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Energy around l;l~s

Surname: Name:

<9 Look at the pictures and write the type of energy each object creates.
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Complete the sentences.
• Rubbing our hays logelher lo warm Ihem Iransforms J:0..~Yl.!'>,:y,i.J;.,~ energy into
H~~ energy. J J
• A fan when working transforms E..~~.~\~~.~ energy into ~.~'n1.."t.\..i
..e.aQ .
. r()~.-..l.a: C. '-1
. -l ~~
• An ¡ron transforms , ~.c;¿.~.L energy into ;:-:.l~.L energy.
•. 1
• When muscle eells eontrad they use C-.he.{f.·~l.~ energy from food to ereate

l\e.y.'(I.~~.~.~~ energy.

~ é1Explail1 the two characteristics of electricol energy that make it useful for home use .
..~ CA.p.~t?t.Q,r6{lQ~. .t :...\.1 ~.~Si.~f J.~.~º~h r;~~ ~ .
J..~j.~.~5.&c.~S \.':.10 o~.r.9.~ 1~.r-~sO..~ ~.h.~.~..~''f. ~ ~ .

~ ~;:te~et:;s,t~::~::~;;~c;;:;:~/t:~:lm.~llV¡nqlt<.tq~i.~~·········9····..··············
..·········· .

~ c&I Explain what lS a renewable el1ergy source und a non-renewcble el1ergy .

..~.~~.~.~5 o~ xe..~.~.~(k>..:-@.~~y.3h4XQ.~.~~ ~.e º.~ J~~ ~~~~..~.~.~ ~.~·.k~ .
..... ..:.~....r.ó..~ ...±b~..o{l~ .....:!.~} ~e~~:.(l.~.~~ .....Q,.%P.,...'iP~~ ..~·V~~.,
S1?~~ e~:mr..::..~.~ ~~\~y..JbQ
..~.9...(~..o.n.0.t Q.. e.l..mf19.'d: ..a~ú..b:t...1. '-$ .
t-h iG +'f re . c~ e~tJy ,t¡~ (1 ~~ktn 1'1 a. (j.
Energy around Us
Surname: Name:

~ ®Oetermine if the jollowtnq energy sources are renewable or non-renewable.

• Natural gas: ..~.oo..:..~.~.Y.l.~~.~.~ ¿.......... • Uranium: ..J\º.n..::-
..~~.~~.~.~Q:2 ~ .
• Wind: tt.e...0~.u)~..~e ;¿......................................... • Solar:' ~~.~ .. ~.~.º.~
~ : .
• Coal: X~c...o...::::-n9.r.e ..~.~bQ..q ¿.................. • Water in reservoirs: ..~~.~~~ ~ .

• Petroleum: PO.0..:-: ¿............ •

&..V).:~~.~.b~e Plutonium: t'.o..r. :: ~.e..~.~.tP.9. ~ .

What is the Sun's relationship with wínd, water cnd other combustibles, such as petroleum, coal
or wood?
:T~.~..?~.~.h~~1~..~.~~~.~~.~..~ ~~.i.h.~5a.~b O'.Y.)a ..::i:h.e \O ..L&.,l.i
~.e.neh~~ .
...~.~~ ~l'l.f.~ :H.· ~, c.~.'.hfl.o.C.e.~.n ~Q.~rlg.1.. ±~.~I!:.:.p ..Q..i1m..(ú~\y) .

.l.~ ~~..~.~.~.~.:t~~ . .h.~f..~tc,.~.Y.1rl.b
. \~.1 ~.b +~ pQ.~~ :~ .

(8J Match the three columns.

Solar panels Thermal power station I Wind
Wind turbine Hydroelectric power station • Sun
Reservoirs Solar power station Coal
Fuel Wind farm Water

{9jPollution is one oJ. the problems cssocicted with the production and use oJ energy .. What are
the types oJ pollution generated by thermal power stutions cnd nuclear power stntions?
.1he...~.~~g b!..L~rrl ~7. fr...~.~n..~
oÓ·· O$f.hQ..~~ ~.º~~~
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...."'.m.p\l."t=~.~.;.Qt'::~::t'!,q~=;I1""+,.,~S7Wb¡º" ~ih:td<; :I~g.. .t.(> .
.....+.h.e :EtJ.. 1:h 5.: ~ tN.~ rJ...~ .

(jit¡ In arder to sa/nergy it ls recommended to practlce the three R's. What are the three R's?
':':':' ~~~ .

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= Bq,.~.c:.~ ¿ : .

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