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Inglish Test
Simple Past
Student:__________________________________________________ data:_____/____/_____

♥ O texto a seguir é referência para as
questões 1 a 4. Escolha a alternativa correta BEATLES 4 EVER
de cada uma.
On the 5th October, 1962, the record market announced a new
rock’n’roll compact for sale. The band was unknown. It was formed by
four simple boys from Liverpool, an industrial city in England.
Loud, irreverent and exciting, the group seemed to offer a world of
inspiring new possibilities to young people. They were very
In 1963, only one year after their first recording (Love me do), the
Beatles were preparing to go to other countries in Europe and North
The Beatles have definitely been a landmark for a freer generation of
young people and, directly or indirectly, they have influenced
nowadays culture. It was, for example, after the Beatles that the great
barrier between the sexes started to be broken. Men started to wear
more expressive clothes, like flowered shirts, bell-bottom trousers and
long hair.
The Beatles have never accepted prescribed directions and they
have ultimately helped people to “find themselves” as individuals.
Throughout their career they remained non-conformists, different from
one another and from anyone else – their appearance and their free
attitude towards life show it.
Do you realize that the Beatles have also influenced you?

Inglês (Ensino Médio) Coleção de olho no mundo do trabalho. Ed. Scipione

-2003. p.190-194.
1. On the 5th October, 1962...
3. The Beatles…
a. ( ) four a simple boys from Liverpool formed a
band. a. ( ) started to wear more expressive clothes.
b. ( ) an industrial band was announced. b. ( ) influenced only men’s clothing.
c. ( ) a new rock’n’roll compact was announced. c. ( ) began the great barrier between sexes.
d. ( ) an unknown band went to Liverpool. d. ( ) have influenced nowadays culture.

2. In 1963,… 4. The Beatles…

a. ( ) the Beatles were already known in Europe
and North America. a. ( ) were inspired by new possibilities.
b. ( ) Love me do, their first recording, was b. ( ) have been a landmark.
announced. c. ( ) have helped to find people.
c. ( ) the group offered the world new inspiring d. ( ) have not realized their influence on
possibilities. people.
d. ( ) the Beatles became loud and irreverent.

5. Complete a frase corretamente. I ________ that film many time

a) seen b) saw c) to see d) seed e)seem

6. Last night Esther______________ members of this community.

a) know b ) knew c ) to know d) knaw e) to knew

7. Complete a sinopse do filme com verbos Regulares e Irregulares no Simple Past.

Clash of the Titans

Long ago, in Argos, an ancient Greek city, a war _____________ (start) between man
and the gods. Perseus, a semi-god, ________________ (appear) as a fisherman. He is
________ (be) the son of Zeus who is about to take on the gods after the death of his
family. Zeus’ brother Hades was the one who _____________ (kill) his family, and Perseus
____________ (want) to kill him. However, he _________ (have) to rescue the city of Argos
from the ruthless rage of Hades and his Kraken monster. Perseus _____________ (lead) a
group of soldiers to defeat them.
Adapted from <

8. Marque somente a seqüência em que os verbos são Irregulares:

a) to live - to buy - to dance b) to die - to date – to cry c) to study – to fly – to

d ) to cry - to enjoy – to love e) to buy – to know – to go

9. Assinale a forma verbal que está no PAST SIMPLE TENSE:

a) shows b) has discovered c) making d) found e) have prepared

10. Mark the correct answer to complete the  e) We are Pelé and Zico, but ____ real names are
sentences. Edson and Arthur.

My house is new. __________ windows are red. a) your – your – his – your – their
a) their b) it b) her – your – his – your – their
c) its d) they c) her – his – his – your – their
e) you d) her – your – his – your – our
e) her – your – his – our – your
11. (PUC – PR) Assinale a alternativa que preenche
adequadamente as lacunas. 12. (U. F. São carlos – SP) You like my car, but I
prefer ____________.
 a) She is Fernanda Montenegro, but ____ real name a) mine b) your
is Arlete Torres. c) yours d) its
 b) You are Grande Otelo, but ______ real name is e) n.d.a
Sebastião Prata.
 c) He is Ringo Star, but ______ real name is Richard 13. (PUC – SP) “What is the name of that man?”
“________ name is Tim Baker.”
 d) You are Gal, but _____ real name is Maria da
a) her b) his
c) your d) hers
e) n.d.a

14. Those are my students. Most of _________ study in
the morning.
a) they b) you
c) him d) them
e) their


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