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Armando Hasidungan

Cell cycle is the stages through which a cell grows and passes ffrom one cell division to the next.

- The cells are living structures that makes organisms

- It contains RES, SES, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Centrosome
- Inside the nucleus there’s DNA which is packaged up to form chromosome. One chromosome made up of
two chromatin and another chromosome with two chromatids.
- Humans have 23 pair of chromosome, means 46.
- Protein called histones which actually help package a long DNA very nicely
a. Interphase : prepare the cell for division. It divided into 3 stages, there are :
1) Growth one (G1)

The daughter cell will enter the G1 phase which takes the process about 10 hours and we have the cellular content
excluding the chromosomes duplicating. (46 chromosomes and 46 chromatids)

2) Synthesis (S)

DNA replication and chromosome duplication. This process takes 9 hours. (46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids,
because the chromosomes have duplicated

3) Growth two (G2)

The process goes on for 4 hours where the cell continues to grow and prepares for the mitosis and it checks for
errors as well. (46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids). The cell divides into 2 daughter cells and each choromosome
has one chromatid only

There are 2 checkpoint areas where the cell will check for errors in DNA.

First → G1 Checkpoint : occurs at before the end of G1 and before the end of G2. It checks about the cell’s
nutrients are sufficient, growth factors are present, cell size is adequate and check if there’s any DNA damage

Second → G2 checkpoint : occurs before finishing G2, to check if chromosome replication is complete and there’s
no DNA damage

4) Growth arrest (G0)

The daughter cells don’t have to enter the growth phase straightaway

b. M phase : division process, known as mitosis

Mitosis is a process of the cell duplicated the chromosomes that separated into 2 nuclei.

Its process takes an 1 hour and it can be divided into 4 main phases

1) Prophase
- Chromosome material condenses to form a compact mitotic chromosome
- The cytoskeleton is disassembled and mitotic
- Nuclear envelope is also dispersed and start to degrading to allow these chromosomes to be free
- Centrosomes that important structures for cell division
- It begins forming a mitotic spindle is assembled
- Genetic material will have 46 chromosomes with 92 chromatid (each chromosome has 2 chromatid)
- Chromosome is bind together known as centromere
2) Metaphase

It has an early stage called Prometaphase

- The chromosomes just in a cytoplasm and there’s any centrosomes that forming the mitotic spindle by
shooting out these microtubules that will connect to the centromere of the chromosome (a middle part)
- The fragments of the nuclear envelope still exist
- Chromosomal mictrotubules attach to kinetochores of the chromosomes
- The chromosomes moved to the spindle equator which is essentially a middle part.
- Still have 46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids

Late stage called Metaphase

- The chromosomes are duplicated will align on the equator, meanwhile the centrosomes are an opposite
side of each other in the cell and form a massive mitotic spindle with microtubules
- The chromosome are aligned along the metaphase plate will be attached by the chromosomal
microtubules to both poles which means the centrosomes on each of the poles will have microtubules
attaching to the same chromosomes essentially
3) Anaphase
- The centromeres with the microtubules will pull the duplicated chromosomes apart
- The centromers which hold the duplicated chromosomes together will split and the chromatids will
- The chromosomes will move to opposite spindle poles move further apart ready for division
- The microtubules with the centrosomes will split this part (46 chromosomes and 92 chromatids)
essentially forming 2 chromosomes each with 1 chromatid. Therefore in total 92 chromosomes and 92
4) Telophase
- The centromeres with the microtubules pulling the chromosomes closer to each their poles and also
membrane forming around it
- Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles
- Chromosoms become disposed
- Nuclear envelope assemble organnele reforms and it will resembled
5) Cytokinees → not a part of mitosis, but it’s the process of M phase where is cell actually divides and
separates into 2 daughter cells and each of it will have 46 chromosomes each (2n)

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