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Your vessel has been damaged and is partially flooded.

The first step to be taken in attempting

to save the vessel is to _______

plug the hole (s) in the outer shell

pump out the water the vessel.

calcualte the free surface effectm and lost buoyancy to determine the vessels stability

establish follding boudaries and prevent further spread of flood water.

When making a turn (course change) on most merchant ships, the vessel will heel outwards if

the vessel has very little draf

G is above the center of lateral resistance

the vessel is deeply laden

G is below the center of lateral resistance

Your vessel has been damaged and is partially flooded. The first step to be taken in attempting
to save the vessel is to __________.

calculate the free surface effect and lost buoyancy to determine the vessel's stability

pump out the water inside the vessel

establish flooding boundaries and prevent further spread of flood water

plug the hole(s) in the outer shell

What term indicates the rise of the deck in going from the side to the center of the vessel?





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