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Classification of Hyenas
Phylum: Animalia,
Phylum: Chordata,
Class: Mammals,
Order: Carnivores,
Family: Hyenidae,

Hyena is one of the wild animals that we have to preserve with a population
similar in appearance to this type of leopard, which has a characteristic that
distinguishes it from leopards. Let's look carefully at the body of the hyena, mammals
that are also classified as carnivores have relatively short hairs with a typical stripe,
besides the front legs of the hyena are longer than the hind legs, hyenas have a very
erect neck, with sharp and pointed hyena teeth that play an important role in treating
their prey (especially for cutting meat and even breaking hard bones), and we need to
know that the bites created by hyenas are very strong and deadly compared to other
Between male and female hyenas of different sizes, male hyenas are given the
gift of a body larger than female hyenas. Even so in terms of hunting, both of them are
very accomplished in hunting with the running speed they have capable of chasing
their prey far away with a short time and added with strong and deadly bites.
Hyena is an animal belonging to a group of animals as evidenced by the pattern
of maintaining its population in groups. By living in groups, they will find it easier to
hunt large numbers of prey and also be able to sustain their lives from other wild animal
attacks. They not only hunt living creatures / prey but also often steal prey animals
other animals such as cheetahs. Do you know what is the habit of hyena when in a
precarious and threatened situation? He will emit a distinctive sound that is able to
penetrate distances of up to 12 kilometers, extraordinary isn't it?
If you want to see hyenas directly, you should have extra protection. They will
be easy to find in dry areas such as grasslands and deserts. A country that has a
hyena population such as northern africa, asia from the middle east to india.
These carnivorous animals will love meat as their main food source. Their prey
does not look at reeds, they can prey on small-bodied animals even though large-
bodied ones. Labor proficiency is complemented by the role of sharp hyena teeth that
help in skinning the game.
Hyena is an animal that breeds by giving birth which begins with the marriage
of male and female hyenas. Then proceed with female hyenas that experience
pregnancy for approximately 3-4 months. After giving birth, baby hyenas that have
been overgrown with fur but are still very minimal in seeing and hearing, will be treated
by female hyenas until they are able to adapt to the environment and can hunt food.

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