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(An Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic Year

Submitted as A Partial Requirements
For the degree of Undergraduate Degree in State Islamic Institute of Surakarta

Endah Setyo Rini






Subject: Thesis of Endah Setyo Rini



The Dean of English Education and

Teacher Training Faculty


In Surakarta

Assalamua’alaikum Wr.Wb

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as the advisors, we
state that the thesis of

Name : Endah Setyo Rini

SRN : 123221089

Title : The Effectiveness of Using Hyponymyin Teaching Vocabulary (An Experimental

Study atthe First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic Year 2015/2016)
Has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before the Board of Examiners
(Munaqosyah) to gain Undergraduate Degree in English Education Department.

Thank you for the attention

Wassalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb

Surakarta, 04 January 2017


Dr. H. Giyoto. M. Hum



This is to certify the Sarjana thesis of “The Effectiveness of Using Hyponymy in Teaching

Vocabulary (An Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic

Year 2015/2016)” by Endah Setyo Rini has been approved by the Board of Thesis Examiners as

the requirement for the Undergraduate Degree in English Education Department.

Chairman :Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd (…………………………..)

NIP. 198301302011012008

Secretary : Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum (…………………………..)

NIP. 196702242000031001

Examiner I : SF Luthfie Arguby Purnomo, S.S, M.Hum (…………………………..)

NIP. 198209062006041006

Surakarta, 20 February 2017

Approved by

The Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty

Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum

NIP. 196702242000031001


Name : Endah Setyo Rini


Department : English Education

Faculty : Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty

I hereby sincerely state that the thesis titled “The Effectiveness of Using Hyponymy in Teaching
Vocabulary (An Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic
Year 2015/2016)” is my real masterpiece. The things out of my masterpiece in this thesis are
signed by citation and referred in the bibliography.

If later proven that my thesis has discrepancies, I am willing to take the academic sanctions in
the form of repealing my thesis and academic degree.

Surakarta. 04 January 2017

Stated by,

Endah Setyo Rini



In the name of Allah SWT, the Almight God,

I proudly dedicated this thesis for:

My Beloved father, Sunardi

My beloved mother, Suparni

My brother, Prasetyo

My Younger Brother, Ivan Tri Wibowo

All of my friends in IAIN Surakarta


“The only thing that makes people run away from the challenge is lack of confidence”

(Mohammad Ali)

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”

(Mae West)


Alhamdulillah, all praises to be Allah, the single power, the Lord of the Universe, master

of the day of judgment, God almighty, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was able to

finish this thesis entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Hyponymy in Teaching Vocabulary (An

Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic Year

2015/2016)”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of

world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps, supports,

and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express his deepest thanks

to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested his during the writing this thesis, This

goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir, S.Ag. M. Ag the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum, as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty.

3. Hj. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department.

4. Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum as the only one consultant for his guidance, precious, advices,

corrections, and help to revise the mistake during the entire process of writing this thesis.

5. Drs. Sriyono as the head master in SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari, for giving permission to

do this research in this course.

6. Mrs. Sri Minarni, S.Pd as the English teacher of class VII who has helped the researcher

in conducting this research.

7. All of the students in at SMP N 1 Tawangsari, especially class VII D and VII E

8. My father and mother who always give a motivation for the researcher during doing this

thesis. Thank you for everything.

9. My friends who give me helping and time during finish this research.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect. The researcher hopes

that this is useful for researcher in particular and the readers in general.

Surakarta, 04 January 2017

The researcher,

Endah Setyo Rini



TITLE .......................................................................................................................................... i

ADVISORS SHEET .................................................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION........................................................................................................................ iii

PRONOUNCEMENT ................................................................................................................ iv

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... v

MOTTO ..................................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT............................................................................................................ vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................................ xiv


A. Background of the Study ............................................................................................... 1

B. The Identification of the Problem .................................................................................. 4

C. Limitation of the Study .................................................................................................. 4

D. Problem Formulation ..................................................................................................... 5

E. Objective of the Study .................................................................................................. 5

F. The Benefits of the Study .............................................................................................. 5

G. Previous Related Study .................................................................................................. 6

H. Keys Term ...................................................................................................................... 8


A. Review on Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary .................................................................................. 10

2. The Importance of Vocabulary ............................................................................... 11

3. Kinds of Vocabulary ................................................................................................ 14

4. Teaching Vocabulary ............................................................................................... 15

5. How to Test Vocabulary .......................................................................................... 19

6. Indicators of Vocabulary.......................................................................................... 22

B. Review on Hyponymy

1. Definition of Hyponymy .......................................................................................... 23

2. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary using Hyponymy ............................................. 26

C. Translation

1. Definition of Translation.......................................................................................... 27

2. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary using Translation............................................. 29

D. Rationale ........................................................................................................................ 30

E. Hypothesis...................................................................................................................... 31


A. Research Design............................................................................................................. 33

B. Research Setting............................................................................................................. 35

C. Population, Sample, and Sampling ................................................................................ 36

D. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................................................ 37

E. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 40


A. The Description of the Data ........................................................................................... 44

1. The Data of Experimental Group ............................................................................. 44

2. The Data of Control Group ...................................................................................... 47

B. Data Analysis ................................................................................................................. 50

C. Hypothesis Test .............................................................................................................. 56

D. Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 58


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 61

B. Implication ..................................................................................................................... 62

C. Suggestion ...................................................................................................................... 62

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 64

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................... 66


Endah Setyo Rini. 2016. The Effectiveness of using Hyponymy in Teaching Vocabulary (An
Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic Year
2015/2016). Thesis. English Education, Islamic Education and Teaching Training Faculty, IAIN
Advisor : Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum

Key word : The Effectiveness, Hyponymy, Vocabulary, Experimental Research

The problem statement of this research is How effective is the use of hyponymy in
teaching vocabulary at the first grade students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari in the academic year
2015/2016? The aim or the objective of the research is to find out the effectiveness of using
Hyponymy in teaching vocabulary of the first grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in the
academic year 2015/2016.

This research used quantitative research with quasi experimental design. This research
was conducted from April to August 2016. The total population of students at the first grade was
256 students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari the academic year 2015/2016. The research chose two
classes as the samples of the research. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling
technique. The first grade students of VII E was experimental class who were taught using
Hyponymy and the first grade students of VII D was control class who were taught Translation
by the teacher. The data were collected by using test. The data were in the two times treatment
for each class. The data were analyzed by using T-test formula.

The mean score in experimental class was 73.75, while the mean score of control class
was 65.93. The mean different between them was 7.82. The result of t-test computation that to is
4.295 while the value of t-table is 1.998. It shows that to was higher than t-table. Therefore, the
alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Based on
the result above, the research finding was Hyponymy was effective in teaching vocabulary for
the first grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in academic year of 2015/2016.


1. Table 4.1Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test in Experimental Class ............................ 45

2. Table 4.1Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Experimental Class .......... 45

3. Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test in Experimental Class ......................... 46

4. Table 4.2 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Experimental Class ....... 47

5. Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test in Control Class .................................... 48

6. Table 4.3 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test Control Class .................. 48

7. Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Post-Test in Control Class ................................... 49

8. Table 4.4 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Post-Test Control Class................. 49

9. Table 4.5 Validity of Try out test................................................................................... 51

10. Table 4.6 The Normality Post Test in Experimental Class ............................................ 54

11. Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test .......................................................................................... 55


Appendix 1. Syllabus ................................................................................................................... 67

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan ............................................................................................................. 89

Appendix 3. Initials Name of Students ...................................................................................... 102

Appendix 4. Blue Print of Try Out ............................................................................................ 103

Appendix 5. Try Out Test .......................................................................................................... 104

Appendix 6. Answer Key of Try Out Test ................................................................................. 114

Appendix 7. Pre Test Question .................................................................................................. 115

Appendix 8. Answer Key of Pre Test ........................................................................................ 121

Appendix 9. Blue print of Post test ............................................................................................ 122

Appendix 10. Post Test Question............................................................................................... 123

Appendix 11. Answer key of Post Test ..................................................................................... 129

Appendix 12. The Score of Post Test ........................................................................................ 130

Appendix 13. Validity of Try Out.............................................................................................. 131

Appendix 14. Reliability of Try out Test .................................................................................. 132

Appendix 15. The Normality Pre Test in Control Class ............................................................ 133

Appendix 16. The Normality Post Test in Control Class .......................................................... 134

Appendix 17. The Normality Pre Test in Experimental Class................................................... 137

Appendix 18. The Normality Post Test in Experimental Class ................................................. 139

Appendix 19. Homogeneity of Pre-Test Result ......................................................................... 141

Appendix 20. Homogeneity of Post-Test Result ....................................................................... 144

Appendix 21. The Hypothesis Test ............................................................................................ 147

Appendix 22. Nilai-Nilai r Product Moment ............................................................................. 150

Appendix 23. Critical Value Normality of Lilliefors................................................................. 151

Appendix 24. The Photograph of Classroom Activities ............................................................ 152


Endah Setyo Rini. 2016. The Effectiveness of using Hyponymy in Teaching Vocabulary (An
Experimental Study at the First Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Tawangsari Academic Year
2015/2016). Thesis. English Education, Islamic Education and Teaching Training Faculty, IAIN

Advisor : Dr. H. Giyoto, M.Hum

Key word : The Effectiveness, Hyponymy, Vocabulary, Experimental Research

The problem statement of this research is How effective is the use of hyponymy in
teaching vocabulary at the first grade students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari in the academic year
2015/2016? The aim or the objective of the research is to find out the effectiveness of using
Hyponymy in teaching vocabulary of the first grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in the
academic year 2015/2016.

This research used quantitative research with quasi experimental design. This research
was conducted from April to August 2016. The total population of students at the first grade was
256 students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari the academic year 2015/2016. The research chose two
classes as the samples of the research. The sample was selected by using purposive sampling
technique. The first grade students of VII E was experimental class who were taught using
Hyponymy and the first grade students of VII D was control class who were taught Translation
by the teacher. The data were collected by using test. The data were in the two times treatment
for each class. The data were analyzed by using T-test formula.

The mean score in experimental class was 73.75, while the mean score of control class
was 65.93. The mean different between them was 7.82. The result of t-test computation that to is
4.295 while the value of t-table is 1.998. It shows that to was higher than t-table. Therefore, the
alternative Hypothesis (Ha) was accepted while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Based on
the result above, the research finding was Hyponymy was effective in teaching vocabulary for
the first grade students of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in academic year of 2015/2016.

Endah Setyo Rini. 2016. Efektivitas penggunaan hyponymy dalam mengajarkan kosa kata
(eksperimental kelas di kelas 1 smp negeri 1 tawangsari tahun ajaran 2015/2016). Skripsi
.Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, IAIN Surakarta.

Pembimbing : Dr. H .Giyoto, M.Hum

Kata kunci : Efektivitas, Hyponymy, Kosa kata, Penelitian Experimental

Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah seberapa efektif penggunaan hyponymy
dalam mengajarkan kosa kata di kelas 1 SMPN 1 Tawangsari pada tahun ajaran 2015/2016?
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tahu efektivitas penggunaan hyponymy dalam
mengajarkan kosa kata di kelas 1 SMPN 1 Tawangsari pada tahun ajaran 2015/2016.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan semi eksperimental desain.

Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai dari april hingga agustus 2016. Jumlah keseluruhan populasi di
kelas 1 SMPN 1 Tawangsari tahun ajaran 2015/2016 adalah 256 siswa. Penelitian memilih dua
kelas sebagai contoh penelitian. Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik purposive. Kelas
VII E sebagai kelas eksperimen yang diajarkan menggunakan hyponymy dan kelas VII D
sebagai kelas control yang diajarkan translation oleh guru. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan
menggunakan test. Data dilakuan 2 kali percobaan untuk setiap kelas. Data dianalisis dengan
menggunakan t-test formula.

Rata rata nilai kelas experimental adalah 73.75, sementara rata rata nilai kelas control
adalah 65.93. Perbedaan rata-rata antara keduanya adalah 7.82. Hasil perhitungan t-test (to)
adalah 4.295 sementara nilai t-table 1.998. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa t-test lebih tinggi
daripada t-table. Untuk itu hipotesis alternatif diterima sedangkan hipotesis nol ditolak.
Berdasarkan hasil di atas, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hyponymy efektif dalam
mengajarkan kosa kata bagi siswa kelas 1 SMPN 1 Tawangsari tahun ajaran 2015 / 2016.



In this chapter presents and discuses the Background of the Study, the

Identification of the Problem, Limitation of the Study, Problem Formulation,

Objective of the Study, The Benefits of the Study, Previous of Study, Keys Term.

A. Background of the Study

Language has a very important role in our daily life. In almost all

activities we do, we use language as means of communication. In the learning

process, one of the important parts in creating and understanding the language

is vocabulary mastery. People can not express their opinion and ideas in

English without knowing their vocabulary. Low vocabulary mastery also

makes them unable to express their opinion properly.

Vocabulary is one of the language components which are essential to

learn. Thornbury (2002: 13) states that “without grammar very little can be

conveyed, but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” Since grammar

relates to the words arrangements, students need to master much vocabulary.

If they have no vocabulary, they have nothing to arrange. Therefore, lack of

word collections also effect ability in grammar.

Furthermore, Rivers in Nunan (1991: 117) has also argued that “The

acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second

language use because, without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to


use the structures and the functions we may have learned for comprehensible

communication.” So, no matter how well we master grammar, no matter how

successfully the sounds of a foreign language is mastered, without words to

express, communication can’t happen in meaningful ways.

In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject which is taught in Junior

High School and Senior High School as a second language. As a result, the

Indonesian government always makes effort to enrich the quality of teacher

and other components which involved in education process. The education in

Indonesia has been improved from time to time, one of them is established by

curriculum the competence based curriculum of Junior High School, the goal

of foreign language learning is to learn how to communicate by using the

target language orally or writtenly. So after learning English, students should

be able to communicate in English spoken or written.

This research was done in SMPN 1 Tawangsari. It is located in Lorog,

Tawangsari, Sukoharjo. Based on the observation, with the English teacher of

SMPN 1 Tawangsari showed the difficulty of their learning English coming

from their vocabulary mastery. It is shows from the statements of majority

students. They said that English is a difficult subject and the most difficult to

study English is memorizing the meaning of word, pronouncing correctly, etc.

In this school, there are some factors that influenced in teaching

vocabulary. The first factor is from the students themselves. They faced

difficulties on translatly the meaning, how to memorize words, and spelling


them or written. It impacted to comprehend context of text. The second factor

is from the teacher. In English lesson, the teacher just asks the students to do a

lot of assignments from the textbook. The teacher just asked the students to

find the difficult words in the text and try to find the meaning into dictionary.

Afterward, they wrote the word on a certain book and sometimes they have to

memorize them in front of the class randomly. The communication just occurs

when the students find difficulties in doing the assignment.

In teaching and learning process, teacher needs technique to convey

the material easier. It has to be a fun learning process so the students could

accept the material clearly and they felt comfortable in the classroom. The

researcher gives an alternative technique for the teachers to enrich students’

vocabulary that has connection with the area of semantic field. Jordan (1997:

154) argued that “Semantic links play an important role in production. This

suggests the use of semantic field based on presentation method…” So, the

researcher uses one of parts of semantic field to teach vocabulary by using

hyponymy. It likes synonymy (a word similar in meaning) and antonym (a

word opposite in meaning) using words relation to explain the meaning of the

target word. Murcia (1991: 301) said “A common way for teacher to elucidate

the meaning of a target word is to relate it to another word that the students

already know.” Hyponymy is one way to make a hierarchy link by giving a

word as a superordinate or general and some words as subordinate or

specific, such as, “flower” as a superordinate and “rose”, “jasmine”, “orchid”,


etc. as the subordinate. It is hoped to help the teachers to explain vocabulary

items easier by giving examples in the relation of a word with the other

words. Harmer (2001: 18) adds that “What a word means is often defined by

its relationship to other words.” Then, the students will have description about

the vocabulary items which are explained by their teacher.

Finally, based on the background above, the researcher wants to

conduct a research entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Hyponymy in

Teaching Vocabulary at the First Grade of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in Academic

Year 2015/2016.”

B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are many problems

that can be identified in this research such as: (1) The students get difficulties

in vocabulary mastery; (2) The teacher’s uses translation technique to teach

vocabulary mastery.

C. Limitation of the Study

In order to focus on the topic, the researcher makes limitations to both

the object and the subject of this research. The researcher limited the object

into two variables only, i.e. Hyponymy technique, as the independent

variable, and teaching vocabulary, as the dependent variable. The study tries

to find out the effectiveness of using Hyponymy to teach vocabulary. The


students as the subject of this study are from SMPN 1 Tawangsari, especially

the students of first grade in 2015/2016 academic year.

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the background above, the researcher formulated the

problem as follow:

“How effective is the use of hyponymy in teaching vocabulary at the

first grade students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari in the academic year 2015/2016?”

E. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using

Hyponymy in teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SMPN 1 Tawangsari in

the academic year 2015/2016.

F. The Benefits of the Study

The researcher is expected to be very useful either theoretically or

practically. The benefits are elaborated as follows:

1. Theoretical Benefit

The findings of the research enrich the use of technique to teach

vocabulary at first grade students. It also can be the preference for the

further research.

2. Practical Benefit

a. Benefit for the teacher

The research can be made as consideration to use the appropriate

technique to teach vocabulary.

b. Benefit for the reader

The research can give more information to the reader about the way to

teach vocabulary.

c. Benefit for the researcher

The research can give a good experience in conducting an

experimental research to know the effectiveness of the technique that

used to teach.

G. Previous of Study

The researcher has some relevant previous researches that support this

research. The previous research that used by the researcher are:

1. First, thesis under title “The Effectiveness of Guessing Game Technique

in Teaching Vocabulary at MTS Darussalam (An Experimental Study at

the Second Grade of MTS Darussalam Academic year 2013/2014)”, a

thesis made by Hari Supriyatna (109014000179) in 2014 from Syarif

Hidayatullah State Islam University of Jakarta. He stated that using

Guessing game as teaching technique in teaching vocabulary was

effective. It could be seen from the result of test score. In this research

shows that guessing game is effective for teaching English vocabulary

than conventional method, because the experimental group gets higher

result than the control group. The difference between this research and

researcher’s research is the media in teaching vocabulary. This research is

using Guessing game as technique in teaching vocabulary, but the

researcher is using Hyponymy. The similarity of this research with the

researcher’s research is the research method (an experimental research).

2. Second, journal under title “The Teaching Vocabulary through Hyponym

(An Experimental Study at the First Graders of SMP Negeri 1 Sumbang in

Academic Year 2013/2014), a thesis made by Widia Margi Astuti (Nim:

1001050166) in 2014 from Muhammadiyah of Purwokerto. After the

study was done, it was found that there was different result between

experimental and control class. Based on the data analysis, it could be

known that there was higher progress of the students in experimental class

than that of control class. The data result of the study proved that

Hyponym was capable for teaching English vocabulary at the first grade of

junior high school. The similarities of this research with the researcher’s

research are the teaching vocabulary and research method (experimental

research). But the difference is Place and sample. If this research in SMPN

1 Sumbang, the researcher’s research in SMPN 1 Tawangsari.

Because of those successful researches, the researcher try to do

another research related to this. The researcher did an experimental


research to teach vocabulary using Hyponymy. The researcher conducted

the research with first grade students of SMPN 1 Tawangsari. Therefore

the differences between the above mentioned the researches and the

researcher’s research are population and sample of study, time of the

study, and teaching technique.

H. Keys Term

1. Experimental Research

According to Arikunto (2013: 207) experimental study is one of the

precious methods to examine the cause and effect study. The researcher

prepares or sets up hyponymy to teach vocabulary, for the students who

will be examine to answer vocabulary test.

2. Effectiveness

Effectiveness is form of noun from effective. The degree to which

something is successful in producing a desired result: success: the

effectiveness of the treatment.

3. Hyponymy

Murcia (1991: 301) said “A common way for teacher to elucidate the

meaning of a target word is to relate it to another word that the students

already know.” Hyponymy is one way to make a hierarchy link by giving

a word as a superordinate or general and some words as subordinate or


specific, such as, “flower” as a superordinate and “rose”, “jasmine”,

“orchid”, etc. as the subordinate.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the words we teach in the foreign language. The words also

can be made up of two or three words or more but express a single idea.

(Penny Ur, 1996: 60)




This chapter explained about theoritical review, which consists of

Vocabulary: The Definition of Vocabulary, The Importance of Vocabulary, Kinds of

Vocabulary, Teaching Vocabulary, Indicator of Vocabulary. Hyponymy: Definition

of Hyponymy, Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary using Hyponymy, Definition of

Translation, Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary using Translation, How to Test

Vocabulary, Rationale, and Hypothesis.


1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the important aspects in learning English for

improving communication skill. Without having enough vocabularies,

communication will end up in unpleasant situation. Linse (2005: 121)

stated that language consists of words and the definition of vocabulary is

the collection of words that individual knows. Then, vocabulary also can

be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language. The

words also can be made up of two or three words or more but express a

single idea (Penny Ur, 1996: 60). It means that the students can get

vocabulary by word that they hear from other people.


Mastering vocabulary is very important for the students who will

learn English. It is important to consider, because vocabulary mastery lays

an important role in process of achieving language. As Thornbury (2002:

13) states that without grammar it is very little can be conveyed; without

vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Vocabulary is important for

successful second language learning and it is important to learn for

comprehensible communication, without vocabulary the structures and

functions are unable to be used. If the students do not have an adequate

number of vocabularies, they will not be able to speak, write, and translate

anything in English. That is why everybody who learns English or a

certain language has to know or master the vocabulary.

From those statements, it can be realized that vocabulary is very

important for the students because it is an essential aspect in language

learning. Without having an extensive vocabulary, the students cannot

skillfully use language.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary

The primary thing in learning a language is the acquisition of

vocabulary. Therefore, success in learning English requires vocabulary

acquisition. A large vocabulary cannot guarantee the learner‟s competence

in learning English, but inadequacy of vocabulary will obstruct their

chances to make success in learning English. Rivers in Nunan (1991: 117)


argues that the acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for

successful second language use because without an extensive vocabulary,

we will be unable to use the structures and functions we may have learned

for comprehensible communication.

Nunan (1991: 118) says that the development of a rich vocabulary

is an important element in acquisition of a second language. It is important

for a learner to master the vocabulary of the target language because it is

essential part of communication.

Furthermore, Cameron (2001: 72) believes that building a useful

vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language of the primary

level. Vocabulary is fundamental to using the foreign language as

discourse, since it is both learnt from participating in discourse and is

essential to participating in it.

To show how important vocabulary is, Bromley (2004: 3-4) states

that vocabulary holds some important roles in the teaching-learning

process. They are as follows:

1) Promotes fluency

Students who recognize and understand many words read more

quickly and easily than those with smaller vocabularies. Fluent readers

read at a faster rate, process more material more quickly and have

better comprehension than less fluent readers.


2) Boosts comprehension

Vocabulary knowledge strongly influences comprehension. On a

component analysis of comprehension, word meanings were found to

make up 74% of comprehension.

3) Improves achievement

A large vocabulary means a large fund of conceptual knowledge

which makes academic learning easier. Students with large

vocabularies score higher on achievement tests than those students

with small vocabularies.

4) Enhances thinking and communication

Words are tools for analyzing, inferring, evaluating, and reasoning. A

large vocabulary allows for communicating in ways that are precise,

powerful, persuasive and interesting.

Moreover, Thornbury (2002: 14) states that vocabulary means a

large collection of items. He adds that learning vocabulary is important

because it enriches someone‟s knowledge of words. This implies that the

success of the learner in learning a language depends on not only the size

of vocabulary he or she has learned but also vocabulary building.

In conclusion, realizing that the knowledge of vocabulary is very

important, learners have to pay attention to the vocabulary teaching. The

teacher must have a good, effective and efficient method in order that the

teaching vocabulary is successful. If someone can master vocabulary well,


she or he will be able to promote fluency, boost comprehension, improve

achievement, and enhance thinking and communication.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

Haycraft (1978: 44) says that vocabulary is divided into active and

passive vocabulary. Active vocabulary refers to words which the student

understands, can pronounce correctly and uses constructively in speaking

and writing. Meanwhile, passive vocabulary is words that the student

recognizes and understands when they occur in a context, but which he

cannot produce correctly himself.

Meanwhile, According to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman (1986:

64), vocabulary divided into two kinds:

1. Active vocabulary: refers to put items which the learners can use

appropriately in speaking and writing. Active vocabulary is also called

as a productive vocabulary.

2. Passive vocabulary: refers to language items that can be recognized

and understood in the context of reading and listening. It is also called

as receptive vocabulary.

Active vocabularies are vocabularies or the words that we use in

speaking and writing, two of language skills. These vocabularies are often

called as productive vocabularies because they are in case of speaking,

have to be said by good pronounced in order that our rival can understand

what we mean. In case of writing we have to write by good letter in order

to avoid misunderstanding from readers. To use the active vocabulary or

productive vocabulary we have to know and be able to use grammar of the

target language, we are hoped to familiar with collocation and understand

the connotation meaning of the words too. This vocabulary is more

prominent in the first level of a course.

Passive vocabulary is vocabulary used in two kinds of language

skill that is reading and listening. Passive vocabulary refers to language

items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and

listening, and also called as receptive vocabulary. Passive vocabulary is

more useful when the student in higher level of study such as intermediate

level or advanced level.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

According to Wallace (1984: 27) there are several principles in

teaching vocabulary, they are:

1. Aims

The teacher has to be clear about his or her aims, how many things are

listed and what the teacher expects the learner to be able to do. It

should be clear what the teacher teaches and what the students learn.

2. Quantity

After deciding the aims in learning vocabulary, the teacher has to

consider the quantity of vocabulary to be learnt, how many new words

the learners can learn. The teacher selects the words that suit the level

of students‟ proficiency.

3. Frequent Exposure and Repetition

It is seldom, however, that we remember a new word simply by

hearing it once. There has to be certain amount of repetition until there

is evidence that the have learnt the target words. A vocabulary must be

used as often as possible.

4. Situational Presentation

Using words must be related to the situation. It is in the line with how

well the user know to whom, where, when and how he or she is

speaking. It seems sensible that students should learn the words in the

situation in which they are appropriately used.

5. Meaningful Presentation

The learners must have a clear and specific understanding of what it

denotes or refers to, i.e. it‟s meanings. The requirements that they

would be presented in such a way that its denotation or reference is

perfectly clear and unambiguous, which is not always an easy task.


6. Inference Procedures in Vocabulary Learning

It is possible for a student to master all vocabularies (words) of certain

language. He or she needs the various specifically taught the meaning

of words. They may look up a dictionary without understanding all the

meanings. By making an inference from the context or guessing their

meanings from the context so that he or she can understand the word.

David (1992: 5) states there are several ways of making clear the

meaning of a word, and these may be used alone or in combination.

1. Synonymy

Synonyms are words that mean more or less the same thing. Take the

word coach, for example. It is a bus, but one that makes long distance

journeys. Synonyms are best shown on the board using the

mathematical sign for equals.

Examples of synonyms are the pairs: shield = protect, bone = skeleton,

predict = guess, disease = sickness, various= different.

2. Antonymy

Antonyms are words that have an opposite meaning.

For example, poor is the opposite of rich while dirty is the opposite of

clean, accept is an antonym of reject, and best is an antonym of worst.

3. Ostensive: means by showing. We can hold up things or point to

objects in the classroom (such as lamp, flag, window, boy, girl,

cupboard, duster).

4. Translation: awareness of certain differences and similarities between

the native and the foreign language, words or expressions in the

learners‟ mother tongue that is (more or less) equivalent in meaning to

the item being taught.

5. Polysemy is that the same collection of sounds and letters can have

many different meanings. It understands the meaning in context that

allows us to say which meaning of the word, in the particular instance,

is being used.

Example: Wood

A piece of a tree

A geographical area with many trees

6. Hyponymy is another relationship which defines the meaning of words

to each other. Part of a word‟s meaning, therefore, concerns its relation

with other words, not only in terms of antonym and synonym, but also

in terms of how it fits into the vocabulary hierarchy.

For example: Where words like: banana, apple, orange, lemon, etc are

all hyponyms of the superordinate fruit. And fruit itself is a hyponym

of other items which are members of the god family. (Harmer, 2001:


We know that there are many ways and principles for us to teach

new items of vocabulary. But, Schmitt (2008: 1) argued that “There is no

“right” or “best” way to teach vocabulary. The best practice in any


situation will depend on the type of student, the words are targeted, the

school system and curriculum, and many others factor.” So, we should

selective on choosing the best technique to present new vocabulary that

suitable with condition of our students and the curriculum.

5. How to Test Vocabulary

A good knowledge of English vocabulary is important for anyone

who wants to use the laguage, therefore knowledge of vocabulary is often

tested. It is important that the test maker be aware of what he/she is doing

when testing vocabulary.

1. Multiple choice tasks

Researcher indicates that the best distracter for vocabulary items are

either 1) word that have a similar to the correct word but which are

inappropiate in context, or 2) words that are contextually related but

which do not fit in the context. When choosing the four or five

alternatives, care should be taken to choose words that are of a similar

level of difficulty. If correct alternative is much more difficult than

any of the other alternatives, the test might choose it not because

he/she knows it is correct but because all of the others can be


2. Cloze test

Cloze test is the test based on a text with gaps which are put there

regularly after every seventh, eight or nine words. The examine has to

complete the gaps with appropriate words. Mostly more than one

option is possible. The first three or more lines of the text are without


3. Dictation

The examiner dictates text and students write down. Dictation is an

easy way of testing for the teacher because the preparation is minimal.

4. True/false

According to a test or listening the teacher prepares a setof statements

and students have to circle true or false.

5. Question and Answer

This types or exercise can be based on a test or a listening but it does

not have to be based on anything as well.

6. Gap filling

This type is often mixed up with cloze test but it is a completely

different type. This type can be used for various purposes, it can

test,for example; irregular verb or prepositon.


7. Transformation

In this type students are given sentences which they have to put into

another form, for example, to put sentences in past simple tense into

past perfect tense.

8. Rewriting

This is similar to transformation but here students have to transform a

sentence in the way that it means the same as the first one (Frost,

2008). In my view, these sentences are quite troublesome to form,

therefore I would use these borrow these exercises from real


9. Matching

There are two groups of words mostly in two columns, the student has

to make pairs from these words which make sense somehow. They are

especially good for practising vocabulary such as adjectives of

opposite meaning.

10. Error correction

Students are given sentences with errors which concern mainly

grammar (verb forms, missing verbs or letters etc.). Their task is to

find the mistakes and correct them. The only problem with this method

is that sometimes there can be more than one way of correction (Frost,

Test Question Types).


11. Essay

The examinee has to write a text on a given topic and mostly in a

particular length and form. It tests writing abilities and it is not

difficult to prepare, however, it is very demanding and time-

consuming to correct such essays because the examiner has to watch

many aspects of the language such as spelling, grammar, vocabulary,

punctuation etc.

12. Translation

This is a damned as well as praised method. Students receive

sentences or a text in their mother tongue and their task is to translate

them into English. Although, the method is easy for the teacher,

students hate it because it is very difficult for them. It also prevents

students thinking directly in English and they tend to translate things

in their minds which is not good.

13. Rearranging

Students have to rearrange given words so that the sentence makes

sense and is grammatically correct.

6. Indicator of Vocabulary

There are four indicators that should be considered to see whether

the students have good vocabulary mastery or not based on Kumala (2011:

11), those indicators are pronunciation, spelling, meaning, using word in


a. Pronouncing the word, if learners have a good pronunciation, they are

easier to understand the meaning of the words and also lead them to

the fluency of communication.

b. Spelling, in English the spelling of the word is different from the

pronunciation, if learners know the spelling of the words, they will

able to write the word correctly.

c. Meaning, when the learners learn new words, automatically they learn

the meaning of the words. Learners will not be able to use the words if

they do not know the meaning of the words.

d. Word in context, in learning English learner may find two or more

words that have same meaning, but the words should be used in

different context.

B. Hyponymy

1. Definition of Hyponymy

Another relationship which defines the meaning of words to each

other is that of hyponymy, where words like banana, apple, orange,

lemon, etc. are all hyponyms of the superordinate fruit. And fruit itself is

a hyponym of other items which are members of the food family. We can

express this relationship in the following diagram:


Meat fish fruit cereals

Banana apple orange lemon

(Jeremy Harmer, 2001: 19)
Moreover Cruse (1986: 88) define that hyponymy is the lexical

relation corresponding to the inclusion of one class in another. In a simple

word we can define hyponym as a word that describes things more

specifically, e.g.

a. Carrot and cabbage are hyponym of vegetable

b. Rose and jasmine are hyponyms of flower

When the meaning of one form is included in the meaning of

another, the relationship is described as hyponymy. Examples are the

pairs: animal/dog, dog/poodle, vegetable/carrot, flower/rose, tree/banyan.

The concept of „inclusion‟ involved in this relationship is the idea that if

an object is a rose, then it is necessarily a flower, so the meaning of flower

is included in the meaning of rose. Or, rose is a hyponym of flower.

When we consider hyponymous connections, we are essentially

looking at the meaning of words in some type of hierarchical relationship.

We can represent the relationships between a set of words such as animal,


ant, asp, banyan, carrot, cockroach, creature, dog, flower, horse, insect,

living thing, pine, plant, poodle, rose, snake, tree and vegetable as a

hierarchical diagram

Living things

Creature Plant

Animal insect vegetable flower tree

Dog Horse Snake ant Cockroach carrot Rose banyan pine

Poodle Asp
(George Yule, 2006: 105-106)
Looking at the diagram, we can say that “horse is a hyponym of

animal” or “cockroach is a hyponym of insect”. In these two examples,

animal and insect are called the superordinate (= higher level) terms. We

can also say that two or more words that share the same superordinate

term are co-hyponyms. So, dog and horse are co-hyponyms and the

superordinate term is animal.

The relation of hyponymy captures the concept of „is a kind of‟, as

when we give the meaning of a word by saying, “an asp is a kind of

snake”. Sometimes the only thing we know about the meaning of a word

is that it is a hyponym of another term. That is, we may know nothing

more about the meaning of the word asp other than that it is a kind of

snake or that banyan is a kind of tree.


It is worth emphasizing that it is not only words for „things‟ that

are hyponyms. Words such as shoot, punch, and stab, describing „actions‟,

can all be treated as co-hyponyms of the superordinate term injure.

From the explanation above, we know that the teacher‟s job in this

stage is to present the students with the clear information about the

language they are learning. We can give the new ideas about new word by

relating or connecting those with the others word that make it happily and


2. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Using Hyponymy

Woodward in Shelley (2010: 131) gave an example of class

activity of teaching vocabulary using hyponymy.

1. The teacher provides the learners with a list of categories like food,

household objects, numbers, jobs, etc.

2. Each learner chooses or is given one category.

3. The learner then has to write as many words as possible under the

category heading on a piece of paper. So, food should contain items

like bread, meat, etc.

4. The learners should write known words, not look up unknown words.

5. After set time, a learner passes their paper to the next learner who then

tries to add words not already listed.


6. Then the paper is passed on until each learner regains their original

sheet of paper.

7. The learner has to check the spelling with a dictionary and then these

sheets become a class dictionary that is added to as new words are


C. Translation

1. Definition of Translation

Translation has so many definitions which are described by the

experts. Catford (1965: 20) in his book Linguistic Theory of Translation

says, “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language

by equivalent textual material in another language.” Bell (1991: 5) states

that translation is the expression in another language or target language of

what has been expressed in another, source language, first language,

preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences. He also states that

translation is the replacement of a representation of a different text in

second language. He gives an example that translation usually used in

physiological activities including reading comprehension and writing

process. In reading, teacher asks the students to read the text then translate

it into target language, while in writing the activity is rewriting the text in

first language or vice versa, in simple word, translation is another

expression in target language.


Thornbury (2002: 77) adds that traditionally, translation has been

the most widely used means of presenting the meaning of word in

monolingual classes. It is the easiest way to understand the students and

has the advantage of being the most direct route to a word‟s meaning –

assuming that there is a close match between the target word and its first

language equivalent. It is, therefore, very economical, and especially

suitable for dealing with incidental vocabulary that may crop up in a

lesson. It also doesn‟t need hard effort to do for both teacher and students.

The teacher gives the meaning of word in target language directly while

the students don‟t have to work very hard to access the meaning and it

may mean that word is less memorable. Then he gives an example:

Teacher : Does anyone know the English for kemeja? No?

Students : (silent)

Teacher : Listen, it‟s a shirt. Repeat!

Students : Shirt

The example above shows that teacher immediately translates the

word from the first language into second language, or vice versa in

vocabulary class. Both teacher and students don‟t need hard effort to

conduct an English vocabulary class. But it doesn‟t develop the essential

learning strategy which the students can continue to draw on long after

they have left the classroom or they will have short memory of list of

vocabularies given. (Wright, 1989: 137)


2. Procedure of Teaching Vocabulary Using Translation

Larsen and Freeman (2000: 19), provide expanded description of

some common or typical technique closely associated with translation.

1. Translation of a literary passages

Students translate a reading passage from the target language into the

native language.

2. Reading comprehension questions

Students answer questions in the target language based on their

understanding of the reading passage.

3. Antonym/synonyms

Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in

the reading passage.

4. Fill-in-the blanks

Students are given a series of sentences with words missing.

5. Cognates

Students are taught to learn the spelling or sound patterns that

correspond between the native language and the target language.

6. Deductive application of rule

Grammar rules are presented with examples. Once students understand

a rule, they are asked to apply it to some different example.


7. Memorization

Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their

native language equivalents and are asked to memorize list of words,

grammatical rules and grammatical paradigms such as verb


8. Use words in sentences

Students are asked to create sentences to illustrate; it‟s useful to check

that they know the meaning and use of new words.

9. Composition

Students are asked to write about topic using the target language and

to create a composition of reading passage of the lesson based on the

topic which is given by the teacher.

D. Rationale

Vocabulary is one of the language components which are essential to

learn. The students need vocabulary for understanding listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. In teaching learning process while the teacher only

explains the lesson directly without technique or attractive media the students

are passive in the classroom, the students paid little attention and they have

difficulties in remembering new words. So they can not answer the questions

in the task or examination. Those are because the student‟s achievements are


In teaching learning process especially in teaching vocabulary the

teacher needs attractive technique. In this research, the researcher thought that

hyponymy is an attractive technique for teaching vocabulary that is

appropriate for first grade students of Junior High School and effective to

develop students‟ vocabulary. Hyponymy is another relationship which

defines the meaning of words to each other. Teaching Hyponymy is effective

form of practice because it is easy to apply, understand and remember. It is

hoped to help the teachers to explain vocabulary items easier by giving

examples in the relation of a word with the other words. In this research,

hyponymy will make the students are interested with the material taught.

E. Hypothesis

The hypothesis is the provisional answer to the problems of the

research the theoritically considered possibly or highest the level of the truth.

It is provisional truth determined by researcher that should be tested and

provide. (Arikunto, 2006: 71).

Kinds of hypothesis which are used here are: Zero hypothesis (Ho), is

the hypothesis, which state that there is not any significant effect of the object

of the research. It is also called with negative hypothesis and alternative

hypothesis (Ha), is the hypothesis which state that there is any significant

effect of the object of the research. It is also called with positive hypothesis.

The criteria of the test of hypothesis as follow:


Ha: There is the significant effect of using hyponymy technique in

teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in the

academic year of 2015/2016.

Ho: There is not any significant effect of using hyponymy technique in

teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SMP N 1 Tawangsari in the

academic year of 2015/2016.




This chapter presents the description of the research method used in this

study. It consists of Research Design, Research Setting, Population, Sample and

Sampling, Technique of Data Collection, Techniques of Data Analysis, and

Hypothesis Test.

A. Research Design

This study is an experimental research, since it describe quantitative

degree in which variable are related. It is also reasonable that the researcher

intend to examine cause and effect between two variables, hyponymy as the

independent variable, and teaching vocabulary as the dependent variable.

According to Arikunto (2013: 207) that an experimental study is one of the

precious method to examine the cause and effect study, the researcher

prepares or sets up hyponymy to teach vocabulary, for the students who will

be examine to answer vocabulary test.

According to Arikunto (2013: 207), there are two kinds of

experimental research, True Experimental and Quasi Experimental. This

research will be Quasi Experimental because there are some factors that can

not be fulfilled in the field. It is difficult to find the field with the perfect

condition based on the criteria stated by Arikunto (2013: 207-208). The

requirements for the true experimental are: 1. Factors that influence the

research have to be thrown away 2. There is control group 3. Make sure that

the conditions in the groups are same 4. If the research uses people as the

subject, they have the same status. Because there are some factors that

influence and the factors are little bit complex, so the researcher refer to

choose quasi experimental research. Then, the model for this research is

pretest-posttest design with non-equivalent group. The experiment class and

the control class are given the pre-test and post-test in order to measure the

effectiveness of using hyponymy in teaching vocabulary.

The model of pre test- post test design is as follow:

E: O1 X O2

P: O1 O2

E= Experimental class O1= Pre-test

P= Control class O2= Post-test

X= Treatment

This model uses two groups, experimental and control class. The

experimental group taught by using hyponymy and the control group is taught

by using Translation by the teacher. Both of them are given the pretest and

posttest. It is intended that the posttest scores do not be influenced by the

pretest scores. This model is used based on the assumption that the groups are


B. Research Setting

1. Place

The experimental research was done in SMP N 1 Tawangsari

at first grade students in the academic year 2015/2016. It is located in

Lorog, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah. The school has three

grades of classes those are first grade, second grade, and third grade.

Each grade is named with class VII for the first grade, class VIII for

the second grade, and class IX for the third grade. Each grade is

divided into eight classes, which named with alphabet A-H. There are

32 students in each class.

2. Time

The research was conducted in second semester in academic

year 2015/2016. It was conducted for April until August 2016. Here is
the time table of the research:

Table 3.1 Time Schedule of Research

No Activity Month/Date
April May
18th 14th 16th 25th 28th June July Augt
1 Asks
permission to
head master
2 Pre test
3 Treatment 1
4 Treatment 2
5 Post test
6 Analyzing the

C. Population, Sample, and Sampling

1. Population

Population is “the whole subject of research” (Arikunto, 2006:

130). In this research, population of this research is first grade of

SMPN 1 Tawangsari in the academic year 2015/2016. The first grade

of SMPN 1 Tawangsari is divided into eight classes. There are 32

students in each class. The total number of population is 256 students.

2. Sample

Sample is taking of part population using certain procedure.

So, it can be expected to represent its population. In this connection,

Arikunto (2006: 131) states that sample is “a part of research

population”. The researcher took sample in this research because the

respondents are more than 100. The respondents are less than 100, it is

better to take them all as sample. Sample in this research are class VII

D as control class and class VII E as experimental class. So, each class

consisted of 32 students.

3. Sampling

There are some techniques to decide the sample. They are

random sampling, cluster sampling, stratified sampling, purposive

sampling, area sampling, double sampling and proportional sampling

(Arikunto, 2006: 133-142). In this research, the researcher used

purposive sampling technique. The sample of the study was two


classes, it had been chosen based on purposive sampling technique to

become sample of the research. The two classes were chosen based on

teacher’s recommendation because the two classes easy to conducive.

D. Technique of Data Collection

Arikunto (2006: 222) defines that the collecting data is the conscious

to get data by sistematic method, based on the standar procedure. Data are

important point in a research. In collecting the data for this research, the

researcher uses test. In this case, it is quite clear that the function of test is to

know the students’ skill, knowledge, intelligence, acievement, and also

behaviour. Sukmadinata (2012: 223) stated that test is to asses the result of the

study in certain period. The test is used to know the students’ vocabulary

mastery after being given treatment. Vocabulary test in this research is used as

technique to get the primary data of students’ vocabulary score. The test is

pre-test and post-test that was tasted in experimental group and control group

and the form of the test an objective test in the form of a multiple choice type.

The researcher used three instrument for collecting data:

1. Test

In the chapter II, the reseacher was explaining a lot of type of

techniques when testing vocabulary. Frost, Test Question Types

(2008) Distinguishes between types of tests and types of tasks. He


presents four types of tests which are a proficiency test, an

achievement test, a diagnostic test and prognostic test. Prognostic tests

discover how a learner will be successful in a course or if he or she is

able to attend such a course.

One of the prognostic tests is multiple choice, this is a question

which consists of a so called stem and four options from which only

one is correct. In addition this objective test is to know the students’

vocabulary mastery. The test uses four alternatives (A, B, C, D) where

the score true is 1 and score false is 0. There are 50 questions to test

vocabulary mastery.

2. Trying Out the Instrument

The quality of the data, whether it is a good or bad is based on

the instrument used. Arikunto (2006: 168) warns that a good

instrument must meet two important requirements, those are valid and

reliable. The researcher conducts first try out to students in another

class. The aim of trying out instruments is to know whether or not the

instrument of measurement is valid and reliable. The try-out test is to

measure the validity and reliability of the items of the test.

a. Validity of Test

The validity is an important quality of any test. It is a

condition in which a test can measure what is supposed to be


measured. According to Arikunto (2006: 168), “a test is valid if it

measures what it purpose to be measured”. The validity of an item

can be known by doing item analysis

𝑁∑𝑥𝑦 − ∑𝑥 ∑𝑦
𝑁∑𝑥 2 − ∑x 2 𝑁∑𝑦 2 − ∑y 2


rxy : the coefficients of correlation between X and Y

N : the total of subject of experiment

Σx : the sum of score of X item

Σy : the sum of score of Y item. (Arikunto, 2006: 170)

b. Reliability of Test

It means consistency. Reliability refers to the consistency

of test scores. Besides having high validity, a good test should

have high reliability too. Alpha formula is used to know reliability

of test is K - R. 20. (Sugiyono, 2008: 132)

𝑛 ∑𝑝𝑞
r11= 1−
𝑛−1 𝑠2


r11 : The reliability coefficient of items

n : The number of item in the test

p : The proportion of students who give the right answer

q : The proportion of students who give the wrong answer

S 2 : The standard deviation of the test


Calculation result of r11 is compared with rtable of product

moment by 5% degree of significance. If r11 is higher than rtable, the

item of question is reliable.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis will use statistical analysis. The

researcher will get the students’ scores of the experimental and control group.

The score check for the post-test of both groups. The scores from the

experimental and control class will be analysis by using T-test.

1. Pre-Requisite Test

Before determining the statistical analysis technique, it will be

examined the normality and homogeneity test of the data.

a. Normality Test

Normality test is used to test the sample from population

whether they have normal distribution or not. This computation

uses Lillyfors testing. According to Sudjana (1996: 466), the

procedures are as follow:

a) Observation of X1, X2, X3… Xn become standard number z1,

𝑥𝑖 −𝑥
z2, z3… zn by using the formulas Zi= (𝑥 is the average

while 𝑆𝐷 is standard deviation of the sample).


b) For each of the standard number, use standard number

distribution list, then count the probability F(zi)= P (z ≤ zi).

c) Then count proportion of z1, z2, z3, … zn which less or equal

than zi. If the proportion stated by using S(zi), so S(zi) is the

number of z1, z2, z3, … zn which is less or equal than zi

divided by n.

d) Count the result of F(zi) – S(zi) then state the absolute value.

e) Take the biggest value among the absolute values from that


The maximum result of F(zi)- S(zi) is Lo

To find the normality of the sample researcher uses the


Lo= F(zi)-S(zi)


Lo : The highest value of the difference of F(zi) and S(zi)

F(zi) : The opportunity of data

S(zi) : The proportion of the data


Lo < L table = data is normally distributed

Lo > L table = data is not normally distributed


b. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity is used to determine whether the data are

homogeneous or not. The researcher should conduct a homogeneity

test by choosing 2 classes. This test is conducted to determine whether

the data are homogenous or not. After conducting the test, data

analysis was carried out to find out the homogeneity of the sample. It

was meant to check if the research result met the requirement of good

research or not. It was meant to get the assumption that sample of

research came from a same condition or homogenous. The researcher

used them formula as follows:

𝐵𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
F = 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

(Sugiono, 2011: 140)

2. Hypothesis Test

Firstly, the test was done in both groups, experimental and

control group. Secondly, the result of the test was scored by using

analytic scale. Thirdly, the means score of the two groups were

determined. Finally, the two means were compared by applying t-test

formula. T-test was used to differentiate if the students’ result of

students’ vocabulary mastery by using hyponymy and without using

hyponymy was significant or not.


𝑥1 − 𝑥2
t= 1 1
𝑠 +
𝑛1 𝑛2


𝑛 1 −1 𝑆12 𝑛 2 −1 𝑆22
S= 𝑛 1 + 𝑛 2 −2

(Sudjana, 1996: 239)


𝑥1 = The mean score of the experimental group

𝑥2 = The mean score of control group

𝑛1 = The number of the experimental group

𝑛2 = The number of the control group

𝑠 = Standard deviation

𝑠 2 = Variance

If the obtained score was higher than t-table score by using 5%

alpha of significance, Ho was rejected. It meant that Ha was accepted:

“There was a significant difference in vocabulary mastery between the

experimental and control group.”




This chapter discusses the result of the research conducted in the first

students of SMP N 1 Tawangsari. This chapter provides some findings and

discussion about the use of hyponymy in teaching vocabulary. This chapter

consists of the description of the data, data analysis, hypothesis test and


A. The Description of the Data

The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of using

Hyponymy. The researcher chooses two classes as the sample. They are VII E

as the experimental group that consisted of 32 students and VII D as the

control group that consisted of 32 students.

The researcher gave the pre-test to the both experimental and control

group to know that both classes were homogenous. After that, the researcher

gave the treatment, and then gave them post test. The results of the post test of

both groups are compared by using t-test formula. The data description of the

both group can be seen as follow:

1. The class who are taught by using Hyponymy in Experimental class

a. The data of pre-test


Descriptive analysis of the data of students’ pre-test in

experimental class shows that the score are 65, 65, 70, 60, 50, 65, 60,

75, 75, 55, 55, 60, 70, 60, 70, 70, 65, 60, 60, 75, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 55,

75, 60, 65, 50, 65, 45. From the data, the lowest score is 45, while the

highest score is 75. The mean is 63.123, the mode is 59.7, the median

is 69.8 and the standard Deviation is 4.516. The frequency distribution

of pre-test experimental class is in table 4.1, the histogram is presented

in figure 4.1

Table 4.1. Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test in Experimental Class

Class Limit Class Boundaries F X %

45 – 50 44.5 – 50.5 4 47.5 12.5
51 – 56 50.5 – 56.5 3 53.5 9.375
57 – 62 56.5 – 62.5 10 59.5 31.25
63 – 68 62.5 – 68.5 6 65.5 18.75
69 – 74 68.5 – 74.5 5 71.5 15.625
75 – 80 74.5 – 80.5 4 77.5 12.5
32 375 100%
(See appendix)



Student's Score
44.5 – 50.5 – 56.5 – 62.5 – 68.5 – 74.5 –
50.5 56.5 62.5 68.5 74.5 80.5

Figure 4.1 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test

Experiment Class

The data of the test shows that the post-test score of students’

vocabulary mastery in Experimental class at intervals of 45-50 there

are 4 students, at intervals of 51-56 there are 3 students, at interval of

57-62 there are 10 students, at interval of 63-68 there are 6 students, at

interval of 69-74 there are 5 students, at interval of 75-80 there are 4


b. The data of post-test

Descriptive analysis of the data of students’ post test in

experimental class shows that the score are 75, 70, 80, 70, 70, 75, 80,

75, 85, 55, 60, 75, 80, 75, 75, 75, 80, 85, 75, 75, 75, 70, 70, 80, 85, 65,

85, 70, 75, 75, 65, 55. From the data, the lowest score is 55, while the

highest score is 85. The mean is 73.75, the mode is 74.80, the median

is 81.7 and the standard Deviation is 4.541. The frequency distribution

of post-test experimental class is in table 4.2, the histogram is

presented in figure 4.2

Table 4.2. Frequency Distribution of Post-Test in Experimental Class

Class Limit Class Boundaries F X %

55 – 60 54.5 – 60.5 2 57.5 6.25
61 – 66 60.5 – 66.5 3 63.5 9.375
67 – 72 66.5 – 72.5 6 69.5 18.75
73 – 78 72.5 – 78.5 12 75.5 37.5
79 – 84 78.5 – 84.5 5 81.5 15.625
85 – 90 84.5 – 90.5 4 87.5 12.5
32 435 100%
(See appendix)



Student's Score
54.5 – 60.5 – 66.5 – 72.5 – 78.5 – 84.5 –
60.5 66.5 72.5 78.5 84.5 90.5

Figure 4.2 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test

Experiment Class

The data of the test shows that the post-test score of students’

vocabulary mastery in Experimental class at intervals of 55-60 there are 2

students, at intervals of 61-66 there are 3 students, at interval of 67-72

there are 6 students, at interval of 73-78 there are 12 students, at interval

of 79-84 there are 5 students, at interval of 85-90 there are 4 students.

2. The class who are taught by using translation in control class

a. The data of pre-test

Descriptive analysis of the data of students’ pre-test in control

class shows that the score are 55, 65, 70, 50, 55, 65, 65, 75, 60, 70, 60,

50, 70, 65, 60, 60, 50, 65, 70, 60, 55, 60, 55, 60, 60, 55, 65, 75, 65, 60,

80, 60. From the data, the lowest score is 50, while the highest score is

80. The mean is 62.2, the mode is 57.5, the median is 66.1 and the

standard Deviation is 5.075. The frequency distribution of pre-test

control class is in table 4.3, the histogram is presented in figure 4.3


Table 4.3. Frequency Distribution of Pre-Test in Control Class

Class Limit Class Boundaries F X %

50 – 55 49.5 – 55.5 8 52.5 25
56 – 61 55.5 – 61.5 10 58.5 31.25
62 – 67 61.5 – 67.5 7 64.5 21.875
68 – 73 67.5 – 73.5 4 70.5 12.5
74 – 79 73.5 – 79.5 2 76.5 6.25
80 – 85 79.5 – 85.5 1 82.5 3.125
32 405 100%
(See appendix)

Student's Score
49.5 – 55.5 – 61.5 – 67.5 – 73.5 – 79.5 –
55.5 61.5 67.5 73.5 79.5 85.5

Figure 4.3 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test Control


The data of the test shows that the pre-test score of students’

vocabulary mastery in control class at intervals of 50-55 there are 8

students, at intervals of 56-61 there are 10 students, at interval of 62-

67 there are 7 students, at interval of 68-73 there are 4 students, at

interval of 74-79 there are 2 students, at interval of 80-85 there are 1


b. The data of post-test

Descriptive analysis of the data of students’ post-test in control

class shows that the score are 60, 70, 60, 70, 70, 75, 55, 80, 55, 55, 65,

60, 75, 70, 75, 65, 60, 60, 80, 65, 70, 65, 70, 65, 60, 65, 45, 75, 75, 70,

70, 55. From the data, the lowest score is 45, while the highest score is

80. The mean is 65.93, the mode is 62.52, the median is 70.96 and the

standard Deviation is 5.263. The frequency distribution of post-test

control class is in table 4.4, the histogram is presented in figure 4.4

Table 4.4. Frequency Distribution of Post-Test in Control Class

Class Limit Class Boundaries F X %

45 – 51 44.5 – 51.5 1 48 3.125
52 – 58 51.5 – 58.5 4 55 12.5
59 – 65 58.5 – 65.5 12 62 37.5
66 – 72 65.5 – 72.5 8 69 25
73 – 79 72.5 – 79.5 5 76 15.625
80 – 86 79.5 – 86.5 2 83 6.25
32 393 100%
(See appendix)

Students' Score
44.5 – 51.5 – 58.5 – 65.5 – 72.5 – 79.5 –
51.5 58.5 65.5 72.5 79.5 86.5

Figure 4.4 Histogram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test Control


The data of the test shows that the post-test score of students’

vocabulary mastery in control class at intervals of 45-51 there are 1

students, at intervals of 52-58 there are 4 students, at interval of 59-65

there are 12 students, at interval of 66-72 there are 8 students, at interval

of 73-79 there are 5 students, at interval of 80-86 there are 2 students.

B. Data Analysis

The data obtained from both experimental and control groups are used

to be analyzed to know the different between the experimental group and

control group. The researcher used t-test. The t-test required normality and

homogeneity. Therefore, normality and homogeneity are tested first based on

the pre-test and post test score.

1. Validity and reliability

a. Validity

It is obtained that from 25 test items. The following is the

example of item validity computation for item number 1 and for the

other items would use the same formula:

𝑁∑𝑥𝑦 − ∑𝑥 ∑𝑦
𝑁∑𝑥 2 − ∑x 2 𝑁∑𝑦 2 − ∑y 2


The item is valid if rxy > rtable


Table 4.5 Validity of Try out test

No Nama X Y X2 Y2 XY

1 ASB 1 39 1 1521 39
2 AET 0 35 0 1225 0
3 ANC 1 43 1 1849 43
4 AH 1 28 1 784 28
5 AA 0 44 0 1936 0
6 ARA 1 41 1 1681 41
7 CN 1 39 1 1521 39
8 DAA 0 34 0 1156 0
9 DM 0 43 0 1849 0
10 DA 1 43 1 1849 43
11 ENR 1 40 1 1600 40
12 ENC 0 16 0 256 0
13 FDA 1 41 1 1681 41
14 FAP 0 15 0 225 0
15 HNR 0 25 0 625 0
16 HI 1 32 1 1024 32
17 IJ 0 24 0 576 0
18 IAM 0 16 0 256 0
19 ITW 0 17 0 289 0
20 JWP 1 44 1 1936 44
21 LNK 0 33 0 1089 0
22 LAP 1 36 1 1296 36
23 MM 1 33 1 1089 33
24 N 0 30 0 900 0
25 PLS 1 38 1 1444 38
26 RDU 1 37 1 1369 37
27 RR 1 34 1 1156 34
28 SA 0 17 0 289 0
29 S 1 34 1 1156 34
30 TSH 1 34 1 1156 34
31 UZS 1 35 1 1225 35
32 WAP 1 38 1 1444 38
Sum 19 19
1058 37452 709

Where: N =32 X = 19 Y = 1058 X2 = 19 Y2 = 37452 ΣXY = 709


𝑁∑𝑥𝑦 − ∑𝑥 ∑𝑦
𝑁∑𝑥 2 − ∑x 2 𝑁∑𝑦 2 − ∑y 2

For instance item number 1 calculated:

(32)(709)− 19 1058
32(19)− 19 2 32(37452 )− 1058 2

247 𝑥 79.100

rxy= = 0.585
4420 .147

From the computation above, the result of computing validity

of the item number 1 is 0.585. After that, the researcher consulted the

result to the table of r Product Moment with the number of subject (N)

= 32 and significance level 5% it is 0.349. The result of the

computation is higher than r in table, the index of validity of the item

number 1 is considered to be valid. The list of the validity of each item

can be seen in appendix.

b. Reliability

A good test must be valid and reliable. Besides the index of

validity, Reliability refers to the consistency of test scores. Besides

having high validity, a good test should have high reliability too.

Alpha formula is used to know reliability of test is K - R. 20

𝑛 ∑𝑝𝑞
r11 = 1−
𝑛−1 𝑠2

Calculation result of r11 is compared with rtable of product

moment by 5% degree of significance. If r11 is higher than rtable , the

item of question is reliable.

The proportion of students who give the right answer 19

p= = 32 = 0.594
The number of students

The proportion of students who give the wrong answer 13

q= = = 0.406
The number of students 32

∑pq = 9.424

∑𝑌 2
∑𝑌 𝑁
𝑠𝑡2 = 𝑁

1058 2

37452 32
𝑠𝑡2 = 32

2471 .875
𝑠𝑡2 = = 77.246

From formula above, we can analyze:

32 9.424
r11 = 1 − 77.246

r11 = 1.032 (1-0.122)

r11 = 0.906

From the computation above, it is found out that r11 (the total

of reliability test) is 0.906, whereas the number of subjects is 32 and

the critical value for r-table with significance level 5% is 0.349. Thus,

the value resulted from the computation is higher than its critical

value. It could be concluded that the instrument used in this research is


2. Normality and homogeneity

a. Normality

Normality test is used to test the sample from the population

whether they have normal distribution or not. In this research, the

researcher used the Liliefors for the normality. The samples are called

normal distribution if Lmaximum is lower than Ltable with α = 0.05

Table 4.6 The Normality Post Test in Experimental Class

Variable F (x-𝑥)2 Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

45 1 328.5156 -2.24542 0.012371 0.03125 -0.01888
50 3 172.2656 -1.62599 0.051976 0.125 -0.07302
55 3 66.01563 -1.00657 0.157072 0.21875 -0.06168
60 10 9.765625 -0.38714 0.349326 0.53125 -0.18192
65 6 3.515625 0.232284 0.591841 0.71875 -0.12691
70 5 47.26563 0.85171 0.802812 0.875 -0.07219
75 4 141.0156 1.471135 0.929373 1.00 -0.07063
Jumlah 32
(See Appendix)
The criteria of the test:

Data is normal distribution if Lo max < L tabel

0.886 0.886
The value of Lt: = = 0.157
𝑛 32

The explanation of the table above is as follows:

The result of normality test of the post test data of the students

after given the treatment by teaching them using hyponymy shows that

the highest score (Lmaximum) is -0.18192 and Ltable for n= 32 is 0.157, its

means that Lmax is lower than Ltable. So the sample is in normal


b. Homogeneity

The homogeneity test is used to know whether the two samples

of experimental group and control group are homogenous. In this

research, the homogeneity test was measured by comparing the

obtained score (Fscore) with Ftable. Thus, if the obtained score was lower

than the Ftable or equal, it could be said that Ho was accepted. It means

that the variance was homogenous

Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test

Variant Sources Experimental Control

Sum 2360 2110
N 32 32
X 73.75 65.93
Variants (s2) 59.675 66.82
Standard deviation (s) 7.725 8.174

The formula of the test of homogeneity as follow:

𝐵𝑖𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
F = 𝑆𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

F = 7.725

F = 1.058

In this calculation, the value of Fscore is 1.058 then this value

was compared with Ftable with df1 (3 – 1 = 2) and df2 (32 – 3= 29) the

level of significance is 5% (α = 0.05) the value of Ftable was 3.33.

Because the value of Fscore is smaller than Ftable (1.058< 3.33) it means

the data is homogeneous.

C. Hypothesis Test

After counting standard deviation and variance, it could be concluded

that both groups have no differences in the test of similarity between two

variances in post-test score. So, to differentiate whether the students’ results

of vocabulary in experimental and control group were significant or not, the

researcher used t-test to test the hypothesis that had been mentioned in the

chapter two. The researcher used formula:

𝑥1 − 𝑥2
t= 1 1
𝑠 +
𝑛1 𝑛1


𝑛 1 −1 𝑆21 𝑛 1 −1 𝑆21
S= 𝑛 1 + 𝑛 2 −2

The first the researcher had to find out S by using the formula above:

31 59.675 + 31 66.82
32 + 32 − 2


= 63.2475 = 7.953

After S was found, the next step was to measure t-test:

𝑥1 − 𝑥2
t= 1 1
𝑠 +
𝑛1 𝑛1

73.75 − 65.93
1 1
7.953 +
32 32

= = 4.295

After getting t-test result, then it would be consulted to the critical

score of ttable to check whether the difference is significant or not. For α = 5%

with df 32 + 32 – 2 = 62, it was found ttable = 1.998 Because of tscore > ttable, so

it could be concluded that there was significance of difference between the

experimental and control group.

It means that experimental group was better that control group after

getting treatments. Since the obtained t-score was higher than the critical

score on the table, the difference was statistically significant. Therefore, based

on the computation there was a significance difference vocabulary

achievement score between students were taught using hyponymy and those

were taught without using hyponymy for the first grade students of SMP N 1

Tawangsari. It can be seen from the result of the test where the students taught

hyponymy got higher scores than the students taught without using


D. Discussion

Hyponymy is effective to teach vocabulary for the first grade students of

SMP N 1 Tawangsari in the academic year of 2015/2016

There are two groups of experimental research, they are experimental

group and control group. In this research, source of data that become as

experimental group was VII E class. Experimental group was given the

treatment. They were taught by using hyponymy in teaching vocabulary,

while VII D class as control group of this research. There was not treatment in

the group. They were taught by the teacher, using Translation. The data can

be discussed as follow:

The data were obtained from the students’ pre test and post test score

in experimental group which taught by using hyponymy. The data of pre test

shows that the score is 45 up to 75. It means that the lowest score in

experimental group is 45, while the highest score is 75. The mean is 63.125,

the mode is 59.7, the median is 69.8 and the standard deviation is 4.516. The

frequency of the students who have score 45 – 50 with interval 44.5 – 50.5 is

4. The frequency of the students who have score 51 – 56 with interval 50.5 –

56.5 is 3. The frequency of the students who have score 57 – 62 with interval

56.5 – 62.5 is 10. The frequency of the students who have score 63 – 68 with

interval 62.5 – 68.5 is 6. The frequency of the students who have score 69 –

74 with interval 68.5 – 74.5 is 5. The frequency of the students who have

score 75 – 80 with interval 74.5 – 80.5 is 4.

The data of post test in experimental class shows that the score is 55

up to 85. It means that the lowest score in experimental group is 55, while the

highest score is 85. The mean is 73.75, the mode is 74.805, the median is 81.7

and the standard deviation is 4.541. The frequency of the students who have

score 55-60 with interval 54.5 – 60.5 is 2. The frequency of the students who

have score 61 – 66 with interval 60.5 – 66.5 is 3. The frequency of the

students who have score 67 - 72 with interval 66.5 – 72.5 is 6. The frequency

of the students who have score 73 – 78 with interval 72.5 – 78.5 is 12. The

frequency of the students who have score 79 – 84 with interval 78.5 – 84.5 is

5. The frequency of the students who have score 85 – 90 with interval 84.5 –

90.5 is 4.

From the data above, it can be concluded that the students’ score in

post test is higher that the students’ score in pre test. It can be proved from the

mean score of post test (73.75) is higher that the mean score of pre test

(63.125). From calculating of hypothesis test between pre test and post test

score show that to (4.295) is higher that ttable (1.998). It shows that Ha is

accepted and Ho is rejected. It means that there is significant increase in

vocabulary mastery for students who taught by using hyponymy.


There were two groups in this research, experimental class and control

class VII E was experimental who were taught using hyponymy and the first

grade students of VII D was control class who were taught by the teacher,

using translation. The experiment shows that hyponymy is more effective than

translation in teaching vocabulary, especially for the first grade students in

SMP N 1 Tawangsari. It is known from the students score. The students’

score from the experimental class are different from those who are in the

control class. The lowest score in the experimental class is 55, while in the

control class is 45. Then, the highest score in the experimental class is 85,

while in the control class is 80. The mean score of the both classes are also

different. The mean score of the experimental class is 73.75, while in the

control class is 65.93. The scores show that using hyponymy is more effective

for teaching vocabulary for the first grade students. it is known from the result

of T-test score. The value of T-test (4.295) is higher than Ttable (1.998). it

means that there is significant difference in vocabulary for the students taught

by using hyponymy than the students taught by translation. T-test score also

shows that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.

Based on computation above, it can be seen that Hyponymy is more

effective to teaching vocabulary for the first grade students of SMPN 1




In this chapter contains the research conclusion, implication and suggestions.

The conclusions are explained from the analysis of the research findings. Meanwhile,

the recommendations are expected to give a contribution for the teacher, students, and

other researcher.

A. Conclusion

The objective of the study is to find out the effectiveness of using

Hyponymy in teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SMPN 1 Tawangsari in

the academic year 2015/2016. After conducting the research, the researcher

found out some result. The result of the t-test computation of post-test

between experiment and control group shows that tscore is 4.295 while the ttable

for the degree of freedom 62 and the level of significance α = 0.05 we got ttable

is 1.998. Ha is accepted when the score in tscore is higher than ttable. Then Ho is

accepted when the score in tscore is lower than ttable. It can be seen from the

explanation above, that tscore is higher than ttable. It can be concluded that “The

use of hyponymy is effective to teach vocabulary for first grade students of

SMPN 1 Tawangsari academic year 2015/2016.”


B. Implication

The results of the research show that Hyponymy is more effective and

give significance different in teaching vocabulary. The use of the technique is

able to make the students achievement in vocabulary test higher that the

Translation which is used by the teacher in SMP N 1 Tawangsari. It implies

that using Hyponymy is more effective to be applied in teaching vocabulary in

the first grade students of Junior High School students.

C. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are suggestion for the teachers,

the students and the researcher as follows:

1. For the teacher

The teachers can adopt or apply this technique in teaching

vocabulary especially, in order to improve the students’ basic vocabulary.

The teacher should try new technique in teaching English to improve the

students’ skill effectively to develop and explore their ideas in teaching

vocabulary and the teacher should give motivation in or out the class to

make the students fun and enjoy when the teaching learning process is


2. For the students

To improve students’ vocabulary, they should not be lazy to look

for the difficult meaning in the dictionary. They have to be confident to

apply what they have learned. The students should be brave to give

comment, suggestion, and critics to their friends’ work because it can

improve their knowledge in grammar, vocabulary and other aspects. The

students can improve their vocabulary with their learning style because

every student has the different characteristic.

3. For the other researchers

The research is hoped to be the experience in teaching learning

process, especially in teaching vocabulary. The researcher also hopes this

research can be a little contribution to teach English vocabulary. Other

researcher can develop with their other material which is suitable for the

teaching learning process of English lesson. However, this research can be

starting point to investigate the topic more complete.



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Appendix 2



Nama sekolah : SMP N 1 Tawangsari

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester : VII (Tujuh) / 2

Materi Pokok : Descriptive text

Alokasi waktu : 2x pertemuan (4 x 40 menit)

A. Standar kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

B. Kompetensi dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sangat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/procedure.

C. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:

- Dapat dipercaya (trustworthings)
- Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)
- Tekun (diligence)
- Bertangung jawab (responsible)
- Berani (courage)

D. Tujuan pembelajaran
1. Siswa dihararapkan mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog lisan
berbentuk descriptive
2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive
3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks descriptive

E. Materi pembelajaran
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
Descriptive text
1. Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text that describe about person, place, or things.
2. The function of descriptive text
To describe a particular place/thing/person
3. The generic structure of descriptive text:
 Identification (mention the special participant)
 Description (mention the part, quality. And characteristics of subject being
4. Language feature
 Simple present tense
 The use of adjectives and compound adjective
Ex: Doni has black hair
He looks handsome and clever
 The use of attribute has and have
5. Example of descriptive text (topic: flora and fauna)

Title: my cat
Identification I have cat. Its name is “si manis”
Description It has black and white fur. It has four legs and long tail. It
likes fish, salty fish, and milk. It usually meows when it feels

F. Metode pembelajaran:

G. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

Kegiatan Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 1. Mengucapkan salam 10 menit
kemudian memulai
pelajaran dengan do’a.
2. Mengecek kesiapan
3. Mengecek kehadiran
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi 60 menit
1. Guru memperkenalkan
kepada siswa tentang
descriptive text.
2. Guru memberitahukan
tentang teknik
hyponymy untuk
menambah kosa kata
3. Guru memberikan
instruksi tentang
prosedur hyponymy.
1. Guru memberikan
kategori list kepada
masing-masing siswa.
2. Guru memerintahkan
siswa menuliskan
banyaknya kata yang
mungkin dibawah
kategori pada selembar
3. Setelah waktu yang
ditentukan, siswa

menukarkan kertas
mereka ke siswa
berikutnya yang
kemudian akan
menambahkan kata yang
belum di list.
4. Kertas tersebut
ditukarkan sampai setiap
siswa mendapatkan
kertas mereka sendiri.
5. Guru meminta siswa
mengecek ejaan dengan
kamus dan siswa
mendapatkan kosa kata
baru yang baru saja dia
1. Guru memberikan
umpan balik pada siswa
dengan memberi
penguatan dengan
bentuk lisan pada siswa
yang telah dapat
2. Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa
yang belum atau kurang
aktif berpartisipasi.
3. Guru menanyakan
kesulitan siswa
(mengulangi penjelasan
materi yang telah
disampaikan bersama-
sama dengan peserta
Kegiatan Akhir 1. Guru bersama peserta 10 menit
didik menyimpulkan
materi yang telah

2. Mengakhiri pertemuan
dengan mengucap
hamdalah bersama dan
mengucap salam.


Kegiatan Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 1. Mengucapkan salam 10 menit
kemudian memulai
pelajaran dengan do’a.
2. Mengecek kesiapan
3. Mengecek kehadiran
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi 60 menit
1. Guru memberitahukan
tema hyponymy.
2. Guru memberikan
instruksi tentang
prosedur hyponymy.
1. Guru memberikan
kategori list kepada
masing-masing siswa.
2. Guru memerintahkan
siswa menuliskan
banyaknya kata yang
mungkin dibawah
kategori pada selembar
3. Setelah waktu yang
ditentukan, siswa
menukarkan kertas
mereka ke siswa
berikutnya yang
kemudian akan
menambahkan kata yang

belum di list.
4. Kertas tersebut
ditukarkan sampai setiap
siswa mendapatkan
kertas mereka sendiri.
5. Guru meminta siswa
mengecek ejaan dengan
kamus dan siswa
mendapatkan kosa kata
baru yang baru saja dia
1. Guru memberikan
umpan balik pada siswa
dengan memberi
penguatan dengan
bentuk lisan pada siswa
yang telah dapat
2. Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa
yang belum atau kurang
aktif berpartisipasi.
3. Guru menanyakan
kesulitan siswa
(mengulangi penjelasan
materi yang telah
disampaikan bersama-
sama dengan peserta
Kegiatan Akhir 1. Guru bersama peserta 10 menit
didik menyimpulkan
materi yang telah
2. Mengakhiri pertemuan
dengan mengucap
hamdalah bersama dan
mengucap salam.

H. Sumber Belajar
 Buku paket yang relevan (English in Focus for Junior High School, Grade VII)
 Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kurikulum yang
Berlaku dan Paduan Belajar Siswa Sportif Sarana Belajar Siswa Aktif

I. Penilaian
 Teknik : Menjawab teks fungsional descriptive secara tertulis
 Bentuk : Pilihan ganda

Pedoman Penilaian : Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 1, jawaban salah 0


Tawangsari, 14 Mei 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Sri Minarni.Spd Endah Setyo Rini

NIP. NIM. 123221089




Nama sekolah : SMP N 1 Tawangsari

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/semester : VII (Tujuh) / 2

Materi Pokok : Descriptive text

Alokasi waktu : 2x pertemuan (4 x 40 menit)

A. Standar kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sangat sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

B. Kompetensi dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esai pendek sangat sederhana dengan
menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan terdekat dalam teks berbentuk descriptive/procedure.

C. Karakter siswa yang diharapkan:

- Dapat dipercaya (trustworthings)
- Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect)
- Tekun (diligence)
- Bertangung jawab (responsible)
- Berani (courage)

D. Tujuan pembelajaran
1. Siswa dihararapkan mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi dalam teks monolog lisan
berbentuk descriptive

2. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan teks descriptive

3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social teks descriptive

E. Materi pembelajaran
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana
berbentuk descriptive dan procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan
Descriptive text
1. Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text that describe about person, place, or things.
2. The function of descriptive text
To describe a particular place/thing/person
3. The generic structure of descriptive text:
 Identification (mention the special participant)
 Description (mention the part, quality. And characteristics of subject being
4. Language feature
 Simple present tense
 The use of adjectives and compound adjective
Ex: Doni has black hair
He looks handsome and clever
 The use of attribute has and have
5. Example of descriptive text (topic: flora and fauna)

Title: my cat
Identification I have cat. Its name is “si manis”
Description it has black and white fur. It has four legs and long tail. It
likes fish, salty fish, and milk. It usually meows when it feels

F. Metode pembelajaran:

G. Langkah-langkah kegiatan

Kegiatan Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 1. Mengucapkan salam 10 menit
kemudian memulai
pelajaran dengan do’a.
2. Mengecek kesiapan
3. Mengecek kehadiran
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi 60 menit
1. Mendengarkan contoh
descriptive text yang
dibaca oleh guru.
2. Menirukan kata-kata
yang diucapkan guru.
3. Menjawab/merespon
pertanyaan tentang isi,
tujuan dalam bentuk
1. Guru memberikan text
descriptive dan
memberikan waktu
untuk membaca.
2. Guru meminta siswa
untuk menemukan kata-
kata sulit di dalam
descriptive text dengan
membuka kamus.
3. Guru membimbing
siswa yang kesulitan.
1. Guru memberikan
umpan balik pada siswa
dengan memberi
penguatan dengan
bentuk lisan pada siswa

yang telah dapat

2. Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa
yang belum atau kurang
aktif berpartisipasi.
3. Guru menanyakan
kesulitan siswa
(mengulangi penjelasan
materi yang telah
disampaikan bersama-
sama dengan peserta
Kegiatan Akhir 1. Guru bersama peserta 10 menit
didik menyimpulkan
materi yang telah
2. Mengakhiri pertemuan
dengan mengucap
hamdalah bersama dan
mengucap salam.


Kegiatan Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran Alokasi Waktu

Kegiatan Pendahuluan 1. Mengucapkan salam 10 menit
kemudian memulai
pelajaran dengan do’a.
2. Mengecek kesiapan
3. Mengecek kehadiran
Kegiatan Inti Eksplorasi 60 menit
1. Mendengarkan contoh
descriptive text yang
dibaca oleh guru.
2. Menirukan kata-kata
yang diucapkan guru.

3. Menjawab/merespon
pertanyaan tentang isi,
tujuan dalam bentuk
1. Guru memberikan text
descriptive dan
memberikan waktu
untuk membaca.
2. Guru meminta siswa
untuk menemukan kata-
kata sulit di dalam
descriptive text dengan
membuka kamus.
3. Guru membimbing
siswa yang kesulitan.
1. Guru memberikan
umpan balik pada siswa
dengan memberi
penguatan dengan
bentuk lisan pada siswa
yang telah dapat
2. Guru memberikan
motivasi kepada siswa
yang belum atau kurang
aktif berpartisipasi.
3. Guru menanyakan
kesulitan siswa
(mengulangi penjelasan
materi yang telah
disampaikan bersama-
sama dengan peserta
Kegiatan Akhir 1. Guru bersama peserta 10 menit
didik menyimpulkan
materi yang telah

2. Mengakhiri pertemuan
dengan mengucap
hamdalah bersama dan
mengucap salam.

H. Sumber Belajar
 Buku paket yang relevan (English in Focus for Junior High School, Grade VII)
 Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kurikulum yang
Berlaku dan Paduan Belajar Siswa Sportif Sarana Belajar Siswa Aktif

I. Penilaian
 Teknik : Menjawab teks fungsional descriptive secara tertulis
 Bentuk : Pilihan ganda

Pedoman Penilaian : Tiap jawaban benar diberi skor 1, jawaban salah 0


Tawangsari, 23 Mei 2016

Guru Bahasa Inggris Peneliti

Sri Minarni S.pd Endah Setyo Rini

NIP. NIM. 123221089


Appendix 3


NO Try Out Class Experimental Class Control Class



Appendix 4


Operational Definition Indicator Number of item Total

Vocabulary mastery is
students’ complete Translation 9, 13, 17, 19, 32, 34, 9
knowledge about the 37, 46, 50
total number of
particular language Synonym 2, 8, 25, 36, 38, 40, 9
concerning with words 42, 43, 45
and also the meaning of Antonym 1, 7, 12, 23, 26, 30, 8
words. 33, 44
It deals with students’
Kind of Word 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 16, 21, 11
understanding about
24, 27, 39, 47
Translation, Synonym,
Antonym, Kind of
Meaning 10, 15, 18, 20, 28, 29, 8
Word, Meaning, and
35, 48

Arranging 3, 22, 31, 41, 49 5


Appendix 5
Name :
No :
Class :

Read following the text and then answer the questions number 1-5!

My aunt has a unique plant which I have never seen before. She says it is jeruk kingkit.
She also explains that some people call it kalijage, jeruk rante, lemo-lemo, or joji koyo. My aunt
planted it in a big pot. The plant is about one meter tall.

The plant has small fruits, as my finger tips. They are green when young and red when
ripe. Its leaves are dark green and its flowers are white. They are thorns on the trunk and

1. What is antonym of dark?

a. Shadow c. Bright
b. Narrow d. Light
2. What is synonym of big?
a. Large c. Biggest
b. Little d. Small
3. Please arrange into good sentences “Fruits-Its-small-are”
a. 2-1-4-3 c. 2-4-1-3
b. 1-2-4-3 d. 3-4-1-2
4. “My aunt has a unique plant which I have never seen before.”
The word “unique” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adverb
b. Adjective d. Verb
5. “They are green when young and red when ripe.”
The word “young” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Verb

Read following the text and then answer the questions number 6-10!

Ms. Shirley is our science teacher. She is originally from Padang, but now live near our
school. She is our favorite teacher. Do you know why? Because her lessons are interesting and
we can understand her explanations easily. We are very good at science because of her.

Ms, Shirley is beautiful and charming. She has white complexion, a sharp nose, big eyes,
and thick eyebrows. She also has a dimple on her right cheek. She wears a veil everyday.

6. “She is our favorite teacher.”

The word “teacher” includes word of kind…
a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Adverb d. Noun
7. What is antonym of near?
a. There c. Close
b. Nearby d. Far
8. Ms. Shirley is beautiful and charming. (paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Smart c. Pretty
b. Funny d. Ugly
9. Please translate in Indonesia. “She has big eyes”
a. Dia mempuyai mata besar c. Dia mempunyai mata-mata besar
b. Dia mempunyai besar mata d. Dia mempunyai mata
10. We can understand her explanation easily.
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Sangat mudah c. Dengan mudah
b. Dimudahkan d. Mudah

Read following the text and then answer the question number 11-15!

Mrs. Hasanah is a headmaster in a Junior High School. She leads the school perfectly. They are
many teachers in her school. She is a woman, but she does her job well. She is very wise and
discipline. Many teachers and students like her. She goes to school by her car. Mr. Darto, her

driver, drives it for her. He is a good driver. She needs fifteen minutes to get to school. She goes
to school at 06.30 in the morning and goes to home at 01.30 in the afternoon.

11. “Mrs. Hasanah is a headmaster in a Junior High School.”

The word “headmaster” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Verb
12. What is antonym of good?
a. Better c. Well
b. Ugly d. Bad
13. Please translate into English “Bu hasanah adalah seorang kepala sekolah”
a. Mrs. Hasanah is a leader c. Mrs. Hasanah is a student
b. Mrs. Hasanah is a Headmaster d. Mrs. Hasanah is a teacher
14. “She leads the school perfectly.”
The word “perfectly” includes word of kind…
a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Adverb
15. Many teacher and students like her
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Sama c. Seperti
b. Sependapat d. Suka

Read following the text and then answer the question number 16-20!

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than
me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty
at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is
the best badminton player in our family.

16. “He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile”.
The word “he” includes word of kind…

a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Adverb d. Verb
17. “Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis”
The underlined phrase can be translate…
a. Peter tertarik pada olahraga sangat
b. Peter sangat tertarik pada olahraga
c. Peter sangat menyukai olahraga
d. Peter suka olahraga
18. What is the mean of “friendly”?
a. Teman c. Sopan
b. Berkawan d. Ramah
19. Translate into English “Peter rajin”…
a. Peter is unfriendly c. Peter is naughty
b. Peter is diligent d. peter is Lazy
20. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Rajin c. Nakal
b. Malas d. Baik hati

Read following the text and then answer the question number 21-26!

Agnes Monica Muljoto is a famous singer coming from Indonesia. She was born on 1 st
July 1986 in Jakarta. She is slim and tall. Her height is 165 cm. her weight is 45 kg. She usually
wears casual clothes such as T-shirt and jeans.

She is very multitalented. She can sing, dance, and act. She released her first album
entitled And The Story Goes and continue to release her second albums entitled Whaddup A...?.
Now, she has three albums and many single songs. She always dances while singing her songs.
She acts in many movies such as Lupus Milenia and Pernikahan Dini. She gets many
achievements such as becoming the most favorite female MTV Indonesia Award.

21. “Agnes Monica Muljoto is a famous singer coming from Indonesia.”

The word “famous” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Verb
22. Arrange into good sentences “Agnes-talented-artist-is-a-very”
a. 1-5-6-4-3-2 c. 3-2-1-5-4-6
b. 1-4-5-6-2-3 d. 3-1-2-6-4-5
23. “She is slim and tall”. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
a. Fat c. High
b. Long d. Short
24. What kind of word “t-shirt”?
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Adverb
25. She usually wears casual clothes such as T-shirt and jeans.
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Fashionable c. Informal
b. Formal d. Stylish
26. “She is slim and tall”. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
a. Short c. High
b. Thin d. Fat

Read following the text and then answer the question number 27-32!

My name is Kevin. My parents’ names are Mr and Mrs Steward. I have two elder sisters.
Their names are Jessica and Hanna. We like travelling. The place that we often visit is Bali.
Almost every holiday, we go to my grandfather’s house in Bali. He has a restaurant near Kuta
beach. The restaurant faces directly to the beach so that the people in the restaurant can see the
sunset. The tourists like to visit my grandfather’s restaurant.

27. What kind of word “travelling”?

a. Verb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Adverb

28. “The restaurant faces directly to the beach”.

What does the bold word mean?
a. Berlangsung c. Langsung
b. Dengan langsung d. Secara langsung
29. “He has a restaurant near Kuta beach”.
What does the bold word mean?
a. Jauh c. Dekat
b. Berseberangan d. Melewati
30. What is antonym of “often”?
a. Soon c. Immediately
b. Slow d. Rare
31. Please arrange into good sentence “go-we-to-house-my grandfather’s”.
a. 4-5-1-3-2 c. 2-1-3-5-4
b. 2-5-1-3-4 d. 2-1-5-3-4
32. Please translate into Indonesian “ I have two elder sisters”
a. Saya mempunyai dua saudara perempuan
b. Saya mempunyai dua kakak perempuan
c. Saya mempunyai dua adik perempuan
d. Saya mempunyai dua kakak

Read following the text and then answer the question number 33-37!

My best friend

I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her name is Rohmi.
Rohmi is a quite girl and very simple on the look. However, I really adore her. She is not only
kind but also tough.

Rohmi comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and her mother
has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In order to help their father,
Rohmi and her brother work part-time to earn some money. Rohmi sells food during our class
break, while her brother sells newspapers and magazines after school.

One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well, and she
always looks cheerful.

33. What is antonym of “young”?

a. Adult c. Old
b. Child d. Teenager
34. “…Rohmi and her brother work part-time”
The underlined words can be translate…
a. Kerja bagian waktu c. Kerja paruh waktu
b. Kerja setengah hari d. Kerja dengan waktu
35. Her mother has passed away.
What does the bold word mean?
a. Mati c. Meninggalkan
b. Meninggal d. Pingsan
36. What is synonym of “cheerful”?
a. Fun c. Joyful
b. Happy d. Enjoy
37. Please translate into Indonesia “She always looks cheerful”
a. Dia selalu terlihat senang c. Dia selalu terlihat riang gembira
b. Dia selalu terlihat murung d. Dia selalu terlihat manja

Read following the text and then answer the question number 38-40!

Yogyakarta is and artwork buyer’s paradise because a lot of famous artist originated from this
place. These famous artists have influenced local artisans in silver, leather, batik and other
branches of craft. Even wood, rattan and bamboo can be made into very attractive craft items.
Not only for home, but also used in international hotels. One can find these items easily in
several stores along Malioboro Street, the main street of Yogyakarta.

38. “…because a lot of well known artist originated from this place.”
The underlined word has the same meaning with…

a. Very good c. Very well

b. Beautiful d. Famous
39. “…artist originated from this place.”
The word “artist” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Adverb
40. “One can find these items easily in several stores along Malioboro Street, …”
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Street c. Shops
b. Items d. Hotels

Read following the text and then answer the question number 41-45!

The Terrifying Headmaster

Mr. Tucker is the headmaster of my school. He does not wear glasses. His eyes always
frighten me even when I refuse to face them. They are sharp, hard, and cold, and he uses them
like a whip.

He always washes his hands in an enamel basin in the corner of the room. After he has
washed them, he will walk over to his desk and stand behind is looking at the pupils while he
dries his hands on a small, white towel. He dries each finger separately, beginning with the first
finger. His fingers are long and white. He rubs them briskly without losing the effect of
deliberation and as he rubs them, he looks at us with his eyes.

No one moves while he dries his hands, no one speaks. When he finishes, he will fold the
towel and put it in the desk drawer. Then, he will awkwardly smile at us.

He really terrifies me.

41. Arrange into good sentences “headmaster-my-in-is-school-mr.tucker”

a. 1-3-4-6-5-2 c. 6-4-1-5-3-2
b. 1-3-2-5-4-6 d. 6-4-5-3-1-2

42. “He dries each finger separately…”

The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Wash c. Divide
b. Fold d. Corner
43. What is synonym of “Awkward”?
a. Clumsy c. Awkwardly
b. Mysterious d. Intend
44. What is antonym of “finish”?
a. Start c. Up
b. On d. Started
45. He does not wear glasses.
The bold word has the same meaning with…
a. Put c. Use
b. Loose d. Took

Read following the text and then answer the question number 46-50!

Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago. It is in the south of the equator and has
warm weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali
is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere is
quite close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mouth Agung, a volcano, is 3.142 meters
high and is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and
many religious festivals.
Tourist is the most important industry. Many tourist visit Bali to see beautiful scenery
and interesting festivals, to swim in the warm seas, to look at beautiful mountains and valleys,
and to shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.
46. Please translate in Indonesia. “Bali is an island in Indonesia”
a. Bali adalah sebuah daerah di Indonesia
b. Bali adalah sebuah negara di Indonesia
c. Bali adalah sebuah wilayah di Indonesia
d. Bali adalah sebuah pulau di Indonesia

47. “Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago”.

The word “Bali” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Noun
48. “To look at beautiful mountains and valley”.
The underlined word means…
a. Lembah c. Sungai
b. Tebing d. Gurun
49. Please arrange into good sentence. The-rainy-is-November-season”
a. 2-1-4-5-3 c. 1-2-4-5-3
b. 2-1-4-3-5 d. 1-2-5-3-4
50. Translate into English “Bali mempunyai empat musim”
a. Bali is one of tourist destination in Indonesia
b. Bali is beautiful and interesting
c. Bali is surrounding by the sea
d. Bali has four seasons

Appendix 6


1. D 16. A 31. C 46. B

2. A 17. B 32. B 47. D
3. A 18. D 33. C 48. A
4. B 19. B 34. C 49. D
5. B 20. C 35. B 50. D
6. D 21. C 36. C
7. D 22. B 37. C
8. C 23. D 38. D
9. A 24. A 39. A
10. C 25. C 40. C
11. C 26. D 41. B
12. D 27. C 42. C
13. B 28. D 43. A
14. D 29. C 44. A
15. D 30. D 45. C

Appendix 7
Name :
No :
Class :

Read following the text and then answer the question number 1-5!

Mrs. Hasanah is a headmaster in a Junior High School. She leads the school perfectly. They are
many teachers in her school. She is a woman, but she does her job well. She is very wise and
discipline. Many teachers and students like her. She goes to school by her car. Mr. Darto, her
driver, drives it for her. He is a good driver. She needs fifteen minutes to get to school. She goes
to school at 06.30 in the morning and goes to home at 01.30 in the afternoon.

1. “She is very wise and discipline”. The word “discipline” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Verb
b. Noun d. Adjective
2. Translate into Indonesia “Mrs. Hasanah goes to school by car.”
a. Ibu Hasanah pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda
b. Ibu Hasanah pergi ke sekolah dengan mobil
c. Ibu Hasanah pulang ke sekolah dengan sepeda
d. Ibu Hasanah pulang ke sekolah dengan mobil
3. “Mr. Darto, her driver, drives it for her in the morning.”
The word “driver” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Adverb d. Verb
4. What is the meaning of “duty”?
a. Pekerjaaan c. Kewajiban
b. Tanggung jawab d. Tugas
5. What is antonym of “good”?
a. Fine c. Bad
b. Worse d. Well

Read following the text and then answer the question number 6-10!

Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo and east of Merapi and Merbabu Mountains.
This regency has been known for its production of fresh milk for a long time, no wonder, the
cow statues adorn Boyolali town. There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. They are displayed
in different places. The statues are made of concrete. The color and the shape are made in such a
way to resemble the real cows. However, the size is made bigger to catch the eye.

Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn out to be helped for people from out of
town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mention that position of the statue, people
can get their way easily.

6. Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo.

The underlined word means…
a. Provinsi c. Kabupaten
b. Tempat d. Tujuan
7. Translate into Indonesia “A town called Boyolali”…
a. Kota di namai Boyolali c. Kota di sebut Boyolali
b. Kota Boyolali d. Kota sebutan Boyolali
8. What is synonym of “adorn”?
a. Decorate c. Garnish
b. Decoration d. Adorning
9. “….such a way to resemble the real cows”.
The underlined word means…
a. Hampir c. Berbeda
b. Persis d. Menyerupai
10. What is antonym of “different”?
a. Distance c. Almost
b. Same d. Difference

Read following the text and then answer the question number 11-13!

Yogyakarta is and artwork buyer’s paradise because a lot of famous artist originated from this
place. These famous artists have influenced local artisans in silver, leather, batik and other
branches of craft. Even wood, rattan and bamboo can be made into very attractive craft items.
Not only for home, but also used in international hotels. One can find these items easily in
several stores along Malioboro Street, the main street of Yogyakarta.

11. “…because a lot of well known artist originated from this place.”
The underlined word has the same meaning with …
a. Very good c. Very well
b. Beautiful d. Famous
12. “…artist originated from this place.”
The word “artist” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Adverb
13. “One can find these items easily in several stores along Malioboro Street, …”
The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
a. Street c. Shops
b. Items d. Hotels
Read following the text and then answer the questions number 14-15!

My aunt has a unique plant which I have never seen before. She says it is jeruk kingkit.
She also explains that some people call it kalijage, jeruk rante, lemo-lemo, or joji koyo. My aunt
planted it in a big pot. The plant is about one meter tall.

The plant has small fruits, as my finger tips. They are green when young and red when
ripe. Its leaves are dark green and its flowers are white. They are thorns on the trunk and

14. What is antonym of big?

a. Small c. Little
b. Bigger d. Rare

15. “They are green when young and red when ripe.”
The word “young” includes word kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Verb

Read following the text and then answer the questions number 16-21!

Ms. Shirley is our science teacher. She is originally from Padang, but now live near our
school. She is our favorite teacher. Do you know why? Because her lessons are interesting and
we can understand her explanations easily. We are very good at science because of her

Ms, Shirley is beautiful and charming. She has white complexion, a sharp nose, big eyes,
and thick eyebrows. She also has a dimple on her right cheek. She wears a veil everyday.

16. “Ms. Shirley is beautiful and charming”.

The word “beautiful” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Verb
17. Ms. Shirley is beautiful and charming. (paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Prettier c. Handsome
b. Pretty d. Ugly
18. Please translate in Indonesia. “Her lesson are interesting”
a. Pelajarannya menyenangkan c. Pelajarannya menarik
b. Pelajarannya membosankan d. Pelajarannnya membingungkan
19. She wears a veil everyday.
The underlined word means…
a. Kerudung c. Selendang
b. Baju d. Jubah
20. Translate into English “Ibu Shirley mempunyai mata besar”
a. Mrs. Shirley has eye c. Mrs. Shirley has big eye
b. Mrs. Shirley have eye d. Mrs. Shirley have big eye

21. Arrange into good sentences “She-a-wears-daily-veil”

a. 1-3-5-4-2 c. 1-3-2-5-4
b. 1-4-5-2-3 d. 3-1-4-2-5

Read following the text and then answer the question number 22-25!

My favorite toy is a doll. I named my doll Becky. I got it in my12th birthday. My dad
bought it for me when he has in England. Becky is 16 cm tall doll with plastic head, arms, and
legs and a white cloth stuffed body. Her body is covered with yellow, orange, and green flower
bud prints.

She has a long auburn-red brush-able hair, green eye. There are freckles on her cheek.
There are also two dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. They make her more
beautiful. I put her at my side when I sleep at night. I like my doll very much. I something ask
my friends to come to my house and play with Becky. They like Becky too.

22. What is antonym of “tall”?

a. Thin c. Short
b. Big d. Wide
23. “My favorite toy is a doll”. The underlined word means…
a. Permainan c. Bermain
b. Mainan d. Boneka
24. “They make her more beautiful.”
The word “they” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Verb d. Adjective
25. Please translate into English “Mainan kesukaanku adalah boneka”
a. My favorite toy is a doll c. My favorite play is a doll
b. My Special toy is a doll d. My special play is a doll

Read following the text and then answer the question number 26-30!

Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago. It is in the south of the equator and has
warm weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali
is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere
is quite close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mouth Agung, a volcano, is 3.142 meters
high and is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and
many religious festivals.
Tourist is the most important industry. Many tourist visit Bali to see beautiful scenery
and interesting festivals, to swim in the warm seas, to look at beautiful mountains and valleys,
and to shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.
26. Please arrange into good sentence “ Indonesia-Bali-an-in-island-is”
a. 2-6-3-5-4-1 c. 1-6-5-4-3-2
b. 2-6-5-4-3-1 d. 1-6-4-3-2-5
27. “Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago”.
The word “Bali” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Noun
28. To look at beautiful mountains and valley.
The underlined word means…
a. Lembah c. Sungai
b. Tebing d. Gurun
29. Please arrange into good sentence. The-rainy-is-November-season”
a. 2-1-4-5-3 c. 1-2-4-5-3
b. 2-1-4-3-5 d. 1-2-5-3-4
30. Translate into English “Bali mempunyai empat musim”
a. Bali is one of tourist destination in Indonesia
b. Bali is beautiful and interesting
c. Bali is surrounding by the sea
d. Bali has four seasons

Appendix 8


1. B 16. C
2. B 17. B
3. A 18. C
4. D 19. A
5. C 20. C
6. C 21. C
7. A 22. C
8. A 23. B
9. D 24. C
10. B 25. A
11. D 26. A
12. A 27. D
13. C 28. A
14. A 29. D
15. B 30. D

Appendix 9


Operational Definition Indicator Number of item Total

Vocabulary mastery is Translation 5, 7, 10, 18, 20, 27 6
students’ complete
knowledge about the Synonym 4, 21, 28, 30 4
total number of
particular language Antonym 1, 13, 23, 24 4
concerning with words
and also the meaning of
Kind of Word 2, 3, 9, 11, 15, 26, 29 7
It deals with students’
understanding about
Meaning 6, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25 6
Translation, Synonym,
Antonym, Kind of
Word, Meaning, and Arranging 8, 14, 17 3


Appendix 10


Name :
No :
Class :

Read following the text and then answer the questions number 1-2!

My aunt has a unique plant which I have never seen before. She says it is jeruk kingkit.
She also explains that some people call it kalijage, jeruk rante, lemo-lemo, or joji koyo. My aunt
planted it in a big pot. The plant is about one meter tall.

The plant has small fruits, as my finger tips. They are green when young and red when
ripe. Its leaves are dark green and its flowers are white. They are thorns on the trunk and

1. What is antonym of big?

a. Small c. Little
b. Bigger d. Rare
2. “They are green when young and red when ripe.”
The word “young” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Verb

Read following the text and then answer the questions number 3-8!

Ms. Shirley is our science teacher. She is originally from Padang, but now live near our
school. She is our favorite teacher. Do you know why? Because her lessons are interesting and
we can understand her explanations easily. We are very good at science because of her

Ms, Shirley is beautiful and charming. She has white complexion, a sharp nose, big eyes,
and thick eyebrows. She also has a dimple on her right cheek. She wears a veil everyday.

3. “Ms. Shirley is beautiful and charming”.

The word “beautiful” includes word kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Noun d. Verb
4. Ms. Shirley is beautiful and charming. (paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Prettier c. Handsome
b. Pretty d. Ugly
5. Please translate in Indonesia. “Her lesson are interesting”
a. Pelajarannya menyenangkan c. Pelajarannya menarik
b. Pelajarannya membosankan d. Pelajarannnya membingungkan
6. She wears a veil everyday.
The underlined word means…
a. Kerudung c. Selendang
b. Baju d. Jubah
7. Translate into English “Ibu Shirley mempunyai mata besar”
a. Mrs. Shirley has eye c. Mrs. Shirley has big eye
b. Mrs. Shirley have eye d. Mrs. Shirley have big eye
8. Arrange into good sentences “She-a-wears-daily-veil”
a. 1-3-5-4-2 c. 1-3-2-5-4
b. 1-4-5-2-3 d. 3-1-4-2-5

Read following the text and then answer the question number 9-13!

Mrs. Hasanah is a headmaster in a Junior High School. She leads the school perfectly. They are
many teachers in her school. She is a woman, but she does her job well. She is very wise and
discipline. Many teachers and students like her. She goes to school by her car. Mr. Darto, her
driver, drives it for her. He is a good driver. She needs fifteen minutes to get to school. She goes
to school at 06.30 in the morning and goes to home at 01.30 in the afternoon.

9. “She is very wise and discipline”. The word “discipline” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Verb
b. Noun d. Adjective

10. Translate into Indonesia “Mrs. Hasanah goes to school by car.”

a. Ibu Hasanah pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda
b. Ibu Hasanah pergi ke sekolah dengan mobil
c. Ibu Hasanah pulang ke sekolah dengan sepeda
d. Ibu Hasanah pulang ke sekolah dengan mobil
11. Mr. Darto, her driver, drives it for her in the morning.
The word “driver” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Adverb d. Verb
12. What is the meaning of “duty”?
a. Pekerjaaan c. Kewajiban
b. Tanggung jawab d. Tugas
13. What is antonym of “good”?
a. Fine c. Bad
b. Worse d. Well

Read following the text and then answer the question number 14-18!

Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago. It is in the south of the equator and has
warm weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali
is 120 kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere is
quite close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mouth Agung, a volcano, is 3.142 meters
high and is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and
many religious festivals.
Tourist is the most important industry. Many tourist visit Bali to see beautiful scenery
and interesting festivals, to swim in the warm seas, to look at beautiful mountains and valleys,
and to shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.
14. Please arrange into good sentence “ Indonesia-Bali-an-in-island-is”
a. 2-6-3-5-4-1 c. 1-6-5-4-3-2
b. 2-6-5-4-3-1 d. 1-6-4-3-2-5

15. “Bali is an island in the Indonesia archipelago”.

The word “Bali” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Noun
16. To look at beautiful mountains and valley.
The underlined word means…
a. Lembah c. Sungai
b. Tebing d. Gurun
17. Please arrange into good sentence. The-rainy-is-November-season”
a. 2-1-4-5-3 c. 1-2-4-5-3
b. 2-1-4-3-5 d. 1-2-5-3-4
18. Translate into English “Bali mempunyai empat musim”
a. Bali is one of tourist destination in Indonesia
b. Bali is beautiful and interesting
c. Bali is surrounding by the sea
d. Bali has four seasons

Read following the text and then answer the question number 19-23!

Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo and east of Merapi and Merbabu Mountains.
This regency has been known for its production of fresh milk for a long time, no wonder, the
cow statues adorn Boyolali town. There are six main cow statues in Boyolali. They are displayed
in different places. The statues are made of concrete. The color and the shape are made in such a
way to resemble the real cows. However, the size is made bigger to catch the eye.

Besides decorating the town, the statues also turn out to be helped for people from out of
town to find places they are seeking in Boyolali. By mention that position of the statue, people
can get their way easily.

19. Boyolali regency is located in north of Solo.

The underlined word means…
a. Provinsi c. Kabupaten
b. Tempat d. Tujuan

20. Translate into Indonesia “A town called Boyolali”…

a. Kota di namai Boyolali c. Kota di sebut Boyolali
b. Kota Boyolali d. Kota sebutan Boyolali
21. What is synonym of “adorn”?
a. Decorate c. Garnish
b. Decoration d. Adorning
22. “….such a way to resemble the real cows”.
What does the underlined word meaning?
a. Hampir c. Berbeda
b. Persis d. Menyerupai
23. What is antonym of “different”?
a. Distance c. Almost
b. Same d. Difference

Read following the text and then answer the question number 24-27!

My favorite toy is a doll. I named my doll Becky. I got it in my12th birthday. My dad
bought it for me when he has in England. Becky is 16 cm tall doll with plastic head, arms, and
legs and a white cloth stuffed body. Her body is covered with yellow, orange, and green flower
bud prints.

She has a long auburn-red brush-able hair, green eye. There are freckles on her cheek.
There are also two dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. They make her more
beautiful. I put her at my side when I sleep at night. I like my doll very much. I something ask
my friends to come to my house and play with Becky. They like Becky too.

24. What is antonym of “tall”?

a. Thin c. Short
b. Big d. Wide
25. “My favorite toy is a doll”. The underlined word means…
a. Permainan c. Bermain
b. Mainan d. Boneka

26. “They make her more beautiful.”

The word “they” includes word of kind…
a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Verb d. Adjective
27. Please translate into English “Mainan kesukaanku adalah boneka”
a. My favorite toy is a doll c. My favorite play is a doll
b. My Special toy is a doll d. My special play is a doll

Read following the text and then answer the question number 28-30!

Yogyakarta is and artwork buyer’s paradise because a lot of famous artist originated from this
place. These famous artists have influenced local artisans in silver, leather, batik and other
branches of craft. Even wood, rattan and bamboo can be made into very attractive craft items.
Not only for home, but also used in international hotels. One can find these items easily in
several stores along Malioboro Street, the main street of Yogyakarta.

28. “…because a lot of well known artist originated from this place.”
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Very good c. Very well
b. Beautiful d. Famous
29. “…artist originated from this place.”
The word “artist” includes word of kind…
a. Noun c. Adjective
b. Verb d. Adverb
30. “One can find these items easily in several stores along Malioboro Street, …”
The underlined word has the same meaning with…
a. Street c. Shops
b. Items d. Hotels

Appendix 11


1. A 16. A
2. B 17. D
3. C 18. D
4. B 19. C
5. C 20. A
6. A 21. A
7. C 22. D
8. C 23. B
9. B 24. C
10. B 25. B
11. A 26. C
12. D 27. A
13. C 28. D
14. A 29. A
15. D 30. C

Appendix 12


No Experimental class Score Control class Score

1 ADR 75 AYP 60
2 AS 70 AY 70
3 ACA 80 AF 60
4 AP 70 ACK 70
5 AN 70 AFR. 70
6 AMD 75 ADY 75
7 AP 80 AAS 55
8 APM 75 ARY 80
9 DAD 85 CAAN 55
10 DAB 55 DAF 55
11 DAN 60 DYR 65
12 DRP 75 FDP 60
13 ENF 80 HPU 75
14 EY 75 IUA 70
15 F 75 IW 75
16 FAA 75 KA 65
17 IPA 80 MAA 60
18 IS 85 MNL 60
19 KA 75 NNA 80
20 MF 75 NAP 65
21 NDS 75 NIA 70
22 NS 70 RAS 65
23 PFN 70 REN 70
24 RS 80 RSL 65
25 RAT 85 RRH 60
26 RNS 65 SAM 65
27 RRH 85 SPA 45
28 SAPW 70 SAP 75
29 SAF 75 SU 75
30 SS 75 TN 70
31 TN 65 TW 70
32 YAK 55 WS 55

Appendix 13

Validity of try out


Appendix 14


The next step is to find out the reliability by using the following formula

∑𝑥 2
∑𝑥 𝑁
𝑠𝑡2 = 𝑁

Example item number 1


19 32
𝑠𝑡2 = 32
19 − 11.281
𝑠𝑡2 = 32
𝑠𝑡2 = 32

𝑠𝑡2 = 0.241
Sum S2 of 32 item (∑𝑠𝑡2 ) = 9.424
∑𝑌 2
∑𝑌 𝑁
𝑠𝑡2 = 𝑁
1058 2

37452 32
𝑠𝑡2 = 32
37452 − 34980 .125
𝑠𝑡2 = 32
2471 .875
𝑠𝑡2 = = 77.246

From formula above, we can analyze:

32 9.424
r11 = 1 − 77.246

r11 = 1.032 (1-0.122)

r11 = 0.906
Rxy (0.906) is higher than r table N for = 32 at the level significance (α) 5% = 0. 349. So r > r t
(0.906 > 0. 349) and it is concluded reliable.

Appendix 15


Variable F (x-𝑥)2 Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

50 3 148.84 -1.52272 0.184419 0.09375 0.090669
55 5 51.84 -0.89865 0.391816 0.25 0.141816
60 10 4.84 -0.27459 0.636634 0.5625 0.074134
65 7 7.84 0.349476 0.834857 0.78125 0.053607
70 4 60.84 0.97354 0.944934 0.90625 0.038684
75 2 163.84 1.597604 0.986847 0.96875 0.018097
80 1 36.84 2.221667 0.5 1.00 -0.5
𝑥 = 62.2 ∑ = 1990

𝛴 𝑥−𝑥
SD = 𝑛 −1

= = 8.012

Example for data number 1

(𝑋− 𝑋)
Zi = 𝑆𝐷

= 8.012

= -1.52272

In the Z table, value score -1.52272 is 0.184419

F(Zi) = 0.184419

S(Zi) = 3/32

= 0.09375

Lo = F(Zi)-S(Zi)

= 0.184419 - 0.09375

= 0.090669

The higher score (Lo max) is 0.141816 and L table for n = 32 is 0.157.
Because Lo lower than Lt or (0.141816 < 0.157), the sample is in normal distribution.

Appendix 16


Variable F (x-𝑥)2 Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

45 1 438.0649 -2.53697 0.005591 0.03125 -0.02566
55 4 119.4649 -1.32485 0.09261 0.15625 -0.06364
60 6 35.1649 -0.71879 0.236135 0.34375 -0.10762
65 6 0.8649 -0.11273 0.455122 0.53125 -0.07613
70 8 16.5649 0.493333 0.689111 0.78125 -0.09214
75 5 82.2649 1.099394 0.864202 0.9375 -0.0733
80 2 197.9649 1.705455 0.955945 1.00 -0.04406
𝑥 = 65.93 ∑ = 2110

𝛴 𝑥−𝑥
SD = 𝑛 −1

= = 8.250

Example for data number 1

(𝑋− 𝑋)
Zi = 𝑆𝐷

= 8.250

= -2.53697

In the Z table, value score -2.53697 is 0.005591

F(Zi) = 0.005591

S(Zi) = 1/32

= 0.03125

Lo = F(Zi)-S(Zi)

= 0.005591- 0.03125

= -0.02566

The higher score (Lo max) is -0.10762 and L table for n = 32 is 0.157.
Because Lo lower than Lt or (-0.10762< 0.157), the sample is in normal distribution.

Appendix 17


Variable F (x-𝑥)2 Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

55 2 351.5625 -2.149 0.015817 0.0625 -0.04668
60 1 189.0625 -1.57593 0.057521 0.09375 -0.03623
65 2 76.5625 -1.00287 0.157963 0.15625 0.001713
70 6 14.0625 -0.4298 0.333671 0.34375 -0.01008
75 12 1.5625 0.143266 0.55696 0.71875 -0.16179
80 5 39.0625 0.716332 0.763107 0.875 -0.11189
85 4 126.5625 1.289398 0.90137 1.00 -0.09863
𝑥 = 73.75 ∑ = 2360

𝛴 𝑥−𝑥
SD = 𝑛 −1

= = 8.725

Example for data number 1

(𝑋− 𝑋)
Zi = 𝑆𝐷

= 8.725

= -2.149

In the Z table, value score -2.149 is 0.015817

F(Zi) = 0.015817

S(Zi) = 2/32

= 0.0625

Lo = F(Zi)-S(Zi)

= 0.015817 - 0.0625

= -0.04668

The higher score (Lo max) is 0.001713 and L table for n = 32 is 0.157.
Because Lo lower than Lt or (0.001713 < 0.157), the sample is in normal distribution.


Appendix 18


Variable F (x-𝑥)2 Zi F(Zi) S(Zi) F(Zi)-S(Zi)

45 1 328.5156 -2.24542 0.012371 0.03125 -0.01888
50 3 172.2656 -1.62599 0.051976 0.125 -0.07302
55 3 66.01563 -1.00657 0.157072 0.21875 -0.06168
60 10 9.765625 -0.38714 0.349326 0.53125 -0.18192
65 6 3.515625 0.232284 0.591841 0.71875 -0.12691
70 5 47.26563 0.85171 0.802812 0.875 -0.07219
75 4 141.0156 1.471135 0.929373 1.00 -0.07063
𝑥 = 63.125 ∑ = 2020

𝛴 𝑥−𝑥
SD = 𝑛 −1

= = 8.072

Example for data number 1

(𝑋− 𝑋)
Zi = 𝑆𝐷

= 8.072

= -2.24542

In the Z table, value score -2.24542 is 0.012371

F(Zi) = 0.012371

S(Zi) = 1/32

= 0.03125

Lo = F(Zi)-S(Zi)

= 0.012371- 0.03125

= -0.01888

The higher score (Lo max) is -0.18192 and L table for n = 32 is 0.157.
Because Lo lower than Lt or (-0.18192 < 0.157), the sample is in normal distribution.

Appendix 19


𝑥1 (exp) 𝑥2 (cont) 𝑥2 − 𝑥2 2 2
No 𝑥1 − 𝑥1 𝑥1 − 𝑥 1 𝑥2 − 𝑥2

1 65 55 1.875 -7.2 3.52 51.84

2 65 65 1.875 2.8 3.52 7.84
3 70 70 6.875 7.8 47.27 60.84
4 60 50 -3.125 -12.2 9.77 148.84
5 50 55 -13.125 -7.2 172.27 51.84
6 65 65 1.875 2.8 3.52 7.84
7 60 65 -3.125 2.8 9.77 7.84
8 75 75 11.875 12.8 141.02 163.84
9 75 60 11.875 -2.2 141.02 4.84
10 55 70 -8.125 7.8 66.02 60.84
11 55 60 -8.125 -2.2 66.02 4.84
12 60 50 -3.125 -12.2 9.77 148.84
13 70 70 6.875 7.8 47.27 60.84
14 60 65 -3.125 2.8 9.77 7.84
15 70 60 6.875 -2.2 47.27 4.84
16 70 60 6.875 -2.2 47.27 4.84
17 65 50 1.875 -12.2 3.52 148.84
18 60 65 -3.125 2.8 9.77 7.84
19 60 70 -3.125 7.8 9.77 60.84
20 75 60 11.875 -2.2 141.02 4.84
21 50 55 -13.125 -7.2 172.27 51.84
22 60 60 -3.125 -2.2 9.77 4.84
23 65 55 1.875 -7.2 3.52 51.84
24 70 60 6.875 -2.2 47.27 4.84
25 75 60 11.875 -2.2 141.02 4.84

26 55 55 -8.125 -7.2 66.62 51.84

27 75 65 11.875 2.8 141.02 7.84
28 60 75 -3.125 12.8 9.77 163.84
29 65 65 1.875 2.8 3.52 7.84
30 50 60 -13.125 -2.2 172.27 4.84
31 65 80 1.875 -17.8 3.52 316.84
32 45 60 -18.125 -2.2 328.52 4.84
Total 2020 1990 2088.24 1696.88
Σ𝑥 63.125 62.2

1. Seeking Variances
a. Experimental Class b. Control Class
2 2
Σ 𝑥1 − 𝑥1 2
Σ 𝑥2 − 𝑥2
𝑆 = 𝑆 =
𝑛−1 𝑛−1
2088.24 1696.88
𝑆2 = 𝑆2 =
31 31
𝑆 2 = 67.3626 𝑆 2 = 54.7381

2. Deviation Standard b. Control Class

a. Experimental Class 2
Σ 𝑥2 − 𝑥2
𝑆 =
Σ 𝑥1 − 𝑥1 𝑛−1
𝑆2 =
𝑆2 = 54.7381
𝑆2 = 67.3626 𝑆 2 = 7.39
𝑆 2 = 8.21

3. In this research, the homogeneity was used F test, the formula as follows:
𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡


𝑠 2 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝑠 2 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝐹 = 1.111
F = Homogeneous if Fscore<Ftable| Not Homogeneous if Fscore>Ftable
F =1.111< 3.33
F = Homogeneous

4. Finding Ftable value

df1 = k (variable) – 1 =3–1 =2

df2 = n – k = 32 – 3 = 29
Ftable is 3.33
In this calculation, the value of Fscore is 1.111 then this value was compared with Ftable
with df1 (3 – 1 = 2) and df2 (32 – 3= 29) the level of significance is 5% (α = 0.05) the
value of Ftable was 3.33 Because the value of Fscore is smaller than Ftable(1.111 < 3.33) it
means the data is homogeneous.

Appendix 20


𝑥1 (exp) 𝑥2 (cont) 𝑥2 − 𝑥2 2 2
No 𝑥1 − 𝑥1 𝑥1 − 𝑥 1 𝑥2 − 𝑥2

1 75 60 1.25 -5.93 1.56 35.16

2 70 70 -3.75 4.07 14.06 16.56
3 80 60 6.25 -5.93 39.06 35.16
4 70 70 -3.75 4.07 14.06 16.56
5 70 70 -3.75 4.07 14.06 16.56
6 75 75 1.25 9.07 1.56 82.26
7 80 55 6.25 -10.93 39.06 119.46
8 75 80 1.25 14.07 1.56 197.96
9 85 55 11.25 -10.93 126.56 119.46
10 55 55 -18.75 -10.93 351.56 119.46
11 60 65 -13.75 -0.93 189.06 0.86
12 75 60 1.25 -5.93 1.56 35.16
13 80 75 6.25 9.07 39.06 82.26
14 75 70 1.25 4.07 1.56 16.56
15 75 75 1.25 9.07 1.56 82.26
16 75 65 1.25 -0.93 1.56 0.86
17 80 60 6.25 -5.93 39.06 35.06
18 85 60 11.25 -5.93 126.56 35.16
19 75 80 1.25 14.07 1.56 197.96
20 75 65 1.25 -0.93 1.56 0.86
21 75 70 1.25 4.07 1.56 16.56
22 70 65 -3.75 -0.93 14.06 0.86
23 70 70 -3.75 4.07 14.06 16.56
24 80 65 6.25 -0.93 39.06 0.86
25 85 60 11.25 -5.93 126.56 35.16

26 65 65 -8.75 -0.93 76.56 0.86

27 85 45 11.25 -20.93 126.56 438.06
28 70 75 -3.75 9.07 14.06 82.26
29 75 75 1.25 9.07 1.56 82.26
30 75 70 1.25 4.07 1.56 16.56
31 65 70 -8.75 4.07 76.56 16.56
32 55 55 -18.75 -10.93 351.56 119.46
Total 2360 2110 1849.92 2071.42
Σ𝑥 73.75 65.93

1. Seeking Variances
a. Experimental Class b. Control Class
Σ 𝑥1 − 𝑥1 Σ 𝑥2 − 𝑥2
𝑆2 = 2
𝑆 =
𝑛−1 𝑛−1
1849.92 2071.42
𝑆2 = 𝑆2 =
31 31
𝑆 2 = 66.82
𝑆 2 = 59.675

2. Deviation Standard
a. Experiment Class b. Control Class

Σ 𝑥2 − 𝑥2 2
Σ 𝑥1 − 𝑥 1 2 2
𝑆 =
𝑆2 = 𝑛−1

𝑆 2 = 59.675 𝑆2 = 66.82

𝑆 2 = 7.725 𝑆 2 = 8.174

3. In this research, the homogeneity was used is F test, the formula as follows:
𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡

𝑠 2 𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝐹= 2
𝑠 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡
𝐹 = 1.058
F = Homogeneous if Fscore<Ftable| Not Homogeneous if Fscore>Ftable
F =1.058< 3.33
F = Homogeneous

4. Finding Ftable value

df1 = k (variable) – 1 =3–1 =2
df2 = n – k = 32 – 3 = 29
Ftable is 3.33
In this calculation, the value of Fscore is 1.058 then this value was compared with Ftable
with df1 (3 – 1 = 2) and df2 (32 – 3= 29) the level of significance is 5% (α = 0.05) the
value of Ftable was 3.33 because the value of Fscore is smaller than Ftable (1.058< 3.33) it
means the data is homogeneous.

Appendix 21


No Score of Post Test 2

Experimental Control Experimental Control
1 75 60 1 1.56 35.16
2 70 70 2 14.06 16.56
3 80 60 3 39.06 35.16
4 70 70 4 14.06 16.56
5 70 70 5 14.06 16.56
6 75 75 6 1.56 82.26
7 80 55 7 39.06 119.46
8 75 80 8 1.56 197.96
9 85 55 9 126.56 119.46
10 55 55 10 351.56 119.46
11 60 65 11 189.06 0.86
12 75 60 12 1.56 35.16
13 80 75 13 39.06 82.26
14 75 70 14 1.56 16.56
15 75 75 15 1.56 82.26
16 75 65 16 1.56 0.86
17 80 60 17 39.06 35.06
18 85 60 18 126.56 35.16
19 75 80 19 1.56 197.96
20 75 65 20 1.56 0.86
21 75 70 21 1.56 16.56
22 70 65 22 14.06 0.86
23 70 70 23 14.06 16.56
24 80 65 24 39.06 0.86
25 85 60 25 126.56 35.16
26 65 65 26 76.56 0.86
27 85 45 27 126.56 438.06
28 70 75 28 14.06 82.26
29 75 75 29 1.56 82.26
30 75 70 30 1.56 16.56
31 65 70 31 76.56 16.56
32 55 55 32 351.56 119.46
Sum 2360 2110 Sum 1849.92 2071.42
Mean 73.75 65.93 S2 59.675 66.82

Procedure shall be as follows:

1. Seeking Mean of Post Test
𝛴𝑋 𝐸 2360
a. Mean Experimental (XE) = = = 73.75
𝑁 32
𝛴𝑋 𝐶 2110
b. Mean Control (XC) = = = 65.93
𝑁 32
2. Seeking 𝛴 𝑥 − 𝑥 (see the table above)
Group XE = 1849.92
Group XC = 2071.42
3. Seeking Variance (S2)
2 𝛴 𝑋𝐸 − 𝑋𝐸
𝑆𝐸 =
𝑛𝐸 − 1
= 59.675
2 𝛴 𝑋𝐶 − 𝑋𝐶
𝑆𝐶 =
𝑛𝐶 − 1
= 66.82
4. Seeking Sum of Variance (ΣS2)

𝑛𝐸 − 1 𝑆𝐸 2 + 𝑛𝐶 − 1 𝑆𝐶 2
𝛴𝑆 =
𝑛𝐸 + 𝑛𝐶 − 2

31 59.675 + 31 66.82
32 + 32 − 2

1849.925 + 2071.42


= 63.2475
= 7.953

5. Seeking (t)
1 1
𝛴𝑆 2 𝑛 + 𝑛

73.75 − 65.93
1 1
7.953 32 + 32

7.953 32

7.953 (0.25)
= 4.295
6. Seeking T-Table
T table with db (α ;n1 + n2 – k) or (5% ; 32 + 32 -2)
(5%, 62) = 1.998
7. Criteria
Accept Ho if t <ttable
Accept Ha if t >ttable
Cause t <ttable (4.295 > 1.998) for level significance 0.05, Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted. It means, there are difference in students’ vocabulary between
experimental and control class. Thus, the result of this research is: There is
significant different in students’ vocabulary between the students taught by using
Hyponymy and those who taught by Conventional
The students taught by using Hyponymy (73.75) have higher score than the students
taught by using Conventional (65.93).

Appendix 22



Appendix 23



Appendix 24

The Photograph of Classroom Activities

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