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Mary's Church
40 Park Lane
LS26 0ES Telephone 0113 2824453
Clergy Father Éamon McGeough
Web site

Registered Charity no. 249404 Mass Times

Monday 18th Feb 10.00 a.m Mass

Tuesday 19th Feb 10.00 a.m Mass

Wednesday 20th Feb 10.00 a.m Mass (Anna W)

Thursday 21st Feb 10.00 a.m Eucharistic Service

Friday 22nd Feb 10.00 a.m Mass (Dorothy Collins)

Saturday 23rd Feb 6.00 p.m Vigil Mass (Jimmy Kilcoyne)

Sunday 24th Feb 9.30 a.m Mass (John McNulty)

11.00 a.m Mass (Antonio Abatiello)

Collection announced on next bulletin Many thanks
HALL HIRE Our hall is available for parishioners to use for their social events should you wish. Please
contact the hall manager (Steph Power) for details on 07729761340.

FOOD BANK We are still receiving much needed supplies which are delivered to the food bank in
Rothwell every Thursday. If you haven’t yet been able to donate, could you perhaps add an extra item
to your weekly shopping for those who are experiencing the great poverty of hunger in our

Pews - Please try to leave the pews tidy after Mass - Thank you
CEILI The final social event in our winter programme will be a Ceili to be held on Saturday 23rd February @
7.15 p.m onwards. Tickets available now. As floor space will be at a premium to allow dance numbers will
have to be limited to 60-70. Therefore, if you are interested and would like to come, please let me know
ASAP. At time of writing there are only 3 tickets left!

MINDFULNESS IN THE CHRISTIAN TRADITION Led by Angela Rogerson 10.00 a.m – 3.45 p.m. The Briery
retreat Centre, Ilkley. Take a breather –an invitation to experience some mindfulness practices – to pause,
to pray, to evaluate the mindful presence of oneself, of others, of God. £30. To include morning coffee, a
hot 2 course lunch and afternoon tea. To book please contact the administrator at The Briery. 01943 607

REFUGEE CRISIS There will be a retiring collection across the weekend of 23/24 February to support the
Diocesan response to the continuing refugee crisis and severe hardship being suffered by those fleeing war
and poverty. Families arrive in the most tragic of circumstances, frightened, alone and traumatised. Please
give as generously as you can.

CARITAS LEEDS is organising a mass for people living with disabilities, their families and friends at Leeds
Cathedral on Sunday 3rd March at 3 p.m.

PRAYER BREAKFAST The next will take place on 9th March 9.30 a.m. Holy Trinity Church.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Social Committee would be delighted to receive any unwanted
Christmas/Birthday presents to use at their future social events as raffle prizes. Thank you.
Please leave in sacristy.

FR DONAL O’LEARY’S MONTHLY MIND MASS A memorial mass will be held on 28th February at St
Benedict’s Catholic Church at 7 p.m to honour the memory of Fr Donal O’Leary whose vision and energy
animated our community and who, together with the community, built our beautiful church. The homily
will be given by Canon John Nunan, a close friend, who preached at the funeral mass. There will be a social
gathering afterwards and everyone is most welcome. – Liz Taylor.

FLAME is an inspiring and uplifting Catholic Event for young people at Wembley Arena. Passes for the event
and return travel from Leeds or Wakefield cost just £42. Places are limited. Please email Ryan or Jessica

RACE NIGHT Saturday 13th April 7.30 p.m. Little Sisters of The Poor, Mount St Joseph’s, Headingley LS26

The poet Rilke was, at one time, employed by the great sculptor, Rodin. One day Rodin advised him to go
down to the zoo to see something. Rilke spent hours watching a panther, and as a result of this experience
he wrote nearly two hundred poems in an effort to sharpen his ability to see – to observe, to use the terrific
energy of the eyes, to pay attention to something outside himself.
Not only artists and poets need to cultivate the ability to see. We all need to get out of our own way, to see
what is around us, and to see into the heart of others.

Not only is there but one way of doing things rightly, but there is only one way of seeing them, and that is,
seeing the whole of them.

Pews - Please try to leave the pews tidy after Mass. Thank you.

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