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Uji Validitas & Reabilitas

Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 30 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 30 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Alpha N of Items

,885 25

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

P1 3,23 ,568 30
P2 3,30 ,466 30
P3 3,27 ,583 30
P4 3,20 ,407 30
P5 3,60 ,563 30
P6 3,53 ,507 30
P7 3,50 ,572 30
P8 3,13 ,346 30
P9 3,23 ,504 30
P10 3,23 ,626 30
P11 3,13 ,571 30
P12 3,23 ,504 30
P13 3,27 ,450 30
P14 3,30 ,535 30
P15 3,37 ,490 30
P16 3,33 ,547 30
P17 3,43 ,504 30
P18 3,40 ,621 30
P19 3,13 ,571 30
P20 3,20 ,610 30
P21 3,33 ,479 30
P22 3,30 ,651 30
P23 3,33 ,606 30
P24 3,43 ,504 30
P25 3,20 ,610 30

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Corrected Item- Alpha if Item
Item Deleted if Item Deleted Total Correlation Deleted

P1 79,40 44,731 ,455 ,881

P2 79,33 44,368 ,633 ,877
P3 79,37 43,068 ,667 ,875
P4 79,43 45,771 ,469 ,881
P5 79,03 45,068 ,414 ,882
P6 79,10 44,783 ,512 ,879
P7 79,13 44,947 ,422 ,881
P8 79,50 46,603 ,380 ,882
P9 79,40 46,524 ,253 ,885
P10 79,40 46,041 ,245 ,887
P11 79,50 44,397 ,498 ,879
P12 79,40 45,214 ,450 ,881
P13 79,37 45,275 ,502 ,880
P14 79,33 46,161 ,285 ,885
P15 79,27 43,995 ,658 ,876
P16 79,30 43,803 ,610 ,876
P17 79,20 43,407 ,731 ,874
P18 79,23 46,323 ,214 ,888
P19 79,50 44,948 ,423 ,881
P20 79,43 45,082 ,374 ,883
P21 79,30 45,597 ,415 ,881
P22 79,33 43,678 ,513 ,879
P23 79,30 43,803 ,541 ,878
P24 79,20 44,717 ,526 ,879
P25 79,43 44,875 ,400 ,882

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

82,63 48,516 6,965 25

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