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{amarin ttigh Schocl

Cal**r*:: Cit'y

lleremb*r 13, ?*38

The S$em&ex *f fanraarn {*Bi+ H}<rs{ ft#6cs &rb w*{ {me * Yw-€r*d YqeEiaer *at # *e*errakr g=, A*t&, 1':s# *
S:ffi F&# xt Eft* $c***ee t*&eruruEr-
*.E {w; a&ke.e €&*.* ?w"s d**sere*g ard ttr ffi" fu e*mm *e ffiE#fi$
' rnembers-

y,mrs trt$ywtff p,-gu*fttk'*ffifte r?ed e*erxrere*nlerzffifudtfu*etcttdbry-s.w**fie feefu w{S preryc t*re gr*m
**d tte prryn*:tt" ?Uler*kex may bri*g fc*d E* sk*re to fuk rr€e{xtkrg

Thmklwrry n*tmfu


frcb*tics eiuh Advissr

Parerltc Per*:it

hi*sme *f Le*rsrer:

I alk:w rny chlfd tc aEe*d the Year-En* G*t Tr:gether

i ;;,:r*l rt;ir-.'.\, iny cir iJ il ali:,-,C tl,: --;c-ir-irJ Cet i'seil'+r Lc'-<ru:*

As the p*rs*t,lguarriiar: of ihe ab*v,eir,efiti*iied iear*er, i lr*reby ack::*wl*dg* tn,lt i havs l:es: irrfcrrx*d *f the cJ*tails
of the Year-Hnd Get together and voluntar"iiy and freely eiect to participate in this activity and agree that the rules and
regir{ati*'rs establisl":ed for th.e said artivity are fcr the safeiy of the participants, and thus agr*e to instru* my clrild tc
oberl them.

Having xnderst**d the afi:rem*ntic*ed, i hereby c*ns€nt t* atlow my ehiid t* participaie ackncwi*dgng th* f*regc'ing. t

arn alsc soie{y responsibie tor providing the personai needs ior n:y cl'rild's pa,"iicipetiCIn i* the activitY.

Signatur"e *ver Prir:ted Name of the Farenpl G*ardian:

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