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What is time?

Time is a measurement of change, a regular progress of events and

existence. It moves in one direction, from past to present, and it seems to chug
along at the same speed. Physics has various views on time. The most accurate
clocks use the regular vibrations of atoms to define an interval of time but that
begs the question; if time is defined with a regular event, how can we know that
the event is occurring regularly without using it to do define time? This gets to
the idea that Antiphon the Sophist wrote about in the fifth century, saying that
“time is not a reality (hypostasis), but a concept (noêma) or a measure (metron)."
However, physicists recognize time as one of the seven fundamental physical
quantities defined by the International System of Units and International System of
Special relativity is a study, developed by Einstein, of the breakdown of classical
physics at near light-speed velocities. The prevailing concept is that the speed of
light is the only true constant. A side effect of this is time dilation, where two
observers (not just humans but measurers of time like atomic clocks) will record a
different passing of time based on their relative velocities or position relative
to a gravitational field. For example, a spaceship traveling at near the speed of
light might record that a trip to a distant planet took a year, while decades could
pass for a clock on earth. This is not a fault in the measurements but an intrinsic
property of existence. Clocks on space stations run slower than those on earth
while those on Galileo and other satellites seems to run faster. From every clock’s
perspective, time passes at the same rate of one second per second.
-maybe discuss “proper time”?
This baffles most people. Time seems to be the one constant in our lives—a regular
bringing of change and a regular passing of events. The idea that my experience of
time could differ so strongly from someone elses is a foreign concept. However,
like the millions of others with ADHD, I deal with this on a regular basis. I
despise labels like this, but an ADHD diagnosis medically confirmed my
understanding of my concept of time. It comes with two prongs; an Attention-Deficit
part and a Hyperactivity. An attention-deficit looks like an extreme lack of focus,
with hours spent in the flux state between tasks.

When my thoughts are moving at a higher velocity, according with the laws of
relativity, my time relative to Earth Standard Time (EST) slows down and what

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