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Using the braille mathematics code
This document is based on the braille code used in the United Kingdom
for presenting mathematics in braille, and includes advice about specialist
mathematical symbols and layout conventions. Written for teachers, it covers
the braille needed for maths topics and conventions up to GCSE level. It is
essential for young people who may use braille in public examinations to
learn to recognise and understand braille maths notation and present their
working and answers correctly.

“Braille Mathematics Notation” published in 2005 by the Braille Authority of

the United Kingdom is a more comprehensive guide giving greater detail and
covering the complexities of the maths code up to and including postgraduate
study, including pure, applied maths and statistics.

1 Number notation
This section covers the braille required for positive and negative numbers,
arithmetic operators, using brackets, indexes and roots.

1a) Whole numbers

Numbers are written in braille using the NUMERAL SIGN (number sign), dots
3, 4, 5 and 6 #, and the letters a to j represents the digits 1-9 and 0.

0 is #j   7 is #g
1 is #a   8 is #h
2 is #b   9 is #i
3 is #c  10 is #aj
4 is #d  35 is #ce
5 is #e 100 is #ajj
6 is #f 296 is #bif

1b) The mathematical comma

Large numbers in print are sometimes written with a comma and sometimes
with a space: eg 10,000 or 10 000. In braille a mathematical comma (dot 3) is
always inserted as follows:

30 000 or 30,000 #cj'jjj

125 000 or 125,000 #abe'jjj
1,000 000 or 1,000,000 #a'jjj'jjj

1c) Negative numbers

The minus sign (dots 5,6 followed by dots 3,6) written unspaced before the
numeral sign indicates a negative number:

– 4 ;-#d – 80 ;-#hj
Dots 5,6 are not used in a minus sign after an equals sign.

1d) Arithmetic operation signs

The signs for add, subtract, multiply and divide and equals always have a
space BEFORE them, but are followed immediately by the number.

;6 (dots 5,6 followed by dots 2,3,5) + ADD

;- (dots 5,6 followed by dots 3,6) – SUBTRACT

;8 (dots 5,6 followed by dots 2,3,6) x MULTIPLY

;4 (dots 5,6 followed by dots 2,5,6) ÷ DIVIDE

;7 (dots 5,6 followed by dots 2,3,5,6) = EQUALS

For “approximately equal to” and “not equal to” see section 1k).


4 + 2 = 6 #d ;6#b ;7#f
4 – 2 = 2 #d ;-#b ;7#b
4 x 2 = 8 #d ;8#b ;7#h
4 ÷ 2 = 2 #d ;4#b ;7#b
230 – 28 + 42 – 6 = 238

#bcj ;-#bh ;6#db ;-#f ;7#bch

3 x 16 = 48 = 96 ÷ 2

#c ;8#af ;7#dh ;7#if ;4#b

1e) Using brackets with positive and negative numbers

When it is necessary to add or subtract positive and negative numbers

two signs can occur together. If this occurs, the signed number should be
enclosed in ROUND BRACKETS; “gh” (dots 1,2,5) is used for open round
brackets and “ar” (dots 3,4,5) is used for close round brackets:

2 – – 3 = 5 is #b ;-<;-#c> ;7#e

2 – –3 = 5 is #b ;-<;-#c> ;7#e
When multiplying or dividing positive or negative numbers, the multiplication
sign can be omitted, and the division sign can be replaced with a / sign
(dots 4,5,6 followed by dots 3,4) _/

– 3 ( – 6 ) = 18 ;-#c<;-#f> ;7#ah
–18 / +3 = – 6 ;-#ah_/;6#c ;7-#f
Often it may be necessary to use braille brackets to make the layout clear,
even when they are not used in print. Additional explanation of the notation
for brackets will be found later in this section.

1f) Punctuation

When punctuation is required with mathematical expressions, the

MATHEMATICAL SEPARATION SIGN “dot 6” must be used. If punctuation is
used straight after a number without the separation sign, the punctuation sign
could be read as the denominator of a fraction.

144. is #add,4
25, is #be,1
36? is #cf,8
55! is #ee,6
Long braille calculations need to continue from the end of one line of braille
to the beginning of the next. The MATHEMATICAL HYPHEN (dot 5) is used,
unspaced at the end of the line, to indicate that the rest of the calculation is
on the next line.

+ 8 + 9 + 10

#a ;6#b ;6#c ;6#d ;6#e ;6#f ;6#g"

;6#h ;6#i ;6#aj

1g) Indices or “powers”

The superscript (or power) sign is the “ING” contraction (dots 3,4,6) +
followed by the number written in the lower part of the cell without the
numeral sign. Thus “lower 2” (dots 2,3) denotes “squared”, “middle 3”
(dots 2,5) denotes “cubed”, “lower 4” (dots 2,5,6) denotes “the power 4” and
so on. The power sign follows the number, unspaced.

42 #d+2 33 #c+3 84 #h+4

If the superscript is negative, the minus sign (dots 5,6: dots 3,6) is placed
between the superscript sign and the lower case number.

4–3 #d+;-3
If the superscript is a positive whole number with a + sign, the superscript
sign must be followed by a plus sign and an ordinary number sign.

4+3 #d+;6#c
61.5 #f+#a1e
121/2 #ab+#a2

1h) Subscripts

Subscripts can be used with both numbers and letters (see algebra section)
and the rules for their use are different in each case.

The subscript is the "CH" contraction “dots 1,6” * followed by the

appropriate number written in the lower part of the braille cell without a
numeral sign.

11012 (binary) #aaja*2

1i) Roots

The root sign is the “SH” contraction (dots 1,4,6) % It is written BEFORE the
numeral sign, unspaced. The root sign is used on its own for the square root.
For the “cube root”, a “middle 3” (dots 2,5) is placed, unspaced, between the
root sign and the numeral sign; for the “fourth root”, a “lower 4” (dots 2,5,6) is
placed between the root sign and the numeral sign, and so on.

√64 %#fd
√125 %3#abe
√16 %4#af

1j) Inequalities

These signs have a space before and after:

< means “is less than” and is dots 2,4,6 in braille: [

12 < 14 #ab [ #ad

> means “is greater than” and is dots 1,3,5 in braille: o

14 > 12 #ad o #ab

These signs have a space before but not after them:

≤ means “is less than or equal to” and is "dots 2,4,6: dots 2,3,5,6" in
braille: [7
x ≤ 5 ;x [7#e

-9 < n ≤ 20 ;-#i [ n [7#bj

≥ means “is greater than or equal to” and is “dots 1,3,5: dots 2,3,5,6” in
braille: o7

p ≥ 10 ;p o7#aj

1k) Approximations

These two signs have a space before but not after:

≈ means “is approximately equal to” and is “dots 4,5,6: dots 2,3,5,6” in
braille: _7

999 ≈ 1000 #iii _7#ajjj

≠ means “is not equal to” and is “dot 5: dots 2,3,5,6” in braille: "7

999 ≠ 1000 #iii "7#ajjj

1l) Brackets

In mathematics there are three types of brackets:

( . . . . . ) ROUND BRACKETS

{ . . . . . } CURLY BRACKETS

[ . . . . . ] SQUARE BRACKETS

In braille:

( is the “GH” contraction (dots 1,2,6) and ) is the “AR” contraction

(dots 3,4,5).


{ is “OW” (dots 2,4,6) and } is “O” (dots 1,3,5).


[ is the “OF” contraction (dots 1,2,3,5,6) and ] is the “WITH” contraction

(dots 2,3,4,5,6).

Whichever form of bracket is used in print, the same form should be used in

Examples using round brackets (with numbers):

(43 – 13) x 3 <#dc ;-#ac> ;8#c

(2 + 4)(10 + 2) <#b ;6#d><#aj ;6#b>
(47 x 20)/(56 – 8) <#dg ;8#bj>_/<#ef ;-#h>

Examples using curly brackets:

3 x {12 x (4 – 1)} = 108

#c ;8[#ab ;8<#d ;-#a>O ;7#ajh
O = {1, 3, 5, 7} ,o ;7[#a #c #e #go
E = {2, 4, 6, 8} ,e ;7[#b #d #f #ho
Square brackets are usually used to enclose a long computation.

Example using all three types in one sum:

5[12 – {18 – (3 – 1)}] = – 20
#e(#ab ;-[#ah ;-<#c ;-#a>o) ;7-#bj

2 Parts of a whole
This section covers the braille code for fractions, decimals, percentages
and ratio.

2a) Fractions

Fractions are written with the numeral sign followed by an upper number for
the numerator (the top number) and a lower number for the denominator (the
bottom number).

1/2 #a2 one half 1/4 #a4 one quarter

2/3 #b3 two thirds 7/8 #g8 seven eighths

In mixed numbers, the whole number is written unspaced from the

fractional part.

5 3/4 #e#c4 five and three quarters

2b) Decimals

The decimal point is dot 2. It comes unspaced from the numbers before and
after it.

3·4 #c1d 0·75 #j1ge   ·5 #1e

The recurring sign is “dot 5” and it is placed before the digit or digits of the
decimal that recur. In braille only one dot 5 is used when more than one digit
0·6 #j1"f
2·0096 #b1jji"f
. .
0·142857 #j1"adbheg

2c) Percentages

The percentage sign is “middle c, p” (dots 2,5 followed by dots 1,2,3,4).

It is written after the number, with a space between the number and the
percentage sign:
% 3p 33 3 % #cc#a3 3p
50% #ej 3p 17.5% #ag1e 3p

2d) Ratio

The ratio sign in braille maths is dot 6 followed by dots 2,5. There is no space
either before or after it.

2:3 #b,3#c
5:6:7 #e,3#f,3#g

3 Presentation and working of calculations
One of the major difficulties with braille mathematics, even at the most basic
level, is the layout of simple sums:
– the linear method (across the page)
– the vertical method (down the page).

Each method has advantages and disadvantages.

A set of examples for the linear and the vertical layout of Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication and Division in braille are given in detail in
Appendix A.

4 Units of measurement

This section describes how to express units of length, area, volume, weight
and capacity. These braille units are written AFTER the number and are
SPACED from the number. If the unit is represented by a single letter, such as
“m” for metre(s) it must be preceded by a LETTER sign (dots 5,6), so that it
will not be read as a word.

4a) Metric units of length

millimetre mm written “mm” mm

centimetre cm written “cm” cm
decimetre dm written “dm” dm
metre m written “dots 5,6 (letter sign) m” ;m
kilometre km written “km” km


25 mm #be mm 50 cm #ej cm
8 dm #h dm 100 m #ajj ;m
250 km #bej km
When there are two units together, the general rule is to use the decimal point
and the symbol of the larger unit. The basic rule is to follow the print.

1.75 m #a1ge ;m or

1 m 75 cm #a ;m #ge cm

4b) Metric units of weight

milligram mg written “mg” mg
decigram dg written “dg” dg
gram(me) g written “dots 5,6 (letter sign) g” ;g
kilogram kg written “kg” kg
tonne t written “dots 5,6 (letter sign) t” ;t

675 mg #fge mg 6 dg #f dg
250 g #bej ;g 50 kg #ej kg
35 t #ce ;t

As with the metric units of length, it is best to use the decimal point and write
the larger unit symbol. The basic rule is to follow the print.

1.375 kg #a1cge kg
1 kg 375 g #a kg #cge ;g
5.695 t #e1fie ;t
5 t 695 kg #e ;t #fie kg

4c) Metric units of capacity

millilitre ml written “ml” ml 700 ml #gjj ml

centilitre cl written “cl” cl 70 cl #gj cl
decilitre dl written “dl” dl 7 dl #g dl
litre l written “dots 5,6 l” ;l 8 l #h ;l
“Litre” can also be written as L, (capital l), this is “dots 5,6 (letter sign),
dot 6 (capital sign), l” ;,l

4d) Metric units of area

For area, use the “squared” sign. In braille, this is the superscript (power) sign
“ING” (dots 3,4,6) followed by lower 2 (dots 2,3) +2

The squared sign follows the unit symbol, unspaced.

These are the three most common metric units of area:

mm2 mm+2 50 mm2 #ej mm+2

cm2 cm+2 225 cm2 #bbe cm+2
m2 ;m+2 400 m2 #djj ;m+2
The other metric unit of area is the hectare (which is 10,000 square metres or
10,000 m2). The symbol for this is “ha”.

50 ha #ej ha

4e) Metric units of volume

For volume, use the “cubed” sign. In braille, this is the superscript (power)
sign, “ING” (dots 3,4,6) followed by a middle 3 (dots 2,5) +3
These are the three most common metric units of volume:

mm3 mm+3 1000 mm3 #ajjj mm+3

cm3 cm+3 500 cm3 #ejj cm+3
m3 ;m+3 27 m3 #bg ;m+3

4f) Imperial units

Imperial units of length, weight, capacity, area and volume are in Appendix B.

5 Units of time
This section gives the braille code for periods of time, such as seconds, hours
and days, writing times in both 12- and 24-hour clock, and writing the date.

5a) Units of time

second s written “letter sign (dots 5,6) s” ;s

45 s #de ;s

minute min written “m, IN contraction” m9

15 min #ae m9

hour h written “letter sign (dots 5,6) h” ;h
12 h #ab ;h
hr written "hr" hr
3 hr #c hr

day d written “letter sign (dots 5,6) d” ;d

This is used when day is written as “d” in print. If the word
is printed in full, write “dot 5, d” "d which is the usual
contraction for day.

10 days #aj "ds

10 d #aj ;d

week wk written “wk” wk

6 wk #f wk

month written in full both in print and in braille

3 months #c mon?s

year yr written “y r full stop" (dots 2,5,6) yr4

25 yr #be yr4
he full stop is necessary so that there will
be no confusion with the “your” contraction.

With all these contractions, remember that the braille follows the print. If the
units are written out in full in print, then they are written out in full in braille.

5b) Writing the time

There are two ways of writing time, either the a.m./p.m. format or the 24-hour
clock format.

When times of the day in print are written with a full stop between the hours
and the minutes (e.g. 5.30), they should be brailled in the same way as
decimal numbers, i.e. with a dot 2.

This is then followed by a.m. or p.m., which are written spaced from the
number, but without a space between the two letters.

2.45 a.m. #b1de a4m4 10.15 p.m. #aj1ae p4m4

Where “am” or “pm” are written without full stops they are written in braille as

am written “letter sign (dots 5,6) am” ;am

pm written “letter sign (dots 5,6) pm” ;pm
2.45 am #b1de ;am 10.15 pm #aj1ae ;pm
In older braille texts you may come across times written with a second
numeral sign separating the hours and minutes:

2.45 a.m. #b#de a4m4

If in print the time is written with a colon or space separating the hours
and minutes as in 5:30 or 5 30, the hours and minutes are separated by a
repeated numeral sign:

5:30 or 5 30 is written #e#cj

For 24-hour clock time, there are two formats, and the braille must follow the

Sometimes the time is written as one unspaced sequence of numbers. In this

case, the braille follows the print

1745 #agde 0030 #jjcj 0925 #jibe

Where a 24-hour clock time uses a full stop to separate the hours and
minutes a dot 2 is used as the separator in braille. Where a colon or space is
used the hours and minutes are separated by a repeated numeral sign:

17.45 #ag1de 00.30 #jj1cj 09.25 #ji1be

17 45 #ag#de 00 30 #jj#cj 09 25 #ji#be
17:45 #ag#de 00:30 #jj#cj 09:25 #ji#be
When a period of time is indicated by two times joined by a hyphen the
numeral sign is repeated after the hyphen:

2.30 - 4.30 #b1cj-#d1cj

14.30 - 16.30 #ad1cj-#af1cj
4.30 - 6 am #d1cj-#f ;am

5c) Dates

As a general rule, the date is transcribed into braille as it is presented in print:

25 May 2005 #be ,may #bjje

However, if the date is abbreviated, then the day, month and year are
separated by a numeral sign, no matter what symbol is used in print, for
example an oblique stroke, a hyphen or a full stop:

16.07.05 or 16/07/05 or 16-07-05 #af#jg#je

If you are transcribing dates where a hyphen is used to link together two
dates, for example 17-25 June, then the hyphen, “dots 3,6”, is used. The
force of the numeral sign does NOT carry over the literary hyphen:

17 - 25 June #ag-#be ,june

When dates are joined by a dash, the second number must also have a
numeral sign:

1914 – 18 #aiad--#ah
2000 – 2005 #bjjj--#bjje
When using an apostrophe the braille follows the print

1960’s #aifj's
the ’90’s ! #'ij's

or without an apostrophe “the 1960s” ! #aifjs

“the 1990s” ! #aiijs

6 Units of temperature
The degrees sign, o, (in braille, “lower j, dots 3,5,6”), is followed by capital C
for Centigrade/Celsius, and capital F for Fahrenheit. These units follow the
number UNSPACED.

35oC #ce0,c –5oC ;-#e0,c

70oF #gj0,f –10oF ;-#aj0,f

7 Compound units
Most compound units used in mathematics are beyond the scope of this
booklet. Refer to Braille Mathematics Notation 2005, produced by BAUK,
for further details.

For compound units of speed and density, the two units are separated by an
oblique stroke (dots 4,5,6 followed by dots 3,4) _/
4 m/s (metres per second) in braille is #d ;m_/s
NOTE: The letter sign is not necessary within compound units. For example,
in metres per second the letter sign is needed before the m, but a letter sign
is not needed in front of the s.

7a) Units of speed:

km/h (kilometres per hour) km_/h

m/s (metres per second) ;m_/s
In print miles per hour can be abbreviated as

m.p.h. or mph

In both cases the braille follows the print:

m.p.h. m4p4h4
mph ;mph
If MPH is written with print capitals and no full stops, then braille does NOT
follow the print unless capitals are shown generally in the transcription.
MPH ;mph

80 km/h #hj km_/h 33 m/s #cc ;m_/s

70 m.p.h. #gj m4p4h4 70 mph #gj ;mph
70 MPH #gj ;mph

7b) Units of density

The most common unit of density is g/cm3. As with units of volume, use the
cubed sign, which is superscript (power) sign “ING” (dots 3,4,6) followed by
middle 3 (dots 2,5)

6.4 g/cm3 #f1d ;g_/cm+3

8 Units of currency

8a) British currency

“£” in braille is the letter "l" l written before the numeral sign without a letter
sign. “p” (pence) in braille is “letter sign (dots 5,6) p” ;p, and follows the
number unspaced.


50p #ej;p £50 l#ej

The mathematically correct way to write “four pounds fifty pence” is £4.50
which is l#d1ej
Sometimes you may see “£4.50p” in print, which is mathematically incorrect;
however, in braille transcription the print style is followed.

A “£” sign without a number is brailled as @l


Give your answer in £


8b) US dollar

The dollar, $, is written as “lower d (dots 2,5,6)”, unspaced, before the

numeral sign.

The cent, c, written as “letter sign (dots 5,6) c” unspaced after the number.

When using both units, use the $ sign and the decimal point to separate
$ from cents.


$10 4#aj 50c #ej;c $25.50 4#be1ej

8c) European Euro

The Euro (€) is “dot 4: e – dots 1,5” @e, written before the numeral sign and

€5 or 5 Euro @e#e €7,85 @e#g1he

8d) Japanese Yen

The Yen is “dot 4: y – dots 1,3,4,5,6” @y, written before the numeral sign and

100 Yen @y#ajj

8e) Other foreign currencies

For other foreign currency, please refer to British Braille 2004, published
by BAUK.

9 Use of the letter sign in Algebra

This section explains why the letter sign can be needed for clarity, when
single letters appear in a phrase, roman numerals are needed, or the
contents of brackets could be confused with the bracket signs.

9a) Lone letters in sentences

If in doubt, use the letter sign in algebraic expressions.

Some general rules for the use of the letter sign:

● If the letter is used on its own, in a sentence, then the letter sign must be
used or it will be confused with the word for which that letter stands:

e.g. If x is a positive whole number

,if ;x is a positive :ole numb]

The letter sign is needed before the “x” so that it will not be read as “it”.

● When the letter begins a mathematical expression in ordinary print,
such as:

p is a negative whole number

;p is a negative :ole numb]

The letter sign is needed before the letter “p” so that it will not be
confused with the word for which “p” stands, “people”.

9b) Letters a - j written after a number

Always use the letter sign with letters a – j when these letters follow a number


with letter sign: a b c d e f g h i j

3a #c;a 5b #e;b 11c #aa;c

without letter sign: k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

2x #bx 5y #ey 3z #cz

9c) Roman numerals

Roman Numerals are normally written as in literary braille. If small, they are
preceded by the dots 5,6 letter sign.

i ;i ii ;ii iii ;iii iv ;iv

v ;v vi ;vi vii ;vii viii ;viii
ix ;ix x ;x
When labelling questions, sub-sections often use Roman Numerals, in
brackets. In these cases, the standard literary brackets (lower “g” in braille
– dots 2,3,5,6) are used, together with the letter sign.

(iii) 7;iii7 (ix) 7;ix7 (xiv) 7;xiv7

The use of capital letters in mathematical braille follows the new rules of
British Braille 2004. The double capital indicator “dot 6 dot 6” is now used for
a sequence of two or more capital letters. Single capital letters standing alone
now require a letter sign before the capital sign .

III ,,iii IX ,,ix XIV ,,xiv

I ;,I V ;,v X ;,x
Note: Everything which follows the numeral sign is a number, everything
which follows the capital sign is a capital letter, and everything that follows the
letter sign is a lower case letter until there is a space or another sign.

9d) Brackets

When using curly brackets, and the letter “o” is listed within the bracket, then
a letter sign has to be written before the letter “o” so as not to confuse it with
the closing curly bracket, which is also a letter “o”. Thus:

{a e i o u} [a e i ;o uo
When using square brackets and the first term is the letter “a”, then a letter
sign has to be inserted or the first terms will be read “of a” as the open square
bracket is the “OF” contraction in braille. Thus:

[a e i o u] (;a e i o u)

10 Algebraic fractions and the oblique stroke

The oblique stroke “/ ” , in braille, is dots 4,5,6 followed by the
“ST” contraction, “dots 3,4” _/ and it is frequently used in algebra,
especially when writing fractions. It becomes necessary when either the
numerator or the denominator or both are letters. Fractions in algebra cannot
be written as they would be with numerical numerators and denominators.


1 or 1/x #a_/x
a a_/#c or ;a_/#c
a is written in braille as a_/b or ;a_/b
is written in braille as #a_/x+2
If the numerator or the denominator of the algebra fraction is made up of two
or more terms, these terms have to be joined together using round brackets:
open bracket, < is “dots 1,2,6” in braille and the close bracket, >, is
“dots 3,4,5” These brackets must be used in braille even if they are not
used in print.

(x + y)/z may be written in print as but in braille the brackets must
be used as follows:

(x + y)/z <x ;6y>_/z

x/(y + z) may be written in print as y + z but in braille the brackets must
be used as follows:

x/(y + z) x_/<y ;6z>

(w + x)/(y + z) may be written in print as y + z but in braille the brackets
must be used as follows:

(w + x)/(y + z) <w ;6x>_/<y ;6z>

Similarly m x n requires brackets in braille:

y/(m x n) y./<m ;8n>

11 Examples of algebra layout

11a) Simple operations

3a + 4a = 7a #c;a ;6#d;a ;7#g;a
5x + 3x = 8x #ex ;6#cx ;7#hx
10z – 6z = 4z #ajz ;-#fz ;7#dz
20p – 5p = 15p #bjp ;-#ep ;7#aep

11b) Simple equations

2x = 8 #bx ;7#h
4a = 12 #d;a ;7#ab
x2 = 25 x+2 ;7#be
a + 3 = 11 a ;6#c ;7#aa
p – 4 = 9 p ;-#d ;7#i
2c2 = 32 #b;c+2 ;7#cb
3a + 5 = 2a + 11 #c;a ;6#e ;7#b;a ;6#aa

11c) Examples using brackets

(6x)(3y) <#fx><#cy>
(3a + 5b)(6a – 3b) <#c;a ;6#e;b><#f;a ;-#c;b>
x(x2) x<x+2>
a(a3) with letter sign ;a<a+3>
a(a3) with no letter sign a<a+3>
(4x + 4y)/2 <#dx ;6#dy>_/#b
2(x – 3) #b<x ;-#c>
x – (2/x) = 5 x ;-<#b_/x> ;7#e
(x + 1)/2 +(x + 2)/3 <x ;6#a>_/#b ;6<x ;6#b>_/#c

√x + y %<x ;6y>
a2x + ax2 = ax(a + x) a+2x ;6ax+2 ;7ax<a ;6x>
(ax + b)(cx + d) <ax ;6b><cx ;6d>

11d) Examples with superscripts

xn x+n xn+2 x+n;6#b x½ x+#a2

11e) Examples with subscripts

If the numerical subscript refers to a letter, then the subscript is written as a

lower case number, unspaced from the letter.

x2 x2

This also applies if the subscript is a negative number.

y-1 y;-1

If the subscript is a letter, then the subscript sign must ALWAYS be used and
the letters written as upper case.

xn x*n x2n x*#bn

11f) Arrows used in simple mappings

The arrow used in braille, is “dots 2,5 followed by dots 1,3,5” 3o with a
space before but not after.

x→x+1 x 3ox ;6#a

11g) Function

The letter “f” “dots 1,2,4” is used to denote function, followed by the argument.

y = f(x – a) y ;7f<x ;-a>

11h) Proportionality

The sign, “is proportional to”, is ∝ in print. In braille it is “middle c (dots 2,5)
followed by lower g (dots 2,3,5,6) written unspaced”. 37

In braille the “proportion to” sign is positioned with a space before but not
after the sign.

y ∝ x2 y 37x+2

12 Geometry

12a) Degree sign

The degree sign in geometry, used as an angle measurement, is the same

as the degree sign used for temperature. It is “lower j (dots 3,5,6)” 0 written,
unspaced, after the number.


90o #ij0 360o #cfj0 45o #de0

12b) Angle

In print, the angle sign is written in one of two ways. Angle CAB can be
written ∠ CAB or CÂB. In braille, the angle sign is “dots 4,5,6 followed by dots

This is followed by the capital letters labelling the angle:

∠ CAB _[,,cab CÂB _[,,cab

12c) Triangle sign

In print, the sign for “triangle” is a small triangle before the three letters,
“triangle ABC” is shown as ∆ABC. In braille, this is written as “dots 1,2,4,6
followed by dots 1,4,5” (which is the “ED” contraction followed by “d”) $d.
This is followed by the capital letters labelling the triangle:

∆ABC $d,,abc

12d) “Parallel to” sign

In print, the “is parallel to” sign is two parallel lines. This sign is placed
between the two pairs of letters.

AB is parallel to CD is written as AB || CD.

In braille, the “is parallel to” sign is “dots 4,5,6: dots 4,5,6” __ with a space
before, but not afterwards.
AB || CD ,,ab __,,cd

Note that AB is normally brailled as ,,ab in maths. In exceptional cases it

can be brailled as ,a,b if it is thought liable in the context to be misread
as the capitalised word “ABOUT”. The same applies to other such cases,
e.g. CD (COULD).

12e) Therefore sign

In geometry theorems and proofs the “therefore” sign, which in print is ∴ is

often used. In braille it is “dot 6: dots 1,6” and looks just like the print symbol
Leave a space between this sign and what follows.


∴ ∠ ABC = 90o ,* _[,,abc ;7#ij0

12f) Greek letters

The sign to indicate a capital Greek letter is “dots 4,5,6”.

The sign to indicate a small Greek letter is “dots 4,6”.

The level of geometry covered in this booklet uses only π and θ, but it is
useful to recognise the commonly used letters of the Greek Alphabet:

Letter English Capital Small Capital Small

Version Greek Greek Braille Braille

Alpha a Α α _a .a
Beta b Β β _b .b
Gamma g Γ γ _g .g
Delta d ∆ δ _d .d
Theta th Θ θ _? .?
Mu m Μ µ _m .M
Pi p Π π _p .p
Sigma s Σ σ _s .s
Omega o (long) Ω ω _w .w

A full list can be found in Braille Mathematics Notation 2005.

12g) Circle formulae

In formulae a letter sign following π is not needed, as the letters will revert to
ordinary small letters.

Examples of formulae:
C = πd ,c ;7.pd
C = 2πr ,c ;
A = πr2 ,a ;
V = 4/3 πr3 ,v ;

12h) Sine, cosine and tangent signs

The three signs for sine, cosine and tangent are followed by the sign for the
angle in question, or the angle itself (in degrees) written unspaced after the
trigonometry sign.

Sine (sin). The braille is “the ED contraction (dots 1,2,4,6) followed by the
letter “s” (dots 2,3,4)” $s

sinθ $s.? sin 45o $s#de0

Cosine (cos). The braille is “the ED contraction (dots 1,2,4,6) followed by the
letter “c” (dots 1,4) $c

cos θ $c.? cos 60o $c#fj0

Tangent (tan). The braille is “the ED contraction (dots 1,2,4,6) followed by the
letter “t” (dots 2,3,4,5)” $t

tan θ $t.? tan 35o $t#ce0


Sine Rule: a /sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C

a_/$s,a ;7b_/$s,b ;7c_/$s,c
Area of a triangle: 2 absinC

13 Co-ordinates, vectors and matrices

13a) Co-ordinates

Co-ordinates are written in round brackets. Open bracket ( is the “GH”

contraction in braille (dots 1,2,6) and close bracket ) is the “AR” contraction in
braille (dots 3,4,5).

The two numbers are separated by a space and NOT, as in print, by a


(3, 4) <#c #d>

When using the four quadrants, the appropriate + or - sign is placed,
unspaced, before the number. A comma, however, should be used when
the second co-ordinate is signed either + or -, following the mathematical
separator sign (dot 6).

(-3, 5) <;-#c #e>

(-3, +5) <;-#c,1 ;6#e>

P(1, 2) ,p<#a #b>

Q(-2, -1) ,q<;-#b,1 ;-#a>
R(2, -1) ,r<#b,1 ;-#a>
These rules apply for all co-ordinate work.

13b) Vectors

The vector between points A and B, is usually written in print as AB

The superscript arrow is coded in braille as “dots 4,6: dots 2,5: dots 1,3,5”
.3O and it follows the capital letters, unspaced.

In the example above, A B is coded as ,,ab.3O

The notation for writing a column vector is straightforward and there are two
major rules about layout:

● The vector brackets (which in braille are the “FOR” sign, all six dots,
placed at the beginning and the end of each number in the vector),
MUST be underneath each other.

● The numeral signs for the two numbers in the vector also must be
underneath each other. If the numbers are signed, then, on occasions,
this can present problems with the layout.

5 =#e= +4 =;6#d=
6 =#f= –3 =;-#c=

 0 = #j= 10 =#aj=

–2 =;-#b= 4 =#d =

+12 =;6#ab= –18 =;-#ah=

0 = #j = +5 =;6#e =

When shape ABCD is translated by a certain vector to A′B′C′D′, the “dash”

symbol is used. In braille this is “dot 4, followed by the “IN” contraction (dots
3,5)” @9 unspaced.

A′B′C′D′ ,,a@9b@9c@9d@9

If ABCD is translated to A"B"C"D" the “double dash” is written as “dot 4,

followed by “IN” “IN”.

13c) Matrices

The rules for column vectors also apply to matrices.


4 2 =#d #b=
1 5
=#a #e=

–3 0 =;-#c #j=
0 +4
= #j ;6#d=

The last example is rather complex. There are spaces throughout the matrix
and these need to be counted carefully so that the brackets and the numeral
signs are under each other.

+1 0 –9 =;6#a #j ;-#i =
0 –3 +18 = #j ;-#c ;6#ah=
+10 –5 0 
=;6#aj ;-#e #j =

14 Handling data

14a) Data collection and tally charts

In braille, use the following notation for tally charts: “dots 4,5,6 up to four
times and then complete the five with a middle c – dots 2,5”.

is written in braille as ____3

An example of the correct lay out is illustrated below, and shows an imaginary
tally chart of scores when a die is rolled 36 times

Score Tally Totals

1 7

2 6

3 4

4 10

5 6

6 3

In braille this is set out using “dot 3” for tracking dots

Score t,y totals

#a ''''''' ____3 __ '''''''' #g

#b ''''''' ____3 _ ''''''''' #f

#c ''''''' ____ '''''''''''' #d

#d ''''''' ____3 ____3 ''''' #aj

#e ''''''' ____3 _ ''''''''' #f

#f ''''''' ___ ''''''''''''' #c

14b) Stem and leaf diagrams

In print:

1 | 4 8 3 2
2 | 6 5 0
3 | 1 5 1

The vertical bar line in braille is “dots 4,5,6” SPACED from the numbers

#a _ #d #h #c #b

#b _ #f #e #j

#c _ #a #e #a

14c) Standard deviation and mean - ∑

In braille, the capital sigma, Σ, is written as “dots 4,5,6 (capital Greek letter
sign), s” _s
As the capital Greek letter sign only relates to the following letter, in the
example Σfx, the Σ can be followed by the f and the x with no letter sign(s)

Σfx in braille is written as _sfx

x (mean) is written as x:

14d) Probability

The probability of an event A is P(A), where A denotes the event

In braille, this follows the print “dot 6: P: open bracket “GH” contraction:
dot 6: A: close bracket “AR” contraction”.

P(A) is ,p<,a>

Appendix A
This appendix gives examples of how to set out mathematical questions,
calculations and answers in braille.

1 Number arrays
If numbers are displayed in columns and rows, the golden rule is that units
must always line up under each other. Some children working at lower
reading levels will prefer double line spacing.
1 2 3 4 5 #a #b #c #d #e
11 12 13 14 15 #aa #ab #ac #ad #ae
21 22 23 24 25 #ba #bb #bc #bd #be
In arrays that involve hundreds, tens and units, up to two spaces may be
needed to ensure that the units line up.
100 101 102 #ajj #aja #ajb
200 201 202 #bjj #bja #bjb
If the array includes numbers that require the mathematical comma
eg 10 000, an extra space to take account of this is needed, so that the units
still all line up.

Similarly in arrays that involve decimals, the decimal points and units must all
line up.
4.3 5.4 15.6 #d1c #e1d #ae1f
4.03 5.04 15.06 #d1jc #e1jd #ae1jf
.5 .25 .75 #1e #1be #1ge
The units of negative numbers in an array should also line up, so space for
the minus sign “dots 3,6” need to be factored in.

If numbers in print are listed separated by commas eg 1, 2, 3, 4, DO NOT
include commas in the braille version, as these could be confused with the
decimal point.

2 Alternative layout of arithmetic

2a) Using round brackets in multiplications

Sometimes a braille sum can be usefully adapted and abbreviated by using

round brackets:

Print......................Braille adaptation changes

- 2 x 3 = - 6 - 2 ( 3) = - 6 ;-#b<#c> ;7-#f
- 3 x - 4 = 12 - 3 ( - 4) = 12 ;-#c<;-#d> ;7#ab
6 - -3 = 9 6 - ( - 3) = 9 #f ;-<;-#c> ;7#i
- 2 - + 4 = - 6 - 2 - (+ 4) = - 6 ;-#b ;-<;6#d> ;7-#f
- 2 x - 4 = 8 (- 2) (- 4) = 8 <;-#b><;-#d> ;7#h

2b) Using the slash sign in divisions

Sometimes using the slash sign “dots 4,5,6” followed by dots 3,4 as an
alternative to the divide sign
16 ÷ 2 = 8 16 / 2 = 8 #af_/#b ;7#h
16 ÷ - 4 = - 4 16 / - 4 = - 4 #af_/;-#d ;7-#d
- 20 ÷ - 5 = 4 - 20 / - 5 = 4 ;-#bj_/;-#e ;7#d

3 Indexes and powers

The power sign is “dots 3,4,6” followed by the appropriate number in the
lower part of the braille cell:
7 2 102 #g+2 #aj+2
7 3 103 #g+3 #aj+3
7 4 104 #g+4 #aj+4

3a) Negative indices
4-2 6-2 #d+;-2 #f+;-2
4-3 6-3 #d+;-3 #f+;-3
4-4 6-4 #d+;-4 #f+;-4

3b) Positive whole number indices

6+3 10+3 #f+;6#c #aj+;6#c
6+11 10 +11 #f+;6#aa #aj+;6#aa

3c) Decimal indices

61.5 101.5 #f+#a1e #aj+#a1e
62.5 102.5 #f+#b1e #aj+#b1e

3d) Fractional indices

6½ 10½ #f+#a2 #aj+#a2
6¾ 10¾ #f+#c4 #aj+#c4

4 Square and cube roots

The root sign is “dots 1,4,6” before the numeral sign, unspaced. For cubed
roots, the root sign is followed immediately by middle 3.
√ 9 = 3 %#I ;7#c
√ 16 = 4 %#af ;7#d
√ 8 = 2 %3#h ;7#b
√ 27 = 3 %3#bg ;7#c

4a) Worked examples with powers and roots

24 - 23 = 16 - 8 = 8
#b+4 ;-#b+3 ;7#af ;-#h ;7#h
22 x 23 = 22+3 = 25
#b+2 ;8#b+3 ;7#b+#b;6#c ;7#b+5
22 ÷ 23 = 22-3 = 2-1
#b+2 ;4#b+3 ;7#b+#b;-#c ;7#b+;-1
22 x 23 = 2(2+3) = 25
#b+2 ;8#b+3 ;7#b+<#b ;6#c> ;7#b+5
22 ÷ 23 = 2(2-3) = 2-1
#b+2 ;4#b+3 ;7#b+<#b ;-#c> ;7#b+;-1
√ 64 / √ 4 = 4
%#fd_/%#d ;7#d

5 Chart layout with simple inequalities

Time to travel to school Number of pupils
(t minutes)
0 < t ≤ 5…………………………… 5
5 < t ≤ 10………………………….29
10 < t ≤ 20………………………….57

,"t 6travel 6s*ool ,numb] ( pupils

7;t m9utes7
#j [ t [7#e ''''''' #e
#e [ t [7#aj '''''' #bi
#aj [ t [7#bj ''''' #eg

6 Linear layout of number calculations
Each new sum should be numbered, and indented 2 spaces from the left
margin (start in cell 3). Continuation lines should start at the margin (cell 1)

Use double line spacing between sums for students, if they are not fluent
braille readers.

1. 62 + 3 = 65 #a4 #fb ;6#c ;7#fe

2. 62 - 2 = 60 #b4 #fb ;-#b ;7#fj

3. 70 x 2 = 140 #c4 #gj ;8#b ;7#adj

4. 70 ÷ 2 = 35 #d4 #gj ;4#b ;7#ce

7 Simple calculations using linear braille

7a) Addition

21 + 32 = 51 + 2 = 53
#ba ;6#cb ;7#ea ;6#b ;7#ec
(i) add the tens (21 + 30)
(ii) add the units (51 + 2)
(iii) = 53

128 + 35 = 158 + 5 = 163

#abh ;6#ce ;7#aeh ;6#e ;7#afc
(i) add the hundreds and the tens (128 + 30)
(ii) add the units (158 + 5)
(iii) = 163

7b) Subtraction

64 - 21 = 44 - 1 = 43
#fd ;-#ba ;7#dd ;-#a ;7#dc
(i) subtract the tens (64 - 20)
(ii) subtract the units (44 - 1)
(iii) = 43

654 - 228 = 454 - 28 = 434 - 8 = 426

#fed ;-#bbh ;7#ded ;-#bh ;7#dcd"
;-#h ;7#dbf
(i) subtract the hundreds (654 - 200)
(ii) subtract the tens (454 - 20)
(iii) subtract the units (434 - 8)
(iv) = 426

6,241 - 1,153 = 5,241 - 153

= 5,141 - 53 = 5,091 - 3 = 5,088
#f'bda ;-#a'aec ;7#e'bda ;-#aec"
;7#e'ada ;-#ec ;7#e'jia ;-#c ;7#e'jhh

7c) Multiplication

22 x 3 = 60 + 6 = 66
#bb ;8#c ;7#fj ;6#f ;7#ff
(i) multiply the tens (20 x 3)
(ii) multiply the units (2 x 3)
(iii) add tens to units (60 + 6)
(iv) = 66

633 x 5 = 3,000 + 150 + 15
= 3,100 + 50 + 15 = 3,160 + 5
= 3,165
#fcc ;8#e ;7#c'jjj ;6#aej ;6#ae"
;7#c'ajj ;6#ej ;6#ae ;7#c'afj ;6#e"
(i) multiply the hundreds (600 x 5) = 3,000
(ii) multiply the tens (30 x 5) = 150
(iii) multiply the units (3 x 5) = 15
(iv) add together using linear method

Another example:
249 x 3 = 600 + 120 + 27
= 700 + 20 + 27 = 740 + 7 = 747
#bdi ;8#c ;7#fjj ;6#abj ;6#bg"
;7#gjj ;6#bj ;6#bg ;7#gdj ;6#g ;7#gdg

7d) Division

44 ÷ 2 in print would be solved as 2)44

In braille, change to linear layout: 2 44 = 22
#b #dd ;7#bb
(i) 2 “into” 4 tens = 2 (tens)
(ii) 2 “into” 4 units = 2 (units)
(iii) = 22

842 ÷ 6 in print would be solved as 6 )842
140 r. 2
In braille, change to linear layout: 6 842 = 140 r. 2
#f #hdb ;7#adj r4 #b
(i) 6 “into” 8 (hundreds) = 1 (hundreds)
(ii) carry over 2 hundreds in your mind
(iii) 6 “into” 24 (tens) = 4 (tens)
(iv) 6 “into” 2 will not go = 0 (units)
(v) remainder of 2 units = r. 2

8 Long multiplication

16 x 13 = (16 x 10) + (16 x 3)

16 x 10 = 160
16 x 3 = 30 + 18 = 48
160 + 48 = 200 + 8 = 208
= 208

#af ;8#ac ;7<#af ;8#aj> ;6<#af ;8#c>

#af ;8#aj ;7#afj
#af ;8#c ;7#cj ;6#ah ;7#dh
#afj ;6#dh ;7#bjj ;6#h ;7#bjh

27 x 13 = (27 x 10) + (27 x 3)
= 27 x 10 = 270
= 27 x 3 = 60 + 21
= 80 + 1 = 81
= 270 + 81 = 350 + 1 = 351
= 351

#bg ;8#ac ;7<#bg ;8#aj> ;6<#bg ;8#c>

;7#bg ;8#aj ;7#bgj
;7#bg ;8#c ;7#fj ;6#ba
;7#hj ;6#a ;7#ha
;7#bgj ;6#ha ;7#cej ;6#a ;7#cea

9 Long division

Example: 294 ÷ 13 in print would be solved as 2 2 r. 8

1 3 ) 2 9 4
2 6
3 4
2 6
In braille change to a linear layout:
13 294 = 22 r. 8
(i) 13 “into” 29 (tens) = 2 (tens) r. 3
(ii) carry over 3 (tens) in your mind
(iii) 13 “into” 34 = 2 (units) r. 8
(iv) remainder of 8 units = r. 8
(v) = 22 r. 8
294 ÷ 13 change to:
13 294 #ac #bid
13 29 = 2 r. 3 #ac #bi ;7#b r4 #c
13 34 = 2 r. 8 #ac #cd ;7#b r4 #h
= 22 r. 8 ;7#bb r4 #h

10 Fractions

10a) Adding fractions

1 + 1 +
22 34 5 18

= 1 + 1 + 1
10 2 4 8

4 + 2 + 1 =
= 10 8 8 8
10 78

#b#a2 ;6#c#a4 ;6#e#a8

;7#aj#a2 ;6#a4 ;6#a8
;7#aj#d8 ;6#b8 ;6#a8 ;7#aj#g8

10b) Subtracting fractions

2 - 5 - 1
24 3 10 6 33 #bd#b3 ;-#aj#e6 ;-#c#a3

= 4 - 5 - 2
24 6 10 6 3 6 ;7#bd#d6 ;-#aj#e6 ;-#c#b6
4 - 5 - 2
= 11 6 6 6
;7#aa#d6 ;-#e6 ;-#b6

= 4 7
11 6 - 6 ;7#aa#d6 ;-#g6
4 1
= 11 6 - 1 6 ;7#aa#d6 ;-#a#a6

= 4 1
10 6 - 6 ;7#aj#d6 ;-#a6

= 3 1
10 6 = 10 2 ;7#aj#c6 ;7#aj#a2

10c) Multiplying fractions

1 x 1 = 1 #a2 ;8#a4 ;7#a8

2 4 8

1 x 2 x 4 #a4 ;8#b3 ;8#d5

4 3 5

= 2 x 4 ;7#b12 ;8#d5
12 5

= 8 = 4 = 2 ;7#h60 ;7#d30 ;7#b15

60 30 15

1 x 1
22 34 #b#a2 ;8#c#a4

= 5 x 13 ;7#e2 ;8#ac4
2 4

= 65 = 88
1 ;7#fe8 ;7#h#a8

10d) Dividing fractions

1 ÷ 1
22 4
#b#a2 ;4#a4

= 5 ÷ 1 ;7#e2 ;4#a4
2 4
= x 4 ;7#e2 ;8#d1
2 1
= 20 = 10 ;7#bj2 ;7#aj

2 ÷ 1
63 2
#f#b3 ;4#a2

= 20 ÷ 1 ;7#bj3 ;4#a2
3 2
= 20 x 2 = 40 ;7#bj3 ;8#b1 ;7#dj3
3 1 3
= 1
13 3 ;7#ac#a3

11 Decimals

11a) Adding decimals

20.3 + 26.4 #bj1c ;6#bf1d

= 40.3 + 6.4 ;7#dj1c ;6#f1d
= 46.3 + 0.4 ;7#df1c ;6#j1d
= 46.7 ;7#df1g

16.35 + 27.21 #af1ce ;6#bg1ba

= 36.35 + 7.21 ;7#cf1ce ;6#g1ba
= 43.35 + 0.21 ;7#dc1ce ;6#j1ba
= 43.55 + 0.01 ;7#dc1ee ;6#j1ja
= 43.56 ;7#dc1ef

11b) Subtracting decimals

86.3 - 29.2 #hf1c ;-#bi1b

= 66.3 - 9.2 ;7#ff1c ;-#i1b
= 57.3 - 0.2 ;7#eg1c ;-#j1b
= 57.1 ;7#eg1a

49.6 - 23.7 #di1f ;-#bc1g

= 29.6 - 3.7 ;7#bi1f ;-#c1g
= 26.6 - 0.7 ;7#bf1f ;-#j1g
= 25.9 ;7#be1i

11c) Multiplying decimals
Example: 8.3 x 2.1 #h1c ;8#b1a
Remove the decimal point before working out, change to

83 x 21 #hc ;8#ba
= 80 x 20 = 1600 ;7#hj ;8#bj ;7#afjj
and 80 x 1 = 80 & #hj ;8#a ;7#hj
and 3 x 21 = 63 & #c ;8#ba ;7#fc
= 1600 + 80 + 63 ;7#afjj ;6#hj ;6#fc
= 1680 + 63 ;7#afhj ;6#fc
= 1743 ;7#agdc
(now re-introduce the decimal point for final answer)
= 17.43 ;7#ag1dc

11d) Dividing decimals

One approach is to change the sum to an equivalent sum where you are
dividing by a whole number:
20. 4 ÷ 0.2 #bj1d ;4#j1b
But 20.4 ÷ 0.2 = 204 ÷ 2
2 204 #b #bjd
2 204 = 102 #b #bjd ;7#ajb

20.4 ÷ 0.03 #bj1d ;4#j1jc

But 20.4 ÷ 0.03 = 2040 ÷ 3
3 2040 = 0680 #c #bjdj ;7#jfhj
So 20.4 ÷ 0.03 = 680 #bj1d ;4#j1jc ;7#fhj

20.4 ÷ 3 #bj1d ;4#c

3 20.4 = 06.8 #c #bj1d ;7#jf1h
20.4 ÷ 3 = 6.8 #bj1d ;4#c ;7#f1h

12 Vertical column layout for calculations
To produce vertical layout, the braillist needs to back space, which is a skill
in itself. In choosing between linear and vertical layouts teachers need to be
aware of the braille skills required and to develop these without compromising
the development of the pupil’s mathematical understanding.

1. Digits, tens, hundreds etc are vertically aligned in columns.

2. Horizontal lines are brailled in middle ‘c’s (dots 2,5)
3. No closure line required.
4. Operational signs should be placed as in print BUT often it is preferable to
have the operation signs before the numeral signs.
5. Competent braillists may be able to work without the numeral signs.
However, the omission of numeral signs should be explained beforehand.
6. Tens, hundreds are ‘carried over’ mentally.

12a) Vertical layout for whole numbers

63 + 15 63 #fc
+ 15 ;6#ae
78 333

236 + 58 236 carry over #bcf

+ 58 tens and hundreds ;6 #eh
294 mentally 3333

63 - 15 63 ‘borrow’ #fc
- 15 mentally ;-#ae
48 333

236 - 58 236 #bcf

- 58 ;- #eh
178 3333

22 x 3 22 #bb
x 3 ;8 #c
66 333

24 x 12 24 #bd
x 12 Multiply by the ;8#ab
48 units first, then 333
+ 240 by the tens. #dh
288 ;6#bdj

294 ÷ 13 22 r. 8 #bb r4 #h
13 )294 3333
26 #ac #bid
34 bf
26 33
8 cd
Long division is very difficult in braille.

The numeral signs can be omitted when the student is a competent braillist.

Some students prefer to braille the answer down the side, underneath the
divisor, as this is technically easier than returning to the top line. The final
answer needs to be identified clearly eg 294 / 13 = 22 r 8.

12b) Vertical calculations with decimals

1. Decimal points should be vertically aligned.

2. Operational signs should be placed as in print BUT often it is preferable
to have the operation signs before the numeral signs.

22.24 #bb1bd
+ 21.35 ;6#ba1ce
43.59 333333

203.51 #bjc1ea
+    3.30 ;6 #c1cj
206.81 3333333

364.80 #cfd1hj
- 363.56 ;-#cfc1ef
1.24 3333333

22.3 #bb1c
x 3 ;8 #c
66.9 33333
Remember that braille is written from left to right. The sighted computations,
in vertical layout, which are no problem in print, require the brailler to be
manipulated from right to left requiring much back spacing and checking.

Cubarithms and Tactiles can be used to teach vertical layout.

13 Confusion between decimal points, fractions and
literary and mathematical punctuation
Decimal point is dot 2.
Literary comma is dot 2.
Mathematical comma is dot 3.
Literary apostrophe is dot 3.
Mathematical continuation sign is dot 5.
Mathematical separation sign is dot 6.
Literary and mathematical capital sign is dot 6.
1,402.502 and #a'djb1ejb &
1,402,502 #a'djb'ejb

Use dot 6 before a full stop after ordinary mathematical numbers (but not
question numbers, etc). Without the dot 6, 1. can look the same as 1 and
2. can look the same as 2 .

1. and #a4 #a4
2. and #b4 #b4

So 1. should be written as #a,4 and

2. should be written as #b,4 , although the dot 6 is not required for
question numbers.

Likewise 1.0 could easily be confused with
1.0 and #a1j #a10

It is easy to see how the following pairs could be misread:

6.10 61.0 #f1aj #fa1j

6 6
#f110 #f100
110 100

Understanding these potential confusions can help a maths teacher judge

when a pupil has made a braille mistake but understood the mathematical

Remember that in braille lists the comma is not required. This avoids the
confusion of “6,” being written as

numeral sign 6 dot 6 followed by comma dot 2

and looking similar to 6 #f9

Never split large numbers over two lines.

Never split digits from operator signs.

Always use the continuation sign (dot 5) when calculations continue onto the
following line:

21 + 32 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 6.0
+ 3
#ba ;6#cb ;6#a ;6#b ;6#d ;6#f1j"

Appendix B Imperial units of measure
1 Units of length
Print Braille Print example Braille example
inch 9* 9 inch #i 9*
inches 9*es 9 inches #i 9*es
in 9 9 in #i 9
ins 9s 9 ins #i 9s
" _ 9" #i_
foot foot 6 foot #f foot
ft ft 2 ft #b ft
' . 2' #b.
2 ft 6 in #b ft #f 9
2' 6" #b. #f_
yard y>d
yd yd 4 yd #d yd
yds yds 4 yds #d yds
mile mile
miles miles 10 miles #aj miles

2 Units of area
Print Braille Print example Braille example
in2 9+2 25 in2 #be 9+2
ins2 9s+2 25 ins2 #be 9s+2
ft2 ft+2 8 ft2 #h ft+2
yd2 yd+2 4 yd2 #d yd+2

3 Units of volume
Print Braille Print example Braille example
in3 9+3 27 in3 #bg 9+3
ins3 9s+3 27 ins3 #bg 9s+3
ft3 ft+3 8 ft3 #h ft+3
yd3 yd+3 125 yd3 #abe yd+3

4 Units of weight
Print Braille Print example Braille example
oz oz 8 oz #h oz
lb lb 3lb 12 oz #c lb #ab oz
st st 10 st 7 lb #aj st #g lb
cwt cwt 15 cwt #ae cwt
ton ton 100 ton #ajj ton

5 Units of capacity
Print Braille Print example Braille example
pint p9t 1 pint #A P9T
pt PT 4 pt #d pt
gallon gallon 2 gallon #b gallon
gal gal 5 gal #e gal
3 gal 5 pt #c gal #e pt

addition 2, 39, 48 matrices 32
algebraic fractions 23 mean 34
algebraic layout 24 -26, measurement 10
angle sign 26 minus sign 2
approximately equal to 6 minutes 13
area 12 money 19
arrays 35 multiplication 2, 36, 40, 42, 49
brackets 3, 7, 22 negative numbers 2
capacity 12 not equal to 6
centigrade, Celsius 17 oblique stroke 22, 23
centimetres 10,12, 13 operation signs 2
circle formulae 29 parallel to sign 27
compound units 17, 18 percentages 9
common confusions 51, 52 pounds, pence 19
coordinates 30 pounds and ounces 53
cosine 29 powers 4, 36, 37
currency 19 probability 34
data charts 33, 34 proportional to sign 26
dates 16 punctuation 4, 51, 52
decimals 9, 46 ratios 9
degree sign 17, 26 roman numerals 21
density 18 roots 5, 37, 38
division 2, 36, 41, 43, 49 seconds 13
equals sign 2 separation sign 4
feet and inches 53 set notation 8
fractions 8, 23, 44, 45 sine, cosine and tangent 29
function sign 26 speed 18
geometry 26 - 29 square roots 5, 37, 38
grammes 11 standard deviation 34
Greek letters 28 stem and leaf diagrams 34
hyphen, mathematical 4 subtraction 2, 40, 48
imperial measures 53 subscripts 5
indices 4, 36, 37 superscripts 5
inequalities 6, 38 tally charts 33
length 10 temperature 17
letter sign 20 -22 therefore sign 27
linear layout 39 - 47 time 13 - 16
litres 12 triangle sign 27
mass 11 vectors 30 - 31
mathematical comma 2, 51 vertical layout 48 - 50
maths hyphen 4, 51 volume 13
maths separation sign 4, 51 weight 11


Braille mathematics notation 2005

This 68 page book is the official statement of the rules of braille mathematics
code, authorised by the Braille Authority of the UK. NEW 2005 Edition.
£5.00 (Inc. VAT)

British Braille (2004)

Compiled and authorised by the Braille Authority of the United Kingdom, this
book is the standard reference giving the rules of the Standard English Braille
as used in the UK. This 2004 edition replaces the previous edition published
in 1992, and incorporates additions, amendments and corrections to the
rules. It also supersedes the leaflet "Capitals in British Braille", TC20533-36,
published in 1998. Available in print - TC20242, capitalised braille - TC20241
and non-capitalised braille - TC21119.
£7.25 (Inc. VAT)

Both books are available from RNIB Customer Services.

Telephone 0845 702 3153 or email

RNIB sells a range of mathematical equipment that is either designed to

be easy to see or to be used by touch. This includes the cubarithm for
teaching the layout of braille arithmetic and a Maths concept kit for teaching
mathematical concepts to children and young people with sight loss.

For a free catalogue of our learning products please contact RNIB Customer
Services on 0845 702 3153 or email

Other titles in this series:
TC20909 Using the Braille French Code
TC20910 Using the Braille German Code
TC20911 Using the Braille Spanish Code
TC21085P Using the Braille Science Code

1 85878 664 9
978 1 85878 664 3


Produced by RNIB on behalf of

RNIB/VIEW Mathematics Curriculum Group

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