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Computers: reading tasks

1 What’s the difference between…

a a laptop and a desktop computer,

b dial-up and broadband connection, and
c a podcast and a blog (weblog)?
d What are Opera, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox examples of?
e What do these computer acronyms stand for: ISP, Kbps, Mbps and GB?

2 Complete these sentences using computer verbs. Use the phrases in the box
to help you.
to right / left-click / double-click to log on / off to key in
to register to browse / surf to google to scroll down / up

a I have a project on global warming so I’m going to __________ the Internet

and see what I can find on the subject first.

b Be careful, you can __________ the Internet for hours without realizing it.

c The information is on the website but you need to __________ to the bottom
to find it.

d When you find the document, just __________ to open it.

e Do I need a password to __________ to your computer?

f If you want to be a member you have to __________ first…

g …it’s easy – just __________ your name and email address.

3 Fill in the information about these podcast sites:

transcript, listening tasks,

podcast site nationality level cost useful?
vocabulary tasks?



© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2007

Taken from the Skills section in

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