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Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

260 Review
© Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia

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Martin Mihajlov & Lucija Vejmelka
Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics, Skopje, Macedonia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, Zagreb, Croatia

received: 9.3.2017; revised: 3.5.2017; accepted: 12.7.2017

Easy access to communication and information technologies has increased our dependence on technology for various aspects of
our lives. Nevertheless, this remarkable growth of Internet Usage has been inextricably paired with a rise of excessive and
dysfunctional Internet use. Conceptualized around 1996, a few years after the inception of the World Wide Web, Internet addiction
has developed into a global issue influencing varying segments of the population at different levels. Despite heated debates on its
addictive nature, consensus is emerging regarding the existence of this problematic behavior.
In this paper we provide a comprehensive overview of the literature on Internet addiction in last 20 years. Purpose of this paper
is to present crucial findings on Internet addiction to health profession.
Besides numerous benefits of Internet use, the virtual environment brings various risks in every age group. The Internet is very
significant in the everyday activities of children and youth and professional interventions with this age group should be specific
considering their developmental characteristics. Exposure to online risks can have long-lasting and intense negative effects. Effective
programs in prevention and treatment should include a multi-sectoral and interdisciplinary approach. Detail review of the
symptomatology, diagnosis model an possibilities of treatment can be multiple beneficial to the health professionals and other
helping professions due to actual needs for interventions in the field of the internet addiction treatment.
Internet addiction is slowly becoming a societal concern as it particularly affects adolescents and children, who are more
exposed and consequently more vulnerable. Findings presented in the paper can benefit in practice of treatment internet addiction
and also as framework for further researches in the field.
Key words: Internet addiction – prevalence – symptomatology - diagnosis model - treatment

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INTRODUCTION Considering that the Internet is an integral part of

social and professional life, it is necessary to understand
Along with new technologies, the Internet has resha- the fundamental reasons for its use. Technology brings
ped and improved many aspects of our lives by being various benefits in everyday life including gathering
integrated in the daily experience. Internet has become information, easier communication and learning in ge-
more available, offers more services and its usage is neral. Studies in the field highlight that internet use can
growing in every age group. Approximately 46% of the help improve results on tests and increase motivation for
world population is on the Internet today, an incredible learning among young people (Guan & Subrahmanyam
growth compared to only less than 1% in 1995 (Internet 2009). Also, perceived quality of life can be affected in
Live Stats) . The world's most developed countries al-ready the absence of Internet access (Pontes et al. 2015).
have an Internet penetration level over 90%, for example While the use of technology is considered as a
Iceland, 100%, Norway, 98%, Denmark, 96.3%, UK, positive phenomenon, recent empirical evidence reveals
92.6%, or Japan, 91.1%, while the highest growth rates are that technology addiction augments a user’s intrinsic
recorded on the African continent in develo-ping countries and extrinsic gain perceptions about a system, leading to
like Mali, 18.6%, Cameroon, 16.5%, or Côte d'Ivoire, system overuse at an unhealthy elevated level (Turel et
14.3%. Overall rate in Europe is 73, 5% of and Croatia al. 2011). Addiction symptoms prevalent among techno-
with 75% of internet users (Internet World Stats 2017). logy addicts can cause negative personal, societal and
Specific of internet use in Croatia implies that Internet is workplace related ramifications (Charlton & Danforth
still „mostly sporadically and very unevenly distributed 2007), thus advocating the question of how technology
among different regions which imply there are significant use can be adjusted to healthy levels.
differences in internet usage among children and young Excessive Internet use is seen as a form of techno-
people“ (Kanizaj 2016). Especially over the past decade, logical addiction which touches a large scope of beha-
advances in mobile and wearable technologies have vioral responses (Marks 1990). Viewed through the
allowed a seamless and ubiquitous connection of prism of addiction, IA is a relatively recent and fast gro-
individuals to the online world, thus being the key drivers wing clinical phenomenon (Saville et al. 2010). Due to
of a phenomenon called Internet Addiction – IA (Turel & its fast growth the attitude of many countries towards
Serenko 2010). Internet addiction is as a potential threat to public

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

health. For example, China has reported that approxi- Based on empirical data, Young et al. (1999) view IA
mately 10 million citizens have scored high on Internet as an umbrella term for a wide variety of behaviors and
addiction tests (Block 2008). Despite this growth, there impulse control problems that can be divided into five
are still many disagreements in the field ranging from subtypes:
terminology and diagnosis to treatment. Researchers ƒ cybersexual addiction - compulsive use of adult
even disagree with the concept of Internet addiction as a websites for cybersex and cyberporn;
distinct disorder, emphasizing instead that the Internet is ƒ cyber-relationship addiction - over-involvement in
a medium, not a substance and hence a manifestation of online relationships;
other disorders like ADHD, depression, social loneli- ƒ net compulsions - obsessive online gambling, shop-
ness and anxiety (Recupero 2010). ping or day-trading;
Purpose of this paper is to present extent literature ƒ information overload - compulsive web surfing or
review on internet addiction of last two decades, from database searches;
the pioneer researches to recent studies around the ƒ computer addiction - obsessive computer game
world. In the article we will define terminology of IA playing.
and then discuss operationalization of the IA through Alternatively, Davis (2001) proposes a theoretical
detail description of available measures. Data about cognitive and behavioral model of pathological Internet
global prevalence of IA is also included. Causality and use (PIU). The model differentiates between addictions
diagnosis models including symptoms and the treatment to the Internet versus addictions on the Internet through
described from different perspectives presented in the the following two categorizations:
article is important for health professionals especially ƒ Generalized Problematic Internet Use (GPIU) - a
ones who works with children and youth. Relevance of multidimensional overuse of the Internet itself not
the topic is confirmed by actual trends in growing concerned with any specific online activity;
internet especially in the age group of children and ƒ Specific Problematic Internet Use (SPIU) – patho-
youth usage (Croatian Bureau of Statistics 2016) and a logical indulgence into an online behavior through a
fact that Croatian medical institutions started to imple- specific function and/or application.
ment programs of treatment Internet addiction.
With this classification GPIU can be considered as
an addiction to the Internet, while SPIU can be
considered as addictions on the Internet (Griffiths &
TERMINOLOGY Pontes 2014).
Essentially, IA research before 2000 was heavily
In the US, a serious research pioneer in the field is
focused on general Internet use. The trend has shifted
Dr Kimberley Young who first published a case study
and the Internet is now more often treated as a medium
regarding a 43-year old woman addicted to email
for numerous and independently existing activities.
(Young 1996). This was followed by the first seminal
When it comes to the cause of addiction, this approach
Internet addiction study (Young 1998b) which collected
implies that online content and online activities take
approximately 600 cases of people who suffered pro-
precedence over the medium itself. However, as the
blems in their everyday life offline because they were
medium itself changes the essential aspects of the
unable to control Internet use. The research into Internet
original activity, both content/activity and medium
addiction in Europe was initiated by Griffiths's paper on
become essential ingredients of IA (Király et al. 2014).
technological addictions (Griffiths 1995), followed by a
The use of the Internet brings various benefits to
general paper on Internet addiction (Griffiths 1996a)
various aspects of everyday life; it facilitates business
and specific aspects such as Internet gambling addiction
and increase productivity, it is used for a spectrum of
(Griffiths 1996b).
educational purposes and it enables easier commu-
The term “addiction” has been criticized heavily by
nication. Research shows that educational activities as
peer scientists which has allowed for the emergence of
school homework, searching for useful information or
less controversial terminologies describing the same
searching for medical information is not related with
phenomenon (Pezoa-Jares & Espinoza-Luna 2013). Cur-
Internet addiction (Eijnden & Meerkerk 2008, Vejmelka
rently, there is no consensus for a consistent nomen-
et al. 2017). In addition, Tsitsika & Janikian (2014)
clature with some of the different proposed terms being:
came to the conclusion that adolescents that use internet
Internet dependency (teWildt 2011), pathological Inter-
for educational and research purposes are less likely to
net use (Morahan 2000), problematic Internet use
develop addiction.
(Davis et al. 2002), compulsive computer use (Black et
As a matter of fact, after it initial conceptualization, it
al. 1999), etc. On the other hand, the reference to the
is the rapid evolvement of online applications that has
Internet as an addictive medium is not suitable consi-
changed the view of IA. Functional activities such as social
dering that many of the excessive Internet users are not
interaction, role-playing games, gambling, or porno-graphy
Internet addicts, but use the Internet as a medium to fuel
have replaced the early manifestations of poten-tially
their specific addictions (Griffiths 1999). Therefore,
addictive activities, namely email, chatting and texting. In
there have been several different proposals about IA
classifications. its fifth review, the Diagnostic and Statistical

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 included Internet literature review to date, Laconi et al. (2014) have iden-
Gaming Disorder (IGD) as a supplement which indicates tified 45 tools which measure and assess Internet
that IDG has been recognized as a condition that requires addiction through either scales, interviews or diagnostic
specific attention from professionals. It requires more criteria. All developed instruments are self-report ques-
clinical research and experience before being included as a tionnaires constructed using a theoretical basis and have
formal disorder (Petry et al. 2015). Nevertheless, IGD is no clinical validation. Length-wise the questionnaires
the only Internet-related condition officially included in a are relatively short, ranging from 8 to 36 items on either
diagnostic manual (APA 2013). In IGD, a gaming addict is dichotomous or dimensional scales, and are hence easy
viewed as someone that uses the Internet as a medium in to administer in both research and clinical environments.
order to addictively engage in gaming. This leads to Only some instruments have reported criteria and/or
conceptualizing Internet-related disorders, such as IGD, cutoff points for IA, although they are seldom based on
online social networking addiction or online sexual empirical analyses. From all of these tools only 17 had
addiction as a spectrum of behavioral addictions (Billieux their psychometric properties evaluated more than once,
2012). In an extensive literature research review on and only 10 had three or more evaluations. This implies
Internet addiction and pornography addiction, Love et al. that most of the reported scales require further exami-
(2015) concludes that Internet pornography addiction fits nation before they can be used by researchers and/or
into the addiction framework and shares similar basic clinicians as measures for assessment of IA. The validity
mechanisms with substance addiction. It stimulates the of these scales is questionable mostly due to the lack of
brain’s reward system, and the person is searching for definition for IA and its current grounding in multiple
additional excitement online. The exces-sive use of internet theoretical frameworks (Beard 2005, Weinstein &
pornography could also be explained from a neuro- Lejoyeux 2010).
biological aspect, as there is an expec-tation of a more Considering that there are several exhaustive
intense content the individual seeks further excitement by systematic reviews of IA instruments (Lortie & Guitton
increasing frequency of online sexual activities (Hilton 2013, Laconi et al. 2014), in this section we present a
2013, Spicer et al. 2007). selective review of the most frequently used and well-
It is impossible to deny that professional practice in researched instruments. For these instruments we dis-
the health sector and helping professions are recog- cuss their psychometric properties by reporting on the
nizing and carrying out interventions with online beha- findings for reliability, validity, and factor structure.
vioral problems. Furthermore, evidence based practice
is significant for Internet addiction difficulties sugges- Instruments for IA evaluation
ting the importance of future research in this field.
Although related by the Internet medium, these and The Internet Addiction Test (Young 1998a) is based
similar disorders need to be viewed as independently on the Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire –
dysfunctional behaviors. Tentatively, it has been indi- IADQ (Young 1998b) and assesses IA based on criteria
for the diagnosis of pathological gambling. The test
cated that the term “Internet addiction” in general
consists of 20 self-reported items scored on a 5-point
should be actively replaced by the respective addiction
Likert-type scale ranging from “rarely” to “always”
to a specific online activity when the behavioral
allowing for a dimensional rather than categorical
addiction patterns for that activity are ascertained
assessment. The items include concepts such as loss of
(Starcevic 2013). With this in consideration, Cantelmi et
control, neglecting everyday life, behavioral and cogni-
al. (2000), proposed the term internet-related psycho-
tive salience, negative consequences, mood modifica-
pathology (IRP) as the clinical conditions surrounding
tion, and deception. Based on these items users can be
IA are not an internet dependency, but a group of spe-
categorized as normal, with frequent problems or with
cific psychopathological situations in an online environ-
significant problems, although the cutoff scores, 40/70,
ment. Other suggested terms for the disorder are “inter-
can be considered as arbitrary as they are not based on
net-mediated psychopathology” (Tonioni 2013) and
empirical considerations. Different cut-off criteria used
“internet spectrum dependency” (Karaiskos et al. 2010).
in researches significantly reduces the possibility of
For consistency, from the various terminologies used results comparison and should be considered. The
to define this phenomenon in this paper we will use the modified IAT with a 6-point scale includes the “does not
term "Internet addiction" to describe the pathological apply” option (Young 2010) and differentiates bet-ween
state of overindulging in Internet-related activities. normal users and users with mild, moderate or severe
Internet addiction with cutoff scores set at 31/50/80.
MEASURING INTERNET ADDICTION Several studies have shown an excellent test– retest
reliability, r>=0.75, and excellent internal consistency,
Since the inception of the field, a myriad of instru- a=0.92 (Barke et al. 2012, Lee et al. 2013, Osada 2013).
ments have been developed to assess IA among a target Psychometric validations of the IAT have consistently
population. However, most instruments have not been resulted in differing dimensional structures, mostly
verified and their psychometric properties have not been dependent on culture, which strongly suggests that
investigated within the context of different user groups sociocultural factors impact Internet addiction
or culture. As a matter of fact, in the most exhaustive assessment (Widyanto et al. 2011).

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

The Compulsive Internet Use Scale – CIUS (Meer- evaluations reveal 6 and 7 factor solutions for the
kerk et al. 2009) was developed primarily on criteria for GPIUS (Caplan 2002) and 4-factor solutions for the
pathological gambling. It originally included 14 items GPIUS-2 (Fioravanti et al. 2013).
with a 5-point Likert-type scale, ranging from “never” Examples of other IA instruments include Proble-
to “very often”. However, it has also been validated in a matic Internet Use Questionnaire – PIUQ (Demetrovics
9-item form for adolescents (Cartierre et al. 2011) and it et al. 2008), Problematic Internet Use Scale – PIUS
exists in a 17-item form (Aa et al. 2008). Three cut-off (Morahan 2000), Computer and Internet Use – CIU &
scores have been proposed: 18, 21, and 37 (Guertler et CIU-2 (Pratarelli et al. 1999; Pratarelli & Browne,
al. 2014). The CIUS revealed good split-half reliability, 2002), Problematic Internet Use Diagnostic-Interview –
r=0.89, good convergent validity with time spent online, PIUD-I (Beard & Wolf 2001) and others.
0.33<r<0.68, excellent test-retest reliability, r=0.83, and Instead of continuing to develop new instruments,
excellent internal consistency, a=0.90 (Alavi et al. 2011; the psychometric properties of current tools need to be
Khazaal et al. 2011). Several factor analysis studies investigated in more detail in order to enable IA
suggest a single dimension (Peukert et al. 2012, research to move towards developing a 'gold standard'
Wartberg et al. 2014, Dhir & Helsinki 2015), mostly for assessment (Wartberg et al. 2014). Furthermore, the
referring to “compulsive and impulse control elements”. process of psychometric property assessment itself
The Chen Internet Addiction Scale – CIAS (Chen et al. needs to be unified as different researchers have adopted
2003) is another questionnaire developed on criteria for different techniques for validating IA instruments. This
pathological gambling and substance dependence. The test approach will effectively enable the comparison and
consists of 26 self-reported items scored on a 4-point synthesis of results between different tools.
Likert- type scale ranging from “very unlike me” to “very
like me”. The test evaluates the core symptoms of
addiction, such as tolerance, compulsive use, and GLOBAL PREVALENCE OF IA
withdrawal and related symptoms such as negative impact
on social activities, interpersonal relationships, physical With the heterogeneity of assessment instruments
condition, and time management. It has good psychometric and varying samples, comparing the prevalence of IA
properties with suggested cut-off points at 58 for screening across any demographic characteristic is rather difficult,
and 64 for diagnosis of Internet addiction that have a high especially since most studies use questionnaires similar
sensitivity with a diagnostic accuracy with 87.6% (Ko et al. to the Internet Addiction Test applied through online
2005). The instrument has a good test-retest reliability, recruitment, instead of comprehensive clinical inter-
r=0.85, and excellent internal consistency for the respective views in a random general population sample (Kuss et
subscales, α=0.93 (Kesici & Sahin 2010). Psychometric al. 2014). Hence, the numbers presented in this section
properties are deter-mined as a 5-factor solution, including have only a provisional significance, as consistent diag-
“compulsion”, “withdrawal”, “tolerance”, “time nostic criteria, representative offline samples and vali-
management” and “inter-personal and health problems” dated questionnaires are needed to determine accurate
(Ramezani et al. 2012). and comparable IA rates.
The Online Cognition Scale – OCS (Davis et al. 2002) International prevalence rates have a great variance
is a questionnaire based on cognitive-behavioral theory. depending on measurement method and target popula-
The questionnaire consists of 36 items scored on a 7-point tion. A worldwide review carried on behalf of the
Likert- type scale ranging from “strongly disagree” to German health ministry reports that international preva-
“strongly agree”. It has shown excellent test-retest lence rates for IA range from 1.5% to 8.2% (Petersen et
reliability, r=0.9, excellent internal consistency, and good al. 2009). Another major cross-sectional survey of high
construct validity 0.47<r<0.81 (Ozcan & Buzlu 2005, Song school students in 11 European countries, with an
2007). Due to its interpretive nature, the scale has no average age of 14.9 years, revealed an overall preva-
official cut off points for categorization of addiction levels. lence rate of 4.4% (Durkee et al. 2012). A more detailed
Factor analysis defines a 4-factor solu-tion consisting of overview is presented in Table 1.
“social comfort”, “loneliness”, “dimi-nished impulse Compared to the rest of the world, Asian cultures
control” and “distraction” (Zec 2005). have had the most significant problems with IA
The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale – (Aboujaoude et al. 2006). Reported rates vary from
GPIUS (Caplan 2002) is another questionnaire based on 2.4% to 13.5% in Chinese schools (Deng et al. 2007;
cognitive-behavioral theory. Initially, it consisted of 29 Wu et al. 2013) and from 1.6% to 20.3% in South
items scored on a 8-point Likert-type scale with a good Korean adolescents (Kim et al. 2006). In the United
test–retest reliability, r=0.73, and good split-half relia- States, rates vary from 0.7% to 26.3% in adolescents
bility. The second version of the questionnaire, GPIUS- and college students (Moreno et al. 2011). In Europe,
2 is composed of 15 items also scored on an 8-point rates have a similarly broad range between 1% and
Likert-type scale ranging from “strongly disagree” to 18.3% in random surveys (Bakken et al. 2009; Rumpf et
“strongly agree”. The updated scale has a good conver- al. 2014). Studies of IA rates in other countries also
gent validity with time spent online, r=0.44, and depres- fluctuate between 0.7% in Indian college students (Goel
sion, r=0.27 (Gámez-Guadix et al. 2012). Psychometric et al. 2013) to 17.3% in Qatari adolescents and young

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

adults (Bener & Bhugra 2013). Recent study in Croatia for going online and spending excessive time have been
shows prevalence rate of 3.4% on high school students explored in context of specific online activities and
(Vejmelka et al. 2017). At this moment the cultural content as it relates to the particular individual.
differences cannot be explained. This possibly relates to Escapism is most evident in online gaming, where
a previosly raised issue about different FA results. researchers have investigated it relationship with IA by
Without a unified instrument or clinical approach to exploring interaction effects between psychosocial pro-
diagnosing IA it producing a correct interpretation is blems and alleviating motivations for use. The anony-
highly unlikely. mity in online environments people allows highly
anxious individuals to compensate their loneliness by
Table 1. World-wide prevalence of Internet addiction engaging in socialization through mutual gameplay.
Country Age group Prevalence rates Kardefelt-Winther (2014) showed that the relationship
United States Adult 0.7-6% between stress and online gaming is mediated by the
College 4-25% motivation for escapism. Similar findings have been
Greece Adolescents 3.1-15.3% especially ob-served among players of massive
Italy Adolescents 5.4% multiplayer online role-playing games (Zanetta-Dauriat
College 5% et al. 2011, Leme-nager et al. 2013). These findings
Norway General 1% suggest it is necessary to further explore motivations for
United Kingdom College 18.3% gaming and psycho-social well-being in conjunction.
India Adolescents 0.7% From the perspective of social media, expanding so-
College 0.7% cial networks to establish or enhance relationships is
Qatar College 17.3% viewed as an approach to improving self-confidence,
South Korea Adolescents 1.6-20.3% social abilities, and social support (Smahel et al. 2012).
China Middle school 2.4-6.3% Individuals with heightened social anxiety, may per-
Adolescents 5.5-13.5% ceive this form of communication a more acceptable
College 6.4% form of interaction, due to the greater degree of control
over one’s image and the lower risk of negative evalua-
Taiwan College 17.9%
tion, which in turn may lead to IA (Lee & Stapinski,
Croatia High school 3.4%
2012). The online environment appeals to individuals
who struggle with identity by giving them the oppor-
DIAGNOSIS AND SYMPTOMS OF tunity to improve or change personas. They use social
INTERNET ADDICTION networking to find psychological meaning to a deep and
compelling need to feel emotionally close to others. In
Addictions can be discerned by both psychological
an online environment they are able to express them-
and physical characteristics. Physical characteristics, selves and find the acceptance missing in their lives.
typical for substance abuse addictions, are manifested
Another pathway to IA may be body image pro-
by compulsive consumption due to the need to eliminate
blems and avoidance of real-life interactions because of
anxiety brought on due to the absence of the said sub-
embarrassment relating to one’s appearance (Rodgers et
stance. Psychological characteristics are most noticeable
al. 2013). IA can also result from compulsive consump-
during withdrawal and represent the behavioral issues
tion of online pornography due to its accessibility,
due to psychological dependence. Considering that IA is
affordability, and anonymity (Southern 2008).
a behavioral addiction, to understand the clinical nature
of overuse and its diagnosis it is necessary to focus on Conceptual diagnostic models for IA
the psychological issues.
In line with the different approaches towards defi-ning
Causes IA terminology, there are varying definitions and
conceptualizations for IA diagnosis. Researchers view IA
Compulsive Internet use provides a psychological
on a specter from a poorly controlled urge that causes
escape mechanism to avoid real or perceived problems.
distress to a serious psychopathology. This might be
Considering that addictive personalities are more likely
influenced by the prevalence and ubiquity of the Inter-net
to suffer from negative thinking (Hall & Parsons 2001),
prevents the detection and diagnosis of IA, especially as its
which in turn leads to low self-esteem and pessimistic
addictive patterns are masked by its legitimate everyday
attitudes, the anonymous interaction over the Internet
use for work or pleasure (Young 2009).
alleviates these self-imposed inadequacies. This is espe-
cially evident in young people who 20-years ago used
Psychopathological models
poetry, music, and sports to express their needs and fee-
lings, whereas now they turn to online activities to com- Research efforts have conceptualized at least three
pensate their identity (Tao 2005). This escapism leads a different models for which view IA as an obsessive-
person to depart from an unpleasant reality in order to compulsive disorder (Grant et al. 2010), an impulse con-
create a virtual “ideal self” liberated from real-life stress trol disorder (Beard & Wolf 2001) and/or an addictive
and limitations (Li et al. 2011). Hence, the motivation disorder (Fisoun et al. 2012).

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

OCD is represented by an intrusive anxiety to repe- Considering that the diagnostic criteria for impulse
titively perform the same action. In an Internet environ- control disorders overlap with those for addictive dis-
ment the compulsive aspects of OCD can be observed orders (Brewer & Potenza 2008), IA has also been
with the urge to constantly participate in repetitive on- conceptualized as a combination of both. Based on
line activities (ex. check an email account, or a personal clinical experience validated on a group of 405 subjects,
Facebook feed). Some pharmacological treatment stu- Tao et al. (2010) expanded the four addictive disorder
dies which use selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors criteria, listed above, to a more complete IA diagnostic
support the foundation for this model (Dell’Osso et al. model. Their diagnostic definition, emphasizes the
2006). In addition, it has been suggested that Internet obligatory presence of two symptom criteria:
addiction may be seen as the consequence of an obses- ƒ Preoccupation with the Internet when offline;
sive passion defined as “a strong inclination towards a ƒ Withdrawal, manifested by dysphoric mood, anxiety,
controlled internalization of an activity that a person irritability, or boredom after being offline for several
likes, finds important, and in which both time and days.
energy are invested, into one's identity” (Lafrenière et Additionally, one or more of the following five
al. 2009, Przybylski et al. 2009). Such internalization is symptom criteria is also present:
caused by “pressure” from the contingencies which are ƒ Tolerance, defined as increased Internet use required
attached to the activity or by the uncontrollable sense of to achieve the same satisfaction level;
excitement derived from participation in the activity. ƒ Persistent desire and/or unsuccessful attempts to
Furthermore, the activity itself takes up a dispropor- control, cut back, or discontinue Internet use;
tionate amount of space in the person’s identity and ƒ Continued excessive use despite physical or psycho-
causes conflicts with other activities in the person’s life. logical problems likely to have been caused or
Impulse-control disorders are characterized as an im- exacerbated by Internet use;
paired inhibition to engage in repetitive behaviors that may
ƒ Loss of previous interests, hobbies, and other plea-
also include adverse consequences (Aboujaoude 2010). IA
surable pursuits;
has been described as impulsive, with indi-viduals
ƒ Use of the Internet to escape or relieve a dysphoric
reporting an increased sense of tension or arousal before
connecting to the Internet, and a relief of that tension once
they were online (Shapira et al. 2000). Specifically, studies And finally, combining the symptom criteria with
have shown that both lack of per-severance and urgency the following three additional criteria increased the
are positively related to Internet addiction as facets of diagnostic accuracy to 99.26% with 89.66% specificity
impulsivity (Mottram & Fleming 2009, Billieux et al. and 100% reliability.
2010). Recently, this classification has been viewed as too ƒ Excessive Internet use is not better accounted for by
restrictive considering that other factors besides another disorder;
impulsivity traits also influence IA (Billieux et al. 2013). ƒ Excessive Internet use results in functional impair-
These factors include, but are not limited to personality ment, such as academically, professionally, or in
traits, motives for Internet use, comorbid psychopathology, personal relationships;
and specific Internet activity. ƒ Duration of heavy Internet use exceeds 3 months,
The addictive disorder approach conceptualizes IA with at least 6 hours of Internet usage (non-busi-
as a “behavioral addiction” similar to a substance use ness/non-academic) daily.
disorder (Han et al. 2009). Results from neuroimaging
experiments have shown neurobiological changes simi- Non-psychopathological interpretations
lar to those observed in substance addictions (Yuan et al.
Defining IA as a discrete psychopathological dis-
2011). These changes include: lower activation in
order has been a matter of debate. Most of the existing
conflict detection, less efficiency in information pro-
diagnostic definitions and scales often approach IA as a
cessing, lower cognitive control, impaired executive
homogenous activity without consideration for the
control and enhanced reward sensitivity. “Addiction” is
nature of the specific online activities. Their focus is
also suggested by the presence of symptoms which
commonly on the total time spent online and/or overall
share similarities to substance addictions on both
dysfunction, whereas the user’s exact online pursuits are
behavioral and biological aspects (Chakraborty et al.
often detrimental for any comprehensive diagnosis. A
2010), four of which are considered as highly relevant
total offline existence is no longer a realistic expecta-
to any DSM-5 definition.
tion, hence for a proper analysis it is necessary to assess
ƒ Excessive use, which is often associated with a loss
the type of online activities against the amount of
of a sense of time or a neglect of basic drives;
expected online presence due to education, work and/or
ƒ Withdrawal, including feelings of anger, tension, and/
leisure in order to determine the “healthy” level of
or depression, when the computer is inaccessible;
online life.
ƒ Tolerance, including the need for better computer
equipment, more software, or more hours of use; and Excessive Internet use is also viewed as a com-
ƒ Negative repercussions, including arguments, lying, pensatory strategy rather than a genuine addictive beha-
poor achievement, social isolation, and fatigue. vior (Schimmenti & Caretti 2010), making IA a mani-

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

festation of an underlying disorder. Kardefelt-Winther been positively associated with Internet use in adoles-
(2014) proposes a theory of compensatory Internet use cents (Sheperd & Edelmann 2005) yet the direct
where negative life situations give rise to a motivation association between social phobia and Internet addiction
to go online to alleviate negative feelings. The basic has not been addressed.
tenet of this theory is that increased Internet use is a There is no direct evidence for the impact of exces-
reaction by the individual to a negative life situation. sive Internet use on children's brain. As for behavior,
For example, a lack of social stimulation would research indicates that there is a complex relationship
motivate the individual to go online to socialize via a between Internet addiction and other emotional, social
social networking site or an online game. This action and psychological issues faced by the small percentage
could have positive consequences as the individual of children who might be classified as excessive users of
compensates for the desired social stimulation in an the internet. These children tend to be older, to have
understandable and practical way (Chappell et al. 2006), emotional problems and to be ‘sensation-seeking’
and negative consequences due to the amount of com- (Green et al. 2012).
pensation required to alleviate negative feelings. Gene-
rally, the need for compensation may be constant for TREATMENT
individuals with permanent real life issues, such as
physical handicaps or disabilities (Griffiths 2000) while While IA is not an officially recognized disorder, its
for less severe cases a few hours of compensatory inter- adverse effects on health and functioning has initiated
net use may be beneficial and lead to fewer problematic an area of research focused on treatment and prevention
outcomes (Leung 2007). of IA. Despite their chemical or behavioral background,
IA often appears alongside numerous conditions that all addictions share specific characteristics and hence
raise the questions of causality. Based on the available clinical interventions for IA are based on therapeutic and
data on prognosis, stability, and treatment, classifying
pharmacological strategies that are commonly used in
IA as an independent diagnosis of a mental disorder is
previously established conditions: OCD, impulse control
considered premature, which was ultimately the
disorders and substance use disorders. The treatment
reasoning behind its exclusion from the fifth edition of
itself consists of psychotherapy, pharma-cology or a
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
combination of both, as these types of interventions
orders (Pies 2009). Hence, there are still no clear
were shown to be highly effective for decreasing the
guidance on how to approach or treat people with sus-
amount of time Internet addicts spent online, and/or
pected Internet- related psychopathology or even how
good at targeting symptoms of depression and anxiety
pursue research related to IA. Instead, both clinicians
and researchers rely on definitions and screening and (Winkler et al. 2013). Nevertheless, publi-shed studies
assessment instruments developed by the academic on this topic are scarce, precluding any
community. Finally, at the Internet is becoming a ubi- recommendations for strong treatments. Even most of
quitous part of everyday life some of the symptoms and the existing studies have been found to be inconsistent
behaviors associated with Internet addiction can actually with the definition and diagnosis of IA, lack randomi-
be interpreted as shift in how younger generations zation and comparison groups and provide insufficient
entertain or communicate with each other. As suggested information about recruitment protocols (King et al.
by Smahel et al. (2008), what is treated by researchers 2011).
as pathological behavior may be a new way of life for
which researchers currently have only pathological Psychological Treatment
interpretations. The mainstream psychological treatment of IA is
focused around cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT),
considered as the most influential model (Young, 2013).
The comorbidity of two disorders may indicate a The therapy requires approximately 12 weekly session
causal relationship or common etiology (Mueser et al. where the early stages are focused on the behavioral
1998). To shed light on the mechanism of IA, several aspects of the patient, while in subsequent stages the
comorbidity studies for psychiatric symptoms reveal treatment is gradually shifted towards confronting the
which psychiatric symptoms are potentially associated cognitive assumptions and distortions that encourage the
with the development or maintenance of Internet addic- problematic behavior. During treatment Internet addicts
tion. The studies show that depression is repeatedly identify affective and situational triggers associated with
associated with Internet addiction for adolescents (Ha et their addictive online behavior and learn how to modify
al. 2006, Kim et al. 2006). Attention deficit hyperac- them into more adaptive ones (Khazaal et al. 2012). In
tivity disorder (ADHD), one of the most common addition, CBT encourages the stimulation of activities
psychiatric disorders, diagnosed has been reported to be which do not involve the use of the Internet in order to
associated with Internet addiction in children (Yoo et al. treat specific comorbidities. For example, the decreased
2004). Nevertheless, the causal relationship between use of the Internet decreases the dopamine levels in the
Internet addiction and ADHD in adolescents has not individual. Participation in physical activities would
been directly evaluated. Furthermore, social phobia has compensate for this decrease in dopamine and enhance

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

the effectiveness of the intervention (Cash et al. 2012). Pharmacological Treatment

Most participants in CBT therapy manage to deal with
As mentioned previously, pharmacological studies of
their complaints by the eight session, with maintained
IA utilize drugs that are extrapolated from treatments of
improvement at a 6-month follow-up (Young 2007).
established conditions for OCD, impulse control and
In a randomized study of 56 Chinese adolescents
substance use disorders.
divided into active treatment and waitlist control groups,
only the active treatment groups demonstrated an imp- Based on the shared features between IA and OCD, a
rovement in time management skills and a decrease in study of escitalopram, an SSRI effective in OCD, was
emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms post conducted on 19 adults (Dell’Osso et al. 2006).
intervention (Du et al. 2010). Participants in the active Although there was a significant decrease in time spent
treatment group were treated with a multimodal group online in the open -label phase of the treatment, in the
CBT which included effective communication with randomized phase both treatment and placebo groups
parents, management of online relationships, and techni- performed within the same parameters. Extended-
ques for recognizing and controlling problematic im- release methylphenidate, a central nervous system
pulses. Zhu et al. (2012) describe a study which combi- stimulant used in ADHD treatment, was tested on 62
nes psychological intervention on cognitive function South Korean children who were addicted to Internet
and event-related potentials with electro-acupuncture as gaming (Han et al. 2009). The results showed a signi-
a treatment for patients with IA. Participants from all ficant decrease in time spent online, which was in turn
groups had significantly lower IA scores while scores of positively correlated to improvement in attention,
short-term memory capacity and short-term memory possibly due to the regulation of dopamine levels.
span increased significantly. Bupropion, an inhibitor medication used in the treat-
Specific variations of cognitive-behavioral therapy ment of substance dependence was used for the
have also been devised to treat IA, such as CBT-IA (Young treatment of Internet videogame addiction (Han et al.
2011). Nevertheless, although this model ap-pears to be 2010). After 6 weeks, the craving for gameplay and total
effective, there seem to be no significant differences play time was significantly reduced. A follow-up study,
between this type of treatment and other psychological showed that besides total play time, bupropion, an
approaches. Conversely, other psycho-logical treatments antidepressant medication, also reduced Internet
that might be beneficial are self-imposed bans on Internet addiction and Beck Depression Inventory scores in a
access (Shaw & Black 2008), abstinence programs (Kalke group of excessive video game players (Han & Renshaw
& Raschke 2004), counse-ling programs (Shek et al. 2009) 2012).
or multifamily group therapy (Liu et al. 2015). Considering Other isolated studies have used naltrexone, a medi-
that IA is a complex behavioral disorder it is necessary to cation that stops opioid activity, commonly used for
develop a wide range of interventions that will suit the impulse control disorders, to treat compulsive cyber-
various needs and conditions of the individuals which are sexual behavior (Bostwick & Bucci 2008) or a combi-
experiencing difficulties. In the field of IA, different nation of atypical antipsychotic quetiapine with to
treatment methods should be developed and their citalopram (an SSRI) to treat IA (Atmaca 2007).
effectiveness should be evaluated in settings including Both psychological and pharmacological interven-
individual and group psychotherapy. In addition, group tions have been effective in treating and reducing IA
work treatments could be effective for people with IA symptoms. Based on the existing evidence, clinicians
disorders. For example, groups for personal change are should combine both approaches to treat this pheno-
oriented on the transformation of dysfunctional behavior of menon because as a strategy it has been found to be the
members or psychoeducational groups with a dual focus on most effective method for treating IA (Przepiorka et al.
using information and educational processes to facilitate 2014). Total abstinence from the Internet should not be
individual grow (Ajduković 1997, Meath 2016). Group the goal of any intervention, and that instead an
treatment of IA disorder presents an opportunity for abstinence from problematic online activities and
multidisciplinary interventions which would include regulated use of the activity should be achieved (Cash et
medical professionals, social workers and psychologists. al. 2012). Due to the specificity of IA it is important to
Current practice in psychiatric institutions offers day assess the nature of excessive Internet use and how it
hospitals where psychotherapy is combined with group relates to patients’ online behavior in general in order to
work and relaxation techniques, occupational therapy as gain a better insight into motivations underpinning
well as mandatory group multifamily therapy. excessive and harmful use.

It is important to emphasize that in the treatment of CONCLUSION

IA abstinence is rarely possible because the Internet is
used for a wide range of professional and educational Internet addiction is complex construct, actual in the
activities in everyday life. IA could be the first addiction focus of experts in multidisciplinary environment.
where abstinence is not preferable and focus in treat- Development of various treatment practices demon-
ment should move from abstinence to responsible use of strates the need for a multidisciplinary approach invol-
internet in work and leisure time. ving various professions from medical sector as well

Psychiatria Danubina, 2017; Vol. 29, No. 3, pp 260-272

as social workers and psychologists. The symp-

tomatology of internet addictive behavior and its Acknowledgements: None.
diagnosis model is particularly important for health
workers, especially those working with children and Conflict of interest: None to declare.
youth. The recent trend of growing internet use shows
need for intervention for efficient intervention of Contribution of individual authors:
professionals. Martin Mihajlov: design of the review, literature search
The past two decades show efforts of researches in (data collection), writing the article, critical revision,
the field regarding conceptualization and operatio- final approval.
nalization of the problematic internet use. Currently Lucija Vejmelka: literature search (data collection),
authors and researchers still use different definitions in writing the article, critical revision.
order to operationalize the IA disorder hence it is
feasible to conclude that there is no consensus on the
conceptualization which limits the comparison results. References
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Ass. Prof. Martin Mihajlov, MD
Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics
Goce Delcev 9b, Skopje, Macedonia, E-mail:


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