that BoNTA, if used, play a lower third of the face relative to the upper two
more limited role. One of the potential first steps thirds. Gravitational changes result in sagging
is to restore malar projection or volume, which skin, jowls, and wattles as well. Repeated muscular

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

Fig. 3. Changes in the lower face due to aging.

contractions lead to furrows and lines that are Consensus Recommendations

superimposed on volume loss and exacerbated by
loss of elasticity. Textural changes are also very General Principles
apparent in the skin of the lower face, which may The lips are the aesthetic focal point of the
be amenable to various resurfacing modalities in lower face. In treating the lips, 100 percent of the
combination with other treatments. faculty use filler to shape the vermilion border and
The orbicularis oris exerts a constant pull on to volumize the lips. Approximately 50 percent
the upper and lower lips that ultimately con- each use collagen or hyaluronic acid filler rou-
tributes to the formation of outwardly radiating tinely to enhance the vermilion border, and 100
perioral lines, sometimes called lipstick lines. percent use hyaluronic acid filler for volumizing
Downward radiating lines, called marionette the lips themselves.
lines, form from the oral commissures due to the For other areas of the lower face, including the
actions of the depressor anguli oris. The lips depressor anguli oris, prejowl sulcus, mouth cor-
flatten and lose fullness, vertical height may in- ners, and marionette lines, faculty members use
crease, and the vermilion area may be reduced. BoNTA alone about 25 percent of the time, com-
As a result, the amount of dental display may be bination treatment about 50 percent of the time,
diminished and the Cupid’s bow may also and filler alone about 25 percent of the time.
flatten.41 Loss of definition occurs around the Some individual faculty members use combina-
mandible, and the mentalis area develops a peb- tion treatment approximately 75 percent of the
bled appearance called peau d’orange, which time. When combinations of BoNTA and filler are
results from mentalis activity over time in con- used, 87 percent of the participants treat with filler
junction with volume loss in the chin.78 Hori- first. Treatments do not have to take place in a
zontal (necklace) lines form on the neck, and single session. One of the benefits of multiple
the platysmal bands become more prominent as sessions is the opportunity to reassess needs. All
elasticity is lost with aging.78 faculty members treat platysmal bands with
In treating the lower face, the primary goals BoNTA, and about 27 percent treat horizontal
are to restore volume, reduce mobility, and resur- neck lines with BoNTA. Some practitioners also
face where appropriate. Faculty members con- use hyaluronic acid fillers to manage the horizon-
sider combination treatment to be the standard tal neck lines. They cautioned about the risk of
for rejuvenating the lower face. hyperpigmentation when treating horizontal neck

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

lines in persons of color. As in other areas of the volumizing the lips, Juvéderm Ultra, Juvéderm Ul-
face, participants use a variety of different hyal- tra Plus, and Restylane are preferred by 44 per-
uronic acid fillers to treat the lower face. cent, 31 percent, and 25 percent of the faculty,
respectively. For volume enhancement of the lips
Specific Recommendations by Treatment
and shaping the vermilion border, 67 percent of
the faculty use 1.0 ml of hyaluronic acid filler. The
The use of BoNTA alone in treating areas of
remaining 33 percent use 2.0 ml. The faculty cau-
the lower face has previously been detailed.3 In
tioned about overfilling the lips and creating ex-
contrast to previous recommendations, the faculty
cessive protrusion (“duck lips”). It is important to
members have tended to reduce the number of
think of shaping the lips, not simply adding vol-
BoNTA units for each area treated (Table 8). An
ume. For example, when patients request an in-
important use of BoNTA in the lower face is to
crease in the vertical height of the vermilion, it
treat asymmetrical smiles. It was emphasized that
must be realized that filler is also going to increase
skin landmarks can be used in conjunction with
the lips circumferentially. Rebuilding the philtral
identifying musculature, but not in place of it. The
columns can be effective but must be done con-
depressor anguli oris can be palpated, and the
servatively to avoid asymmetry.
medial aspects should be avoided. Injecting too
For marionette lines (melomental folds) and
high will affect the orbicularis oris and can worsen
the prejowl sulcus, 56 percent of the faculty use
asymmetry. One tip is not to go higher than half-
one syringe of hyaluronic acid filler and the re-
way between the lip and the mandible.
maining 44 percent use two syringes. Again it was
Participants reported less variability in their
stressed that using an adequate volume of filler is
treatments than they did previously. In particular,
a key determinant of a successful outcome and
note the substantially lower number of units used
patient satisfaction. Patients are apt to require ed-
to treat platysmal bands so as not to weaken the
ucation about the potential benefits and limita-
muscles of the neck. Combination treatment is
tions of treatment, including the likelihood of
emerging as the standard for treating the lower face.
suboptimal outcomes if an insufficient volume of
In using fillers to treat the lower face, faculty
filler is used.
members tend to view the area as a whole rather
than as isolated regions (Fig. 4). When treating the
vermilion border with hyaluronic acid filler, ap- Managing Complications in the Lower Face
proximately 80 percent of the faculty use Juvé- The previous consensus conference reviewed
derm Ultra and the remaining use Restylane. For potential complications with BoNTA in detail.3 In

Fig. 4. Commonly treated areas of the lower face. Injection sites and patterning for hyaluronic acid fillers are shown.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

the update meeting, faculty members reiterated phagia, or the cricothyroid muscle, leading to
the critical importance of understanding the anat- voice changes.78,79 It was noted that injecting the
omy in the lower face and using that, rather than pars facialis just below the mandibular margin is
skin landmarks, to direct injection sites. In treat- safe, and that a danger zone is just at the cervi-
ing the perioral area with BoNTA, the main pre- comental junction because of subjacent muscles
cautions are to avoid overtreatment or injecting involved in swallowing. Complications can be
too close to the mouth, in order to prevent mouth avoided by carefully marking the areas to be in-
incompetence, drooling, speech problems, and jected, injecting only the bands that can be
diminished proprioception (Table 9).3 grasped, and/or by using electromyographic guid-
Clinicians should begin conservatively and ance if necessary.79 In some instances, the revers-
re-treat at a follow-up visit if necessary. In the ible, orally active anticholinesterase agent pyri-
first meeting, consensus panel members recom- dostigmine may be used (60 mg) to counteract
mended that injections always be symmetrical and some of the effects of BoNTA (J. C. Carruthers,
that the midline be avoided to prevent additional personal experience). This use of pyridostigmine,
flattening. In the update meeting, it was noted that however, should be balanced against the risk of
it is sometimes desirable to treat the lower lip area potential side effects, such as nausea, vomiting,
at the same time as the upper lip area to aid in diarrhea, and increased salivation, and pyridostig-
proprioception. When treating the mentalis with mine should not be considered for routine
BoNTA, it is important to avoid the depressor labii administration.80 For hyaluronic acid fillers, care-
and consequent risk of lower lip depression. ful injection planning to deliver equal amounts to
Again, injecting too close to the mouth may result each side of the face is important to avoid treat-
in lower lip incompetence and drooling.3 ment-induced asymmetries.
Faculty members suggested that using higher
dilutions of BoNTA coupled with more injection
points could help avoid asymmetries of the upper Summary Recommendations and Key Insights
lip, some of which result from unequal innerva- for Treating the Lower Face
tion by the depressor anguli oris. They also noted Full rejuvenation of the lower face involves the
that injections of BoNTA into the platysma that control of muscle movement as well as the resto-
are too high up on the neck can result in lip ration of volume. In many cases, neither BoNTA
asymmetries. For hyaluronic acid fillers, careful nor hyaluronic acid filler alone will provide opti-
injection planning to deliver equal amounts to mal results. It is critical to know the musculature
each side of the face is important in avoiding asym- and its complex interactions in this area. Poor
metries. treatment planning and reliance on skin land-
The platysma is a very superficial muscle, and marks may lead to asymmetries and other subop-
injecting BoNTA too deeply in the platysmal timal outcomes. Faculty members stressed that
bands may affect the strap muscles, causing dys- many patients complain about the appearance of

Table 9. Consensus Recommendations on the Use of Botulinum Toxin Type A* in the Lower Face†
Total Starting Dose: Usual Range

Usual No. of Injection Original Revised Recommendations

Region/Target Muscle(s) Points (range) Recommendations (% of faculty)
Perioral area, orbicularis oris 2 to 6; to start: 4 sites, 4 to 10 U evenly 4 to 5 U (75%) Note: treat
1 site per lip divided among sites lower lip in same session
Dimpled chin (peau 1 to 2 (start with 1 Women: 2 to 6 U; 4 to 5 U (56%); 6 to 10 U
d’orange), mentalis midline or 2 men: 2 to 8 U (44%)
symmetrical, lateral
Neck, platysmal bands, Women: 2 to 12 per Women: 10 to 30 U; ⱕ10 U/band (73%); 11 to 20
platysma band; men: 3 to 12 men: 10 to 40 U U/band (27%); 40 to 60 U
per band total per neck per treatment
*BoNTA injection sites and volumes are for the Botox formulation.
†Adapted and updated from Carruthers, J., Fagien, S., Matarasso, S. L., et al. Consensus recommendations on the use of botulinum toxin
type A in facial aesthetics. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 114 (Suppl.): 1S, 2004.

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

their lips, and a substantial degree of education Horizontal Upper Lip Line
may be needed to help them understand the value A variety of approaches were discussed, and it
of treating the entire lower facial region. In gen- was agreed that more research into the underlying
eral, the perioral area should be managed con- anatomical basis for this appearance is needed.
servatively, with follow-up visits scheduled to assess Some faculty members recommended building up
the need for additional treatment. The faculty the philtral columns and resurfacing the skin.
cautioned against the use of high doses of BoNTA Others suggested that a small amount of BoNTA
(⬎50 to 75 U per treatment session) in the platys- (e.g., 0.5 to 2 U) in the infracolumellar area could
mal bands because of experience with dysphagia be effective, particularly in patients whose nasal tip
and the need for treatment with a nasogastric droops when they smile. Some faculty members
tube. reported success with 1 U of BoNTA directly under
the nose. The treatment is similar to that for nasal
tip elevation but depends on the presentation.
OTHER ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND Another approach is to inject 0.5 to 1 U into each
EMERGING TRENDS levator labii just lateral to the nasal ala on each
New and expanding uses for both BoNTA and side. Understanding and observing the muscle ac-
hyaluronic acid filler continue to emerge rapidly. tions in this area are important in determining the
The faculty members discussed some of the most treatment.
important techniques, based on their experience
and the published literature. They also discussed
the most prevalent trends in facial rejuvenation
that they are observing in the literature and in The risorius muscle moves the lips laterally
clinical practice. and is responsible for smiling or grimacing. It
sometimes results in an unwanted or unin-
tended negative expression if the muscle is hy-
Acne and Other Scars perdynamic. One unit of BoNTA may reduce this
The faculty agreed that the use of either activity if it is excessive. Electromyography-guided
BoNTA or hyaluronic acid filler for acne scarring injection may increase the accuracy of delivering
is still undergoing investigation. They pointed out toxin to this muscle.
that scars differ and that no one treatment is suit-
able for all. It was also noted that active inflam- Excessive Gingival Display (Gummy Smile)
mation is a contraindication to hyaluronic acid The use of BoNTA to treat excessive gingival
filler use and that BoNTA should not be used in display is a minimally invasive alternative to
infected sites.14,28,31 None of the participants use surgery.81,82 In this approach, small amounts of
BoNTA alone to treat scars, whereas all have used BoNTA are used to treat the muscles associated
hyaluronic acid filler alone. For long-standing, with raising the upper lip, thereby reducing their
atrophic scars, small volumes of hyaluronic acid activity and lengthening the lip line. The elevator
filler can be used to soften the appearance. Also, muscles of the upper lip include the levator labii
scar appearance may worsen with age, and hyal- superioris, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi,
uronic acid fillers can be used to augment the levator anguli oris, zygomaticus major and minor,
volume of the area and thereby improve appear- and depressor septi nasi.82 In this area, because of
ance. Repeated treatments may be necessary to the interplay of muscles, conservative treatment is
provide optimal correction. All faculty members essential. One pilot study recommends 2.5 U per
agreed that fractional resurfacing technology is an side at the levator labii superioris, 2.5 U per side
excellent approach to acne scarring. at the levator labii superioris/zygomaticus minor,
and 1.25 U in the orbicularis oris (2 to 3 mm
inferior to the nostrils and 2 to 3 mm from the
Chin Implants midline).82 Other recommendations are up to 5 U
Hyaluronic acid fillers are useful in smooth- per site at the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
ing the appearance of chin implants, particu- just above the periosteum, which can be identified
larly in the transition area between the implant by placing a fingertip on the pyriform aperture
and soft tissue. In addition, the skin over the below the nasomaxillary groove.81 Overtreatment
chin implant may dimple, which can be ad- can result in lip ptosis, lower lip protrusion, the
dressed by injecting approximately 8 to 10 U of possibility of asymmetries, and excessive length-
BoNTA into the mentalis. ening of the upper lip. The faculty members who

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

treat gummy smile tend to inject more conserva- umes of hyaluronic acid filler to achieve optimal
tively, using about 1 to 2 U per side or 2 to 3 U in outcomes. This often entails substantial patient
the depressor septae at the base of the columella. education, to ensure realistic expectations and to
foster a commitment to longer-term maintenance
Masseter Reduction with sufficient product to provide a high degree of
Techniques for using BoNTA to treat hyper- satisfaction. In tandem, it is now recognized that
trophic masseter muscles are well reported in the relaxing the muscles of the lower face can play an
literature, are particularly evident in Korean-lan- important role in combination with fillers. In ad-
guage publications (J. Wu, personal communica- dition, BoNTA treatments, begun at earlier ages,
tion; C. Maas, personal communication, April of can aid in line prevention. For example, facial
2007), and are also reported in articles on treating lines were compared in a set of identical female
temporomandibular dysfunctions.83,84 English- twins.88 One twin had received BoNTA treatments
language publications document the efficacy of in the upper face regularly for 13 years. The other
approximately 25 to 30 U of BoNTA per side for twin had received only two treatments in the gla-
masseter reduction.83– 87 It is important that bella and forehead. The minimally treated twin
BoNTA be used to treat facial widening only when had visible lines at rest in the forehead and gla-
the masseter is involved and not when mandibular bella, whereas the regularly treated twin did not.
bony prominence is the underlying cause.11 Fac- Differences were also apparent in the crow’s feet
ulty members who treat this area generally start during smiling. No adverse events were associated
with 10 U of BoNTA per side, but increase the dose with regular treatment. This comparison suggests
to at least 20 U per side when needed. It was noted that long-term treatment with BoNTA can be used
that it may take at least 6 months for optimal safely to prevent the development of lines that are
results to appear and up to a year for substantial visible at rest.
recontouring to become apparent. Retreatments Faculty members concurred that multimodal ap-
are at 3- to 4-month intervals. To perform the proaches to facial rejuvenation and enhancement
injection, have the patient bite down so that the help clinicians to provide the most satisfactory out-
anterior and posterior borders of the masseter can comes for their patients. Resurfacing with light/laser
be felt. Injections should be low, just above the treatments or chemical peels, along with line man-
mandible, with one to two sites per side. By starting agement, volumizing, and recontouring, has proven
with 5 U per site, patients can be checked for side to be both safe and effective. For example, the use
effects such as chewing difficulties and nighttime of nonablative lasers, intense pulsed light, or radio-
tooth grinding. Doses can be increased to as much frequency when used immediately after BoNTA
as 25 to 50 U as needed and as tolerated. treatment does not reduce the efficacy of BoNTA
treatment.89 Indeed, BoNTA plus laser treatment
increases the extent and longevity of improvement
Earlobe Volume
compared with laser treatment alone.90 –92 In addi-
With age, the earlobes sag and develop tion, BoNTA plus intense pulsed light improves out-
creases. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be used to fill comes over intense pulsed light alone when the
the sagging lobe and rejuvenate appearance. crow’s feet are treated.93 Similarly, radiofrequency,
Women who have had repairs due to earrings pull- lasers, or intense pulsed light can be used safely and
ing through and tearing the earlobe can benefit effectively in combination with hyaluronic acid filler
from the tissue-expanding effects of hyaluronic to treat nasolabial folds and perioral rhytides.94,95
acid filler. In the faculty’s experience, the effects Given their experience, the faculty cautioned
are very long-lasting, perhaps because that region that edema from other treatments, such as frac-
is not very active metabolically and is not subject tional laser therapy,96 could distort the anatomy,
to movement. which could affect filler placement and potential
migration of neurotoxin. Therefore, any multi-
Emerging Trends modal treatment plans should take such effects
The shift from a two-dimensional focus to a into consideration.
three-dimensional approach to minimally invasive Not to be neglected are topical treatments,
facial rejuvenation has reinforced the idea of cre- such as cosmeceuticals, to protect against photo-
ating overall facial harmony and balance, within damage, aid in retexturing of the skin, and serve
the confines of cultural, ethnic, and gender-re- as an important adjunct to other aesthetic prod-
lated goals and ideals. With this approach comes ucts and procedures.97 A variety of products are
an appreciation of the need for substantial vol- available, and many patients can benefit from

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

their clinician’s advice on these products to min- use intraoral blocks (e.g., lidocaine and articaine,
imize the risk of hypersensitivity reactions while with or without epinephrine). All also use ice and
maximizing benefit. Nearly 70 percent of the fac- many use a Zimmer cooler. Topical anesthetics
ulty members routinely discuss antioxidant sup- with agents such as lidocaine are also a useful
plements and topical treatments with their pa- adjunct. Massagers for vibration anesthesia are
tients. An effective sunblock is considered one of used by approximately 30 percent of the faculty. In
the most important topical agents that patients the midface, none of the faculty members uses a
can use.97 In addition to protecting against pho- block to treat the malar areas, whereas approxi-
toaging, sunblock may also help prevent hyper- mately 40 percent use blocks for treating the na-
pigmentation after other aesthetic treatments. De- solabial folds. In the nasojugal groove, 85 percent
spite general awareness of the need for sun use a topical anesthetic, 65 percent use ice, and
protection, many patients can benefit from edu- various members of the faculty occasionally use
cation about the types of ultraviolet radiation and injectable anesthesia, facial cooling, and massage.
how to protect against them most effectively and Only topical agents are used when the upper face
regularly. is being treated.

Summary: Other Advanced Techniques and Needles and Syringes

Emerging Trends The needles and syringes used by faculty mem-
In discussing the use of BoNTA and hyal- bers depend on both individual technique/pref-
uronic acid fillers, the faculty members noted that erence and specific application. Faculty members
both types of products can be used in a broad recommended 31-gauge needles with a short hub
spectrum of applications. BoNTA, for example, (30-U insulin syringe), 29-gauge, half-inch to
can be used to advantage whenever restricting 1-inch needles (0.30-ml syringe; BD Medical,
muscle movement, position, or size is likely to Franklin Lakes, N.J.), tuberculin syringes with 30-
provide aesthetic benefits. These uses include or 32-gauge needles, and the hubless, 30/31-
masseter reduction, reduction of excessive gingi- gauge system. All faculty members use half-inch
val display, and prevention of line or scar forma- needles in their practices, and approximately 30
tion. Hyaluronic acid fillers are advantageous percent use 1-inch to 1¼-inch needles for certain
overall for volume restoration and recontouring, applications. Some faculty members use 32-gauge
including in such new uses as earlobe volume res- needles with a tuberculin syringe because their
toration and scar filling. Both BoNTA and hya- sharpness and thinness decrease injection pain.
luronic acid fillers are integral to multimodal ap-
proaches to facial rejuvenation and enhancement Avoiding Complications and Posttreatment
that include light and laser techniques as well as Recommendations
topical treatments such as cosmeceuticals. To- Injection-site reactions, such as erythema,
gether, these approaches can help clinicians and edema, and ecchymosis, are the most common
patients achieve highly satisfactory outcomes. side effects of treatment. Before treatment, pa-
tients should be cautioned to avoid any agents that
GENERAL TECHNIQUES may inhibit clotting for several days before treat-
Anesthesia ment (Table 10).3,24,35 All faculty members recom-
Because facial areas differ in their sensitivity to mended sterile techniques and also have patients
pain, the use of various forms of anesthesia de- remove all makeup before treatment. After treat-
pends on both the product and the area of injec- ment, the use of ice to minimize swelling and
tion. In the lower face and lips, all faculty members bruising is important, and the majority of faculty

Table 10. General Recommendations to Avoid and Manage Complications

Potential Complications Management Approach
Hypersensitivity reactions Rare; avoid in patients sensitive to any ingredient in the formulation
Injection-site reactions (e.g., Patient should avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol, and
erythema, edema, ecchymosis) vitamin E for at least several days before treatment; injector should apply
firm pressure after treatment; use ice packs
History of cold sores (herpes 1 g of valacyclovir (orally) on the day of treatment; prescription for
labialis, oral herpes simplex valacyclovir to be taken if needed

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

members have their patients use ice while still in pointment before the patient leaves the office.
the office. Although it was previously recom- The vast majority (87 percent) of the faculty and
mended that patients contract the muscles treated their staff also correspond with their patients by
with BoNTA to facilitate neurotoxin uptake,3 e-mail. Scheduling follow-up telephone calls is an-
none of the faculty members recommended such other way to improve retention, but in all of these
an approach after combination treatment. All fac- approaches, it is important to maintain confiden-
ulty members massage the treatment area after tiality. All faculty members take strong steps to
injections, but fewer than 50 percent have their ensure patient confidentiality and to prevent staff
patients massage the area at home. from divulging any patient information outside
None of the faculty members advises patients the office. Typically, any breach of patient confi-
to avoid sun specifically after BoNTA treatment, dentiality is grounds for immediate dismissal.
although sun protection is always important; 28
percent permit their patients to exercise immedi-
ately after treatments; an additional 50 percent Patient Satisfaction
allow exercise the same day; and the remaining Most faculty associate patient retention with
suggest waiting 1 day. Research is needed on the patient satisfaction. Only one faculty member sur-
effects of exercise on both BoNTA and hyaluronic veys patients on a routine basis. If validated in-
acid filler treatments. struments such as Facial Line Outcomes and Self-
Perception of Age9 are available for more areas of
Patient Expectations and Concerns the face, they are likely to be used. Development
It is prudent to attempt to uncover the pa- of such instruments may help track and enhance
tient’s expectations, anxieties, or distress as well as patient satisfaction with various aesthetic proce-
potential misinformation that may derive from the dures and with a physician’s practice.
experience of friends or from other sources, such
as magazine articles. These discussions also pro- OVERALL SUMMARY AND
vide an opportunity for the practitioner to identify CONCLUSIONS
patients who may not be suitable candidates for
The number of minimally invasive aesthetic
treatment and to foster a long-term plan with
products and procedures has burgeoned in the
those who are.
last several years. In concert, clinicians have con-
Some practitioners suggested asking patients
tinued to expand and refine their techniques to
to bring photographs of themselves dating back 5
provide their patients with optimal outcomes and
to 10 years to help guide the treatment plan and
a high level of satisfaction. Together, BoNTA and
establish realistic goals. One of the most important
hyaluronic acid fillers are a mainstay of facial re-
recommendations is to photograph all areas of the
juvenation, accounting for approximately 54 per-
face and not just those undergoing treatment.
cent of all nonsurgical aesthetic procedures per-
Having a number of views available can help in the
formed in the United States. Use of these products
accurate assessment of the face and can be useful
is increasing among various demographic popu-
to show to patients when they return with ques-
lations, including among persons of color and
tions or issues with their treatment. Photographs
those with diverse ethnic backgrounds.
can also be used to document outcomes.
At the same time, concepts of aging and re-
juvenation have changed from a somewhat two-
Other Practice Management Considerations dimensional focus to an appreciation of the three-
All of the faculty noted that their staff mem- dimensional aspects of aging, including the
bers are an integral part of their practices and play contribution of volume loss to appearance. A thor-
an important role in office management, patient ough knowledge of the process of facial aging and
comfort and retention, follow-up, and identifica- the anatomy and physiology of the facial muscu-
tion of potentially problematic patients. Approx- lature is paramount to treat patients successfully.
imately 65 percent of the faculty employ a business With this understanding has come a paradigm
manager to handle many of the office financial shift from treating wrinkles and lines to relaxing
matters, including billing, discounts, and payment the musculature, restoring volume, and recon-
arrangements, leaving the physician to focus on touring to provide a balanced, harmonious aes-
the practice of medicine. thetic result. Although the various areas of the face
Patient retention is important, and more than lend themselves to different treatments, the over-
60 percent of the faculty schedule the next ap- whelming trend is toward increased combined use

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

of BoNTA and hyaluronic acid fillers as well as unsatisfactory outcome. In treating the midface,
other modalities, such as resurfacing. faculty members suggested taking any of a number
Notably, the combination of BoNTA and hyal- of steps to avoid asymmetries. For example, mark
uronic acid filler appears to increase the longevity of both sides of the face, use half a syringe on one
the outcomes, an issue of importance to patients. side and then move to the other, and have the
More than ever, patient education and counseling pretreatment photograph(s) available for com-
are essential when developing a comprehensive parison during the procedure.
treatment plan, so that patients can make informed In the lower face, both BoNTA and hyaluronic
decisions about their treatment choices. Clinicians acid fillers are important because rejuvenation in-
must also be knowledgeable about the strengths and volves control of muscle movement as well as res-
limitations of various products and how they may be toration of volume. Detailed treatment planning is
used optimally to individualize treatment for patient essential, to avoid asymmetries and poor out-
needs and goals. comes. Knowledge of the musculature and its com-
It has also become apparent that, although it is plex interactions is crucial. Treating the perioral
necessary to discuss regions of the face individually, area is central to the aesthetic outcome of the
treating areas of the face in isolation does not yield lower face, but treatment should be initiated con-
the best possible outcomes for patients. Key insights servatively, with follow-up visits for additional
and recommendations were provided by the faculty treatments. The differences between shape and
for each major region of the face as well as specific volume are important in treatment planning and
areas within those regions. It was stressed that treat- in the optimal use of products. Faculty members
ment of any one area may have a considerable effect stressed that it is valuable to ensure that patients
on other areas that should be evaluated as treatment appreciate that not all treatments must be per-
progresses. In addition, the importance of under- formed in a single session.
standing how to avoid or manage complications was The faculty members also provided informa-
addressed in detail. The faculty members empha- tion and recommendations on other advanced
sized that certain advanced techniques described in
techniques in the use of BoNTA and hyaluronic
the supplement should not be undertaken by inex-
acid fillers and emerging trends in facial rejuve-
perienced injectors.
nation. These techniques include, but are not lim-
For the upper face, faculty agreed that BoNTA
ited to, the use of BoNTA to recontour the man-
remains the foundation of treatment but that hy-
aluronic acid fillers can augment results in several dible area and to reduce excessive gingival display;
ways, including the management of deep resting combination treatment with BoNTA and hyal-
folds and lines that remain after BoNTA treatment uronic acid filler to refine the appearance of chin
and for the restoration of volume in the eyebrow implants and improve acne and other scars; the
area. An emerging use of hyaluronic acid fillers is use of hyaluronic acid filler to augment earlobe
to address the age-related loss of volume in the volume; and the use of both BoNTA and hyal-
temple area. One of the BoNTA-specific changes uronic acid filler in combination with other mo-
in recommendations since the previous BoNTA dalities, such as laser and light treatments. Specific
consensus meeting was the agreement that lower information on general techniques and practices,
doses of BoNTA, particularly in the forehead, may such as anesthesia, needles and syringes, avoiding
help avert a frozen look. complications, and posttreatment recommenda-
For the midface, the most apparent effect of tions, is also detailed. Patient selection, education,
aging is the loss of volume. Thus, hyaluronic acid and counseling, as well as other practice manage-
fillers play a central role, with BoNTA treatment ment issues, are considered.
serving as an important adjunct depending on the In conclusion, the information presented in
specific treatment plan. A key step in facial reju- this supplement represents the insights and rec-
venation of the midface is the restoration of vol- ommendations of medical experts in facial aes-
ume in the malar region. By treating this area with thetics on the use of BoNTA and hyaluronic acid
hyaluronic acid fillers, clinicians can provide a fillers in facial rejuvenation. This supplement rec-
more youthful, rounded area that will affect how ognizes that facial aesthetics is a rapidly evolving
other areas of the face, such as the tear troughs field of medicine in which physicians and patients
and nasolabial folds, are subsequently treated. Im- continue to have a major interest in the benefits
portantly, optimal results depend on using suffi- of safe and effective, minimally invasive products
cient volume, and patients may need to be edu- and procedures that afford high levels of satisfac-
cated that undertreatment is likely to lead to an tion to both clinicians and patients.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

APPENDIX: THE FACIAL AESTHETICS a position to control the content of continuing

CONSENSUS GROUP medical education activities. All relevant conflicts
The following faculty members comprise the of interest that are identified are thoroughly vet-
Facial Aesthetics Consensus Group: ted by the Institute for fair balance, scientific ob-
jectivity of studies utilized in this activity, and pa-
Richard L. Anderson, M.D. tient care recommendations. The Postgraduate
Plastic Surgery Institute for Medicine is committed to providing
Salt Lake City, Utah its learners with high-quality continuing medical
Joel L. Cohen, M.D. education activities and related materials that pro-
Dermatology mote improvements or quality in health care and
Englewood, Colo. not a specific proprietary business interest of a
commercial interest.
Sue Ellen Cox, M.D. The faculty reported the following financial
Dermatology relationships or relationships to products or de-
Chapel Hill, N.C. vices they or their spouse/life partner have with
Steven H. Dayan, M.D. commercial interests related to the content of this
Facial Plastic Surgery CME activity:
Chicago, Ill. Richard L. Anderson, M.D., states that he re-
ceived consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., and
Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D. BioForm Medical, Inc., and has received research
Dermatology study support from Allergan, Inc., Ipsen Limited,
High Point, N.C. and Merz Pharmaceuticals. He is a consultant with
Steven Fagien, M.D. Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery Andrew Blitzer, M.D., D.D.S., states that he
Boca Raton, Fla. receives royalties from Medronic Xomed, Inc.;
consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., and Solstice
Ellen C. Gendler, M.D. Neurosciences, Inc.; contracted research funds
Dermatology from Merz Pharmaceuticals; and an unrestricted
New York, N.Y. research grant from Allergan, Inc.
Mitchel P. Goldman, M.D. Jean D. A. Carruthers, M.D., states that she
Dermatology and her spouse receive consulting fees from Al-
La Jolla, Calif. lergan, Inc., Artes Medical Inc., BioForm Medical,
Inc., Lumenis Ltd., Medicis Pharmaceutical Cor-
Mary P. Lupo, M.D. poration, Merz Pharmaceuticals, Ortho Neutro-
Dermatology gena, Solstice Neurosciences, Inc., and Unilever,
New Orleans, La. Canada; and contracted research funds from Al-
Corey S. Maas, M.D. lergan, Inc., BioForm Medical Inc., Medicis Phar-
Otolaryngology maceutical Corporation, Merz Pharmaceuticals,
San Francisco, Calif. Ortho Neutrogena, Q-Med, Inc., and Richard
James Inc.; and have ownership interest in Artes
Susan C. Taylor, M.D. Medical, Inc., and BioForm Medical, Inc.
Dermatology Joel L. Cohen, M.D., states that he receives
New York, N.Y. consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., BioForm Med-
Jessica Wu, M.D. ical, Inc., Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation; fees
Dermatology for non-Continuing Medical Education services re-
Los Angeles, Calif. ceived directly from a commercial interest or their
agents from Allergan, Inc.; and contracted research
Steven G. Yoelin, M.D. funds from Allergan, Inc., BioForm Medical, Inc.,
Ophthalmology and Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Newport Beach, Calif. Sue Ellen Cox, M.D., states that she and her
spouse receive consulting fees and contracted re-
APPENDIX: FACULTY DISCLOSURES search funds from Allergan, Inc.
The Postgraduate Institute for Medicine as- Steven H. Dayan, M.D., states that he receives
sesses conflict of interest with its instructors, plan- consulting fees from BioForm Medical, Inc., and
ners, managers, and other individuals who are in Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation; fees for

Volume 121, Number 5S • Advances in Facial Rejuvenation

non-Continuing Medical Education services re- gan, Inc., Lumenis Ltd., Medicis Pharmaceutical
ceived directly from a commercial interest or their Corporation, and Mentor Corporation; and con-
agents from Aesthera Corp. and Laserscope; and tracted research funds from Allergan, Inc., Lume-
contracted research funds from Aesthera Corp., nis Ltd., Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation,
Allergan, Inc., BioForm Medical, Inc., Contura and Mentor Corporation; and has ownership in-
International A/S, and Medicis Pharmaceutical terest in Lumenis Ltd. and CoolTouch, Inc.
Corporation. Mary P. Lupo, M.D., states that she receives
Zoe Diana Draelos, M.D., states that she has consulting fees from Dermik Aesthetics and fees
been a consultant or researcher for Abgenix, Inc., for non-Continuing Medical Education services
Allergan, Inc., Altan, Inc., Amgen Inc., Andrew received directly from a commercial interest or
Jergens Co., Avon Products, Inc., Bayer AG, Clay- their agents from Allergan, Inc.
Parks Laboratories, Inc., Colgate-Palmolive Co., Corey S. Maas, M.D., states that he receives
Coloplast Group, Combe Incorporated, Coria research/consulting fees, advisory board hono-
Laboratories, Ferndale Laboratories, Inc., Fuji- raria, and/or stock interest from Allergan, Inc.,
sawa Healthcare, Inc., Galderma International, BioForm Medical, Inc., Colbar Life Science Ltd.,
Genentech, Inc., General Mills, Inc., GlaxoSmith- Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Mentor Corpora-
Kline plc, Greystone Medical Group, Inc., Intendis tion; and speaker fees from Medicis Pharmaceu-
GmbH, Healthpoint Ltd., Hydron Technologies, tical Corporation.
Inc., L’Oreal SA, Medicis Pharmaceutical Corpo- Susan C. Taylor, M.D., states that she receives
ration, Merck & Co., Inc., Milliken & Company, consulting fees from Barrier Therapeutics, Inc.,
NeoStrata Company, Niadyne, Inc., Novartis AG, Beiersdorf AG, Dermik Aesthetics, Galderma Labo-
Nu Skin Enterprises, Pacific Biosciences Labora- ratories, L.P., Johnson & Johnson, Medicis Pharma-
tories, Inc., Paddock Laboratories, Inc., Pfizer ceutical Corporation, Procter & Gamble, Stiefel Lab-
Inc., Pharma Cosmetix Research LLC, Procter & oratories, Inc.; fees for non-Continuing Medical
Gamble, Schick Wilkinson-Sword, Teva Pharma- Education services received directly from a commer-
ceuticals Industries Ltd., Taro Pharmaceutical In- cial interest or their agents from Allergan, Inc., Bar-
dustries Ltd., TherOx, Inc., Wrigley Corporation, rier Therapeutics, Inc., Dermik Aesthetics, Doak
and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dermatologics, Galderma Laboratories, L.P., John-
Steven Fagien, M.D., states that neither he nor son & Johnson, Medicis Pharmaceutical Corpora-
his spouse has any financial relationships or rela- tion, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; and
tionships to products or devices with any commer- contracted research funds from Amgen, Inc., Atrix,
cial interests related to the content of this Con- Atrix/Fujisawa, Barrier Therapeutics, Inc., Beiers-
tinuing Medical Education activity. dorf AG, Doak Dermatologics, Galderma Laborato-
Ellen C. Gendler, M.D., states that she receives ries, L.P., Genzyme Corporation, Johnson & John-
consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., and Medicis son, LEO Pharma A/S, Medicis Pharmaceutical
Pharmaceutical Corporation. Corporation, Palomar Medical Technologies, Stiefel
Richard G. Glogau, M.D., states that he re- Laboratories, Inc., and Teva Pharmaceutical Indus-
ceives consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., Fibro- tries Ltd.
Gen, Inc., Gerson Lehrman Group, Inc., LipoSo- Jessica Wu, M.D., states that she receives con-
nix, Inc., MEDACorp, Neutrogena Corporation, sulting fees from Allergan, Inc., Dermik Aesthet-
and Revance Therapeutics, Inc.; fees for non-Con- ics, Johnson & Johnson, and Stiefel Laboratories,
tinuing Medical Education services received di- Inc., and contracted research funds from Aller-
rectly from a commercial interest or their agents gan, Inc.
from Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation; and Steven G. Yoelin, M.D., states that he receives
contracted research funds from Allergan, Inc., consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., BioForm Med-
Colbar Life Science Ltd., Contura International ical, Inc., Sanofi-Aventis, and Valeant, Inc.; fees for
A/S, FibroGen, Inc., FzioMed, Inc., LipoSonix, non-Continuing Medical Education services from
Inc., Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, and Allergan, Inc. and Medicis Pharmaceutical Cor-
Revance Therapeutics, Inc. poration; and contracted research funds from Al-
Mitchel P. Goldman, M.D., states that he re- lergan, Inc.
ceives consulting fees from Allergan, Inc., Lume- The planners and managers reported the fol-
nis Ltd., Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation, lowing financial relationships or relationships to
and Mentor Corporation; fees for non-Continuing products or devices they or their spouse/life part-
Medical Education services received directly from ner have with commercial interests related to the
a commercial interest or their agents from Aller- content of this CME activity:

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • May Supplement 2008

The PIM clinical content reviewer, Trace 13. Aoki, K. R. A comparison of the safety margins of botulinum
Hutchinson, Pharm.D., hereby states that neither neurotoxin serotypes A, B, and F in mice. Toxicon 39: 1815,
he nor his spouse has any financial relationships 14. Allergan, Inc. Botox Cosmetic [package insert]. Irvine, Calif.:
or relationships to products or devices with any Allergan, Inc., 2005.
commercial interests related to the content of this 15. Ipsen Limited. Dysport [package insert]. Berkshire, U.K.:
Continuing Medical Education activity. Ipsen Limited, 2007.
The HLS reviewers, Paula G. Davis, Ph.D., and 16. Trindade de Almeida, A. R., Marques, E., de Almeida, J.,
Cunha, T., and Boraso, R. Pilot study comparing the diffu-
Ramana Yalamanchili, Ph.D., state that neither sion of two formulations of botulinum toxin type A in pa-
they nor their spouses/life partners have any fi- tients with forehead hyperhidrosis. Dermatol. Surg. 33: S37,
nancial relationships or relationships to products 2007.
or devices with any commercial interests related to 17. Lowe, N. J., Yamauchi, P. S., Lask, G. P., et al. Botulinum
the content of this Continuing Medical Education toxins types A and B for brow furrows: Preliminary experi-
ences with type B toxin dosing. J. Cosmet. Laser. Ther. 4: 15,
activity. 2002.
Jean D. A. Carruthers, M.D. 18. Solstice Neurosciences, Inc. Myobloc [package insert].
University of British Columbia South San Francisco, Calif.: Solstice Neurosciences, Inc.,
Suite 740-943 West Broadway 2004.
Vancouver, V5Z 4E1 British Columbia, Canada 19. Wenzel, R., Jones, D., and Borrego, J. A. Comparing two botulinum toxin type A formulations using manufacturers’
product summaries. J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. 32: 387, 2007.
20. Aoki, K. R., Satorius, A., Ardila, C., et al. Pharmacology of
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Botox, Dysport, Myobloc and BTX-A in animal models of
This activity is supported by an educational grant efficacy and safety. Abstract presented at the International
Conference on Basic and Therapeutic Aspects of Botulinum
provided by Allergan, Inc. and Tetanus Toxins, Denver, Colo., June 23–25, 2005.
21. Lowe, P. L., Patnaik, R., and Lowe, N. J. A comparison of two
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