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Floor W hi(m) wi*hi Fi(KN) FS(KN)

Roof 6331.87 20.5 129803.3 178.96 178.96

4th 5120.62 17.5 89610.85 123.55 302.51
3rd 5120.62 14.5 74248.99 102.37 404.88
2nd 7334.58 11.5 84347.67 116.29 521.17
1st 7334.1 8.5 62339.85 85.95 607.12
Ground 7048.92 5 35244.6 48.59 655.71
Basement 2626.6 2 5253.2 7.24 662.95
Total = 480848.49

Calculation of D-value for first floor about X-axis

Boundary ̅
Column 𝐾 a Kxc Dx = a Kxc

A3 0.553 0217 762 165.35*2 = 330.71

B3 0.928 0.317 762 241.554*2 = 483.11

208.026*9 = 1872.23
C3 0.751 0.273 762
Sum = 2686.046

A2 0.933 0.318 762 242.31*2 = 484.63

762 310.134*2 = 620.27

B2 1.374 0.407

C2 0.882 0.306 762 233.172*5 = 1165.86

H1 3.774 0.654 762 498.071

K2 3.966 0.665 762
Sum = 3275.38

B1 0.866 0.302 762 230.124*2 = 460.25

C1 0.866 0.303 762 230.124*2 = 460.25

280.178*7 = 1961.25
D1 1.163 0.368 762
Sum = 2881.742

Calculation of D-value for first floor about Y-axis

Boundary ̅
Column 𝐾 a Kyc Dy = a Kyc

A3 0.264 0.117 1191 139.35

A2 0.446 0.182 1191
Sum = 356.11
B3 0.269 0.119 1191 141.33

B2 0.536 0.211 1191 251.03

B1 0.267 0.118 1191
Sum = 533.57

C2 1.537 0.435 1191 518.09

C1 0.192 0.088 1191
Sum = 622.89

I3 2.134 0.516 1191 614.85

I1 2.08 0.510 1191
Sum = 1221.99

Calculation of direct shear in the x-direction for each floor

Floor level Axis DX Fs Qi =FS*∑𝐷𝑥
1 2881.74 607.12 199.84
2 3275.38 607.12 224.87
3 2686.05 607.12 184.41
∑Dx 8843.17

Calculation of direct shear in the Y-direction for each floor

Floor level Axis DX Fs Qi = FS*∑𝐷𝑥
A 356.11 607.12 25.19
B 533.57 607.12 37.74
C 622.89 607.12 44.06
D 622.89 607.12 44.06
E 622.89 607.12 44.06
F 622.89 607.12 44.06
G 622.89 607.12 44.06
H 622.89 607.12 44.06
I 622.89 607.12 44.06
J 622.89 607.12 44.06
K 622.89 607.12 44.06
L 533.57 607.12 76.63
M 356.11 607.12 39.78
∑Dx 8582.83

Calculation of center of stiffness for 1st for floor

Axis Dx y Dx*y
1 2881.74 3.44 9913.19
2 3275.38 9.96 32622.75
3 2686.05 14.14 37980.69
Sum = 8397.96 Sum = 76082.41

Axis Dy x Dy*x
A 356.11 -23.41 -8336.51
B 533.57 -20.47 -10922.14
C 622.89 -17.10 -10651.33
D 622.89 -13.25 -8253.95
E 622.89 -9.04 -5630.95
F 622.89 -4.58 -2852.85
G 622.89 0.00 0.00
H 622.89 4.58 2852.85
I 622.89 9.04 5630.95
J 622.89 13.25 8253.95
K 622.89 17.10 10651.33
L 533.57 20.47 10922.14
M 356.11 23.41 8336.51
Sum = 7103.12 Sum = 13353.94
∑ 𝐷𝑦∗𝑋 21476.84 ∑ 𝐷𝑥∗𝑌 76082.41
Xs = ∑ 𝐷𝑦
= = 0.88𝑚 Ys = ∑ 𝐷𝑥
= = 9.06𝑚
7103.12 8397.96

Calculation of correction for center of mass

Floor Original mass center Modified mass center
level Xm Ym Xm Ym
1 -0.53 7.52 7334.10 -3887.07 55152.43 -0.49 7.75

Calculation of eccentricity
In addition to actual eccentricity, in order to cover uncertainties in the location of mass in the
spatial variation of seismic motion additional eccentricity is considered as per EBCS-8, 1995
Additional eccentricity (ea) = ±0.05Li, where Li is floor dimension perpendicular to the direction
of the seismic action.
Formula and key to the table
ex = xm – xs , where xs = stiffness center in the x-axis
ey = ym – ys ys = stiffness center in the y-axis
eax = ±0.05Lx xm = mass center of x- axis Lx = length in the x-direction
eay = ±0.05Lx ym = mass center of y- axis Ly = length in the y-direction
edx = ex + eax ea = additional eccentricity
edy = ey + eay ed = design eccentricity
edx1 = ex + eax , edx2 = ex - eax , Lx = 54.74m
edy1 = ey + eay , edy2 = ey - eay , Ly = 20.58m

Table 4.37 calculation of eccentricity

Center of mass Stiffness Calculated Additional
Floor Design eccentricity
(unadjusted) center eccentricity eccentricity
Level Xm ym xs ys ex ey eax eay edx1 edx2 edy1 edy2
1 -0.49 7.75 0.88 9.06 -1.37 -1.31 2.74 1.03 1.37 -4.11 -0.28 -2.34

Table 4.40 correction factor for torsion for each floor

Floor Axis Dx Y'=Y-Ys Dx*Y'2 Dy X'=X-Xs Dy*X'2 Dx or Dy
1 2881.74 -5.62 91018.03 91018.03
2 3275.38 0.90 2653.06 2653.06
3 2686.06 5.08 69317.54 69317.54
A 356.11 -24.29 210106.36 210106.36
B 533.17 -21.35 243030.88 243030.88
C 622.89 -17.98 201368.13 201368.13

D 622.89 -14.13 124364.29 124364.29

E 622.89 -9.92 61296.36 61296.36
F 622.89 -5.46 18569.35 18569.35
G 622.89 -0.88 482.37 482.37
H 622.89 3.70 8527.36 8527.36
I 1221.99 8.16 81366.94 81366.94
J 1221.99 12.37 186985.12 186985.12
K 622.89 16.22 163875.13 163875.13
L 533.57 19.59 204767.15 204767.15
M 357.11 22.53 181269.36 181269.36
Sum (J) = 1848997.42

Table 4.45 correction factor for torsion (𝛼 y) for each floor

Floor Axis Dx edy1 edy2 Y' J 𝛼y
1 6612.61 0.56 -1.5 -5.85 5660263.3 1.03

2 7510.45 0.56 -1.5 0.67 5660263.3 1.00

3 6923.48 0.56 -1.5 4.85 5660263.3 1.01
Sum = 21046.5
1 3014.56 0.21 -1.85 -5.65 1319711.2 1.17

2 3358.64 0.21 -1.85 0.87 1319711.2 1.00

3 2790.57 0.21 -1.85 5.05 1319711.2 1.02
Sum = 9163.77
1 2881.74 -0.28 -2.34 -5.62 1848997.4 1.15
2 3275.38 -0.28 -2.34 0.9 1848997.4 1.00

3 2686.06 -0.28 -2.34 5.08 1848997.4 0.98

Sum = 8843.18

Floor Axis Dy edx1 edx2 X' J 𝛼x

A 356.11 1.37 -4.11 -24.29 1848997.42 1.46
B 533.17 1.37 -4.11 -21.35 1848997.42 1.41
C 622.89 1.37 -4.11 -17.98 1848997.42 1.34
D 622.89 1.37 -4.11 -14.13 1848997.42 1.27
E 622.89 1.37 -4.11 -9.92 1848997.42 1.19
F 622.89 1.37 -4.11 -5.46 1848997.42 1.10

G 622.89 1.37 -4.11 -0.88 1848997.42 1.02

H 622.89 1.37 -4.11 3.70 1848997.42 1.02
I 1221.99 1.37 -4.11 8.16 1848997.42 1.05
J 1221.99 1.37 -4.11 12.37 1848997.42 1.08
K 622.89 1.37 -4.11 16.22 1848997.42 1.10
L 533.57 1.37 -4.11 19.59 1848997.42 1.12
M 357.11 1.37 -4.11 22.53 1848997.42 1.14
Sum = 8584.17

Table 4.47 calculation of total lateral shear force parallel to Y axis

Floor Axis Qi (KN) 𝛼y Fy (KN)
1 197.84 1.16 229.49

2 224.87 1.00 224.87
3 284.41 0.99 281.57

Table 4.48 calculation of total lateral shear force parallel to X axis

Floor Axis Qi (KN) 𝛼x Fx (KN)
A 25.19 1.46 36.78
B 37.74 1.41 53.21
C 44.06 1.34 59.04
D 44.06 1.27 55.96
E 44.06 1.19 52.43
F 44.06 1.10 48.47

G 44.06 1.02 44.94

H 44.06 1.02 44.94
I 86.43 1.05 90.75
J 86.43 1.08 93.34
K 44.06 1.10 48.47
L 37.74 1.12 42.27
M 25.19 1.14 28.72

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