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Learning Scala Programming: Object-oriented programming meets ...
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Vikash Sharma - 2018 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
Finally, you will learn the interoperability of Scala and Java. After reading this
book, you'll be well versed with this language and its features, and you will be
able to write scalable, concurrent, and reactive programs in Scala.
Programming in Scala
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Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners - 2008 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
Presents an introduction to the new programming language for the Java Platform.
Scala Programming: Learning Scala Fast!
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Ralph Archer - 2015 - No hay ninguna vista previa
This book will guide you on how to handle exceptions in Scala. File I/O is also
explored in detail. This book also discusses the various types of loops which can
be used in Scala programming.
Programming with Scala: Language Exploration - Página 14
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Bhim P. Upadhyaya - 2017 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
Machine code and assembly language are low level programming languages. Generally,
low level programming refers to programming that uses either machine code or
mnemonics; mnemonics map to machine instruction sets. Scala, Java, C ...
Beginning Scala
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Vishal Layka, David Pollak - 2015 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
This book introduces you to the Scala programming language, its object-oriented and
functional programming characteristics, and then guides you through Scala
constructs and libraries that allow you to assemble small components into high ...
Learn Scala Programming: A comprehensive guide covering functional ...
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Slava Schmidt - 2018 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
A comprehensive guide covering functional and reactive programming with Scala 2.13,
Akka, and Lagom Slava Schmidt ... Another functionality that makes Scala the
programming language as we know it today were added directly, or by ...
Programming Languages and Systems: 16th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2018, ...
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Sukyoung Ryu - 2018 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
The Scala programming language [15] is considerably adopted in the industry. It is
the implementation language of many important frameworks, including Apache Spark,
Kafka, and Akka. It also provides the core infrastructure for sites such as ...
Introduction to Programming and Problem-Solving Using Scala
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Mark C. Lewis, Lisa Lacher - 2016 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
There are literally hundreds of different programming languages. Each one was
created to address some deficiency that was seen in other languages or to address a
specific need. This book uses the Scala programming language. It is hard to ...
Beginning Scala
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David Pollak - 2009 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
This book introduces you to the Scala programming language and then guides you
through Scala constructs and libraries that allow small and large teams to assemble
small components into high-performance, scalable systems.
Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM
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Jason Swartz - 2014 - Vista previa - Más ediciones
This practical book provides a comprehensive yet approachable introduction to the
language, complete with syntax diagrams, examples, and exercises.

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