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ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering January 25, 2001

Microwave Engineering

University of Victoria
Dr. Wolfgang J.R. Hoefer
Layout by Dr. Poman P.M. So

Lecture 6

Lecture Outline
 Equivalent Voltage, Current and Impedance
 Z and Y Parameters
 Scattering Parameters
„ Definition of Power Waves and Scattering Parameters
„ Passivity, Reciprocity and Losslessness
„ Extension of Reference Planes

„ Γin of a 2-Port with Load

 ABCD Parameters
 Measurement of S-Parameters

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 1

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 1

ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering January 25, 2001

Microwave Network Analysis

 Circuit dimensions << wavelength
„ Lumped passive and active components.
„ Negligible phase change throughout the circuit.
„ Circuit theory — Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law.

 Circuit dimensions ≈ wavelength

„ Distributed passive and active components.
„ Phase depends on position. Components are
characterized by their dimensions, propagation
constants and characteristic impedances.
„ Microwave network theory.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 2

Impedance, Voltage and Current

 The voltage, current and characteristic impedance of
transmission lines are defined as:

r r r r V
V = ∫ E ⋅ dl , I= ∫ ⋅ dl ,
H Zo =
+ C+

 TEM-type transmission lines have unique V, I and Zo

ƒ The lines have well defined terminal pairs.
ƒ The above integrations are independent of path.

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Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 2

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Characteristics of Non–TEM Lines

 Non TEM-type transmission lines such as rectangular waveguide
do not have unique V, I and Zo values because:
ƒ The lines DO NOT have well defined terminal pairs.
ƒ The above integrations are path dependent.
 For the dominant TE10 mode in rectangular waveguide, the
transverse fields can be written as:

jωµ a πx − jωµ a π x − jβz

E y ( x, y , z ) = A sin e − jβ z → V= A sin e ∫ dy
π a π a y

 The above voltage depends on the position, x, as well as the

length of the integration contour along the y-direction.
 A similar problem arises with current and impedance.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 4

Equivalent Voltage, Current and Impedance

 Voltage and current are defined only for a particular
waveguide mode.
„ Voltage ∝ to the transverse electric field.
„ Current ∝ to the transverse magnetic field.
 In order to be used in a manner similar to voltages
and currents of circuit theory, the equivalent voltages
and currents should be defined so that their product
gives the power flow of the mode.
 The ratio of the voltage to the current for a single
travelling wave should be equal to the characteristic
impedance (usually this is the wave impedance) of
the line.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 5

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 3

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Equivalent V, I and Z for Rect. Waveguide

Waveguide Fields Transmission Line Model

( )
E y (x, z ) = A+ e − jβz + A− e jβz sin (π x a ) (
V (z ) = V + e − jβ z + V − e jβ z )
( x, z ) = ( A e )sin (π x a ) (V )
+ − jβ z
+ A− e jβz + − jβ z
e − V − e jβ z
Hx I (z ) =
− Z TE Zo
ab 2 1 1 2
P+ = A+ P + = V + I +* = V+
4 Z TE 2 2Z o

Equating the P+ from the two models:

ab A+ ab
V + = A+ I+ = Z o = Z TE
2 Z TE 2

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 6

The Concept of Impedance

 Intrinsic Impedance — η = µ ε
„ It is equal to the wave impedance for plane waves.

 Wave Impedance — Z w = 1 Yw = Et H t
„ TEM, TM, and TE waves each have different wave
impedances (ZTEM, ZTM, ZTE), which may depend on the type
of line or guide, the material and the operating frequency.

 Characteristic Impedance — Z o = 1 Yo = L C
„ The characteristic impedance of a TEM waves is unique.
„ TE and TM waves, however, do not have a uniquely defined
voltage and current, so the characteristic impedance for
such waves may be defined in various ways.

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Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 4

ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering January 25, 2001

An Arbitrary N-Port Microwave Network

D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Figure 4.5, p.p. 192, John Wiley & Sons, 1998

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 8

Impedance Matrix
 Two-terminal pair ⇒ Port.
 V and I ⇒ Equivalent V and I.
„ Reference planes are defined to provide a phase reference for the
(equivalent) V and I phasors.
„ At the nth reference plane, the total voltage and current are:

Vn = Vn+ + Vn− , I n = I n+ − I n−
 The impedance matrix that relates these voltages and currents:
[V ] = [Z ][I ], Z ij =
I k = 0 for k ≠ j

Z ii : input impedance.
Z ij : transfer impedance between ports i and j , (i ≠ j ).
Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 9

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 5

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Admittance Matrix
 The admittance matrix is defined as:
[I ] = [Y ][V ], Yij =
Vk = 0 for k ≠ j

Yii : input admittace.

Yij : transfer admittance between ports i and j (i ≠ j ).

 If the network is reciprocal, the impedance and admittance

matrices are symmetric — Zij= Zji and Yij= Yji .
 If the network is lossless, Zij and Yij are purely imaginary.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 10

The Scattering Parameters

 Equivalent voltages and currents are easy to work
with for network analysis; however these parameters
cannot be measured easily.
„ Short and open circuits are difficult to achieve over a broad
brand of microwave frequencies.
„ Active devices, such as power transistors and diodes, very
often are not open- or short-circuit stable
 Scattering parameters deal directly with incident,
reflected and transmitted voltage waves.
 Scattering parameters can be measured directly with
a vector network analyzer.
 Conversion from scattering parameters to other
matrix parameters can be easily done.

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Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 6

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Scattering Matrix
 The scattering matrix of N-port networks with the
same characteristic impedance at all ports is defined
V1−   S11 S12 L S1n  V1+ 
     
V −   S S 22 S 2 n  V2+ 
 2  =  21 ⋅  or V− = S ⋅ V+
     
 M   M O M   M 
     
Vn−   S n1 Sn2 L S nn  Vn+ 

 Vn+ and Vn– are the amplitudes of the incident and

reflected voltage waves at the nth port.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 12

Generalized Scattering Matrix

 The scattering matrix for N-port networks with
characteristic impedance Z0n at the n-ports is defined
 b1   S11 S12 L S1n   a1 
      an = Vn+ Z0n
b   S S 22 S 2 n   a2 
 2  =  21 ⋅  bn = Vn− Z0n
     
M  M O M  M
      Z 0 n : Z 0 of the n th port
bn   S n1 Sn2 L S nn  an 

 Vn+ and Vn– are the amplitudes of the incident and

reflected voltage waves at the nth port.

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Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 7

ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering January 25, 2001

Power Waves
 an and bn can be expressed in terms of Vn and In.
V+ V−
an = n = Z 0 n I n+ bn = n = Z 0 n I n−
Z 0n Z 0n
an + bn = an − bn = Z 0 n I n
Z 0n
1 1
an = [Vn + Z 0 n I n ] bn = [Vn − Z 0 n I n ]
2 Z 0n 2 Z 0n

 When Z0n in the above equations are replaced by Re{ZS} and ZS,
an and bn are called the incident and reflected power waves.
1 1
ap = [Vn + Z s I n ] bp = [Vn − Z s I n ]
2 Re{Z s } 2 Re{Z s }
Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 14

Average Power Delivered

 The average power delivered to the nth port is:
1  
 Vn+ − Vn− 
{ }
Pn = Re Vn I n* = Re Vn+ + Vn−
2 2 
( )
  
  Z 0n  
  an − bn  
1 
= Re  Z 0 n (an + bn ) 
2   Z  
 0n  
 

{ )}
2 2
a b
1 2 2
= Re an − bn + bn an* − bn* an = n − n
2 2 2

Pn = Pn+ − Pn− = (Incident Power ) − (Reflected Power )

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 15

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 8

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Properties of Scattering Matrix

 A specific element of the scattering matrix can be
determined as:
bi Vi − Z 0 j
S ij = =
ak = 0 , k ≠ j
V j+ Z 0i
I k =0 ,k ≠ j

 Sii is the reflection coefficient of the ith port with all

other ports matched.
 Sij (i>j) is the forward transmission coefficient of the
jth port with all other ports matched.
 Sij (i<j) is the reverse transmission coefficient of the
jth port with all other ports matched.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 16

Symmetry Property
 If a microwave network satisfies a reciprocity
condition or if there are no active devices at the
network, the junction is a linear passive network and
the S-parameters are equal to their corresponding

Sij = S ji or
~ ~
S=S where S is the transpose of S.

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Unity and Zero Properties

 If a microwave network is lossless, the S-parameters
satisfy the unity and zero properties:
„ Unity property — the sum of the products of each term of any
one column of the S matrix by its complex conjugate is unity.
„ Zero property — the sum of the products of each term of any
one column of the S matrix by the complex conjugate of the
corresponding term in any other column is zero.

 N
 ∑ S ki S ki = 1

∑S ki S kj* = δij for all i,j  kN=1

k =1 ∑ S ki S kj* = 0 for i ≠ j
 k =1
~ ~
SS * = U where S is the transpose of S.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 18

Phase–Shift Property
 Scattering parameters relate the phasor amplitudes of incident
and reflected waves, phase reference must be specified for each
port of the network.
 If the reference plane at port n is shifted θn=βnln electrical
length outward, then the resulting phase shift at port i due to
change of electrical length at port i and j is θi+ θj. The
corresponding matrix representation is:

e − jθ1 0  e − jθ1 0 
 e − jθ 2   e − jθ 2 
S′ =  S 
 O   O 
 0 e − jθ N   0 e − jθ N 

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Γin of a Two-Port with Load

 Find Γin a1 a2

S11 S12
S21 S22
b1 b2
Γin ΓL

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 20

ABCD Matrix
 The Z, Y, and S parameters cannot be used to cascade the
connection of two or more two-port elements.
 ABCD matrix is defined for this purpose.

V1   A B  V2  I1 I2
 I  = C D   I 
 1   2  + +
V1 A B V2
V1   A1 B1  V2  – –
 I  = C D1   I 2 
 1  1
V2   A2 B2  V3 
 I  = C D2   I 3 
 2  2
V1   A1 B1   A2 B2  V3 
 I  = C D1  C2 D2   I 3 
 1  1

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 21

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 11

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Matrix Conversions

(Z 11 − Z 0 )(Z 22 + Z 0 )− Z 12 Z 21 (Y 0 − Y 11 )(Y 0 + Y 22 )+ Y 12 Y 21 A + B Z 0 − CZ 0 − D
11 11
∆ Z ∆ Y A + B Z 0 + CZ 0 + D

2 Z 12 Z 2 Y 12 Y 2 ( AD − BC )
S 12 S 12
− 0

∆ Z ∆ Y A + B Z 0 + CZ 0 + D

2 Z 21 Z 2 Y 21 Y 2
S 21 S 21
− 0
∆ Z ∆ Y A + B Z 0 + CZ 0 + D

(Z 11 + Z 0 )(Z 22 − Z 0 )− Z 12 Z 21 (Y 0 + Y 11 )(Y 0 − Y 22 )+ Y 12 Y 21 − A + B Z 0 − CZ 0 + D
22 22
∆ Z ∆ Y A + B Z 0 + CZ 0 + D

(1 + S 11 )(1 − S 22 )+ S 12 S 21
Y 22 A
11 0
(1 − S 11 )(1 − S 22 )− S 12 S 21

2 S 12 Y 12 AD − BC
Z Z Z −
12 0
(1 − S 11 )(1 − S 22 )− S 12 S 21

2 S 21 Y 21 1
Z Z Z −
21 0
(1 − S 11 )(1 − S 22 )− S 12 S 21

(1 − S 11 )(1 + S 22 )+ S 12 S 21
Y 11 D
22 0
(1 − S 11 )(1 − S 22 )− S 12 S 21

Y 11 Y
(1 − S 11 )(1 + S 22 )+ S 12 S 21 Z 22
Y 11
(1 + S 11 )(1 + S 22 )− S 12 S 21 Z B

− 2 S 12 Z 12 BC − AD
Y 12 Y − Y 12
(1 + S 11 )(1 + S 22 )− S 12 S 21 Z B

− 2 S 21 Z 21 1
Y Y − Y −
21 0
(1 + S 11 )(1 + S 22 )− S 12 S 21 Z

(1 + S 11 )(1 − S 22 )+ S 12 S 21 Z 11
22 0
(1 + S 11 )(1 + S 22 )− S 12 S 21 Z

(1 + S 11 )(1 − S 22 )+ S 12 S 21 Z 11

Y 22
2 S 21 Z 21 Y 21

(1 + S 11 )(1 + S 22 )− S 12 S 21

2 Y 0 S 21 Z 21 Y 21

(1 − S 11 )(1 − S 22 ) − S 12 S 21 1

2 Z 0 S 21 Z 21 Y 21

(1 − S 11 )(1 + S 22 ) + S 12 S 21 Z 22

Y 11
Z2 S= 21Z11Z 22 − Z12 Z 21 ; Y = Y11Y22 − Y12Y21 ; ∆Y =Z (21Y11 + Y0 )(Y22 + Y0 ) − Y12Y21; ∆Z = (Z11 + Z 0 )(YZ 22
21 + Z ) − Z Z
0 12 21 ; Y0 = 1 Z 0

D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, Table 4.2, p.p. 211, John Wiley & Sons, 1998

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 22

Measurement of S-Parameters

D.M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd Edition, p.p. 206, John Wiley & Sons, 1998
Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 23

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 12

ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering January 25, 2001

Summary and Outlook

 Contents Covered
„ Microwave Network Analysis
Š Equivalent Voltage, Current and Impedance.
Š Z, Y, S and ABCD Parameters.
Š Γin of a 2-Port with Load.
Š Parameters Conversion and Measurement.

 Next Lecture
„ Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Š General Solution for TEM, TE and TM Waves.
Š Parallel Plate Waveguide, Rectangular Waveguide, Microstrip,
…, etc..
Š Wave Velocities and Dispersion.

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer ELEC 454 Microwave Engineering 24

Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer 13

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