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Anesthesia in Flexible Bronchoscopy

Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing the Use of Topical Lidocaine Alone
or in Association With Propofol, Alfentanil, or Midazolam
Andre´ Germano Leite, PhD,*w Roge´rio Gastal Xavier, PhD,z Jose´ da Silva Moreira, PhD,y
and Francisco Wisintainer, MDJ
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Abstract: Bronchoscopy is usually performed under topical

anesthesia with or without sedation to promote patient comfort
F lexible bronchoscopy (FB) is a routine procedure
performed by pulmonologists. This procedure induces
different degrees of nerve stimulation, particularly the
and the ideal conditions for the physician to perform the cough reflex, which may complicate the performance of
examination. The objective of the study was to establish which the examination. Repeated stimulation of cough reflex is
anesthetic protocol used during flexible bronchoscopy (FB) has not tolerated by patients, who frequently try to expel the
the lowest index of complications. This prospective randomized bronchoscope from the airways. Therefore, patients often
study analyzed 80 patients undergoing FB. Patients were need to repeat the examination, which should also be
randomly assigned to 4 groups of 20 patients each according taken into consideration when planning an endoscopic
to the anesthetic combination used: 200 mg topical lidocaine procedure that does not cause significant discomfort to
(LID group); 200 mg topical lidocaine and 2 mg/kg propofol the patient.
(PPF group); 200 mg topical lidocaine and 20 mcg/kg alfentanil In addition to its low risk, bronchoscopy has a very
(ALF group); or 200 mg topical lidocaine and 0.05 mg/kg favorable risk/benefit ratio. The incidence of complica-
midazolam (MID group). Scores were assigned to patients tions ranges from 0.08% to 9%, and mortality, from
according to the different variables observed during the 0.01% to 0.1%.1–3 Premedication and the use of topical
endoscopic procedure; the lower the score, the lower the anesthesia does contribute to these complications. In a
complication index. Results of the composite score (mean and study by Credle et al,4 these drugs were responsible for 11
SD) for the evaluation of the variables observed during FB were of the 22 significant complications. Although infrequent,
4.6 ± 3.9 for the PPF group, 7.9 ± 6.6 for the ALF group, complications do exist, and physicians performing the
10.0 ± 4.5 for the LID group, and 11.3 ± 5.8 for the MID group procedure should be able to identify and rectify them
(P = 0.001). Results revealed that the combination of propofol immediately.
and topical lidocaine was a superior anesthetic method for FB This procedure is usually performed under topical
than lidocaine alone or in association with midazolam or administration of anesthesia to the airways, with or
alfentanil. without sedation. The sedative drugs of choice are opioids
Key Words: bronchoscopy, lidocaine, midazolam, propofol, and benzodiazepines, either alone or in combination with
alfentanil other drugs. Studies have reported conflicting results
related to the beneficial effects of benzodiazepines
(J Bronchol 2008;15:233–239) on patient’s tolerance to undergo FB.5–8 Midazolam is
the sedative of choice for most physicians performing
FB.9 Lidocaine is the anesthetic most frequently used
Received for Publication March 24, 2008; accepted July 9, 2008. during FB.10
From the *Post Graduate Program in Pneumology, Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); zSchool of Medicine;
Although a large number of anesthetics have been
ySchool of Medicine, Fundac¸ão Faculdade Federal de Ciências used in airway surgeries, short-acting anesthetics have
Médicas de Porto Alegre (FFFCMPA) and, Universidade Federal played an increasingly important role in the safe
do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre; wEthics in Research performance of procedures and rapid patient recov-
Committee, Pompéia Hospital; and JDe Vita Oncology and Hemato- ery.11,12 Such drugs have enabled the performance of
logy Institute, Caxias do Sul, Brazil.
There are no real or potential conflicts of interest related to the authors outpatient bronchoscopy.10 Rapid regain of alertness, as
of this manuscript. well as recovery of the airway protective reflexes and
This study was conducted as a requirement for the Doctor’s Degree in muscular contractility are fundamental, especially in
Pneumonology at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. patients with respiratory disorders.
Reprints: André Germano Leite, PhD, Rua Gal, Arcy da Rocha
Nóbrega, 401/303, CEP 95040-000, Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil (e-mail: The objective of this study was to establish which anesthesia protocol used during FB has the lowest index
Copyright r 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins of complications.

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Leite et al J Bronchol  Volume 15, Number 4, October 2008

PATIENTS AND METHODS tion. The scoring system was developed according to
This is a prospective double-blinded clinical trial severity and intensity of side effects observed during
comparing 4 different anesthetic regimens for sedation the bronchoscopic procedure. The lower score was 0,
during FB. corresponding to absence of side effects and the maximum
The patients included in this study were referred for score was 6, corresponding to change of initial anesthetic
FB for suspected bronchogenic carcinoma. The diagnos- modality (failure of the method). The different grades of
tic procedures included endobronchial biopsy and the variables were adjusted according to statistical
bronchoalveolar lavage. Bronchoscopy time was limited analysis. The composite score and all its components
to 15 minutes. The time limit of 15 minutes was were described according to mean and SD (Table 1). An
established for bronchoscopic procedure to avoid multi- intergroup comparison was made through analysis of
ple doses administration of anesthetic drugs. The variance 1-way test, under composite scores ranks, with
objective of this study was not determining the accuracy statistically significant differences localization by Duncan
of FB in lung cancer diagnosis. It is very important to post-hoc test. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov did not reject
point out that the time limit of 15 minutes was the only the Gauss curve as approximation model of scores
inclusion criteria used for study. Procedures where distribution. The approach was adopted according to
anticipated duration was more than 15 minutes were literature argumentation.16,17 This study was submitted to
excluded from the study (ie, therapeutic procedures, analysis and epidemiologic specialists of the Universidade
transbronchial biopsy). All procedures were performed de Sao Paulo and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
by a single bronchoscopist. do Sul.
Patients included in the study were classified Demographic data were described as mean and SD
according to the anesthesia risk classification of the for the age and as frequency and percentages for sex.
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) as class I, This study was approved by the Research Ethics
II, and III. Committee of our institution. All the patients included in
Patients were randomly assigned to 4 groups, the series were provided with preinformed consent.
described below:
Lidocaine (LID) group: only topical anesthetic (200 mg RESULTS
lidocaine).13 Eighty-nine patients were selected for the study.
Propofol (PPF) group: topical anesthetic (200 mg Nine were excluded: 4 had an ASA IV classification of
lidocaine) and intravenous (IV) administration of anesthesiology risk, 3 had a procedure that lasted longer
propofol (2.0 mg/kg),12,14 1 mg/kg at induction, and than 15 minutes, 1 patient had an indication of
0.5 mg/kg at 5 and 10 minutes after induction. therapeutic bronchoscopy (hemoptysis), and 1 patient
Alfentanil (ALF) group: topical anesthetic (200 mg had cardiac arrhythmia detected at admission. Eighty
lidocaine) and IV bolus administration of alfentanil patients were randomly assigned to 4 groups: 20 patients
(20 mg/kg).10 in the PPF group, 20 in the ALF group, 20 in the LID
Midazolam (MID) group: topical anesthetic (200 mg group, and 20 in the MID group. The power was 85% for
lidocaine) and IV administration of midazolam a difference between groups of the 0.5 and a SD of 0.5 in a
(0.05 mg/kg).10 2-sided analysis.
All patients received 100% oxygen supplementation Demographic data are shown in Table 2. All
via mask immediately before the bronchoscopic proce- patients included in the study were white.
dure for 2 minutes, followed by oxygen at 3 L/min
throughout the procedure via nasopharyngeal tube Duration of Bronchoscopic Procedure
previously inserted through the patient’s nostril. Mean duration of bronchoscopic procedure was
Lidocaine gel was applied to the nostril used for the 12.8 ± 2.8 minutes for the PPF group, 14.2 ± 1.4 minutes
procedure; lidocaine solution was also administered for the ALF group, 13.2 ± 2.1 minutes for the LID
through the cricothyroid membrane puncture.15 Total group, and 14.0 ± 1.9 minutes for the MID group,
initial topical anesthetic volume was 20 mL of 1% excluding the duration of interruptions (P = 0.128).
lidocaine (200 mg) per patient. Additional doses of topical
anesthetic were administered when requested by the Need to Change the Anesthetic Modality
bronchoscopist to inhibit cough reflex. Total dose did Initially Planned
not exceed 5 mg/kg.10 The additional lidocaine dose was Only 6 cases required the change of the anesthetic
included in the evaluation of the performance of each modality initially planned: 3 patients in the LID group
anesthetic modality. (2 due to psychomotor agitation and 1 due to cough) and
Patients were evaluated according to different 3 in the MID group (2 due to cough and 1 due to
variables. Each variable was analyzed independently psychomotor agitation).
and patients were assigned a score for each variable, Table 3 shows the comparison of the variables that
and together they made up a composite score: the greater made up the composite score for the evaluation of events
the score, the greater the magnitude of the event and, observed during FB, distributed according to PPF, ALF,
consequently, the greater the intensity of the complica- LID, and MID groups.

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J Bronchol  Volume 15, Number 4, October 2008 Anesthesia in Flexible Bronchoscopy

TABLE 1. Composite Score for the Evaluation of Inconvenient TABLE 2. Demographic Characteristics of Study Groups
Events Observed During Bronchoscopy PPF ALF LID MID
Criteria Scores Variable n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 P
Arrhythmia Age, y 58.3 ± 13.8 54.6 ± 14.3 60.3 ± 12.7 54.1 ± 20.3 0.533
Absent 0 Male sex 14 (70.0) 17 (85.0) 12 (60.0) 15 (75.0) 0.353
Without hemodynamic alterations 1 (%)
With hemodynamic alterations 4
Data presented as mean ± SD and frequency (%).
ALF indicates alfentanil; LID, lidocaine; MID, midazolam; PPF, propofol.
Absent 0
Mild (SaO2 85%-89%) 1
Moderate (SaO2 70%-84%) 2
Severe (SaO2 <70%) 4
Additional lidocaine
Not necessary 0 group had the lowest scores. In comparison with the other
Dose up to 100 mg 2 groups (LID, MID, and ALF), the quantification and
Dose >100 mg 4 qualification of events were less intense according to the
Change of modality
Without change in initial modality 0
classification system used. The PPF group was followed
With change in initial modality 6 by the ALF group, which did not show any statistically
Cough significant difference from the LID group. The fourth and
Absent 0 last group was MID, which did not show any statistically
Sporadic, no interruption of procedure 1 significant difference from the LID group (Fig. 1).
Mild, short interruptions in the procedure 2
Moderate, additional use of topical anesthetic drug 4 Although we did not identify a statistically sig-
Intense, determines change of modality 6 nificant difference between elderly and younger adult
Psychomotor agitation patients, the recommendation of lower propofol dosage
Absent 0 requirements in elderly patients18 could be asset to
Verbal request to take out the bronchoscope 2
Head movement to take out the bronchoscope 4
pharmacokinetic rather than pharmacodynamic differ-
Determines change of modality 6 ences. Therefore, lower induction doses should be kept in
Nausea, vomiting use for geriatric patients.18
Absent 0
Present 1
Respiratory depression
Absent 0
Apnea—mask ventilation 4 The usual responses to FB are an increase in cardiac
Apnea—orotracheal intubation 6 work and in blood pressure, together with episodes of
Bronchospasm hemoglobin desaturation.19,20
Absent 0
Present 3
The responses are associated with changes in partial
Laryngospasm oxygen pressure (PaO2), partial carbon dioxide pressure,
Absent 0 and cardiac output. Application of suction through the
Present 4 working channel of the bronchoscope should be restricted
Lidocaine intoxication to a shorter time interval in these patients to avoid
Absent 0
Seizures 4 significant changes in the ventilation/perfusion ratio
Arterial hypotension* (V/Q). These changes may lead to a substantial increase in
Absent 0 the risk of arrhythmia21 and myocardial ischemia during
Mild (MAP fall 20%-30%) 1 FB.22 Another factor in the genesis of arrhythmia in FB is
Moderate (MAP fall 31%-40%) 2
Severe (MAP fall >40%) 4
the vagal response secondary to the insertion of the
Level of consciousnessw bronchoscope in the airway, which may determine the
Glasgow 15 0 occurrence of bradycardia.
Glasgow 14 1 This study did not find statistically significant
Glasgow 13 2 differences in the occurrence of arrhythmias between the
Glasgow <13 3
study groups (P = 0.376).
*MAP measured immediately before and 2 min after the beginning of broncho- Bradycardia may occur immediately after the IV
scopy. administration of alfentanil.23 Although the use of
wMeasured 15 min after end of bronchoscopy.
MAP indicates mean arterial blood pressure; SaO2, hemoglobin oxygen propofol has been associated with bradycardia, this study
saturation. did not observe bradycardia in the group of patients that
received the drug. The mechanism by which propofol
causes the bradycardia has not been well established.
Table 4 shows the results of the composite score in Ozturk et al24 reported that the occurrence of arrhythmia
the evaluation of events observed during bronchoscopy was significantly greater in the midazolam group than in
according to the different groups. the propofol group in their study.
The comparison of composite scores in the evalua- The score found in our study did not show any
tion of events observed during FB indicated that the PPF significant differences in the occurrence of hypoxemia

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TABLE 3. Variables for Inconvenient Events Analyzed During Bronchoscopic Procedures

Score Components n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 P
Dysrhythmia (0-4) 0.3 ± 0.4 0.6 ± 0.9 0.4 ± 0.5 0.3 ± 0.4 0.376
Hypoxemia (0-4) 0.7 ± 1.1 1.1 ± 1.3 0.5 ± 0.8 1.3 ± 1.4 0.117
Coughing (0-6) 1.9 ± 1.6a 1.7 ± 1.9a 3.4 ± 1.1b 3.0 ± 1.8b 0.003
Additional lidocaine (0-4) 0.6 ± 0.9 0.8 ± 1.0 1.3 ± 1.0 1.3 ± 1.0 0.054
Lidocaine intoxication (0-4) 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 —
Restlessness (0–6) 0.3 ± 1.0a 1.6 ± 1.5b 3.3 ± 1.5c 1.6 ± 1.9b <0.001
Respiratory depression (0-6) 0.2 ± 0.9 0.6 ± 1.5 0.0 ± 0.0 0.8 ± 1.6 0.138
Bronchospasm and/or 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 —
laryngospasm (0-1)
Hypotension (0-4) 0.2 ± 0.4 0.5 ± 0.9 0.1 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.4 0.287
Dizziness and/or vomiting (0-1) 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.3 0.0 ± 0.0 0.106
Level of consciousness (0-3) 0.5 ± 0.9a 1.2 ± 0.9b 0.0 ± 0.0a 1.7 ± 1.2c <0.001
Change of initial method (0-6) 0.0 ± 0.0 0.0 ± 0.0 0.9 ± 2.2 0.9 ± 2.2 0.091
Different superscript letters indicate significant differences (Duncan post-hoc test).
ALF indicates alfentanil; LID, lidocaine; MID, midazolam; PPF, propofol.

between the study groups (P = 0.117). All FB determines The use of low or moderate doses of sedation with
some degree of deleterious effects on respiratory physio- midazolam also did not change the probability of a
logy.10 The usual and expected response in bronchoscopy decrease in SaO2 in the study conducted by Jones and
is a decrease in hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SaO2).19,20 O’Driscoll.33
Schnapf25 reported a decrease in SaO2 to below 5% of Cartwright et al34 showed that alfentanil reduced
baseline in 80% of the cases studied, particularly when acute ventilatory response to hypoxia.
the bronchoscope was placed in the middle of the trachea. The PPF and ALF groups in our study had
The causes of hypoxemia have been assigned to the significantly lower scores for the variable ‘‘cough’’ than the
procedure itself19,26 or to respiratory depression second- LID and MID groups (P = 0.003).
ary to the use of sedation.27 Cough is a complex reflex that initiates with the
Matsushima et al28 and Neuhaus et al29 showed that stimulation of receptors in the respiratory system. These
patients had a decrease in forced expiratory volume in 1
second and an increase in the residual functional capacity
during the performance of FB.
Albertini et al30 reported that the decrease of PaO2
secondary to FB may be avoided in many patients by
the use of a Venturi mask at 40% during and after the
procedure. Different techniques may be used to ventilate
the patient or to provide oxygen during the performance
of rigid or FB: spontaneous respiration, intermittent
positive pressure ventilation, use of the Sanders injection
system, and ventilation with high-frequency jets.31 Anto-
nelli et al32 studied the use of noninvasive positive
pressure ventilation via facemask in immunosuppressed
patients with abnormal gas exchange and recommended
its use during FB.

TABLE 4. Comparison of Composite Scores of Evaluation of

Events Observed During Bronchoscopy
n = 20 n = 20 n = 20 N = 20 P
a b b,c c
Composite 4.6 ± 3.9 7.9 ± 6.6 10.0 ± 4.5 11.3 ± 5.8 0.001
FIGURE 1. Comparison of composite scores for the evaluation
Data presented as mean ± SD. Different superscript letters indicate statisti-
cally significant differences (Duncan post-hoc test). of inconvenient events observed during bronchoscopy (Dun-
ALF indicates alfentanil; LID, lidocaine; MID, midazolam; PPF, propofol. can post-hoc test). ALF indicates alfentanil; LID, lidocaine; MID,
midazolam; PPF, propofol.

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J Bronchol  Volume 15, Number 4, October 2008 Anesthesia in Flexible Bronchoscopy

receptors may be sensible to touch and mobili- No significant differences in the occurrence of
zation (mechanic receptors) or primarily sensible arterial hypotension were found between any of our
to toxic gases (chemical receptors).35 The occurrence of groups (P = 0.287). McRae10 demonstrated that anes-
cough during bronchoscopy is the rule. The direct thetic induction with propofol provides hemodynamic
stimulation of mechanical receptors triggers the cough stability in patients who undergo bronchoscopy.
reflex. Yamaguchi et al14 demonstrated that the association
Different techniques are used for the application of propofol and fentanyl may prevent the occurrence of
of local anesthetics in the airways, and their purpose is to hemodynamic instability during bronchoscopy. Accord-
inhibit the laryngeal and cough reflexes.10 ing to Matot et al,42 the association of propofol and
The analgesic and cough suppressant properties of alfentanil reduces the occurrence of arterial hypotension
opioids are well known.23 but does not prevent myocardial ischemia.
Greig et al9 demonstrated that alfentanil is a more Uetsuki et al43 did not find significant differences in
effective antitussive agent than midazolam for out- arterial blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, or
patient FB. levels of SaO2 in the comparison of patient groups of
The absorption of local anesthesia through the different ages who underwent anesthesia with propofol
oropharyngeal mucosa is relatively low, but its absorp- for bronchoscopy.
tion through the lower airways may be quite significant. We also did not find any significant differences
The estimation of the amount of local anesthesia that in the occurrence of nausea or vomiting between our study
is absorbed after its administration in the airway may be groups (P = 0.106).
inaccurate. The maximal dose recommended for the Although the role of propofol in the management of
administration of topical lidocaine is 5 to 8 mg/kg.10 postoperative nausea and vomiting is not well established,
Complications caused by the use of topical anes- Gan et al44 reported that propofol was effective in their
thesia are frequently the result of a large dose of the management.
drug.33,36,37 Signs and symptoms of neuroexcitation, such No statistically significant differences were found
as dizziness and audiovisual disturbances, are indications between the PPF and LID groups. These groups,
of intoxication by lidocaine and usually precede more however, had significantly lower scores for the variable
serious complications, such as seizures, coma, and ‘‘consciousness level’’ than the ALF and MID groups.
cardiovascular collapse.10 The scores for the ALF group were significantly lower
No significant differences were found in psycho- than those for the MID group (P<0.001). Clarkson
motor agitation between the MID and ALF groups, but et al38 conducted a comparative study of propofol
a significant difference was found between LED and PPF, (mean induction dose = 104.7 mg; mean maintenance
LED and ALF, LED and MID, MID and PPF, and PPF dose = 121.9 mg) and midazolam (mean induction
and ALF (P<0.001). dose = 9.3 mg; mean maintenance dose = 3.7 mg). Con-
Clarkson et al38 reported that propofol has a sciousness level was more rapidly recovered with the use
sedative effect similar to that of midazolam, but its action of propofol (2.3 vs.6.3 min; P<0.01). Crawford et al45
was more rapid both in the onset of action and in the also showed that the recovery after sedation was faster in
return to initial consciousness levels. Although respira- patients who received propofol during FB than in patients
tory depression may be a frequent complication in who received midazolam.
bronchoscopy,10 it was not significant in our study Hypnotic sedative drugs not only increase sedation,
groups. Although benzodiazepines cause less respiratory but also decrease the level of memory as their serum
depression than opioids,38,39 no significant difference was concentration increases.46
found between the different groups in our study The administration of alfentanil in the prescribed
(P = 0.138). Peacock et al40 found that local anesthesia dose does not provide, according to some authors,22,47
may be responsible for prolonged respiratory depression adequate levels of sedation.
in patients who undergo bronchoscopy. High doses of Our results showed that in only 6 cases was it
alfentanil or midazolam may produce respiratory depres- necessary to change the anesthetic method initially
sion and apnea, although the same may occur with lower planned, and the causes were discussed above in the
doses.22 analysis of the variables cough and psychomotor
The combination of amnesia and antianxiety agitation.
effect of benzodiazepines with the analgesic and cough The low incidence of collateral effects and accidents
suppressant effect of opioids may be beneficial, associated with anesthesia, together with the reduced
although their synergetic action increases the risk of hemodynamic depression and a short recovery time, also
cardiovascular and respiratory complications.2 Randell made Mesiti et al48 recommend the use of propofol to
and Lindgren41 found a decrease in respiratory anesthetize patients who undergo FB.
rate with the use of fentanyl (1 mcg/kg) and diazepam Randell49 reported that the use of propofol in
(0.05 mg/kg) in the sedation of patients who underwent addition to topical lidocaine provides better conditions
FB. for the performance of FB than other methods.
No case of bronchospasms or laryngospasms was Despite the number of the collateral effects to have
observed in any of the cases included in this study. been small, it was possible to detect significant differences

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