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A monsoon is a
seasonal change in
the direction of
the prevailing
wind. This wind
shift typically
brings about a
marked change in
local weather.
 Monsoon winds are
caused when the Sun
heats the
atmosphere. It is a
shift in wind that
occurs due to a
change in local
weather. Simply
speaking, when, there
are differences in
between the oceans
and the continents,
monsoon winds occur.
 In areas such as
Southern Asia, winds
blow from land to
ocean most of the
year, making the
climate dry. However,
during certain months
of the year, the winds
begin to blow from
the ocean to the land
making the air moist.
This moist ocean air is
what causes the
monsoon rains over
many countries.
 Many parts of the world
experience monsoons to
some extent. Probably
the most famous are
the Asian monsoons,
which affect India,
China, Japan, and
Southeast Asia.
Monsoons also impact
portions of central
Africa, where their rain
is critical to supporting
life in the area south of
the Sahara Desert.

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