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Hermaphrodite - An organism that has

reproductive organs normally associated
with both male and female sexes.
2. cytolysis - pathological breakdown of
cells by the destruction of their outer
3. cotyledon - embryonic leaf in seed-
bearing plants.
4. homeostasis - metabolic equilibrium
maintained by biological mechanisms
5. neurotoxin- any toxin that affects neural

6. notochord - a flexible rodlike structure

that forms the supporting axis of the
body in the lowest chordates and lowest
vertebrates and in embryos of higher

7. thorax - the middle region of the body of

an arthropod between the head and the

8. transduction - the process whereby a

transducer accepts energy in one form
and gives back related energy in a
different form

9. Ridge - A geological feature consisting

of a chain of mountains or hills that form
a continuous elevated crest for some

10. flare - sudden eruption of intense

radiation from the sun's surface

11. interferometer - any measuring

instrument that uses interference
patterns to make accurate
measurements of waves

12. Cassiopeia - a W-shaped constellation

in the northern hemisphere near Polaris


14. pseudopod
15. temporary outgrowth used
by some microorganisms as an
organ of feeding or locomotion

16. saprophyte
17. an organism that feeds on
dead organic matter especially a
fungus or bacterium

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