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History (Sabrienna D.

The Carnival of Venice was started from a victory of the "Serenissima Repubblica” in the
year 1162 against the Patriarch of Aquileia, Ulrico di Treven in the year 1162.
Apparently, this festival started on that period and became official in the Renaissance.In the
seventeenth century, the baroque carnival was a way to save the prestigious image of Venice
in the world. It was very famous during the eighteenth century. It encouraged licence and
pleasure, but it was also used to protect Venetians from present and future anguishThe
Carnival held every February it was first implemented in 1929 as a public celebration of

Purpose (Paskalis J.A)

The goal is of course to provide exciting entertainment for the whole society city water. It
also explains why the mask festival dominated every implementation Carnevale d'Venice.
The mask is considered as a means to unite the people to eliminate the gap as a result of
social class, gender, or religion. Wearing masks, all people have the same position in the
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When (Matilda L.P.G)

The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival held in Venice, Italy. The Carnival ends
with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty days before Easter, on Shrove Tuesday,
the day before Ash Wednesday. The festival is world famous for its elaborate masks.

Participant ()
Carnival of venice is one of the largest folk festival in Italy that always visited by thousands
of tourists every year.
Source :
One of the most anticipated events in Carnival of Venice is the flight of angel. Tradition
dating from Turkey presents a circus sideshow and variety of acrobatics attractive to
visitors. The moment that a lot of the audiences' attention was when a circus performer
hanging on a metal cable. The circus performer will hover a few moments before finally
descend from the top of St Mark's Bell Tower to the Doge's Palace. The cheers of the
audience will always enrich the atmosphere when the show ends.
Source :

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