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Process framework for describing the morphologic and stratigraphic evolution

of deltaic depositional system

Article · January 1975


532 1,145

1 author:

William E. Galloway
University of Texas at Austin


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Source-to-sink analysis of the lower Miocene strata in the Gulf of Mexico Basin View project

Gulf of Mexico Depositional Systems View project

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system (Fisher et al., 1969). Deltaic systems has been laterally displaced and deposited in the
themselves commonly show long-term evolu- Gulf of Paria between Trinidad and the main-
tionary trends as progradation extends into in- land of South America (Van Andel, 1967). In
creasing depths of water or as conditions change effect, the locus of mud deposition has shifted
from net regressive to net transgressive. about 150 km northwest of the main body of
deltaic sediment. Density currents and other
DELTAIC PROCESS/RESPONSE MODELS gravity transport m e c h a n i s m s likewise act
primarily to remove sediment, including both
The morphology and stratigraphy of a marine bed load and suspended load, down the prevail-
delta are the result of the rate of sediment input ing slope away from the delta. Such transport
relative to the ability of energy sources within may produce a prodelta characterized by abun-
the basin to rework and remove sediment (obvi- dant graded beds, such as described by McBride
ously sediment must be supplied at a faster rate et al. (this volume) in the Difunta Group (Late
than removal for a delta to form at all). Signifi- Cretaceous to Paleocene) of northern Mexico. It
cance of this interplay on morphology of deltas also may form an integrated sediment dispersal
was noted early (Bernard and LeBlanc, 1965; network capable of transporting much or all of
Bernard, 1965) and particularly emphasized by the introduced sediment away from the delta
Fisher et al. (1969). Wright and Coleman (1973) and onto the floor of the basin (Moore and As-
and Komar (1973) attempted to quantify the rela- quith, 1970). At the present time, sediment from
tionship between delta morphology and one of the Ganges-Brahmaputra distributaries is col-
the important types of basin energy, namely, lected into a submarine valley (the Swatch of No
wave energy flux. However, an understanding Ground) and transported downslope onto the
of the full range of stratigraphic variability in Ganges Cone (Curray and Moore, 1971). Small-
deltaic depositional systems requires a synthesis er scale but analogous delta-associated sub-
of all types of marine energy impinging on the marine slope and fan systems are described by
deltaic shoreface and determination of their in- Asquith (1970) and Galloway and Brown (1972).
teractions with fundamental aspects of the sed- Construction of fans includes a variety of depo-
iment input. sitional processes other than true density cur-
rent flow, but the various products are difficult
Components of Basin Energy to distinguish. Thus, in a stratigraphic context,
deposits of density currents, grain flow, and
Energy input along a shelf or other marine slumping are grouped as products of gravita-
platform has been divided by Swift (1969) into tional potential energy.
several components which include: (1) intruding Meteorological currents may be important fac-
oceanic currents; (2) meteorological currents, tors in shaping the morphology and facies dis-
which encompass barometric storm surge, wave tribution of deltas. Wave surge against the
surge, and wind-generated currents; (3) tidal shoreline sorts s e d i m e n t , p r o d u c i n g a
currents; and (4) density currents. The relative basinward-fining textural gradient, and, when
importance of these marine energy components asymmetrically applied, sets up a net longshore
in transportation and redeposition of the flu- transport of bed-load sediment. Although the
vially introduced sediment is variable. Primary importance of long-period wind-generated cur-
effects of each component are readily identified rents in determining depositional products is
by analysis of modern deltaic coastlines. poorly documented, work by Sternberg and
Intruding oceanic currents act primarily to McManus (1972) suggested that such currents
transport the suspended sediment load away may play a significant role in the transportation
from the locus of sediment input. The Orinoco of suspended and, to a lesser extent, bed-load
Delta, for example, is prograding into the sediment on the northeast Pacific shelf. The abil-
northwestward flowing North Equatorial Cur- ity of tidal currents to transport both suspended
rent. Consequently, much of the prodeltaic mud and bed-load sediment and to deposit large-

scale subaqueous sedimentary features is well cally illustrated as discrete entities, processes
documented in the literature (Allen, 1970b, are not truly independent variables; each is
Chapter 5). modified by characteristics of the morphology of
Figure 1 summarizes the components of the platform or basin into which the delta is
energy input that combine to determine the prograding. Platform slope, depth, width, and
morphologic and stratigraphic type of delta sys- inflection points (shelf edge for example) all in-
tems. Wave and tidal energy flux are the primary fluence the intensity of activity of the various
long-term processes that transport and deposit processes and, in turn, are modified by con-
bed-load sediment (essentially all sand). Cur- tinued activity of the processes and prograda-
rent energy flux, which includes permanent in- tion of the delta mass. The deltaic system is
truding oceanic currents and variable wind drift typified by continual process feedback and mod-
currents, acts primarily to transport suspended ification; equilibrium over extended periods of
load sediment (clay, silt, and some very fine geologic time exists only when the delta ceases
sand). Release of gravitational potential energy to prograde.
entrains both bed and suspended load and re-
moves them into slope and basinal environments, Character of Fluvial Input
which may become independent depositional
systems characterized by their own suite of pro- Sediment input must be defined in terms of
cesses and resultant facies. Though schemati- several parameters in the full analysis of a
~ ................. -'1
L,. . . . . . . . . . ~F . . . . . . . ---)
r ..... l .......... I- . . . . . . . . . . .

I , F, x, I Fux, I I["rgY, F,u. Pot.n.o,,E..ruy

Subsidence/A, Igrodofion
Climote (Ve =efofion,etc.)

Figure 1. Factors combining to determine the morphology and stratigraphy of a delta system.

prograding delta. Studies of modern deltas show The delta of the Copper River (southern
three factors to be most significant (Figure 1): (1) Alaska) provides an excellent example of the
Annual sediment discharge expresses the interaction of various fluvial and marine proces-
amount of sediment delivered to the receiving ses. Figure 2 summarizes data from Reimnitz
basin. Importance of this factor is obvious, but (1966), coastal charts, and aerial photographs.
equally obvious is the fact that some of the Marine energy components include a perma-
world's greatest rivers, in terms of discharge, nent westward flowing current that locally pro-
such as the Amazon and Congo, have con- duces velocities of 9 km/hr (8.2 fps), an average
structed insignificant deltas. (2) The ratio of bed tidal range of 3 m that produces currents of up to
load (sand and gravel) to suspended load (clay 13 km]hr (12 fps) in inlets, north-nOrtheast fair
and silt) is a significant but complex factor. High weather wave surge, and west-northwest storm
suspended load streams build confining levees surge. The Copper River transports an esti-
that tend to establish the channel in permanent mated 107 x 106 metric tons of sediment per year,
locations (Kolb, 1963) and to construct a shallow of which about 15 percent is estimated to be bed
mud platform, favoring extensive progradation; load (Reimnitz, 1966). Flow rates exhibit ex-
however, suspended load is particularly suscep- treme periodicity ranging from near zero during
tible to loss from the system by wind drift, per- the winter months, when the Copper is ice
manent oceanic currents, and tidal currents. jammed, to a high of 8.5 x 103 m3/sec in the sum-
Fisher et al. (1969) stated that a high suspended mer when flow is augmented by breakup of ice
load to bed load ratio favors formation of jams. Interaction of these processes has pro-
fluvial-dominated deltaic p r o g r a d a t i o n , duced a delta with an extensive sandy shoreface
whereas high bed load ratio streams are charac- backed by subtidal to intertidal sand flats.
terized by marine-dominated, destructional Westward transport of bed load by storm surge-
deltas. (3) Seasonal variation in the rate of sedi- induced longshore drift is evident from the
ment input results in periods of deposition dur- morphology of the coastal barrier bars, and the
ing which direction and/or intensity of reservoir center of gravity of the delta mass has been
energy flux may be appreciably divergent from displaced approximately 40 km (25 mi) west-
the yearly average (Wright and Coleman, 1973). ward by drift and the permanent marine cur-
Consequently, the stratigraphy of the delta may rents. High wave-energy flux has resulted in a
be disproportionately influenced by the basin s m o o t h i n g of the delta margin, and pro-
energy regime that prevails during periods of gradation beyond the flanking bedrock head-
maximum sediment input. lands will be very slow. The Holocene delta is
thus a complex product of many interacting
Two additional factors affect the total stratig-
raphy of the delta system. First, preservation of
various deltaic fades is in part determined by the
rate of basin subsidence. Rapid burial results in Delta Response Models
nearly complete sequences of prodelta, delta
margin, and delta plain facies. Perhaps more Analysis of modern deltas shows that the in-
importantly, subsidence that exceeds the capa- terplay of fluvial and marine processes produces
bility of the rivers to input sediment results in a great variety of delta types, which have been
deepening of the prodelta platform with a con- broadly categorized by Fisher et al. (1969) as
sequent increase in the effect of wave rework- high constructional and high destructional.
ing. Examples of this effect in evolution of delta Morphology suggests that high destmctional, or
systems will be discussed below. Second, cli- marine-dominated, deltas consist of two distinc-
mate determines the types of deltaic plain facies tive end members depending on whether wave
that will form. Temperature, rainfall, and winds or tidal energy dominates reworking and trans-
may combine to produce dunes, salt lakes, flats, portation of sediment. Figure 3 illustrates this
marshes, permafrost, or other surficial features. tripartate subdivision of deltas into fluvial-

GULF OF ALASKA --" ........

....~ ........................ ~7~:~.~:. ~r~ .....
~ ........

, < • : :lidwm
: : :Cummt
I tl'--II"" Dis~ri~foryCirctdofion PROCESSES AND SEDIMENT
• . core LoCollqm

J '~T'~/ sloms~.
I~ Ezlerd~ Tdlat ~ l l l , , c e
I~ .~,~, ~1o.,.o.,...,, llkm G~I~ tBT

Figure 2. Summary diagram showing processes active in the Holocene delta of the Copper River, Alaska, and
the resultant longshore transport paths of bed load sediment. Suspended load sediment (very fine sand to
clay) spreads farther out onto the shelf and is transported westward by the intruding marine current. The
delta plain includes lagoonal sand flats and marsh, which are influenced by tides, and prominent
marginal coastal barrier bars.

d o m i n a t e d , w a v e - d o m i n a t e d , a n d tide- Holocene lobes of the Mississippi, have been

dominated end members, represented by the published (Table 1).
Plaquemines-Modern (Mississippi), Sao Fran- Each of the three end member delta types is
cisco, and Fly deltas, respectively. All marine characterized by a distinctive framework of sand
deltas for which the author has collected mor- fades. The stratigraphy of fluvial- and wave-
phologic data can be plotted within the triangle dominated deltas has been well documented;
formed by these three end members (Figure 3). internal structure of tide-dominated deltas is
Detailed descriptions of several composite delta poorly k n o w n and is primarily interpreted from
s y s t e m s , i n c l u d i n g the O r i n o c o , Niger, morphology, studies of analogous fades in other
M e k o n g , a n d R h 6 n e , a n d v a r i o u s early depositional systems, and surface sediment

distribution. Morphologic and stratigraphic Only confined fluvial flow, wave flux, and tidal
characteristics of the three delta types are com- currents appear to be capable of transporting
pared in Table 2. appreciable quantities of sand (gravitational po-
As discussed in the previous section, several tential energy, though locally important, tends
processes are active in the deposition of a delta. to m o v e sediment out of the delta system).




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/ Ns
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WAVE's" '~'*°~ TIDE




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Figure 3. Schematic diagram illustrating the threefold division of deltas into fluvial-dominated, wave-
dominated, and tide-dominated types. The relative importance of sediment input, wave energy flux, and
tidal energy flux determine the morphology and internal stratigraphy of the delta.


Delta System Basin Class Author(s)

Mississippi Gulf of Mexico F to F/W Many, including Fisk (1955); Kolb

and Van Lopik (1966); Frazier (1967)
Po Adriatic Sea F/W Nelson (1970)
Rh6ne Mediterranean Sea W/F Kruit (1955); Oomkens (1967, 1970)
Orinoco Atlantic Ocean W/F/T Van Andel (1967)

Niger Gulf of Guinea W-T Allen (1965, 1970a)

Mekong South China Sea T-W Gagliano and McIntire (1968)
Klang Lan~at Malacca Strait T Coleman et al. (1970)

F = Fluvial-dominated F/W = Fluvial-dominated, wave-modified

W = Wave-dominated W-T = Subequal wave and tidal domination
T = Tide-dominated

Thus, bed load is trapped in distributary chan- c a u s e s a n d y facies f o r m the stratigraphic

nels and distributary mouth bars, coastal bar- framework or skeleton of the delta, a genetic
riers and beach ridges, or tidal sand ridges and classification of deltas based on the relative im-
estuary fill. Oceanic currents, wind drift, den- portance of wave energy flux, tidal energy flux,
sity currents, and storm surge have not been and rate of sediment input is equally useful for
s h o w n to f o r m v o l u m e t r i c a l l y significant modern deltas and their stratigraphic analogs.
framework sand fades within delta systems. Be-


Fluvial-Dominated Wave-Dominated Tide-Dominated

Geometry Elongate to lobate Arcuate Estuarine to irregular

Channel type Straight to sinuous Meandering Flaring straight to

distributaries distributaries sinuous distributaries

Bulk composition M u d d y to mixed Sandy Variable

Framework facies Distributary mouth bar Coastal barrier and Estuary fill and tidal
and channel fill sands, beach ridge sands sand ridges
delta margin sand sheet

Framework orientation Parallels depositional Parallels depositional Parallels depositional

slope strike slope

EVOLUTION OF DELTA SYSTEMS of the platform is indicated by the fact that larger
distributaries eroded down through their genet-
The style of deltaic progradation is extremely ically associated prodeltaic and shelf margin
sensitive to variations in the relative intensity of facies into shelf and interdeltaic deposits that
marine and fluvial processes. As the delta pro- predate the progradational cycle. Total thick-
grades further into the basin or as the geologic ness of distributary sand bodies rarely exceeds
framework of the fluvial source area or basin of 30 feet, and the entire delta sequence is com-
deposition evolves, the relative intensity of pro- pressed vertically. Almost all sand was stored as
cesses will vary; succeeding delta lobes within distributary and fluvial channel fill. In contrast,
the delta system will reflect this variation. Sev- basinward of the platform edge, thick prograda-
eral such evolutionary trends are possible. Two tional sequences containing up to 100 feet of
examples that have been documented in de- sandstone coalesce and locally contain both dip
tailed studies of ancient deltaic depositional sys- and strike oriented thickness trends. The picture
tems illustrate common trends. is further complicated by the fact that considera-
ble sandstone extends down through the thick
S h a l l o w Platform to Basin prodelta slope wedge and onto the floor of the
basin in discrete submarine channel systems. In
The Cisco fluvial-deltaic system of latest addition to the simple deposition of suspended
Pennsylvanian to early Permian age was depos- sediment typical of the prodelta environment,
ited on the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin, much sediment, including bed load material,
north-central Texas. The Eastern Shelf is a con- was moved down depositional slope by chan-
structional platform built up by deposition of nelized, gravity-induced currents and slumps.
platform margin carbonate, submarine fan, and In fact, the dominance of gravity transported
deltaic facies (Brown, 1969; Galloway and sediment leads to the segregation of the entire
Brown, 1972). Along the margin of the platform, dastic wedge as the Sweetwater slope, or sub-
at any instant in the development of the delta marine fan, system. The deltaic facies that cap
system, water depths changed relatively ab- the wedge display evidence of wave reworking
ruptly from very shallow (estimated tens of feet) of sediment into coalescing distributary mouth
to moderately deep (up to 1,400 feet). Delta bars and coastal barriers (Galloway and Brown,
lobes prograded across the shallow platform to 1972, Figure 24-1).
the shelf edge repeatedly during the history of Evolution of the delta as it prograded across
the Cisco fluvial-deltaic system. As sediment the platform edge is explained by consideration
was dumped onto the slope, which had a gra- of the processes likely to dominate in each set-
dient of 2 to 5 degrees, thick slope wedges, or ting. First, wave energy would be damped by
submarine fans, developed at the toe and con- bottom friction as waves moved across a broad
structed a sand and mud platform onto which shallow water platform. As the delta prograded
the delta was able to prograde. Deposition of the into deeper water beyond the platform edge, the
slope wedges resulted in a basinward extension delta margin would be subjected to open basin
of the platform as the delta system evolved. wave surge; increased influence of wave energy
Figure 4 illustrates a single deltaic prograda- flux on sand dispersal would be likely. Sec-
tional cycle. The sandstone isolith map and ondly, gravitational potential energy would
cross section are modified from more complete have little possibility of significant sediment
data on the Upper Hope Sandstone in Galloway transport on a broad platform lacking appreci-
and Brown (1972). Two significantly different able relief. Beyond the platform margin, an
types of deltas exist on either side of the subja- extensive slope averaging 2 to 5 degrees with
cent platform edge. On the platform side, sand- differential relief of hundreds of feet existed; in-
stone forms elongate, bifurcating trends charac- deed, gravitational transport dominated to the
teristic of fluvial-dominated deltas. Shallowness extent that deltaic facies are subordinate and can


~, 5yO'

~ Subjacent PlatformEdge

o ---<..

\~o ~ o o/


Open basin energy conditions Attenuated wove energy on shallow shelf-
Thick progradationol platform - Considerable Thin platform -Rapid progrodotion
downslope sediment loss and slow progradation

Figure 4. Sandstone isolith map and schematic dip section of a Pennsylvania age Upper Hope Sandstone delta
deposited on the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin. As the delta prograded across the platform edge
separating the shallow shelf from the deep, starved basin, increased wave energy flux and slower rates of
progradation (resulting from construction of a thick prodelta platform and loss of sediment into subjacent
submarine fans) caused the change from fluvial-dominated elongate to wave-dominated or wave-
influenced lobate deltas. Modified after Galloway and Brown, 1972.

be differentiated only in areas of dense well con- influx, delta m a r g i n s w o u l d be e x p o s e d to

trol. marine reworking for greater periods of time,
producing lobate, wave-modified, fluvial-
Regressive to Transgressive Cycles d o m i n a t e d deltas. Further decrease in the rate of
sedimentation, resulting in net transgressive
Influx of thick w e d g e s of clastic sediment, conditions, d e e p e n i n g of prodelta water depth,
such as have p u n c t u a t e d d e p o s i t i o n in the a n d greater marine modification of the delta
northern Gulf of Mexico Basin during Tertiary lobes, w o u l d favor wave- or t i d e - d o m i n a t e d
and Quaternary times, m a y exhibit distinctive delta types.
progradational a n d transgressive phases charac- E x a m p l e s of e v o l u t i o n f r o m f l u v i a l -
terized b y a change in types of deltas formed d o m i n a t e d deltas in the regressive portion of a
(Figure 5). D u r i n g the initial p r o g r a d a t i o n a l major clastic cycle to w a v e - d o m i n a t e d deltas in
phase, fluvial-dominated elongate to lobate del- the transgressive portion have been
tas p r e d o m i n a t e . As p r o g r a d a t i o n rate d e - d o c u m e n t e d in the Wilcox of Texas (Fisher a n d
creases due to a decrease in the rate of s e d i m e n t M c G o w e n , 1967; F i s h e r et al., 1969) a n d

analogous Holocene systems (LeBlanc, this vol-

ume). Thus, m a n y studies of fluvial-dominated,
Mississippi-type deltas are in the literature, and
evolutionary trends are well documented. Papers
w/F on w a v e - d o m i n a t e d d e l t a s are p r o p o r t i o n -
ally fewer, because the stratigraphy of m o d e r n
counterparts has b e e n discussed in only a few
publications. Interpretations of t i d a l - d o m i n a t e d
deltas are virtually nonexistent; w h e r e tidal in-
fluence is interpreted, it is recognized primarily
F/w on the basis of tidal flat deposits similar to those
of the N o r t h Sea. A few p a p e r s on the internal
stratigraphy of t i d e - d o m i n a t e d deltas are n o w
available (Meckel, this volume); m a n y more are
needed. Such deltas are very c o m m o n along
m o d e r n strandlines. There is every reason to
believe that they have b e e n equally p r o m i n a n t
Figure 5. Evolution of delta types in a thick, Tertiary d u r i n g much of geologic history. Their recogni-
clastic cycle of the Gulf Coast Basin results from
the decreasing influx of sediment as prograda- tion will d e p e n d on the d e v e l o p m e n t of better
tion ceases and net transgression ensues. Dur- stratigraphic models a n d a m o r e thorough u n -
ing rapid progradation of the cycle, fluvial d e r s t a n d i n g of the processes responsible for
input is high and fluvially-dominated elongate their formation. Evolutionary trends resulting
(F) or bird foot deltas form. As rate of sediment from basin modification b y deltaic infilling re-
input wanes, marine processes, primarily wave
energy flux, begin to modify the deltas produc- main to be described.
ing fluvially-dominated lobate (F/W) and
fluvially-influenced wave-dominated (W/F) AFTERWORD
I n t e g r a t e d u t i l i z a t i o n of d e p o s i t i o n a l
Louisiana (Galloway, 1968a,b). The lower Wil- p r o c e s s - r e s p o n s e models is necessary for cor-
cox Holly Springs and Rockdale delta systems rect stratigraphic interpretation. Recognition of
contain elongate delta lobes at the base, grading the range of delta types possible, even within
u p into lobate types. The overlying u p p e r Wil- the same depositional system, will lead to better
cox is characterized b y s t r i k e - o r i e n t e d delta u n d e r s t a n d i n g of m a n y stratigraphic units that
m a r g i n a n d coastal b a r r i e r s a n d b o d i e s of have been only generally described as marginal
wave-dominated delta lobes. Curtis (1970) illus- marine, paralic, or estuarine.
trated a similar evolution of delta types from
f l u v i a l - d o m i n a t e d to w a v e - d o m i n a t e d in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Miocene progradational w e d g e of Louisiana.
U n d o u b t e d l y , close examination of other clastic The ideas and content of this paper were reviewed and
cycles in the Gulf Basin would reveal more ex- discussed with Charles Caughey and Robert Brenner.
amples of similar evolutionary trends within Bill Rigsby and John Elliott drafted the figures. Typing
was supervised by Gerry Tingley.
delta systems.

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