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Accepted Article
Stability of infinite slopes investigated with elastoplasticity and hypoplasticity
Standsicherheit unendlich langer Böschungen untersucht mit Elastoplastizität und Hypoplastiztät

Fabian Schranz, Wolfgang Fellin

November 27, 2015

It is commonly assumed that the maximum slope angle β of with, σI′ and σIII

, the major and the minor principal stress
an infinite cohesionless slope is equal to the friction angle of (compression positive), respectively
the soil ϕ. However, this relation holds only for a dilatancy
σI′ − σIII

angle ψ equal to the friction angle if the Mohr-Coulomb fail- sin ϕm = (1)
ure criterion is employed. This article demonstrates that the σI + σIII
′ ′

increase of the soil strength due to the plain-strain conditions is related to a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. This mobilized
in an infinite slope allows for using β = ϕ as a conservative ap- friction angle reaches during shearing a maximum value, the
proximation for ϕ < 35◦ and ψ > ϕ/3. Further, the presented so-called peak friction angle ϕp = max ϕm , and (for initially
calculations support the common practice in geotechnical engi- dense samples) will decrease to the so-called critical friction
neering of using the strength parameters obtained from triaxial angle ϕc . The specimen will change its volume throughout
tests in limit state calculations like the Bishop’s method with- shearing. An angle of dilatancy can be calculated to be used
out further consideration of the dilatancy. However, it seems in a flow rule of an elasto-plastic material model. For example,
to be more appropriate to use direct shear tests when possible, in triaxial conditions it follows for a Mohr-Coulomb like flow
i.e. for fine grained soils. rule
Es wird üblicherweise angenommen, dass die maximale Nei- ε̇v
tan ψm = − , (2)
gung β einer unendlich langen, kohäsionslosen Böschung dem 2ε̇1 − ε̇v
Reibungswinkel ϕ des Materials entspricht. Bei der Verwen- where we use the same index m as for the mobilized friction
dung des Versagenskriteriums nach Mohr-Coulomb ist das je- angle, to emphasize that these two values are coupled. We
doch nur korrekt für Böden mit Dilatanzwinkel ψ gleich dem denote the value of ψm at the peak of shear strength with ψp .
Reibungswinkel. In diesem Beitrag wird gezeigt, dass in Folge At critical state ψm = ψc = 0. Another mobilized friction angle
des ebenen Verzerrungszustandes β = ϕ als konservative Schät- can be calculated from a simple shear or direct shear test with
zung verwendet werden kann wenn ϕ < 35◦ und ψ > ϕ/3 gilt. the applied normal stress σn′ and the measured shear stress τ
Außerdem bestätigen die angestellten Berechnungen die übli- τ
che Vorgehensweise in der Geotechnik Standsicherheitsunter- tan φm = ′ , (3)
suchungen, wie zum Beispiel das Lamellenverfahren nach Bi-
which is related to a Coulomb failure criterion. Again we will
shop, mit Festigkeitsparameter aus dem Triaxialversuch ohne
find a peak value for dense specimens φp = max φm and a
Berücksichtigung der Dilatanz durchzuführen. Es scheint jedoch
critical value φc for large shear strains. The peak friction angle
angemessener, wenn möglich Rahmenscherversuche durchzu-
is used in the calculations following. Hence, we will abbreviate
führen, um die erforderlichen Parameter zu erhalten.
ϕ := ϕp and ψ := ψp in triaxial tests, as well as φ := φp in
simple or direct shear tests.
1. Introduction
The mechanical model of the infinite slope is very simple and
3. Mohr-Coulomb – elastoplastic
hence can be easily implemented into Geographical Information The text book derivation for the stability of an infinite slope
Systems (eg. [1, 2, 3]). This model is also very clear and trains relates the normal stress σn′ at the bottom of a lamella (Fig.
the ability to interpret slope stability problems mechanically. 1(a)) with the shear stress at failure τf using a Coulomb fail-
ure criterion. With the silent assumption of ϕ = φ it follows
2. Friction angle and angle of dilatancy of soil that the inclination of the slope β at limit state is equal to
the friction angle ϕ (e.g.[4]). Teunissen and Spierenburg [5]
We extensively use the terms friction angle and angle of dila- posed the question if the material strength in the lamella is
tancy in this article and will therefore start with a definition high enough to remain as a rigid body in this limit state cal-
of our nomenclature. The mobilized friction angle calculated culation. They employed an ideal plastic material model with

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer1 review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting,
pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article
as doi: 10.1002/gete.201500021.

Submitted: 13-Jul-2015
Revised: 20-Nov-2015
Accepted: 22-Nov-2015

© 2015 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin Page Ϯ geotechnik

Accepted Article σI′
σn′ stable
β β


ϕ (◦ )
(a) (b)
30 failure
Figure 1: Infinite slope, possible failure of an element.

Abbildung 1: Unendlich lange Böschung, mögliche Versagensarten ei- 25

nes Elementes. g(ϕ, β, ψ = 0) = 0
a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and non-associated flow rule 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
and found out that ϕ = φ is only valid for an associated flow β (◦ )
rule, which is in line with the collapse theorems of plasticity
theory [6]. However, soil does not have a dilatancy angle equal Figure 2: Limit state of a cohesionless infinite slope, β is the inclination,
to the friction angle. In triaxial test the dilatancy of Hos- ϕ the friction angle and ψ the dilatancy angle. g = 0 defines the ultimate
tun Sand at peak is between ϕp /4 and ϕp /3 [7]. Teunissen state (c.f. (6)), the filled area is the state of failure.

and Spierenburg [5] proposed a relation for the limit state of Abbildung 2: Grenzzustand einer kohäsionslosen Böschung, β ist die
a slope, which depends on the friction angle and the dilatancy Böschungsneigung, ϕ der Reibungswinkel und ψ ist der Dilatanzwinkel
angle of the material des Materiales.

sin ϕ cos ψ
tan β = . (4) Eq. (4) is limited to the case of an earth pressure coefficient
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ at rest K0 < 1, which should be applicable for most slopes.
If the slope failure is assumed to be a simple shear mechanism The case K0 > 1 is studied in Appendix B.
(Fig. 1 (b)), equation (4) can be derived analytically from a A limit state function g depending on the friction angle ϕ,
simple shear element test employing a linear-elastic perfectly the dilatancy angle ψ and the inclination of the slope β can
plastic material model with a Mohr-Coulomb yield function be established, so that in an ultimate state the value of this
and a non-associated flow rule, see Appendix A. The flow rule function is zero. This limit state function reads
(as derivation of a plastic potential with respect to the stress) sin ϕ cos ψ
g = tan β − (6)
in such models implies coaxiality of the stress tensor and the 1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
plastic stretching tensor. However, calculations with an elasto-
for equation (4). For g(ϕ, ψ, β) < 0 the slope is defined as
plastic material model with a non-coaxial flow rule ([8], [9]) will
stable and a state g(ϕ, ψ, β) > 0 is not feasible, see Fig. 2. The
predict the same values of β. From a relation between Coulomb
red line defines the ultimate state of the slope (g(ϕ, ψ, β) = 0).
and Mohr-Coulomb friction angle proposed in [10] for simple
A point above the line g = 0 results in a stable slope, whereas a
shear conditions, it follows for a non-coaxial flow rule (similar
point below (yellow filled area) results in a failure of the slope.
to a relationship suggested in [11])
In all figures ϕ = β is plotted as a reference. In Fig. 3 the limit
sin ϕ cos(ψ + 2ι) state functions for several dilatancy angles are shown.
tan β = (5) Relation (4) was previously introduced by Davis [12] to in-
1 − sin ϕ sin(ψ + 2ι)
corporate non-associated plasticity in a slip-line analysis. He
with ι = ασ − αε̇ , being the angle of non-coaxiality, i.e. the proposed to use the reduced-strength parameters
deviation of the principal directions of the stress tensor ασ and sin ϕ cos ψ
the strain rate tensor αε̇ , compare Appendix C. Numerical tan ϕ⋆ = (7)
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
simple shear experiments with discrete elements showed for
cos ϕ cos ψ
K = 0.5 that the angle of non-coaxiality starts with ι < 0 c⋆ = c (8)
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
and monotonically increases to ι = 0 (i.e. coaxiality) for large
strains. This means that β from (5) is smaller or equal to in combination with an associated flow rule. The same relations
β from (4), which confirms the computations with the elasto- were proposed by Drescher and Detournay [13] for the use in
plastic model mentioned above [8]. For K = 1 the angle of translational failure mechanisms, when a coaxial flow rule is
non-coaxiality ι ≈ 0 throughout the entire shearing [10]. used. The reduced strength parameters have also been recently

2 Page 3 geotechnik

50 σI MN
Accepted Article 45

ϕ (◦ )


25 MC-EP, ψ = 0 σII σIII
MC-EP, ψ = ϕ/4
MC-EP, ψ = ϕ/3
20 Figure 4: Comparison of Matsuoka-Nakai (blue) and Mohr-Coulomb
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 (red) failure criteria, with marks at triaxial compression test (filled cir-
cle), triaxial extension test (circle) and plane strain states (gray plane).
β (◦ )
Abbildung 4: Vergleich des Matsuoka-Nakai (blau) und Mohr-Coulomb
Figure 3: Limit state g = 0 of a cohesionless infinite slope in an elasto- (rot) Versagenskriteriums, mit Markierungen bei triaxialer Kompressi-
plastic material model with Mohr-Coulomb yield function, Eq. (6). on (gefüllter Kreis), triaxialer Extension (Kreis) und bei ebenem Ver-
zerrungszustand (graue Fläche).
Abbildung 3: Grenzzustand g = 0 einer kohäsionslosen Böschung
mit einem elastoplastischem Materialmodell und einer Mohr-Coloumb
Fließfläche, Gl. (6). where I1 , I2 and I3 are the first, second and the third invariants
of the stress tensor respectively, which can be expressed as

introduced in slope stability analysis by means of finite element I1 = σI′ + σII

′ ′
+ σIII (10)
limit analysis and finite element strength reduction techniques I2 = σI′ σII
′ ′
+ σII ′
σIII ′
+ σIII σI′ (11)
[14, 15, 16]. The slope angle at limit state is then equal to the I3 = σI′ σII
′ ′
σIII (12)
reduced friction angle: β = ϕ⋆ .
and kM N is a material parameter derived from the friction
The dilatancy angle ψ is zero for critical states and equation
(4) yields tan β = sin ϕ. This slope angle is much smaller than
9 − sin2 ϕ
the one of the classical approach. Also for other dilatancy kM N = . (13)
1 − sin2 ϕ
angles smaller than the friction angle (4) leads to inclinations
β smaller than ϕ, Fig. 3. Just for the cases ψ = ϕ, which An intersection of the failure surface of this criterion with a
means associated flow rule, the inclination at the limit state is deviatoric plane is shown in Fig. 4. The material strength is
the same as the friction angle (β = ϕ). the same as calculated with Mohr-Coulomb in triaxial condi-
tions, whereas higher strength can be mobilised in plane strain
However, in an infinite slope a plain-strain condition can
conditions ϕm > ϕ, Fig. 5.
be assumed. For this boundary condition it is known, that the
The maximum inclination of a cohesionless slope can be com-
Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion leads to conservative solutions,
puted from the results of a numerical simple shear test at a con-
because it does not take for the intermediate principal stress
stant normal stress σ ′ and plane strain condition [18]. From
into account.
this numerical analysis a maximum shear stress τf can be found
for the applied normal stress. It is reasonable to assume that
this stress state is equal to the stress state in an infinite slope
at the limit state, i.e.
4. Matsuoka-Nakai – elastoplastic
= tan β . (14)
A more appropriate failure criterion for plain-strain conditions
in soils is the Matsuoka-Nakai criterion [17], in which the in- The friction angle used in (13) can be plotted against β [19] cf.
termediate principal stress is included Fig. 6.
Comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 6 it can be concluded that in
all cases the maximum resulting slope angles are higher when
I1 I2 employing the Matsuoka-Nakai failure criterion instead of the
= kM N , (9) Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. It is possible to achieve an

3 Page 4 geotechnik

MN, ϕ = 35◦ MN, ϕ = 30◦ 50

Accepted Article ψ = 0, ψ = 0,
max ϕm = 37.7◦ max ϕm = 32.7◦
ψ = ϕ/4, ψ = ϕ/4,
max ϕm = 38.2◦ max ϕm = 33.1◦ 40
ψ = ϕ/3, ψ = ϕ/3,
max ϕm = 38.4◦ I max ϕm = 33.3◦

ϕ (◦ )

25 MN-EP, ψ = 0
MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/4
MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/3
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
β (◦ )
Figure 5: End points of simple shear calculations in the principal stress
space for different friction angles ϕ and dilatancy angles ψ.
Figure 6: Limit state g = 0 for Matsuoka-Nakai failure criterion.
Abbildung 5: Endpunkte der Simple Shear Berechnungen im Haupt-
spannungsraum für unterschiedliche Reibungswinkel ϕ und Dila- Abbildung 6: Grenzzustand g = 0 für das Matsuoka-Nakai Versagens-
tanzwinkel ψ. kriterium.

coaxial. The principal stresses obtained in [20, 21] are

inclination, which is greater than the friction angle of the ma-
terial, e.g. ϕ < 25◦ with ψ = 0 and ϕ < 32◦ with ψ = ϕ/4 cos(β − ψ) + sin β
σI′ = γt cos β , (16)
cos ψ
The results of the calculation with Matsuoka-Nakai criterion
′ cos(β − ψ) + sin β sin ψ
can be approximated with σII = γt cos β , (17)
cos ψ
′ cos(β − ψ) − sin β
σIII = γt cos β . (18)
sin(1.085ϕ) cos ψ cos ψ
tan β = , (15) (19)
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
With the principal stresses, the invariants of the stress ten-
sor and kM N (cf. (9)) of the Matsuoka-Nakai criterion can be
which can be considered as an extension of (4). The results of
(15) agree quite well with the results of the numerical simple
shear tests in a range from ψ = 0 up to ψ = ϕ/3 (max.∆ϕ = (σI′ + σII

+ σIII

)(σI′ σII

+ σII


+ σIII

σI′ )
±5 %), Fig. 7. kM N = . (20)
′ ′ ′

The required friction angle of the material follows from (13)

5. Matsuoka-Nakai – kinematic kM N − 9
sin ϕ = . (21)
kM N − 1

An different approach towards computing the limit state of a For the special case of critical state (ψ = 0) this can be
slope is to determine the required friction angle for its stability. simplified to [21]
For this purpose, in the first step the full stress tensor has to p
be calculated. The shear and normal stresses in every depth 18 cos2 β − 15 cos4 β − 3
of the slope are already known from the classical approach. sin ϕc = . (22)
5 cos2 β − 1
The remaining stresses need to be determined. Haefeli [20]
has proposed a graphical kinematic solution for this task, an The results of the computation of the required friction angle
analytical method is presented in [21]. Both methods are based for different dilatancies are shown in Fig. 8., which agree quite
on the assumption that the stress and stretching tensors are well with the elastoplastic solution with Masuoka-Nakai.

4 Page 5 geotechnik

40 ϕ
σ1 − σ2 (kPa)
Accepted Article 30

ϕm (◦ )
-100 10

0 0
0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3
ε1 ε1

ψm (◦ )

0 -20
0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3 -40
ε1 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 -0.25 -0.3

Figure 9: Triaxial test with Hostun Sand and intial conditions e0 = 0.627, σ0′ = −100 kPa.

Abbildung 9: Triaxialversuch mit Hostun Sand und den Anfangsbedingung e0 = 0.627, σ0′ = −100 kPa.

50 50

45 45

40 40
ϕ (◦ )

ϕ( )

35 35

30 β=ϕ 30 β=ϕ
MN-EP, ψ = 0 MN-K, ψ = 0
appr. ψ = 0 MN-EP, ψ = 0
25 MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/4 MN-K, ψ = ϕ/4
appr. ψ = ϕ/4 25
MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/4
MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/3 MN-K, ψ = ϕ/3
appr. ψ = ϕ/3 MN-EP, ψ = ϕ/3
20 20
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
β (◦ ) β (◦ )

Figure 7: Comparison of limit states g = 0 with the approximated rela- Figure 8: Results of the elastoplastic computation with the kinematic
tion (15) and the elastoplastic model with the Matsuoka-Nakai criterion. approach.

Abbildung 7: Vergleich zwischen den Grenzzuständen mit der angenä- Abbildung 8: Ergebnisse der elastoplastischen Berechnung mit kinema-
herten Beziehung (15) und dem Matsuoka-Nakai Versagenskriterium. tischem Ansatz.

5 Page 6 geotechnik

Accepted Article

20 β=ϕ

45 MN-K
0 40
0 10 20 30 40 50
γ(◦ )

ϕ (◦ )
Figure 10: Simple shear test with Hostun sand and initial conditions
e0 = 0.627, σy′ = −100 kPa and σx

= σz = 48.50 kPa.
Abbildung 10: Simple Shear Berechnung mit Hostun Sand und den
Anfangszustand e0 = 0.627, σy′ = −100 kPa and σx

= σz = 48.50 kPa.

6. Hypoplasticity 20
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Numerical simple shear computations with the hypoplastic ma- β (◦ )
terial model [22, 23] in particular the version of von Wolffers-
dorff [24] can be used to asses the limit state in an infinite
Figure 11: Comparison of the different computations for ψ = 0.
slope. Triaxial test calculations with the material parameters
summarised in Tab. 1 were conducted, e.g. Fig 9. The friction Abbildung 11: Vergleich verschiedener Berechnungen mit ψ = 0.
angle and the dilatancy angle at peak are controlled by the ini-
tial isotropic stress σ0′ and void ratio e0 . The maximum friction
angle and the dilatancy at peak increase with reduction of the
stress and reduction of the initial void ratio.
Simple shear test calculations with the same initial void ra-
tios, materials and vertical stresses σy′ as in the triaxial tests
were made, e.g. Fig. 10. The lateral stresses (σx′ and σz′ ) have 50
been calculated with (1−sin ϕc )σy′ . The maximum shear stress β=ϕ
τf of the simple shear test can be transformed to a slope incli- MN-EP
45 MN-K
nation β with the help of (14). This β is plotted in Figs. 11, 12 Hypo
and 13 together with ϕ and ψ from the corresponding triaxial
calculations for the same material, initial stress and initial void 40
ϕ (◦ )

The solutions of the calculations with Matsuoka-Nakai are 35

added in these figures. The two approaches show similar re-
sults. However, the results of the simple shear calculations with
Hypoplasticity agree slightly better with those of the kinematic 30
approach in the case of ψ = 0.
7. Triaxial test versus simple and direct shear test
The maximum shear stress τf measured in a direct shear test 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
is used to determine the friction angle β (◦ )
tan φ = . (23) Figure 12: Comparison of the different computations for ψ = ϕ/4.
However, this value is not generally equal to the friction angle Abbildung 12: Vergleich verschiedener Berechnungnen mit ψ = ϕ/4.
ϕ determined from a triaxial test [25]. In the following plane
strain experiments we denote ϕps := max ϕm , which may be
higher than ϕ (cf. Fig. 5).

6 Page 7 geotechnik

Material ϕc hs n ed0 ec0 ei0 α β

Hostun sand 31◦ 1000 MPa 0.29 0.61 0.91 1.09 0.13 1.00
Accepted Article Hochstetten sand 33◦ 1500 MPa 0.28 0.55 0.95 1.05 0.25 1.50
Hochstetten gravel 36◦ 32 000 MPa 0.18 0.26 0.45 0.50 0.1 1.80

Table 1: Material paramters for the hypoplastic constitutive model in version [24]; This hypoplastic model has eight parameters: the critical friction
angle ϕc , the granular hardness hs , the void ratios ei0 , e0 and ed0 , the exponents n, α and β.

Tabelle 1: Materialparamter für das hypoplastische Materialmodell in der Verison von [24]; Dieses hypoplastische Modell besitzt acht Parameter:
den kritischen Reibungswinkel ϕc , die Granulathärte hs , die Porenzahlen ei0 , e0 and ed0 , die Exponenten n, α und β.

50 The boundary conditions of a direct shear test are equal

MN-EP to the boundary conditions of an infinite slope. The relation
45 MN-K φ = β holds irrespective of the material model used for a trans-
Hypo formation of φ to the material parameter of that model. It
seems therefore more appropriate to use direct shear tests to
determine a calculation parameter φ for a limit state analy-
sis than the triaxial test, since φ includes the effect of the
ϕ (◦ )

35 dilatancy. This calculated parameter φ plays the same role

as the reduced friction angle ϕ⋆ from (7) [12]. However, the
grain size limitation has to be noted. The shear gap should
be (10 . . . 20) · d50 [30], where d50 is the diameter correspond-
ing to 50 % finer in the particle-size distribution. Other effects
25 concerning the construction are discussed in [31, 32].

20 8. Impact on limit state analyses

20 25 30 35 40 45 50
β (◦ ) Theoretically, reduced strength parameters (7) and (8) should
be used in any limit state analysis based on slip lines in soil,
Figure 13: Comparison of the different computations for ψ = ϕ/3. i.e. also in the common Bishop’s method [33] or rigid body
calculations [34]. However, based on our investigations we rec-
Abbildung 13: Vergleich verschiedener Berechnungen mit ψ = ϕ/3. ommend:
1. When ever possible, the friction angle φ derived in a direct
shear test in plane strain calculations to be used
Vardoulakis and Goldscheider [26] concluded from biaxial
tests, that the Coulomb friction angle φ in the shear band at τf
ϕ⋆ = φ = arctan . (25)
peak strength is approximately equal to the maximum of the σ
mobilized plane strain Mohr-Coulomb friction angle ϕps , which One has to be aware on the limitations of such tests, e.g.
is larger than the Mohr-Coulomb friction angle ϕ in triaxial the maximum grain size of the soil sample.
tests due to the plane strain conditions in biaxial tests. Simple
shear experiments of [27] showed that the plane strain Mohr- 2. When a friction angle ϕ is derived from a triaxial test
Coulomb friction angle is higher than the Coulomb friction
⋆ sin(1.085ϕ) cos ψ
angle. This is confirmed numerically with discrete elements ϕ = min arctan ,ϕ (26)
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ
for simple shear [10] and with Hypoplasticity [28]. Numerical
direct shear test with discrete elements [29] also reveals a plane can be used if plane strain conditions are assured. That re-
strain Mohr-Coulomb friction angle higher than the Coulomb quires the determination of the angle of dilatancy ψ which
friction angle. The mechanics discussed above for the infinite is not standard in all laboratories. Without knowledge of
slope can be applied if we assume a simple shear deformation in ψ the approximation ϕ⋆ ≈ ϕ may be used for ϕ < 35◦ .
the shear gap. The relation between these two friction angles
3. If plane strain conditions are not or only partly fulfilled
is in analogy to (4)
one should provide a conservative estimate with
sin ϕ cos ψ cos ψ sin ϕ
tan φ = (24) ϕ⋆ = arctan , (27)
1 − sin ϕ sin ψ 1 − sin ψ sin ϕ
for a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, i.e. φ = β. compare (4) of [13, 12].

7 Page 8 geotechnik

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9 Page ϭϬ geotechnik

τ τ
Accepted Article τ∗

σy 2α σ′


σ ∗ σx −σy σx′
2 −σ ′
2α ϕ

σy′ σ ∗

Figure 14: Mohr’s circle.

Abbildung 14: Mohr’scher Kreis.

Figure 15: Mohr’s diagram.

constrained displacement in z-direction. The boundary con-
ditions are hence as follows: zero normal strains in x- and Abbildung 15: Mohr’scher Kreis.
z-directions and a constant normal stress in y-direction. These
conditions result in the following system of equations after the
yield surface is reached With the knowledge of this angle and the normal stress σy the
associated final shear stress can be calculated as (cf. Fig. 15),
   
σ̇x′ =? ε̇x = 0
σ̇y′ = 0 ep  ε̇y =? 
τ ∗ = σ ∗ sin ϕ , (43)
τ̇ =? = C  γ̇  . (36)
τxy = τ ∗ sin 2α , (44)
xy xy
σ̇z′ =? ε̇z = 0 σy′ = τ ∗ cos 2α + σ ∗ . (45)
The unknown in these equation can be calculated with With the use of (43) in (45) and (44) the relation of τxy to σy
C2,3 is
ε̇y = − ep γ̇xy , (37) τxy sin ϕ sin 2α
C2,2 = . (46)
σy′ 1 + sin ϕ cos 2α
 ep ep 
C2,3 C1,2 ep The equation (4) results by substituting 2α with ψ + 90◦ .
σ̇x′ = − ep + C1,3 γ̇xy , (38)
 ep ep 
C2,3 C3,2 ep B. Overconsolidation (K0 > 1)
τ̇xy = − ep + C3,3 γ̇xy , (39)
 ep ep  Numerical simple shear experiments with discrete elements [10]
C2,3 C4,2 ep
σ̇z′ = − ep + C4,3 γ̇xy . (40) showed for K = 2 that the angle of non-coaxiality (compare
C2,2 appendix C) starts with ι > 0 and then strongly decreases to
ι = 8◦ at the shear stress peak of the simple shear experiment,
The final stress state is reached, when all stress rates are
which would yield to a slightly higher slope angel due to (5),
zero. From (38), (39) and (40) it can be seen that this is the
than those calculated with a coaxial flow rule. However, the
case if the terms in brackets get zero. Some manipulation yields
peak shear stress in the simple shear test appears to be approx-
for (38) and (40)
imately the same for K = 2 and K = 1, where coaxiality ι = 0
sin 2α(cos 2α + sin ψ) = 0 . (41) holds approximately throughout the entire shear deformation,
which is a consequence of the different angle of dilatancy ψ
The normal stress rates σ̇x′ and σ̇z′ vanish for α = 0◦ (sin 2α = in both situations. Hence, the values for β computed with a
0) and for α = ψ/2 + 45◦ (cos 2α + sin ψ = 0). The term in coaxial flow rule for K > 1 seems to be an acceptable approx-
brackets of (39) is imation.
It is also in elasto-plastic calculations possible to gain a
cos2 2α + cos 2α(sin ϕ + sin ψ) + sin ϕ sin ψ = 0 . (42) higher φ for an overconsolidated soil. Therefore, it is neces-
sary for the lateral stress at the start to be higher than at the
The result of the quadratic equation is α = ψ/2 + 45◦ and end of a normally consolidated calculation. The lateral stress
α = ϕ/2 + 45◦ . σx is in this case
It can be seen that for the case of α = ψ/2 + 45◦ all stress in-
crements become zero and also the final stress state is reached. σx′ = σ ∗ − τ ∗ cos 2α . (47)

10 Page 11 geotechnik

0.7 30
Accepted Article
0.6 25


φ(◦ )


K0 = 1 − sin ϕc
0.3 K=1
5 K=2
0.2 K=3
K0 = 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50
0.1 K = 1.25 γ( )

K = 2.33
0 Figure 17: Stress-strain curves for different values of K and loose Hostun
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012 sand (σy = −200 kPa, e0 = 0.822 kPa).
Abbildung 17: Spannungs-Dehnungslinien für unterschiedliche Werte
von K und lockeren Hostun Sand (σy = −200 kPa, e0 = 0.822 kPa).
Figure 16: Stress-strain curves for different values of K (ϕ = 30◦ and
ψ = ϕ/4).

Abbildung 16: Spannungs-Dehnungslinien für unterschiedliche Werte K > 1 by calculations with the Mohr-Coulomb elasto-plastic
von K (ϕ = 30◦ und ψ = ϕ/4). model in slope stability design.

The relation of σx′ and σy′ can be calculated with α = 45◦ +ψ/2 C. Coaxiality
and is
The angle between the direction of the largest principal stress
σ′ σ ∗ − τ ∗ cos 2α 1 + sin ϕ sin ψ and the horizontal is defined as ασ . Analogically the angle
K = x′ ≥ ∗ = . (48)
σy σ + τ ∗ cos 2α 1 − sin ϕ sin ψ between the horizontal axes and the principal strain rate ε̇1 is
If the lateral stress is also higher than in the second solution defined as αε̇ for the elastoplastic calculations and αD for the
of (42) (α = ϕ/2 + 45◦ ) the shear strain reaches a maximum hypoplastic calculations.
for the given friction angle. The lateral stress coefficient has For the elastoplastic calculation it can be seen in Fig. 19
to be higher than that the stress and strain rate are not coaxial at the begin-
ning. However, the directions converge with on going shearing
σx′ σ ∗ − τ ∗ cos 2α 1 + sin2 ϕ and are practically the same after a long shearing. As already
K= ≥ = (49)
σy′ σ ∗ + τ ∗ cos 2α cos2 ϕ mentioned in section 3, ασ is for K < 1 always smaller than
αε̇ .
and the relation between shear and normal stress is tan ϕ, if For the hypoplastic calculation the coaxiality of stress and
(46) is used, what also means ϕ = φ. deformation rate tensor is also not given (cf. Fig. 20) at the
In Figure 16 stress-strain-curves for the three different lateral beginning. Just as in the elasto-plastic calculations after a
stress coefficient K are plotted. It can be seen that for a normal long shearing the stress tensor and deformation rate tensor are
consolidated soil (blue line, K0 = 1 − sin ϕ) the shear stress coaxial.
increases until the maximum is reached. For a coefficient higher
than in (48) (red line, K > 1.13 for this pair of ϕ and ψ) a peak
can be reached, which is higher than in a normal consolidated
soil. After the peak the shear stress decreases again until the
value of the normal consolidated soil is reached. In the case of a
lateral stress coefficient also higher than (49) (in this case K >
1.67) a peak value of tan ϕ can be reached (green line). After
that the shear stress also decreases to the normal consolidated
Note, that simple shear computations with hypoplasticity do
not confirm an increasing φ with increasing K, Fig. 17. More-
over, for dense soil the opposite trend is predicted, Fig. 18.
Hence, we do not recommend to use the higher φ predicted for

11 Page 12 geotechnik

Accepted Article
φ(◦ )

K0 = 1 − sin ϕc
10 K=1
5 K=2
0 10 20 30 40 50
γ(◦ )

Figure 18: Stress-strain curves for different values of K and dense Hostun
sand (σy = −100 kPa, e0 = 0.627 kPa).

Abbildung 18: Spannungs-Dehnungslinen für unterschiedliche Werte

von K und dichten Hostun Sand (σy = −100 kPa, e0 = 0.627 kPa)

angle ( )

10 αε̇
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012

Figure 19: The principal direction of the stress tensor ασ and the strain
rate tensor αε̇ in an elasto-plastic calculation (ϕ = 30◦ , ψ = ϕ/4).

Abbildung 19: Die Hauptspannungsrichtung ασ und die Hauptrichtung

des Verzerrungsratentensors αε̇ in einer elastoplastischen Berechnung
(ϕ = 30◦ , ψ = ϕ/4).

angle ( )


20 ασ
10 αD
0 2 4 6 8 10

γ ( )

Figure 20: The principal direction of the stress tensor ασ and the defor-
mation tensor αD in a hypoplastic calculation (σx = σz = 4.85 kPa, σy =
10 kPa, e = 0.667, Hostun Sand).

Abbildung 20: Die Hauptspannungsrichtung ασ und die Hauptrich-

tung des Deformationsratentensors αD in einer hypoplastischen Be-
rechnung (σx = σz = 4.85 kPa, σy = 10 kPa, e = 0.667, Hostun Sand).


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