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I. Phân từ quá khứ - P2

II. Động từ quá khứ - Ved
III. Động từ nguyên thể không “to” – Infinitive without to (V)
1. After auxiliaries/modals
You needn't go.
She will cook a meal for his birthday.
I don't know.
As a boy he could run very fast.
We didn’t meet the president last week.

2. After the following structures

 had better (not) V
You had better clean up your room.
 would rather (not) V than V = would sooner (not) V than V
Susan would rather study for her exam tomorrow.
I would sooner read a book than watch this film.
 why (not) V
Why not ask your neighbour for help?
 why should we (not) V
Why should we go by car?
Why should we not go by car?

3. After verbs of perception (hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find)
+ object + V (the whole progress)
She feels the rain fall on her face
I heard Peter sing a song.
Mandy noticed the boy climb the tree.
They saw him climb up the roof.
He watched the thieves steal a car.

See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V-ing (part of the progress) They saw him climbing.

4. After let
 let + object
Sandy let her child go out alone.
The mother let her daughter decide on her own.
 let's
Let's go for a walk through the park.

5. After make + object

 make
She made Peggy and Samantha clean the room.

6. After help + object

 Help can be followed by an infinitive with or without to.
She helped me to unload my car. OR She helped me unload my car.
In passive forms with make, see, hear, help and know we use infinitives WITH to.
 I was made to wait. (NOT I was made wait.)
 He was helped to lift the box.

7. After and, or, except, but, than, as and like

When two infinitive structures are joined by and, or, except, but, than, as or like, the second
is often without to.

It is as easy to smile as frown.

Do you want to have lunch now or wait till later?
We had nothing to do except look at the cinema posters.

8. Một số mẫu câu khác:

a) Dùng để diễn tả một lời chúc (wish) hay một lời cầu nguyện (prayer) như:

Long live Vietnam. (Việt Nam muôn năm!)

God save the Queen. (Cầu mong thượng đế ban phước cho Nữ Hoàng.)
God bless you. (Cầu mong thượng đế ban phước lành cho bạn.)

b) Câu giả định dùng với các động từ trong bảng dưới đây.
Advise Demand Prefer Require
Ask Insist Propose Stipulate
Command Move Recommend Suggest
Decree Order Request Urge
– Trong câu nhất định phải có that.
– Động từ sau chủ ngữ 2 ở dạng nguyên thể bỏ to.

Cách viết:
Subject 1 + verb + that + subject 2 + verb (bare infinitive)
(any tense) (present subjunctive)

The doctor suggested that Tom stop smoking. (Bác sĩ đề nghị Tom bỏ hút thuốc lá.)
I demand that I be allowed to be free now. (Tôi yêu cầu là tôi phải được trả tự do bây giờ.)
We recommend that he go with us. (Chúng tôi đề nghị là anh ta phải đi với chúng tôi.)

Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng cách nói tương đương trong cấu trúc trên bằng "should + V".
The doctor suggested that Tom should stop smoking.
I demand that I should be allowed to be free now.
We recommend that he should go with us.

c) Các tính từ dùng trong câu giả định gồm các tính từ trong bảng dưới đây.
Cách viết:
It + be + adjective + that + subject + [verb in simple form ]

Advised Essential Recommended Urgent
Important Obligatory Required imperative
Mandatory Proposed Suggested
It is necessary that he find the book. (Điều cần thiết là anh ta phải tìm ra cuốn sách đó.)
(he find = he should find)
It was urgent that she leave at once. (Điều cấp bách là cô ta phải ra đi ngay lập tức.)
(she leave = she should leave)

Cần phân biệt cấu trúc: It is necessary/important/urgent ... that + S + (should) + bare infinitive
với cấu trúc: It is necessary/important/urgent/difficult/ ... (for + O) + to-infinitive

It is necessary that he (should) find the book. // It is necessary for him to find the book.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct form of each verb:
1) I saw the picture James ___ of you. It's amazing!
A. drawn B. draw C. drew
2) I'm hungry, let's ___!
A. ate B. eaten C. eat
3) You have to ___ the bottle before you open it.
A. shake B. shook C. shaken
4) I had my picture ___ by a professional photographer.
A. taken B. took C. take
5) What time do you usually ___ up.
A. woke B. woken C. wake
6) Ivan ___ off the horse and broke his arm.
A. fallen B. fell C. fall
7) The presentation ___ at 8pm but we were 10 minutes late.
A. begun B. began C. begin
8) Have you ___ your pen again? Here, borrow mine.
A. forget B. forgotten C. forgot
9) She ___ me an umbrella when it was raining.
A. given B. gave C. give
10) I haven't ___ my homework yet.
A. did B. do C. done

Exercise 2: Present subjuctive

Examples: I asked them to be quiet. / The thief told her to give him the money.
I asked that they be quiet. / The thief demanded that she give him the money.
1. She asked him to fix the computer.
She requested _______________________________________________.
2. Sandra wanted the post office to hold onto her mail.
Sandra asked _______________________________________________.
3. The judge told the lawyer to be quiet.
The judge insisted ___________________________________________.
4. My supervisor said it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position.
My supervisor suggested ______________________________________.
5. "He should fix it himself," I said.
I suggested _________________________________________________.
6. "Give me a refund," John told the clerk.
John demanded _________________________________________________.
7. "Could you help me move some boxes," Tom asked me.
Tom requested __________________________________________________.
8. " Can you work this weekend?" Sue's boss asked. (Sue is a woman.)
Sue's boss asked _________________________________________________.
9. "Stop drinking so much!" Bill's wife told him.
Bill's wife demanded ____________________________________________.
10. "Take a vacation," our boss told us.
Our boss insisted _________________________________________________.
Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the verbs
1. You look really great! (you, work) out at the fitness center recently?
2. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
3. I (have) the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
4. If it (snow) this weekend, we (go) skiing near Lake Tahoe.
5. A: What do you call people who work in libraries?
B: They (call) librarians.
6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to
Australia, I (study) for nine months and I (be) in England for exactly
one year.
7. Sam (arrive) in San Diego a week ago.
8. Samantha (live) in Berlin for more than two years. In fact, she
(live) there when the Berlin wall came down.
9. If Vera (keep) drinking, she (lose, eventually) her job.
10. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their
culture (disappear, virtually) by the time Europeans first (arrive) in
the New World.
11. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .
12. It (rain) all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.
13. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) the bus this morning. You
(be) late to work too many times. You are fired!
14. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) up tomorrow morning,
the sun (shine) .
15. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) the Grand Canyon and San
Francisco by the time I leave the United States.
16. I (see) many pictures of the pyramids before I went to Egypt. Pictures of the
monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite small.
17. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) much easier and very comfortable. In
the 19th century, it (take) two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.
The trip (be) very rough and often dangerous. Things (change) a great deal
in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of
18. Joseph's English (improve, really) , isn't it? He (watch) American
television programs and (study) his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego.
Soon he will be totally fluent.
19. When I (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) a
beautiful candlelight dinner.
20. If you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the
Sheraton in San Francisco.

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