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© IPA, 2006 - 1st Annual Convention Proceedings, 1972

F i t Annual Convention, June 1972




Abstract In the Java Sea Tertiary sediments in the area is relatively thin to the northwest
cover a cratonized basement of Pretertiary age. and north, becoming generally thicker in the
Tentative standard sections of the Tertiarysequence
employ used stratigraphic nomenclature. other directions. The deposits are situated
Regional lithologic correlation provides unconformably upon cratonized rocks of
a consistent picture of alternating carbonate and Pretertiary age.
clastic series covered by a clay series. This cor- Extensive outcrops of this basement are
relation is substantiated by paleontological data.
Although local variations exist, the following uni- situated where the Tertiary cover becomes
formly valid nomenclatureis suggested: thiP1.Onshore South Sumatra and Southeast
- Claystone Series or Equivalents Kalmantan erosion exposes incontinuous,
- Main Carbonate Unit A less extensive outcrops. Onshore Java and in
- Clastic Series A.
- Main Carbonate Unit B the Java Sea proper, much more restricted
- Clastic Series B. surface Occurrences are known. The Tertiary
deposits do not form an evenly distributed
INTRODUCTION blanket of sediments. Distinct local thic-
The Java Sea and adjacent areas (Encl. kening and thinning are conspicuous. Sub-
no.1) measure roughly 600.000 square kiiome- basins and intervening highs, ridges and f
tres. This is about the size of both the islands platforms are present. The known restricted
of Sumatra and Java combined. Within this vast local thickening of Tertiary cover forming
area, restricted local geologic investigations the subbasins are-named :
have established independent Tertiary strati- - South Palembang/Djambi subbasin with its
graphic terminology. Onland stratigraphy is probable Lampung ex tension.
comparatively made available by published - Banuwati subbasin.
literature. Existing exploration campaigns for - Ardjuna subbasin and Djatibarang subbasin,
hidrocarbon accumulations in marine areas, both parts of the Northern West Java basinal
which only commenced in 1967, makes avai- area.
lable data of the Java Sea itself. Subsequently - East Java Sea subbasin (North Madura sub-
this area has developed a system of terms with basin, Pati trough) and their onshore East
strong affinities to conventional onland no. Java extensions.
menclature. Correbition of all known sections - Northern East Java Sea subbasins(East d d
onshore and offshore has not yet been West Florence subbasins, Asem-Asem sub-
attempted. Presently, basinstudies of the area basins), which may be continued onshore
have prepared an estimated geological model Southeast Kalimantan.
of the Java Sea. Based on this model, correle Configuration of subbasins and intervening
tion of existing lithological sequences is being
elongated highs is distinctly NE-SW in the
developed. The purpose of this paper is to make
east, slightly N-S in the south west turning
available to students of this area a presently
NW-SWin the west.
valid lithostratigraphic nomenclature, on which
regional theme to base necessary localvariations. 11. Established stratigraphic terminolooy of the
subbasins is either known in a general form
DISCUSSION or in detailed, but discontinoous sections.
*) Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi
1. Present genersl basinal setting. Tertiary cover Negara (Pertamina)
The western subbasins are described by section. The clastic series are dominant in
Jackson (1961) and Pulunggono & Todd the west, while the carbonate units occur
(1 971). Onshore Java and Kalimantan follow extensively in the east. The area in be tween
nomenclature based mainly on pre- 1942 and to the north show a mixing of both
fielddata, as published in compilation efforts types of rock sequences. Ideally two re&-
ofvan Bemmelen(l949)and Marks(1957). nal carbonate units can be d e f i e d , %para-
State Oil Company PERTAMINA, her Pro. ting the clastic series into three distinct
duction Sharing Contractors and LEMIGAS zones. This is particularly apparent in the
have developed local nomenclatures sub- central Part of the area. Lithological COP
sequently. relation based on above general rock units
1II.Lithology and correlation. In the different should therefore be posible.
subbasin a standard section may be con-
Age correlation however, should support any
structed (EncL no. 2). Availability, depen-
correlation at a regional scale (
dability and nature of basic data differ
Determination of age by means of plankto-
considerably from one area to another.
nic zonation and the classical Tertiary letter
Where hydrocarbons are being, or have been,
"stages" in the subbasins were carried out
produced, more data are available. Onshore,
only recently. Subbasin sections may be
surface data make possible continous
comfortably Correlated acmss or around
horizontal correlation. The preparation of
an assumed geological model of the subbasins regional highs. N o major stratigraphical
points out that many rapid facies changes breaks occur in the subbasins However, in
the Banuwati subbasin and to the edges of
at short distances occur. The section thus
should be considered being a composite some eastern subbasins, part of the suc-
cession in missing. I t is concluded that
section, depicting the most characteristic
features of the sequences, with proper age determination and correlation indicate
that continuous Tertiary sedimentation has
consideration for involved lateral changes.
taken place in the whole areaminterrupted
T h e boundaries of the Tertiary sequences are only at places. Sedimentation commenced
well defined: The upper boundary is form in the east. By Oligo - Miocene times the
ed by Quaternary deposits, non consolidated, area was covered by marine sediments.
undistrubed; consisting mainly of sedimen
tary clastics, layered pyroclastics and recent Lithological correlation, based on time
lavaflows. The lower boundary of Pretertiary subdivision can be carried out with the
age is the "basement". In the Djatibarang, clastic series and carbonate sequences as
Remhang and Kudjung sections this base- correlation units.
ment has not been reached by the drill. The lower most clastic series cover the
Lithology of basement is as diversified as basement. A first continuous carbonate
possible. Igneous, metamorphic, volcanic, sequente can be correlated, thinning to the
indurated sedimentary, and pyroclastic rocks west and thickening to the east. A second
are present. clastic series follow. The series are covered
in the central part by a limited but thick
Possible grouping, lineation, or any sense of
order in distribution, down the sequence or unit of carbonate rocks, The entire sequence
is then capped by continental and marine
latenally, based on nature and origin of the
rocks have, until now, not been detected clastic rocks. Suggested general nomen- -
clature for the units are, from top to bottom :
Only the Seribu Platform has shown indi-
cations of consisting of granitic rocks evenly - Claystone Series or Equivalents
distributed. - Main Carbonate Unit A
The Tertiary section consists entirely .of - Clastic Series A
two major associations : sedimentary clastics - Main Carbonate Unit B
and carbonate rocks. Minor occurrences of - Clastic Series B
volcanics, mainly extrusives, are present Supporting correlation is also made availabie
near the borders of the Tertiary sedimentary by seismic results of semi detailed to detailed
I050 1100 115'
I c I I

E n d . no. 1




. ..
Chystone Series 8. Equivalents
Main Carbonate Unit " h "
CSA Clastic Scries 'A'
hrca M a i n Carbonate Unit ' 8 "
CS B Clastic Series ' B

I / 0 Lnurati J A V A SEA
0 Florence HT.....
clay , shale w i t h coal
Sandstone a n d conglomerate

marl ,dolomite a n d limeitone

tuffs. volcanic breccia a n d Lava flows

bas e m ent . undiffercrrliated

E n d . no. 3 rn
Verrical scale ,500
Roc M=rinr/cont. ?
/Alluviil,volc=nic,~..bottom dr.\ --r
CMmM -m
\posits ho7izonta:iy upon to .Terrestial 200 PLEIST
Continental cladicr : Fin, to coarsn, loore, soft, not sorted. Components
- Kasai q u i r t a m , jeldpithic or tuffaceous , Coal lwyers frequent - Limnic - -
-Muara Enim
SERIES Paralic clartics mainly claystones wlth marly. sandy and browncoal - o u t e r shelf to 700 LATE
- Tjisubuh intercalation#. Poorly consolidated, silty. glauconltic with abundant Panlis MIOCENE
- Subng Tomo - heavy minerals locally mtrr
IQUIV. -With carbonate Unit'A'
- M I , Unit I l r t / c l s r t i c boundary
All the r o c b are poorly bedded or layered. Mainly ma8sive w l t h
- Dahor - With clartic Unit 'A" not so c1r.r Mainb
the dominant clayey rwks ,also appearance - PLEIST
MAIN -Pwigi - Organic build up r i c h in fossils and disappearance of coalbeds. East :
ARBONATE - Karren Mainly limestone with some mads. Limesfane usuilly rccflst. A180 chalk ' ~ l n n e i shelf 1 0 3 m. -
UNIT -Mundu (?I dolomiter and ulcarenites. west: MIDDLE
Often massive with many vugs. Lt surface ofttn cwvernous. Not 40 well defined: gradual .haling o 0 lOOm 4lOCENE
A' - G I (71 -
bt. cplz. by lenses and stmaks.
- 6UF - ABF In ~
u n c o n f o r ~ i ' .f
- Nainly marins srdimenilry cla%tics.Fine t o coarse qrained. bnglomerAes Paralic .East LATE
- Tjirubuh and pnbbls size sediments are typically lacking. Loose to conrolidated
\krr'n upon older rocks'
- Tjibulabn Inner m d 400 m MIOCENE
CLISTIC Coarser Chlfics m8y form lcnrrr to massive bodice. (hmponent m i d y quartx. outer shelf West
- Wonotjolo -
SERIES -Ledok (?) - C M l layers, Imres and carboniferous remain8 a m w i n l y in the upptr part 2000 m
'A" - Npjong. OK -Limestone reefs occur onshore Java North EARLY
-Unit n -Limcstonc, marl8 as lenses. mainly in thr'lower part 1500 m MIOCENE
- Warukin
- Baturrdla Predomiwntly linwrtone and ~ r l .Uaariw 1st b d i n in the vest, mwrh
in south i in th* e w t and north- cast maisivs 1st. dfcrnating with slwrtiq Wed
MAIN - U n i t 10 MIDDLE
intervals. I n n e r and sorn,

UNIT -OK h l I f O n C 1 are Often carbonat. build ups. Argillaceous 1st.. calurenlter j Outer East -
- Kdjung Lithographic 1st' some dolomites 1400m
'I' -Marl: are sDft , 'btdded, with abundant 1st h a k r .
-Unit 111 W - V
- Neritic South EOCENE
- C l r r t i a a n we11 layered, mainly fine grairnd t o talc. u n d s t w r . Typically transition1 zone, being l m e -
- Bcr., 2000 m
dken present in c l w h r . -
- Tahng h r Sedimentary Jastics. fin, topebbl*jbouldcr size. Well lithified by calcareous LJgOOnJl Offshore
- Tjibulakan or feldrpwthic cernmt Components are quartzore. Locally near the base Paralic 1000 m
Re-KudjunJ. t h r particlss maybe igneous , indurated r e d i n r n b crvolcanicr. Transit ions1
Close t o t h e top finer cbstic dominate. Coarser clastic d o w n w o w . continental t o Onland
Contact w i t h bassment & always by b a r d cong-
inner t2Wm
-lahat Neritic
streaks typically in the transition EOCENE
- Djatlbwrurg vdcanics occur in the NE and/or
-Thin d.y layers continental
\ Dilfcrence of mdulatlon, appsrance
igneous and metamorphic rocks

Encl. no. 4
gnds of marine geophysical suxveys in the Java The use of above general nomenclature
Sea. Of importance is the presence of one re- proposed for regional Correlation. Wilhin each
gional, continuous reflection zone which co- defined subbasin, eventually, local terminology
incide with the top of a carbonate complex. will establish itself, being necessary deviations
This seismic marker confirms the regional of the general system of terms.
occurrence of Main Carbonate Unit B of
constant early Miocene age. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
Correlation of existing terminology meets basic Acknowledgements are respeutfully made to
difficulties Several known subbasins have the Board of Directors of Indonesian State 0 2
either an established detailed system of terms Company PERTAMINA for permission t o
or very general subdivisions based on a mixfure present this paper.
of litho and age considerations. In a restricted
sense efforts were also made to extend terms REFERENCES.
away from the subbasin where the actual type
sections were established. This may tend to BEMMELEN, R.W. VAN. 1949. The geology
redefifie the original tockunit. It is suggested of Indoneaia; the Hague Martinus Nijhoff, V.I.
that correlation of existing terminology may and II (2nd ed. 1970).
only be useful after carefully studying the MARKS, P., 1957 : StratigRphic Lexicon of
actual meaning and origin of terms t o be Indonesia. Publik Keilmuan 3 1, Seri Geologi,
correlated. p-l. - 23.
Brief description of lithology of proposed JACKSON, A, 1961 : Oil Exploration; a brief
regional lithozonation is described in enclosure review, with illustrations from South Sumatra.
no. 4. Contribution from the Dept. of Geology,
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. Institute of Technology, Bandung, No. 40,
rept. from Science in Indonesia, Publication
Within a vast Tertiary sedimentary cover, no. 2.
restricted areas with relatively thicker sedi- TODD, D.F., AND PULUNGGONO, A. 1971:
ments constitute different subbasins. Tentative The Sunda B!ashal area, an hportont new oil
sections correlate satisfactorily based mainly on province; a paper presented at the Am. Assoc.
m'o types of rock associations. Biostratigraphic Petroleum Geologistsmeeting, 1971. Condens-
evidence, aided to some degree by seismic ed version : Oil & G a s Journal, June 14,1971,
reflection data support the correlation. The. D. 104 - 110.

following points are important : KOESOEMADiNATA. R.P., AND PULUNG

1. - Major stratigraphic breaks are absent, GONO, A., 1971 : . Offahore Tertiary
except locally. Sedimentary baain8 in Indonedu, a paper
presented at the 12th Pacific Science
2 - Major rock units, although crossing time-
Congress, Canberra, Australia, August 1971.
lines, can be correlated.
3. - A repetition of a clastic, then carbonate AND WIBISONO 1972: Stmtisrpphic cor-
succession, and eventually topped by a rehtions in the Terthry of Jaw and sumpta,
dominant claystone series is unmistakable a paper presPnted at the First Annual Conven-
tion of the Indonesian Petroleum Assohtion,
4. - An important correlation level is the Main Jakarta June 1972.
Cprbonate Unit 8. This change in
lithology persists regionally at roughly
the same age.


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