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My Name is: _________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: ___ Group: ___

Date: _____________________________________________________________

1.- Complete the pronouns with the verb

corresponding I -------------------

YOU ---------------

WE ----------------

THEY --------------

SHE ----------------

HE -----------------

IT -------------------

2.- Write the pronoun for each picture and write the meaning in Spanish
3.- Complete the sentences with verb to be in positive and negative

4.- Choose the correct subject

5.- Complete the sentences with the correct verb to be : am, are, is

1.- I ____ Teacher 2.- You ___ Doctor 3.- He ___ my brother 4.- She ___ Nurse

5.- They ___ Family 6.- We ___ in the house 7.- It ___ dog 8.- I ___ five years old

6. Match the clocks with the correct answer

10:00 ___________________________________________________________________________

7:15 ____________________________________________________________________________

6:50 ____________________________________________________________________________

9:15 ____________________________________________________________________________

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