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Introduction 1

Part 1: Setting the Stage

1. Handling the Crisis: The Summary in Advance 19
2. Whaddaya Know? 35
3. The First Low-Carbohydrate Revolution 61

Part 2: Nutrition and Metabolism

4. Basic Nutrition: Macronutrients 73
5. An Introduction to Metabolism 91
6. Sugar, Fructose, and Fructophobia 105
7. Saturated Fat:
On Your Plate or in Your Blood? 117
8. Hunger: What It Is, What to Do About It 123
9. Beyond “A Calorie Is a Calorie”:
An Introduction to Thermodynamics 131

Part 3: The Low-Carbohydrate Diet for Disease

10. Diabetes 151
11. Metabolic Syndrome: The Big Pitch 167

Part 4: The Mess in Nutritional Science

12. The Medical Literature:
A Guide to Flawed Studies 175
13. Observational Studies, Association, Causality 185
14. Red Meat and the New Puritans 197
15. The Seventh Egg:
When Studies Defy Common Sense 215
16. Intention-to-Treat:
What It Is and Why You Should Care 219
17. The Fiend That Lies Like Truth 233

Part 5: The Second Low-Carbohydrate

18. Nutrition in Crisis 245
19. Cancer: A New Frontier for Low-Carbohydrate 253
20. The Future of Nutrition 261

Acknowledgments 265
Notes 267
Index 275

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